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Republic of the Philippines


Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Binauganan, Tarlac City Philippines 2300
Tel. No.: (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website: www/
Awarded Level 3 Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in
the Philippines Inc (AACCUP)


Performance Evaluation Checklist
(Logrolling a client)

Name of Student:
Year/Clinical Group:
School Year:
Term: 1st 2nd Semester Summer
Inclusive Dates of Clinical Rotation:
Name of Clinical Instructor:
Definition: Logrolling is a maneuver used to move a patient without flexing the spinal
Indication: To maintain alignment of the spine while turning and moving the patient who has
had spinal surgery or suspected or documented spinal injury.
Equipments: Pillow (3)
lift sheet.

Score Remarks
2 1 0
 Assistive devices that will be required, like
pull sheet.
 Encumbrances (restrictions) to
 Medications the client is receiving, as a
certain medication may hamper
movement or alertness of the client.
 Assistance required from other health
care personnel
2. Introduce yourself and verify the client’s
identity. Explain to the client what you
are going to do, why it is necessary the
client to cooperate.
3. Perform hand hygiene and observe other
appropriate infection control procedures.
4. Provide for client privacy
5. Position yourself and the client
appropriately before performing the
6. Stand on the same side of the bed, and
assume a broad stance, with one foot 1. 2. 3. 4.
ahead of the other.
7. Place the client’s arm across the chest.
8. Place the clients near ankle and foot
across the far ankle and foot
9. Lean your trunk forward from the hips.
Flex your hips, knees, and ankles.
10. Place your arm under the client.
11. Tighten your gluteal, abdominal, leg, arm
Pull the client to the side of the bed.
12. One nurse count; “one, two, three, go”.
Then at the same time all staff members
pull the client to the side of the bed by
shifting their weight to their back feet.
13. Elevate the side drill on this side of the
Move to the other side of the bed, and place supportive devices for the client
when turned.
14. Place a pillow where it will support the
client’s head after the turn.
15. Place one or two pillows between the
client’s leg to support the upper leg when
the client is turned.
Roll and position the client in proper alignment.
16. All nurses flex their hips, and ankles, and
assume a broad stance, each with one
foot forward.
17. All nurses reach over the client, and
place hands into position
18. One nurse count; “one, two, three, go”.
Then at the same time all staff nurses
roll the client to a lateral position.
19. Support the client’s head, back, upper,
and lower extremities with pillows.
20. Raise the side rails and place the call
bell within the client’s reach.
VARIATION: Using a Turn or Lift Sheet
21. Stand with other nurse on the sane side
of the bed. Assume a broad stance with
one foot forward, and grasp half of the
fan folded or rolled edge of the turn
sheet. On a signal, pull the client toward
both of you.
22. Before turning the client, place pillow
support for the head and legs, as
described in step 6 above. Then go, to
the other of the bed of the bed (father
from the client) and assume a stable
stance. Reaching over the client, grasp
the far edge of the turn sheet and roll the
client towards you. The second nurse
(behind the client) helps turn the client
and provides pillow supports to ensure
good alignment in the lateral position
Document all relevant information
 Time, position from which the client was
moved and position to which client was
 Any signs of pressure areas
 Use of support devices
 Ability of the Client to assist in moving
and turning.
 Response of the client to moving and
24. Demonstrate preparedness, readiness,
and confidence in the performance of the
procedure and accepts
corrections/suggestions and shows
willingness to improve
25. Answers questions politely and tactfully
and shows respect and consideration of
recipient of care,
Total score: 50

Descriptive Interpretation for Actual Score:

2 - Very Good
1 - Good
0 - Not Performed

Shown to me:

Signature over Printed Name

Shown to me by:

Rowena B. Lamorena, RN
Clinical Instructor

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