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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442

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A review on hybrid electric vehicles architecture and energy

management strategies
M.F. M. Sabri, K.A. Danapalasingam n, M.F. Rahmat
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, 81310 Johor, Malaysia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Faced with environmental issues caused by fossil fuel burning in the industrial and transportation sectors,
Received 1 February 2015 innovations towards cleaner solutions to replace the ever diminishing fossil fuels have been the focus of not
Received in revised form only researchers but governments all around the world. The hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) technology is the
6 June 2015
result of the desire to have vehicles with a better fuel economy and lower tailpipe emissions to meet the
Accepted 18 September 2015
Available online 10 November 2015
requirements of environmental policies as well as to absorb the impact of rising fuel prices. The objectives are
met by combining a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) with one or more electric motors powered
Keywords: by a battery pack that can be charged using an on-board generator and the regenerative braking technology to
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) power the transmission. The challenge is to develop an efficient energy management strategy (EMS) to satisfy
Energy management strategy
the objectives while not having a reduced vehicle performance. In this paper, EMSs that are proposed and
Plug-in HEV
developed in the recent years are revisited and reviewed. Additionally, the Plug-in HEV is discussed in a new
Through-the-road HEV
perspective from the EMS point of view. The through-the-road (TtR) HEV with in-wheel motors (IWM) is a
fairly new concept in the HEV design that features less complicated configuration with reduced hardware
requirements and lower cost. Recent research findings are evaluated throughout this paper leading to a
hypothetical TtR HEV materialization. A thorough discussion is made encompassing the advantages and
disadvantages of the concept, its performance compared to conventional HEVs and the way forward.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
2. HEV advantages and review of recent energy management strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434
2.1. Online energy management strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1436
2.2. Off-line energy management strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437
3. Plug-in HEV (PHEV) influence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1438
4. Paving ways for TtR HEV concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439
4.1. Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1440
4.2. Energy management strategy and performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1440
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1440
Acknowledgement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1441
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1441

1. Introduction continuous and uncontrolled emissions of hazardous and polluting

elements to the atmosphere from various segments of human
A global reality that the world is facing at the moment is the activities. Burning of fossil fuels in industrial and transportation
deterioration in environmental conditions. It is mostly due to sectors is widely acknowledged as the major contributing factor.
Fossil fuels have been the backbone of world civilizations that have
Corresponding author. seen rapid progress since the introduction of machines into the
E-mail address: (K.A. Danapalasingam). industrial sector and vehicles using internal combustion engines
1364-0321/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1434 M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442

(ICEs). However, it is a finite element which has resulted in the ICE IWM1
price going onto a steady hike as the result of increasing demand.
However, the end of heavy reliance on fossil fuel is in the fore-
seeable horizon as its reserve are being depleted at a rate at which
there is no option for researches than to come up with immediate
alternative energy solutions. Most if not all mega size oil field
around the world have been discovered during or prior the 1960s
and as production and demands are only trending upwards, var-
ious studies has projected that the global petroleum production
will reach its peak around the year 2030 before facing a steady
decline [1–5]. The biggest challenge is to come up with better or
equivalent solutions that are not just economically viable but also Fig. 1. Top view of a TtR HEV with rear IWMs.
environmentally friendly.
The industrial sector is experiencing a surge in the adoption of heavily on the chosen EMS which has been the topic of interest for
renewable or green energy in electricity generation [6]. More and many researchers [10]. This paper will review some of the most
more countries all over the world are increasing or imposing a recent approaches to the EMS problem in the recent years while
certain target to be achieved in the near future for their share of going into considerable details of the proposed methods [11–19].
clean energy sources which include solar, wind, geothermal, etc. The plug-in HEV (PHEV) has recently captured considerable
[7]. The transportation sector has also been contributing innova- amount of interests from researchers given its enhanced approach
tions towards greener vehicles with the ultimate objective of to the issues of fuel economy and tailpipe emission [20–32]. PHEV
eliminating hazardous tailpipe emissions. is a type of HEV which can be plugged-in and charged using a
In recent years, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have thrived as a socket outlet from the grid. This gives a PHEV the ability to run
lucrative solution to the aforementioned problems with its inter- exclusively on electricity before the ICE kicks in when the battery
mediate approach to achieve superior mileage and low tailpipe SoC reaches a pre-set lower threshold value [33,34]. PHEVs differ
emission compared to conventional ICE vehicles. HEV is a term from conventional HEVs in a way that the ESS is considered as the
used to describe vehicles that use ICEs in combination with one or primary energy source. This has given a new dimension to the EMS
more electric motors (EMs) connected to a battery pack as a sec-
approach for a better fuel economy as PHEVs can operate in both
ondary energy storage system (ESS) providing propulsion to the
charge depletion (CD) and charge sustaining (CS) modes [20,34].
wheels either together or separately [8]. It is a culmination of
The influence of PHEVs and its regards will be discussed in further
mechanical, electrical, electronic and power engineering technol-
details in Section 3.
ogies embracing the best of both conventional ICE vehicles and
There are several papers from since the last decade and even
electric vehicles (EVs). The most notable advantages that an HEV
recently which previously have contributed to the compilation of
possesses over a pure EV are superior mileage and flexibility in the
reviews of EMS from various authors [10,33,35–44]. However, with
sizing of the components [9]. The former is due to the presence of
the advancement and introductions of newer techniques in auto-
an on-board generator to charge the ESS plus the ability to recover
motive technology, the author sees EMS for HEV as an ever evol-
energy via regenerative braking allowing for the sustenance of the
ving topic that will continue to attract new ideas for many years to
state-of-charge (SoC) of the ESS. The latter allows for the use of a
come. The main objective of this review paper is not only to
smaller, more efficient ICE to achieve optimum fuel economy. The
contribute to the growing list of discussions regarding recent
ICE in HEV operates within its most efficient region most of the
proposals for EMS but also as an attempt to direct more attention
time and can be switched ON/OFF when necessary depending on
to the realization of TtR HEV with rear IWMs which is the main
the energy management strategy (EMS) [8].
research interest of the author. As the matter of fact, there are
In general, HEVs can be classified into three categories based on
currently very few references that can be found regarding the
their design characteristics namely series, parallel and power-split
configuration in question and this paper will hopefully fill
series-parallel, all have their own list of benefits which will be
discussed further in the following sections. This paper aims to that gap.
pave ways for a more recent concept that retains its own set of This paper is organized as follows. After the brief introduction
merits that is the through-the-road (TtR) HEV. A TtR HEV has an in Section 1, Section 2 will showcase the advantages of HEV in
ICE and one or more EMs that provide traction forces of front and general and the review on EMS from recent years. Section 3 ela-
rear wheels respectively [9]. By the concept, the TtR HEV is clas- borates the PHEV, its influences to the EMS problem and how it
sified as a parallel HEV. However, in a TtR HEV, the two sources of might be applicable in the TtR concept. Section 4 discusses ways
traction force are summed up “through the road” whereas in a on how the TtR HEV concept can be hypothetically materialized by
conventional HEV, torques from different sources are combined in considering various points raised in the previous sections. Section
the transmission [9]. The proposed design considered here is a TtR 5 concludes the paper.
HEV equipped with an ICE that drives the front wheels, and two
in-wheel motors (IWMs) to provide traction forces to the rear
wheels as shown in Fig. 1. 2. HEV advantages and review of recent energy management
The main issue in the development of HEVs is the management strategies
of the power flow between fuel and ESS that contributes to vehicle
motion. The difficulty arises given the limited energy supply from In the beginning, the most sought after and immediate solu-
the ESS and the requirements to minimize fuel consumption and tions spearheading the effort to achieve emission-free vehicles are
exhaust emissions. It is a challenging task to satisfy the constraints EVs and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). Although both solutions are
and the requirements simultaneously, and often trade-offs have to theoretically sustainable and emission free, they bear a number of
be made to obtain an optimal solution. The problem is further issues which hinder their immediate mass production and wider
exacerbated by the desire of not to have a reduced vehicle per- public acceptance. FCVs are currently still in the early stages of its
formance. Regardless of the type of HEV, the performance of the development cycle and the technology is yet to reach a mature
vehicle in terms of fuel economy and tailpipe emission depends state as researchers and manufacturers are still working out on
M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442 1435

cost reduction and performance optimization [33,45]. On one prospective buyers because they do not have the apprehension of
hand, the near future target market for the technology is public their vehicle stalling in the middle of nowhere when there is no
transportations. On the other hand, it is still a magnitude away charging station especially when driving in suburban or rural
from actually making it into private vehicles sector mainly due to areas. This is a huge advantage that HEVs have over pure EVs at
safety measures [33]. the moment [46].
EVs use rechargeable battery packs, commonly lithium-ion (Li- A typical HEV operates in CS mode. In this mode, the main
ion) batteries as its source of energy to power one or more EMs for focus of the EMS is not only to achieve the optimum fuel con-
propulsion. It operates in CD mode and ideally, the battery pack sumption but also to sustain the SoC of the ESS and ensure that it
needs to be fully recharged before every trip to ensure maximum does not fall below the lower threshold level. This is important to
operating range. It is greatly being held back by the current battery avoid the ESS from being over-discharged and subsequently
technology which is still unable to provide high energy density damaging it. Based on the driver’s input, the vehicle’s operating
batteries in a smaller, lighter and inexpensive package [46]. The point is decided depending on the SoC of its ESS [10,34]. Vehicle’s
result is bulkier, heavier and more expensive battery packs with operating point refers to the ratio of torque supplied from the ICE
unfavourable trade-offs [47]. The present battery technology and EM based on the total amount of torque requested by the
enables only a relatively short mileage per full charge, which is driver. In terms of design, there is no standard blueprint on how to
unsuitable for long distance trips due to unavailability of nation- design a HEV. HEVs come in many variations that are diverse in
wide recharge stands [20]. A higher energy density battery packs their configurations and sizing but their objectives remain the
are not only more expensive, they are also heavier which adds to same – to achieve the best fuel economy and lowest possible
the vehicle mass. In addition, recharging of the battery is time tailpipe emission. However, HEVs are generally grouped into three
consuming in contrast to the shorter time required for refuelling big categories based on their configurations, namely series, par-
which could pose as an inconvenience at times of emergencies. allel and power-split series-parallel [8,9]. The dissimilarity that
Another issue related to EVs is the sizing of the components which separates HEV into these categories lies in the design of the power
must be match the maximum vehicle rated output power that flow from the sources of energy, i.e. the fuel and ESS, to the
adds to the cost and weight of the vehicle [9]. transmission.
However, despite the technology bottlenecking the viability of Power flow in series HEV is passed down to the transmission
EVs, there are a number of models already available on the market, only over a single path as illustrated in Fig. 2 [9].
offered in a spectrum of price range. The lower priced models are The ICE will turn the generator to generate electricity which
commonly small, compact and lightweight to allow for the will be stored in the ESS. The ESS supplies the energy to the EM
installation of a smaller EM and ESS just enough for short distance that powers the propulsion of the vehicle. In this configuration,
travels within the local area, whereas the premiums offer greater the ICE is not connected directly to the transmission. The advan-
mileage as expected from their higher price. There is no doubt that tage of this configuration is the ICE can always operate at its
the EV technology is advancing at a steady rate and will be the highest efficiency for the best fuel consumption. This configuration
force to be reckoned with in the future but given its present shares the similar downside with pure EV where the installed EM
glaring shortcomings, the anticipated day when all vehicles are must match the rated maximum vehicle power because the EM is
fossil fuel-free is still a couple of decades ahead. For instance, the
the sole provider to the propulsion of the vehicle [8,9,36].
technology itself still needs to improve its consumers’ perceptions
Parallel HEVs allow power flow through two paths from the
and expectations which are strongly influenced by mileage and
energy sources to the transmission. As per Fig. 3, the ICE and EM
price [46,48]. A mass adoption for EVs might involves a nationwide
are both connected directly to the transmission through their
overhaul on electrical distribution channels to accommodate for
respective paths. The path from the ICE is called the mechanical
the increase in numbers of recharging stations required which will
path and the one from the ESS is the electrical path [9]. The
definitely come at a tremendous cost. There are also expected
electrical path allows for power flow in both directions.
changes in grid power demand profile as the penetration of EVs
When the SoC of the battery is at high, the vehicle can be
increases. Currently, EVs are only suitable for urban driving
driven by both the ICE and EM together or by either of them
because most countries still do not have proper charging stations
independently given a specific operating condition. At the time of
broadly available [33].
low SoC, some torque from the ICE will be diverted to turn the EM
HEVs are regarded as a step in the right direction towards
which will now functions as a generator to recharge the battery
cleaner and greener vehicles. It has responded soundly to stringent
pack. The biggest merit of this design is the flexibility in choosing
policies regarding greenhouse gas emissions imposed by govern-
the size of the ESS and EM to be mounted because the maximum
ments and environmental agencies around the world. The general
torque of the vehicle will be supplied in consolidation with the ICE
idea of HEV is to have the best of both worlds. It provides excep-
[9,36]. However, a more complex control mechanism is required to
tional mileage for consumer satisfaction while having a smaller
manage the torque from both sources. By design, parallel HEVs are
tailpipe emission footprint [46,48]. These are made possible with a
not suited well for frequent stop and go traffic as in typical urban
smaller ICE that operates at its most efficient region most of the
driving conditions. This is due to the unavailability of charging
time and can be turned ON/OFF depending on the vehicle oper-
mechanism when the vehicle is not moving.
ating condition and driver’s torque demand [9,34]. In certain
The third HEV category is the design assimilation of the pre-
driving conditions, propulsion could rely solely on EM for zero
emission drive. Under mild braking, HEVs are also capable of vious two categories put together in single package. Fig. 4 illus-
recapturing kinetic energy, transforming it into electrical energy trates the power-split series-parallel HEV configuration [9].
and storing it in the ESS. This process is known as regenerative
braking. The kinetic energy during braking is usually just dis-
sipated as heat in conventional vehicles [9,34].
Unlike FCV, HEV is a proven concept that is already possible
with the current level of technology. It is ready for deployment
and it does not have to wait for years to come to fruition. It serves
as the perfect provisional solution to practical, yet economically
viable emission free vehicles. It is also more compelling to the Fig. 2. Series HEV configuration.
1436 M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442

regenerative braking to maximize energy regeneration based on

driver’s behaviour [8]. In this paper, nine recent proposals on
various EMS were selected from the ScienceDirect and IEEExplore
databases and categorized into online and offline category. The
Author took the liberty to extract their contributions along with
their selected methods on handling the fuel consumption, emis-
sion and drivability problems.
The earliest method of EMS for HEVs used the simple rule-
Fig. 3. Parallel HEV configuration.
based concept. Vehicle operating points are dictated based on a
certain set of rules that may consist of several parameters such as
vehicle or engine speed and driver’s torque demand. The advan-
tages of the rule-based EMS are their low cost, simplicity in
execution due to small computational requirement and the ability
to perform in real-time. Although it does keep up to the task, the
resultant performance is usually far from optimum and leaves a lot
to be desired due to the inflexibility of the pre-defined rules [10].
Researchers have adopted fuzzy-logic methods to enhance the
performance of rule-based EMS [13,49,50]. Fuzzy logic-based
Fig. 4. Power split series-parallel HEV configuration.
controllers use decision-making based on look-up tables to com-
pensate for inexact measurements. This contributes to a wider
At a glance, the configuration looks similar to that of a parallel
range of operating point selection allowing for a more efficient
HEV. It can be perceived as a parallel HEV with a small series HEV
operation of the EMS. They are more robust in nature and are
architecture built into the design [9]. This combined configuration
easily tuneable to include an assortment of parameters and vari-
boasts the advantages of both series and parallel HEV to eradicate
ables for a desired performance target [10]. Real-time or online
their disadvantages. For instance, the sizing issue of the ESS and
EMS has its benefits of being easy to implement and are capable of
EM in series HEVs is eliminated because the fundamental design
reacting to the sudden changes in driving conditions or HEV
principal adopted here is of the parallel HEV. On the other hand,
operating environments. Here are some of the most recent online
the issue of frequent stop and go driving condition unfavourable to
EMS approaches.
parallel HEVs is also solved with the ability to charge the battery
even when the vehicle is stationary. All these are made possible by
2.1. Online energy management strategy
the presence of a power split device such as the planetary gear set
equipped in the Toyota Prius [8,9,36]. Due to these features, series- Huang et al. proposed an intelligent multi-feature statistical
parallel HEV has been the choice of many car makers in recent approach that is able to distinguish different driving conditions to
years [36]. create multiple sub-models that are used to select the best control
The main objective in the development of HEVs is to reduce strategy [11]. This model boasts fast and accurate computation and
fuel consumption and tailpipe emission. However, trying to is able discriminate the conditions in real-time. With the help of
achieve these ultimate goals alone is meaningless if vehicle per- machine learning, the proposed system is able to collect driving
formance and drivability are not taken into account. After all, these data and mine multiple features that have significant impact to the
are the most demanded features that could sway potential cus- HEV performance. The process runs throughout the HEV operation
tomers away if it is not done right. Here is where an efficient EMS mode and dynamically selects the best control option corre-
plays its role as the deciding factor on how a HEV will perform and sponding to the driving condition that yields the best performance
achieve its objectives, usually by determining the optimal trade- [11]. Another method proposed by Murphey et al. uses intelligent
offs between these competing interests [10]. EMS design for HEV energy controllers that are trained with machine learning frame-
has come a long way since the early years of HEV development. In work [16]. These controllers are able to formulate the best ratio of
this paper, several EMS from recent years are separated into sub- engine power and battery power in real-time to minimize the fuel
categories and reviewed which will hopefully become the foun- consumption while satisfying the driver's demand and system
dation for the process of designing the state-of-the-art EMS sui- constraints [16]. Optimal power split results with multiple initial
table for the proposed TtR HEV. SoC and single ending points obtained from a dynamic program-
The core for EMS developments is established on several gen- ming optimization algorithm are used to train the controller for
eral rule-of-thumbs, comprising the optimization in the operation the best result [16].
of both ICE and electrical drivetrain of HEVs. On top of being EMS determines the amounts of energy generated, stored and
downsized in comparison to the other conventional vehicles in its consumed in every single powertrain components. The approach
class, the ICE side of HEVs has gone through a number of inno- by Di Cairano et al. focuses on the improvement of the powertrain
vations such as; (i) they are set to operate at their most efficient efficiency using online EMS controller [17]. The method applied
region for the majority of the time to give a significant headroom involves the use of the energy stored in the ESS not only for
advantage in terms of fuel consumption thus resulting in lower operating the EM but also to help smoothen the engine transients
tailpipe emission, (ii) minimization of engine dynamics by the that results from the switching between different operating points
reduction of fluctuating operating points through regulations of in a series HEV. This is made possible with the assist of model
the ICE operating speed, (iii) reduction of idle time to minimize predictive control (MPC) algorithm integrated in the heart of the
unnecessary fuel burning, and (iv) ON/OFF times optimization to engine control unit [17]. MPC is an effective scheme to control a
fully take advantage of the dual power sources [8]. On the elec- system that is subjected by input and limitations where the right
trical drivetrain side, the basics in achieving the objectives of HEV balance between the competing control objectives is crucial to the
depends on; (i) the rations of battery SoC both to prolong the performance of the system [17,18]. Driver’s behaviour is a big
battery life and to allow the EM to work efficiently when needed, contributing factor to the overall performance of any EMS but
(ii) optimization in the EM’s operating point based on the pre- modelling structures of driver’s behaviour is currently still under-
ferred region on the torque-speed plane, and (iii) intensification of developed. This motivated Di Cairano et al. to propose another
M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442 1437

MPC based EMS paired with machine learning that is driver-aware to the vehicle driveline, providing two degrees-of-freedom for
[18]. It combines the on-board learning of a representative driver’s EMS operation [14]. MPC method is used with a new approximate
behaviour and situational-based approach for stochastic optimi- cost-to-go function that corresponds to the deviation in the SoC,
zation using quadratic programming [18]. Driver's behaviour is a embedded into the fuel minimization problem [14]. The EMS is
ubiquitous aspect that varies from one driver to another but the divided into supervisory and low level controllers respectively to
approach of stochastic model predictive control with learning compromise the complexity of the problem, each controlling their
(SMPCL) is to model the changes in driver’s behaviour based on own set of parameters [14]. As a non-linear MPC-based controller,
the appropriate responds towards the changes in driving envir- each sampling time will take account for current system state and
onment [18]. Thanks to quadratic programming the SMPCL is able torque demand prediction appropriate to current vehicle speed
to handle a larger state dimension models compared to dynamic over a predicted horizon [14]. The optimal power-split ratio is
programming while reconfiguring in real-time to act in response decided upon these predicted states to form an EMS that is both
to the changes in driver’s behaviour [18]. Zhang et al. proposed a systematic and highly predictive in nature.
multi-objective approach using instantaneous cost functions Samanta et al. proposed an EMS designed as an optimization
deployed in a parallel HEV that uses varying-domain method to problem that uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) and some of
dynamically switch the priority of the objectives depending on its hybrids to find the global optimal result [15]. This method is the
current vehicle state [19]. The multi-objective problem is trans- first known application of PSO in EMS design and is currently
formed into non-linear programming problem and genetic algo- limited to off-line implementation due to the time-consuming
rithm (GA) is used to find the subsequent optimal solution [19]. nature of PSO but the method is said to be applicable to HEV, PHEV
The only drawback of rule-based and fuzzy logic-based EMS is and also EV [15]. Keulen et al. presented a numerical solution
that they are not optimized for a specific drive cycle. HEVs could algorithm that rephrases constrained optimal control problem into
perform at a higher level of efficiency if a full knowledge of the a sequence of unconstrained counterpart [52]. The algorithm is
driving conditions is obtained and synthesized beforehand [14]. able to calculate the global optimal power-split curve with a
The idea is to extract as many important features and information magnitude of calculations lesser than required by dynamic pro-
that may influence the performance of a HEV as possible, to gen- gramming for the similar pre-defined power and velocity target
erate a global optimal solution specifically for the selected drive [52]. Although the result from the numerical solution is a mere
cycle [14]. These features and information range from traffic con- approximate equivalent of the original problem, with the appro-
ditions to geographical data down to the specific driver torque priate grid size of quantization, the proposed method exhibits
demand for the entire journey. Data regarding the trip can be superior accuracy compared to dynamic programming [52].
obtained using various modern tools such as Global Positioning The previous review on online and offline EMS for HEV selected
System (GPS), Geographical Information System (GIS), Intelligent from recent publications can be summarized as in Table 1.
Traffic System (ITS) and historical driving data. These abundance of Up to this point, it is acknowledged that the overall perfor-
information are used to derive the global optimal solution for a mance of the deployed EMS in HEVs is heavily influenced by not
specific drive cycle. The most commonly used technique is only their configuration of choice but also their approach towards
dynamic programming [12,51,52]. The downside of optimization the EMS design itself. Some methods have been shown to show-
through dynamic programming is the heavy burden of calculation case vast improvements in fuel consumption and tailpipe emis-
that is time consuming which makes it almost impossible to be sion, but they are almost always developed around a certain
deployed as an online controller. In addition, due to heavy reliance configuration and most probably will not exhibit the same level of
on future information, global optimal results obtained from performance if alterations are to be made within its given working
dynamic programming are usually not the reflection of the HEV environment. These alterations may consist of the change in types
performance in real life. They are usually used as benchmarks for and sizing of components, modification to the configurations and
EMS development for best possible outcome [13]. However, results most importantly, the whimsical real-time driving conditions and
obtained from dynamic programming and its properties have led driving behaviours that are infinitely varied [39]. However, this
to the derivation of various other methods of EMS. For example, actually serves as a huge motivation for researchers to keep
global optimal solution from dynamic programming is always moving forward to further improve HEV performance based on
used as the material for machine learning and neural network their own perspective of the problem.
training [30,53]. EMS that use dynamic programming and its There is also another factor that has to be taken into con-
equivalents that rely on future information are known as sideration during EMS development which is the level of hybri-
optimization-based EMS and this type of EMS controllers is usually disation of the said HEV. HEVs can be classified from mild to
deployed off-line to give room for more intense calculations to strong class depending on the downsizing of the ICE as opposed to
take place. Recent examples of off-line controllers are listed below. the upsizing of the electrical powertrain [9,44]. Mild hybrid has
smaller electrical powertrain, usually incapable to propel the
2.2. Off-line energy management strategy vehicle independently. The electrical powertrain only acts in
assisting the ICE for a small injection of torque. The ICE is the main
Zhang et al. presented an EMS using fuzzy multi-objective source of torque and operates as in conventional vehicles most of
optimization for parallel HEVs [13]. The approach taken here is by the time and could be turned OFF only temporarily during a short
converting the energy consumption of the EM into the equivalent stop and go, under braking or coasting [44]. The implementation is
fuel consumption. Consequently, the whole fuel economy and low cost and simpler while providing high level of vehicle per-
emission problems are treated as optimization goals [13]. The formance but the fuel economy and emission are almost indiffer-
optimization algorithm will then simulate the total fuel con- ent to conventional vehicles. On the other hand, most HEVs
sumption and emission for the designated trip. Based on the available on the market nowadays fall under the strong hybrid
optimal solution, a portion from the fuel consumption figure will class with their electrical drivetrain sized moderately enough to
be translated back into equivalent electrical energy in accordance offer significantly better fuel economy and emission [44]. How-
to the available SoC allowance to achieve overall better fuel ever, there is a limit on how far the level of hybridisation is
economy compared to rule-based and fuzzy logic-based con- allowed to be stretched due to the concern of ending up with an
trollers [13]. The next proposed method by Borhan et al. intro- electrical powertrain so big and heavy that it will affect the overall
duced a second EM/generator through a torque coupler connected performance of the vehicle. However, this next revolution in HEV
1438 M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442

Table 1
Summary on recent EMS for HEV.

References Modelling approach Major findings

Huang et al. [11] Statistical analysis and machine learning with i. Automatically discriminates driving condition in real-time. Online energy manage-
Neural Network (Parallel HEV) ii. Fast computation time for online implementation ment strategy
Murphey et al. Machine learning framework using optimal i. Three online intelligent energy controller was proposed
[16] solution from dynamic programming (Series– ii. High performance regardless of initial SoC value
Parallel HEV) iii. Increased fuel saving ranging between 5%-19% depending on
roadway type and congestion level
Di Cairano et al. Model predictive control with power smoothing i. Improved powertrain efficiency by regulating engine transients
[17] algorithm(Series HEV) ii. Low computational burden for online implementation
iii. Improved fuel consumption over rule-based EMS
Di Cairano et al. Stochastic model predictive control and i. Driver-aware energy management controller
[18] machine learning with quadratic programming ii. Quadratic programming handles larger state dimension models
(Series HEV) while reconfiguring in real-time depending on changes in dri-
ver’s behaviour
Zhang et al. [19] Multi-objective non-linear programming and i. Varying-domain method used to switch priority of objectives
Genetic Algorithm (Parallel HEV) based on current vehicle state
ii. Flexible EMS over different driving condition.
Zhang et al. [13] Fuzzy multi-objective optimization (Parallel i. Optimization algorithm simulated total fuel consumption trea- Offline energy manage-
HEV) ted as optimization goal. ment strategy
ii. A portion of simulated fuel consumption translated over to
equivalent electrical energy based on available SoC
iii. Improved fuel consumption over rule-based and fuzzy logic-
based EMS
Borhan et al. [14] Non-linear model predictive control(Series– i. Introduction of a second EM/generator for added degrees-of-
Parallel HEV) freedom
ii. EMS division into supervisory and low level controllers
iii. Systematic and highly predictive EMS
Samanta et al. [15] Particle swarm optimization (Series–Parallel i. First known PSO application in HEV
HEV) ii. Optimization problem applicable across HEV, PHEV and also EV.
Keulen et al. [52] Numerical solution algoritm (Parallel HEV) i. Global optimal power-split curve calculation with lesser com-
putational requirement compared to dynamic programming
ii. Highly accurate equivalent approximation of optimization com-
pared to dynamic programming

technology has allowed the level of hybridisation well beyond the The intervention of PHEVs into the HEV scene has brought a
strong class of HEVs. It is the succeeding step towards fully new dimension to EMS design philosophy. Conventional HEVs only
emission-free vehicles, allowing connection to the grid and it is permit operation in CS mode but PHEVs allow CD mode operation
called the PHEV. on top of CS mode [20,39]. The main issue in CS mode operation in
conventional HEVs is the small margin of SoC that the EMS can
fully take advantage of. This is because the SoC preservation is
done using the on-board charging mechanism powered by the ICE
3. Plug-in HEV (PHEV) influence
by burning precious fuel from the tank. Consuming available
portion of fuel to fully charge the ESS is seen as a counter-
PHEV is the most recent breakthrough in HEV development that
productive measure because it leads to higher fuel consumption
has taken the world by storm. It is perceived as a step closer to truly
and resulting in lower EMS efficiency. As prevention, existing EMS
emission-free vehicles, enhancing the current advantages of HEV by
approaches allow only a minor diversion of torque from the ICE to
reintroducing the most desired feature of pure EV on top of it. This
be used, enough to sustain the SoC of the battery, not fully char-
feature is the ability to drive using the all-electric mode for the first
ging it. That is why it is very important to harvest as much energy
few kilometres for a totally fuel and emission free drive [33,34].
as possible with regenerative braking to help charge the ESS.
Unlike conventional HEVs, PHEVs allow its ESS to be charged using
PHEVs offer a solution to this problem by replacing the substantial
the outlets from the grids. The main alteration in design that dif- amount of fuel that would have been used to fully charge the
ferentiates a PHEV than a conventional HEV is the electrical drive- battery with energy source from the grid [33]. Not only this pro-
train that serves as the primary source of energy and traction [9,20]. vides a wider window of SoC for an optimum EMS operation, it
When fully charged, PHEVs can be driven exclusively using the also opens up a whole new level of flexibility for the design of the
energy stored in the ESS for a certain distance before it switches to EMS itself. Although this added layer of flexibility has made the
the normal HEV mode to replenish the SoC of the battery [9,20,33]. EMS design more complex, it is worth the extra efforts because the
This all-electric drive range is known as the AER and it depends on AER of PHEVs greatly improves fuel economy and consequently
the size of the on-board ESS. It is a significant augmentation from tones down tailpipe emission even further [20,33,39]. In this
the conventional concept as HEV users will now be able to have paper, EMS for PHEVs from recent years are reviewed. The influ-
100% emission free vehicles if they are driving within the AER most ence of the external charging capability and AER value on EMS
of the time, given that their vehicles are fully charged before each design, which are better suited for PHEVs are also included into
trip [20,33]. They also do not have the qualms of their vehicles consideration.
running out of charge during long distance driving because a PHEV Being rechargeable using the socket outlet from the grid does
operates just like a normal HEV when its AER is exceeded [46,39]. not change the fact that PHEVs are fundamentally just HEVs with
This is proven to be an instrumental feature and a huge selling point oversized electrical drivetrain. Therefore, aside from the addition of
for PHEVs that can help further accelerate the degree of adoption of AER into consideration, it is just logical to expect that the evolution
green vehicles [48]. of EMS design for PHEVs will be minimal from conventional HEVs.
M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442 1439

Although this might be true to some extent where there are the ICE and EM are also more evenly distributed compared to
methods proposed for PHEVs that are basically expansions of EMS conventional HEVs allowing for higher efficiency operation of the
for conventional HEVs, the extra room of flexibility granted by the ICE and thanks to the initial CD mode operation, the amount of
plug-in charging has spun several other methods previously not fuel used for charging the ESS is significantly less. Another
incorporated in EMS design for conventional HEVs [39]. Some of example of EMS focusing on CD mode operation is deployed in
these fresher techniques that will be discussed shortly are the companion with modern global positioning system (GPS) tracking,
results of the ability to use deep discharge batteries as ESS in PHEVs intelligent traffic system (ITS) and geographical information sys-
[20,33]. Deep discharge batteries differ from conventional batteries tem (GIS) to accurately define current position and state of vehicle
in their capability to be discharged deeper without being damaged. [21]. Information obtained using these devices and a pre-set des-
This is a huge feat as deep discharge batteries are impractical in tination will be used as input for an advanced traffic-flow mod-
conventional HEVs due to being limited to on-board charging and elling technique that will generate a unique power flow manage-
deep discharge batteries usually have lower charging efficiency ment for the defined destination so that the SoC will fall to a
which will greatly affect the HEV performance [33]. With PHEVs, specific terminal value when destination is reached [21]. The
this could be twisted as an advantage that will allow for larger accuracy of the generated power flow management is improved
portion of the battery charge to be usable by the EMS resulting in using historical traffic information analysed with dynamic pro-
greater AER. As far as hardware level modification is concerned, gramming algorithm [21].
there are still several other techniques that can be applied in PHEV Tara et al. apply fuzzy logic to define a new quantity called the
design consideration that will further enhance its potential but they battery working state (BWS) which are derived from the terminal
will not be discussed further in this paper[54–59]. voltage of the battery and its SoC [22]. The BWS acts as an cau-
Some of the most recent approaches that mimic the EMS for tionary measure to make sure the battery is safe from over dis-
conventional HEVs impose no significant changes to the hierarchy charging due to erroneous estimation of SoC and is used by the
of the primary energy source for the vehicle, which means they fuzzy logic based EMS instead of SoC value to decide on the power
still treat the ICE as the main source of propulsion. The EM only split between the ICE and EM based on the power demand from
exclusively drive the car under a certain speed threshold which is the driver [22]. While the previous EMS focuses of battery health,
now higher than that of conventional HEVs, thanks to the bigger the approach by Stockar et al. decide the power split based on total
electrical drivetrain [20]. Another example is using the engine ON/ CO2 dispersed by the utilization of vehicle either directly or
OFF control to only shut off the ICE when the speed of the vehicle indirectly [26]. Another EMS implementation for PHEVs that is
is less than the electrical launch speed and during negative torque notable to be listed adopts a simplified mathematical model with
demand [20]. There are also similar contribution using optimiza- CD mode operation that monitors the SoC depletion under con-
tion approach via stochastic dynamic programming that optimizes stant vehicle speed [27]. Only the total trip distance is needed for
its operation based on multiple drive cycles to ration SoC by the formulation of the power flow management with the electrical
mixing the torque from both ICE and EM. This, results in blended drivetrain serves as the primary source of propulsion. The engine
CD mode operation that optimizes ICE operating point and mini- will be turned on when the demand of power exceeds a certain
mize CS mode operation time once the SoC has reached the value [27]. This is done to limit the mechanical power output of
determined low value which takes significantly longer than the the EM within a certain limit to allow for extended use of the
AER focused EMS [24]. The next EMS approach utilizes analytical power from the ESS.
method designed around blended mode operation, which dictates As revealed in this section, the introduction of PHEVs has cer-
the optimal minimum engine power is the supervisory aspect to tainly made a tremendous effect on the EMS design and more
achieve optimal fuel consumption based on a certain ESS energy importantly the efficiency and fuel economy of HEVs by the inte-
depletion target [28]. Chen et al. proposed an intelligent online gration of external charging using the grid. AER certainly is the
energy management controller that consists of two neural net- decisive point on deciding between which technology suits the
work modules, trained based on optimized results obtained via consumer’s needs best. For people mostly driving short distances
dynamic programming that considers trip length and duration or just within the local area, a PHEV is the undisputed option as it
[30]. The aim is to further improve fuel economy of PHEVs by will provide the best fuel economy out of the two. However for
selecting the most suitable neural network module depending on those who constantly drive long distances, a PHEV might not be
the drive cycle [30]. the best option because a conventional HEV has higher efficiency
Similar with conventional HEVs, a priori knowledge can come a in CS mode operation compared to a PHEV due to the smaller
long way to further improve EMS performance. Wu G. et al. pro- electrical powertrain contributing to lighter overall package. HEVs
posed a method using full knowledge of real-time vehicle position and PHEVs have been discussed throughout the paper and their
and traffic conditions [31]. The traffic conditions that are obtained respective advantages and disadvantages are well documented.
with the use of intelligent transportation system is able to synthe- Both are still undergoing further developments simultaneously
size down to the vehicle speed projection based on a selected path, and there is no doubt that we will witness better implementations
to impose a specific charge depleting control strategy for the trip to of EMS and higher performing HEVs coming out in the near future.
maximize fuel economy [31]. Yu et al. also propose a similar trip- However the aim of this paper is to lead the way for the TtR HEV
oriented EMS that uses a feedback control system that optimize concept, and it is hoped that the merits and demerits of the
power demand distribution and power delivery split with a certain aforementioned technologies will be the underlying foundation of
target [32]. The EMS pre-plans optimal energy consumption policy the next HEV technology toward its fruition into production.
for a known trip by controlling fuel to electricity usage ratio that
will be enforced for the entire trip with minimal losses [32].
Some of recent examples of EMS that take full advantage of 4. Paving ways for TtR HEV concept
bigger electrical drivetrain in PHEVs include blended control
strategy that combines CD mode operation with ICE propulsion A TtR HEV with IWMs is a relatively new concept in vehicular
until the SoC reaches the low threshold point before switching to technology. As the matter of writing, there are but little materials
CS mode operation [20]. This method allows for smooth and available on breakthroughs in TtR HEV design including EMS
steady discharging of the ESS that puts less strain on the battery approach fitted for such technology. This still uncharted territory
and can contribute to longer battery life. The torque split between appeals as a big opportunity for new discoveries waiting to be
1440 M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442

exploited. However, many fundamental questions that are relevant knowledge regarding their advantages and disadvantages. The
to the research area still not answered by the global research major problem is due to the unavailability of information that is
community. This paper will attempt to provide revelations to only measurable in the future, such as trip distance, vehicle speed,
possible workarounds to the tangible limitations in TtR HEVs driving behaviour, road conditions, weather, etc. An energy man-
developments. agement controller can only determine an optimal power flow
strategy if the above information of an entire future trip is avail-
4.1. Design
able in advance. Although current technology level has allowed for
very detail terrain preview and real-time traffic information
By concept, TtR HEVs fall under parallel HEV category which
means, in theory, the vehicle can be driven either by the ICE or the updates [62], other attributes such as driver’s actions and changes
IWMs together or independently. The only major difference in weather conditions that affect vehicle operations are unfa-
between a TtR HEV and a conventional parallel HEV is in the thomable beforehand. This impossibility immediately warrants for
absence of physical connection between the mechanical path and an energy management control strategy that is independent of the
electrical path [9]. This makes the complex torque coupling device future information. Currently, PHEV is the obvious route to be
unnecessary and inherently warrants a simpler and cheaper taken as it patches up the major drawback of the TtR HEV concept.
implementation of parallel HEVs. The advantage of this config- At the same time, the external charging allows for bigger ESS with
uration is the 4-wheel drive capability that provides stability to higher energy density to be fitted thanks to the reduced weight
the vehicle and it also offers exceptional acceleration [9]. Another and the extra room left behind by the decision to use IWMs
advantage of this feature is the prospect to retrofit any conven- instead of a conventional EM.
tional ICE vehicles and transform them into HEVs [60,61]. The The performance of IWMs is also yet to be observed and it is
prospect of transforming current ICE vehicles into TtR HEV poise as
important to see how they fare against a conventional EM in
an excellent motivation for consumers to start embracing greener
producing the torque required for propulsion. To put less strain on
vehicles at a reasonable cost considerably lower than buying a
the IWMs, the preferred EMS approach would be blended CD
whole new vehicle. However it is not seen as an enticing prospect
for car manufacturers unless radical measures and policies are mode operation with both ICE and IWMs driving the car simul-
imposed. taneously. Although this will eliminate the emission-free AER from
The trade-off for the simpler architecture is the lower efficiency the equation, this strategy will still be able to offer exceptional fuel
for ESS charging compared to conventional HEVs, since the extra consumption and most importantly a farther CD mode operation
torque needed to recharge the ESS is supplied from the ICE in a system with favourable advantages of having high energy
externally through the contact with the surface of the road and density ESS and smaller IWMs to begin with. Vehicle performance
limited only when the vehicle is in motion. Even with the assist or drivability is also easier to be preserved this way because the
from regenerative braking, the amount of energy that can be core of the vehicle operation will not be bottlenecked by any
harvested internally is significantly less than a conventional HEV. singular factor. If the vehicle operation consists of mainly short
The result is a much smaller window for optimum EMS operation distance journeys, this will allow for a longer period between the
and reduced amount of electrical energy supply for the EM which
need of recharging.
will affect the HEV performance target. However, if PHEV design is
There are definitely still ways available to improve the perfor-
to be adopted here, the SoC allowance will no longer be such a
mance indicator of TtR HEVs and the potential is just as promising
problem. The external charging feature will provide sufficient
if not even better than conventional HEVs. Development and
amount of energy for a TtR HEV to perform at its highest efficiency.
Conventionally, a TtR HEV, also known as separate axle parallel experimental setup is currently undergoing progress and hope-
HEV, is designed with an EM propelling the rear axle of the vehicle fully the hypotheses can be proven and desired performance tar-
to drive the rear wheels. This configuration provides propulsion get is achievable in the near future.
for the vehicle through two independent transmissions compared
to only one in conventional HEV. The emphasis is on a big EM that
is capable of an output power enough to turn the axle which will
in turn, spin the wheels. This mechanism results in system loss 5. Conclusion
due to the extra power needed to initialize vehicle movement and
during acceleration. By taking advantage of the separate axle With the impending energy crisis due to the depletion in world
transmission, instead of a big EM turning the axle, smaller and fuel reserves and dwindling environmental conditions, the intro-
highly efficient EMs are fitted in the rear wheels as IWMs to duction of HEVs into the market is seen as a huge contributing
provide propulsion power directly to the wheels to lower the factor to the lift of awareness towards environmentally friendly
system loss. The smaller IWMs also have the advantage of being vehicles. It is a proven technology that is already available out
lighter than conventional EM giving a TtR HEV the much needed there and with the steady growth in adoption rate and increased
advantage in terms of the mass of the vehicle. The smaller size also emphasis by car manufacturers, the technology is becoming more
means that IWMs are theoretically gentler to the ESS, coupled with affordable and accessible than ever. HEV is the bridge that con-
PHEV architecture, will grant a longer CD mode operation. nects to the future of emission-free vehicles and steady progresses
made in the field are certainly pointing in the right direction with
4.2. Energy management strategy and performance
improvements in EMS design and the embracement of PHEV
technology. TtR HEV is a relatively fresh aperture in the field and is
The key to a successful deployment of TtR HEVs lies in the EMS
still underdeveloped. The challenges associated with the TtR HEV
design. The real performance of the EMS will remain as theoretical
until the real model is constructed and simulations or experi- include lower efficiency compared to a conventional HEV and
mental works are done extensively. However, hypothetically a TtR underdeveloped EMS. However, further research and under-
HEV is conceived as having a great potential to deliver desired standing of the vehicle technology will hopefully eradicate those
level of performance. This reflection is based on the studies done inadequacies and in turn, will increase its chances to be the con-
on various types of HEV, their EMS implementations and the figuration of choice for manufacturers and consumers alike.
M.F. M. Sabri et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53 (2016) 1433–1442 1441

Acknowledgement [25] Salisa a R, Zhang N, Zhu JG. A comparative analysis of fuel economy and
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[27] Zhang B, Mi CC, Zhang M. Charge-depleting control strategies and fuel opti-
from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia. mization of blended-mode plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Trans Veh
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[28] Zhang M, Yang Y, Mi CC. Analytical approach for the power management of
Technology & Innovation Strategy, Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional blended-mode plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Trans Veh Technol
Sdn. Bhd. (PROTON) for his valuable input. 2012;61:1554–66.
[29] Moura SJ, Stein JL, Fathy HK. Battery-health conscious power management in
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