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Pronoun: Noun ev Noun phrase Gi cwie‡Z© †h mKj c` e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K Zv‡K Pronoun e‡j|
(i) A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, often to avoid the need to repeat the same noun over and
over. Like nouns, pronouns can refer to people, things, concepts, and places.
(ii) A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun
that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically .
(iii) A pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase, which is
known as the pronoun’s antecedent. Pronouns are short words and can do everything that nouns can do
and are one of the building blocks of a sentence. Common pronouns are he, she, you, me, I, we, us, this,
them, that. A pronoun can act as a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, and
more and takes the place of any person, place, animal or thing.

†hgb: I, We, You, You, He, She, They, It, Each, Either, Neither, This, That, These, Those,
Some, etc.

Pronoun: ev‡K¨i subject wn‡m‡e verb Gi c~‡e© hw` noun bv _v‡K, Zvn‡j †mwU n‡e pronoun.
i) All went home.
ii) Somebody has come here.
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b all, somebody n‡”Q pronoun.
(iii) All boys went home. [GLv‡b all n‡”Q Adjective.]
Exam Questions
01. A word that takes the place of noun is called: (c~evjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi-2000)
(a) Subject (b) verb (c)object (d) pronoun Ans: D
02. "All spoke in his favour."– here 'all' is: (K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij Ae A¨vKvD›Um (wmwRG) Gi AwWUi-2022)
(a) pronoun (b) noun (c) adverb (d) none of them
Ans. (a) pronoun
e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨ All kãwU noun-Gi cwie‡Z© subject wn‡m‡e KvR Kivq pronoun n‡q‡Q|
03. ‘Who’s that?’ In this sentence ‘that’ is a/an------. [41st BCS]
a. pronoun b. conjunction c. adjective d. adverb Ans. a. pronoun
e¨vL¨v: Who’s that? cÖkœwU Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Gi Example ‡_‡K †bIqv n‡q‡Q| That pronoun wn‡m‡e
e¨envi Kiv nq hw` Speaker Gi Kv‡Q e¨w³ ev e¯‘wU bv _v‡K| †hgb:
(i) Who’s that? [Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary]
(ii) That’s Peter over there. [Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary]
(iii) That’s a nice dress.
GB evK¨¸‡jv‡Z that pronoun wn‡‡me e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
04. All that glitters is not gold. The underlined word is---- [Z_¨ I m¤úªPvi gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix Z_¨ Awdmvi-'22]
a. a determiner b. a conjunction c. an adjective d. a pronoun Ans. (d) pronoun
05. A substituting word is called a ---- [RU (mgvRweÁvb) 09-10]
a. noun b. pronoun c. verb d. adjective Ans: b
06. “Among the students, the best one is a boy.” Here ‘one’ is used as - [CU (B) 02-03]
a. adverb b. pronoun c. adjective d. number Ans: b

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Classification: Pronoun †K AvU fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| wb‡P ms‡ÿ‡c †m¸‡jvi bvg †`qv nj| c‡i GB G cÖ w ZwU fvM
wb‡q Avgiv we¯Í v wiZ Av‡jvPbv Kie|
Types of Pronouns Examples
Personal Pronoun I, we, you, you, he, she, they, it, etc.
Interrogative Pronoun Who? What? Which? etc.
Distributive Pronoun Each, every, either, neither, etc.
Demonstrative Pronoun This, that, these, those, etc.
Relative Pronoun Who, whom, whoever, whomever, what, that, etc.
Reciprocal Pronoun Each other, one another, etc.
Reflexive and Emphatic Pronoun Myself, ourselves, yourself, herself, themselves, etc.
Indefinite Pronoun One, any, some, none, all, etc.

(i) This is my book. [This=Pronoun]
(ii) This book is mine. [This=Adjective]

Exam Questions
01. What kind of pronoun are ‘who, what, and which’? [Medical Exam 2022-23]
a. demonstrative b. personal c. relative d. reflexive Ans: c
02. This is the book of which I told you. Here the word ‘which’ is used as ____. [RUET 21-22]
a) Distributive Pronoun b) Reflexive Pronoun c) Reciprocal Pronoun
d) Demonstrative Pronoun e) Relative Pronoun Ans: e) Relative Pronoun
03. Which of the following is a correct example of Demonstrative Pronoun? [BDS 21-22]
a) This is my coat b) These shirts have been ironed properly
c) This dress belongs to me d) Did you see that crazy driver? Ans: a) This is my coat
04.Who, which, what are− [†cv÷ gv÷vi †Rbv‡ij (DËivÂj)-22] [Awdmvi mnKvix kÖg cwiPvjK wb‡qvM-cixÿv-2003]
a. Demonstrative pronoun b. Relative pronoun
c. Reflexive pronoun d. Indefinite pronoun Ans.b. Relative pronoun

Personal Pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun: ‡Kvb Pronoun hLb †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘ y i bv‡gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Zv‡K Personal
Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb: I, we, you, you, he, she, they, it, etc.

Subjective Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronoun

pronoun pronoun Adjective Pronoun
I (Avwg) Me (Avgv‡K) My (Avgvi) Mine (AvgviwU ) Myself
We (Avgiv ) Us (Avgv‡`i‡K) Our (Avgv‡`i) Ours (Avgv‡`iwU) Ourselves
You(Zzwg) You(‡Zvgv‡`i‡K) Your(‡Zvgv‡`i) Yours(‡Zvgv‡`iwU) Yourself/Yourselves
He(‡m) Him(Zv‡K) His (Zvi) His(ZviwU) Himself
She (‡m) Her (Zv‡K) Her (Zvi) Hers (ZviwU) Herself
They (Zviv) Them (Zv‡K) Their (Zv‡`i) Theirs(Zv‡`iwU) Themselves

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It (GwU) It (GwU‡K) Its(GwUi) Its(GwUiwU) Itself

Exam Questions
01. Which one is not a pronoun?
(a)me (b) my (c) he (d) mine Ans. (b) my
02. Choose the sentence without a Personal Pronoun. [BDS 21-22]
a) We have to leave, so give our sears to them b) She told us that we were late for the party
c) I said that she told him to leave us alone d) There was a river in the distance.
Ans: d) There was a river in the distance.
03. He works his work, I mine. Here Ômine' is: (cÂ`k evsjv‡`k RywWwmqvj mvwf©m (15k we‡RGm) mnKvix RR-2022)
(a) relative pronoun (b) possessive pronoun (c) possessive adjective (d) none of them
Ans. (b) possessive pronoun

Interrogative Pronoun

2. Interrogative Pronoun : ‡h Pronoun ‡Kvb cÖkœ wRÁvmv Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq Zv‡K Interrogative Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb: Who, Which, What, Whom, Whose etc.

1. Who broke the glass?
2. Whom do you like most?
3. What are the factors responsible for air pollution?
4. Which of these books do you buy?

Distributive Pronoun

3. Distributive Pronoun: ‡h Pronoun `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ga¨ †_‡K GKwU e¯‘ ev e¨w³‡K Avjv`v K‡i eySvq Zv‡K
Distributive Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb : Each,every, either, neither etc
(i) Each can do it.
(ii) Each of the men and women is bound to obey the law.
(iii) Either of the two boys is talented.
(iv) There are two pens. Neither of them is good.

Note: Each, either, neither- Gi Possessive case mvaviYZ singular( his, her, its) nq | Either Øviv `yB‡qi cÖ‡Z¨KwU Ges
Neither Øviv `yB‡qi †KvbwUB bq eySv‡bv nq |

Either: Either A_© `y w Ui g‡a¨ †h †Kvb GKwU, Z‡e `y w Ui †ewk bq| `y w Ui †ewk n‡j Any, Anyone e¨eüZ nq|
Either of cieZx© Noun / Pronoun Gi Plural Number Ges Verb Gi Singular Number nq|
(i)Either of the two boys is intelligent.
(ii)Either of the two girls will get a prize.

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Neither: Neither A_© `y w Ui g‡a¨ †KvbwUB bq| A‡bK ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †KvbwUB bq ey S v‡j no one ev none e¨eüZ nq|
neither of Gi cieZx© noun/pronoun Gi plural number Ges verb Gi singular number nq|

(i)Neither of the two boys can do the work.
(ii) Neither of the two girls was late.
Demonstrative Pronoun

4. Demonstrative Pronoun : ‡h Pronoun ‡Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯y ‘ i cwie‡Z© e‡m Dnvi, GwU, IwU, G¸‡jv BZ¨vw`
wb‡`© k K‡i Zv‡K Demonstrative Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb: This, That, These, Those, Such, the same, etc.
1) This is my pen.
2) That was a mad dog.
3) These are ripe mangoes.
4) Those were good pencils.
1. wbKUeZx© †Kvb wKQz ‡ K wb‡`© k Ki‡Z This /These Ges `y i eZx© †Kvb wKQz ‡ K wb‡`© k Ki‡Z That/Those
e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ This / That / These / Those + Noun Gfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i Demonstrative
Pronoun bv e‡j Demonstrative Adjective ejv nq|

This/That/ These/ Those

1. This (Kv‡Q) - That (`~‡i) + Singular Noun
2. These (Kv‡Q)- Those(`~‡i) +Plural Noun
3. This Gi Plural These
4. That Gi Plural Those

i) I want this book.
ii) I want these books.

Relative Pronoun

5. Relative Pronoun: ‡h Pronoun ‡Kvb Noun ev Pronoun Gi c‡i e‡m c~ e © e Zx© Noun ev Pronoun ‡K
wb‡`k© c ~ e © K `y w U Clause- ‡K hy ³ K‡i Zv‡K Relative Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb : Who, Which, That, Whom Whose, etc.
1. Who= e¨w³‡K wb‡`© k K‡i = Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
2. Whom= e¨w³‡K wb‡`© k K‡i = Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

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3. Which / That / What= e¯‘ / cÖ v Yx‡K wb‡`© k K‡i = Subject / Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
4. Whose + Noun = e¨w³/e¯‘ / cÖ v Yx‡K wb‡`© k K‡i| = Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

1. I knew the man who lost his bag.
2. I bought a glass that was broken.
3. I have lost the book which you gave me yesterday.
4. Nipa is my friend whose father is a doctor.
5. Shelley is my friend whose car is new.
6. Children studied in a room whose windows were never opened.
7. I have lost the pen which were new.
8. I helped a man whom I liked.

Reciprocal Pronoun

6. Reciprocal Pronoun : ‡h Pronoun Øviv `y B ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ ci¯úi‡K ey S vq Zv‡K Reciprocal
Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb : Each other, One another etc.
1. Ten students love one another
2. The two sisters help each other.

Note: mvaviYZ `y Õ R‡bi g‡a¨ cvi¯úwiK m¤úK© ey S v‡Z Each other Ges `y B ‡qi AwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ cvi¯úwiK m¤úK©
ey S v‡Z One another e¨eüZ nq| Each other / One another mvaviYZ ev‡K¨i †k‡l e‡m|

Exam Questions
01. Which of the following sentence is correct?
a) The three sisters love each other. b) The three sisters love one another.
c) The three sisters loves one another. d) The three sisters loved each other.
Ans: b) The three sisters love one another
A‡b‡Ki g‡a¨ †evSv‡j one another.
`yB R‡bi g‡a¨ †evSv‡j each other.

Reflexive Pronoun

7. Reflexive Pronoun : Personal Pronoun Gi m‡½ self ev selves hy ³ n‡q †Kvb Pronoun hLb Object
Gi ¯’ v b MÖ n Y K‡i Ges cðv‡Z wd‡i cy b ivq Subject- ‡K wb‡`© k K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Reflexive Pronoun e‡j|
†hgb: Myself, Himself, Yourself, Themselves, Herself, Yourselves, Ourselves etc.
(i)You fan yourself.
(ii)He heart himself.
(iii)They help themselves

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Emphatic Pronoun or Intensive Pronoun:
hLb Reflexive Pronoun Ab¨ †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun Gi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K wb‡`© k K‡i Ges Zvi Dci †Rv i cÖ ` vb K‡i
ZLb Zv‡K Emphatic Pronoun ev Intensive Pronoun e‡j|

An Emphatic pronoun is a personal pronoun. We use it to explain the action done by the noun without anyone’s
help. Sometimes Compound Personal Pronouns are used to emphasize the noun.
Such function words are called Emphatic Pronouns or Intensive Pronouns.
An emphatic pronoun cannot be used as a subject. They are placed immediately after the pronoun or noun, which
they emphasize. We don’t use these as the object of a verb.

Examples of Emphatic Pronoun

(i) I myself checked all the paid bills. (‘myself’ emphasizes ‘I’)
(ii)You yourself can write that article. (‘yourself’ emphasizes ‘you’)
(iii)He himself attended that lecture. (‘himself’ emphasizes ‘he’)
(iv)The building itself is very tall. (‘itself’ emphasizes ‘building’)
(v)The dog itself caught the ball. (‘itself’ emphasizes ‘dog’)
(vi)She herself will search it. (‘herself’ emphasizes ‘she’)
(vii)We ourselves had gone to a particular place.

Exam Questions
1. ‡KvbwU Reflexive pronoun? [Bmjvwg e¨vsK evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW Ryb, 2016]
a. He b. Each c. Myself d. Who Ans:c
02. ‘I myself went there’. [PSC-Rywbqi BÝUªv±i-23]
Here ‘myself’ is---------------
a. reciprocal pronoun b. emphatic pronoun
c. reflexive pronoun d. distributive pronoun Ans: (b)
e¨vL¨v: Reflexive Pronoun hw` Subject Gi ciciB e‡m ev Subject ev Object ‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡K emphatic pronoun
e‡j| An emphatic pronoun refers back to another noun or pronoun in the sentence to emphasize it.
i. The Queen herself attended the party. [Emphatic Pronoun]
ii. John can do it himself. [Emphatic Pronoun]
iii. She herself informed me. [Emphatic Pronoun]
iv. She cut herself [Reflexive Pronoun]
Note: Reflexive pronoun mvaviYZ Verb Gi object wn‡m‡e e‡m|

Indefinite pronoun

8. Indefinite Pronoun: ‡h Pronoun ‡Kvb we‡kl e¨w³ ev e¯y‘‡K bv eywS‡q Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘y‡K eySvq Z‡e Zv‡K Indefinite
Pronoun e‡j|
One none no one any anyone
anybody some someone somebody everyone everybody
another more most everything something nothing
many all few little much many

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1.Some says that Mamun is honest.
2.One should respect one’s parents.
3.All were invited in the function.

Note: One hw` Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Possessive case wU me©`vB One`s n‡e | Z‡e One of the + Plural noun
hw` Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Possessive case wU me©`vB his/ her n‡e | †hgb: one of the students, one of , no
one, everybody, nobody --his/ her n‡e |
Exam Questions
1. One should obey--- parents. [XvKv wek^we`¨vjq : 05-06]
a. individual`s b. one’s c. right d. their Ans:B
2. A student should be careful about – duty [ivRkvnx wek^we`¨vjq : 05-06]
a. his’s c. all d. the Ans:A

Uses of Pronoun
Rule-1: ‡Kvb Sentence G GKvwaK Pronoun em‡j Ò231Ó wbq‡g em‡e | A_©¨vr cÖ_‡g ‘2nd Person’ Zvici ‘3rd Person’ Ges ‘1st
Person’ wKš‘ †`vl ¯^xKvi Ki‡j A_ev Aciva ¯^xKvi Ki‡j Ò123Ó wbq‡g em‡e |
(i) Avwg, Zzwg I †m ‡mLv‡b wM‡qwQjvg: and went there.

(ii) Avwg, Zzwg Ges †m Acivax : , and are guilty.

Note: GKvwaK Pronoun em‡j “Verb Plural” nq|

Inc : I, you and he went there.
Cor : You, he and I went there.
Inc : Rahim kindly helped you, me and him.
Cor : Rahim kindly helped you, him and me.
Inc : I, you and Jalil must work together.
Cor : You, Jalil and I must work together.
Inc : He, you and I am to blame.
Cor : I, you and he are to blame.

Exam Questions
01. Which one of the following sentences is correct?
(a)Selim, you and I shall be punished. (b)I, you, and Selim shall be punished.
(c)You, me and selim shall be punished. (d)You, Selim and I shall be punished.
Ans: (d) You, Selim and I shall be punished.
e¨vL¨v : ‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ GKvwaK Pronoun em‡j 231 wbq‡g e‡m wKš‘ Aciva ¯^xKvi Kiv †evSv‡j 123 wbq‡g e‡m| †h‡nZz Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ kvw¯Í
cvIqvi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q hv mvaviY wee„wZ ZvB 231 wbq‡g n‡e|
2 = You = Second Person.
3 = Selim = Third Person.
1 = I = First Person.

02. Choose the correct sentence- -- [cjøx Dbœqb I mgevq wefv‡Mi Dc-AvÂwjK e¨ve¯’vcK - 2013]
a) I, you and he are present b) You, he and I are present
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c) You, he and I am present d) He, you and I are present
e¨vL¨v t †Kv‡bv sentence-G wewfbœ persons Gi Pronoun GK‡Î †jLvi mgq cÖ_‡g 2nd person Zvi ci 3rd person Ges †k‡l1st
person e‡m| Ans:B
03. Choose the correct sentence. [RU (AvBb) 03-04, IU (Kha) 10-11, BU (A) 15-16]
a. I, you and he were present in the class. b. You, he and I were present in the class.
c. You, he and I was present in the class. d. He, you and I was present in the class Ans: b
04. Identify the correct sentence. [RU (mgvRweÁvb) 08-09]
a. I, you and Rahim have passed b. I, Rahim and you have passed
c. Rahim, I and you have passed d. You, Rahim and I have passed Ans: d
05. Chose the correct sentence. [6ô †emiKvix cÖfvlK wbeÜb-10, RU (F) 15-16.]
a. You, he and I am guilty. b. You, he and I are guilty
c. I, you and he are guilty. d. He, I and you are guilty Ans.c
06. Choose the correct sentence: [RU (wnmveweÁvb) 07-08]
a. I, you and he committed the crime. b. You, he and I committed the crime.
c. He, I and you committed crime. d. I, he and you committed the crime. Ans.a

Rule-2: Subjective Pronoun: I, We, You, You, He, She, They, It, Who, etc.

(i) ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z Verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e Subjective Pronoun e‡m|

(ii) Be Verb (am, is, are, was, were, be, been) Gici Subjective Pronoun e‡m|
(iii) Than, As Gici Subjective Pronoun e‡m|
01. Shamim and.............. are going to the cinema.
(a) me (b) myself (c) my (d) I Ans: D
e¨vL¨v : “are going” Verb Gi Subject e‡m ZvB Ans. (d) n‡e|
02. It was ........who first noticed the difference.
(a) me (b) I (c) myself (d) mine Ans: B
e¨vL¨v : “was” GKwU Be verb ZvB Gici Subjective Pronoun “I” n‡e|
03. Rahim is as tall as I [as Gici Subjective form “I” (am)]
04. He is taller than I [than Gici Subjective form e‡m ZvB “I” (am) n‡e]
e¨vL¨v : mvaviYZ Zzjbv Subject Gi mv‡_ Subject Gi nq| ZvB As, Than Gici “I” e‡m|
05. Which sentence is correct? [Rupali Bank-2020]
a) This is his speaking. b) This is himself speaking. c) This is him speaking. d) This is he speaking.
Ans: d) This is he speaking.
e¨vL¨v : be varb Gici subjective pronoun e‡m|
(i) It is I who am your brother.
(ii)I wish I were he.
(iii) It was he who first suggested the idea.

Rule-3: Objective Pronoun: me, us, you, him, her, them, it, whom, etc.
(i) ev‡K¨i object wn‡m‡e Verb Gici Object Pronoun e‡m A_¨©vr Infinitive, Gerund ev Participle Gici Object Pronoun
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Verb + Object
To+ Verb + Object
Verb + ing + Object
(ii) Preposition ev let Gici Object Pronoun e‡m|

01. My mother told me to give him a book.
e¨vL¨v: (GLv‡b told verb Gici object form e‡m‡Q|)
02. Students like us should not do this. [GLv‡b Like –preposition; Gici object from us e‡m‡Q]
03. Let me do the job. [Let Gici object from e‡m]
04. The first half of the game belonged to us, the second half to ______. [Dhaka University (D) 2016-2017]
A. them B. they C. their D. those Ans:a
e¨vL¨v: Preposition Gici object form n‡e ZvB to them n‡e|
(i)She was so rude to me. [Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary]

Rule-4: mKj but Gici object form em‡e none but Qvov; none but Gi ci subject form e‡m

(i) There’s no one here but me.
(ii) Nobody but her would do a thing like that.

Incorrect : None but him is responsible for this occurrence

Correct : None but he is responsible for this occurrence
Incorrect : Everyone but she is responsible for this occurrence
Correct : Everyone but her is responsible for this occurrence

Rule-5: Possessive Adjective: my, our, you, his, her, their, its, whose, etc.
Possessive Adjective Gici Noun e‡m ev V+ing (Gerund) nq|

i) He insisted on my going.
ii) This is my book.

Exam Questions
i) They came after......... going.
(a) me (b) my (c) mine (d) I Ans:b
e¨vL¨v: “going” Gerund Gi c~‡e© Possessive Adjective ‘my’ em‡e|

Rule-6: Possessive Pronoun: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs, its, etc.
Possessive adjective (my, our, your, his, her, their) Gi c‡i Aek¨B Noun em‡e| wKš‘ possessive pronoun (mine, ours,
yours, his, hers their) Gi c‡i Noun em‡e bv| Repetition Gov‡Z Possessive adjective + noun Gi cwie‡Z© possessive
pronoun (mine/his/hers etc) e¨eüZ nq|

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Av_ev a relative/friend/habit/ game of Gi ci mine/his/hers/theirs/ours e‡m| KviY, Giv one of + possessive adjective +
plural noun Gi cwie‡Z© e‡m| one of my friends = a friend of mine.
g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e mine= my + noun;
ours= Our + noun;
yours = your + noun; etc.

01. Ours is an agricultural country. [GLv‡b ours=our country]
02. Her name comes after-----.
(a) me (b) my (c) mine (d) I [GLv‡b mine (my name) n‡e] Ans: c
03. If you come to my house, I will go to yours.
04. Inc : I went to yours house yesterday.
Cor : I went to your house yesterday.

Rule-7: Reflexive Pronoun: Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, themselves, itself.
(i) Complement Gi g‡a¨ hw` †Kvb wKQz _v‡K †hwU Subject †K †evSvq †m‡¶‡Î Pronoun wU Reflexive Pronoun G n‡e| A_©¨vr
Subject hw` wb‡R wb‡RB wKQz Kiv †evSvq Zvn‡j Reflexive Pronoun nq|
(ii) Avail, Absence, Pride, Plume, Exert G‡`i ci Reflexive Pronoun nq|
g‡b ivLvi †KŠkjt APE(Mwijv, †jRwenxb evbi ) = A = Avail, Absence
P = Pride, Plume
E = Exert
1) She killed herself. [Sub I Complement GKB Pronoun ZvB herself n‡q‡Q|]
2) Don’t pride yourself on your wealth.
3) They availed themselves of the train.
1) Inc : I will avail of the opportunity. Cor : I will avail myself of the opportunity.
2) Inc : He absented from the meeting. Cor : He absented himself from the meeting.
3) Inc : He prides on his success. Cor : He prides himself on his success.
Or, He takes pride in his success.
Rule-8: Each other I one another
[Each other- `yBR‡bi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z, one another- `yBR‡bi AwaK]
1. Rakhi and Rakib aren’t dating each other any more.
2. The students are talking one another.

Rule-8: ‡Kvb Noun Gi mv‡_“ ‘s” †hvM K‡i Possessive Kiv hvq| wKš‘ H Noun Gi mv‡_ “S” _vK‡j ïay (‘) †hvM K‡i Possessive
Kiv hvq wKsev ‘s w`‡qI Kiv hvq|
Jahir Gi Possessive Jahir’s
Avevi Charles Gi Possessive Charles’ ev Charles’s
he’s = he is
his = he Gi Possessive
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 10 | P a g e
Who’s = Who is
it’s = it is
Whose = Who Gi Possessive
its = it Gi Possessive

Rule-09: They wKsev them KL‡bv Relative Pronoun Gi antecedent nq bv| †m †¶‡Î ‘those’ emv‡bv hvq|

1. God helps those who help themselves [them, they e‡m bvB]
2. Those who are guilty will be punished. [them, they Gi cwie‡Z© ‘those’ nq|

Relative pronoun/Antecedent/ Verb

Antecedent (c~e©eZx© ; c~e©Mvgx) : Relative Pronoun Gi c~‡e©i Noun ev Pronoun ‡K Antecedent e‡j|
i) I know the girl whom you love.
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b girl n‡”Q Antecedent; whom n‡”Q Relative Pronoun.

Antecedent and Verb: Relative Pronoun me mgq Zvi Antecedent Gi cv‡kB e‡m Ges Gi c‡ii verb wU H
Antecedent Abymv‡i e‡m|
Structure: e¨w³ + Who
1. It is I who am your brother. GLv‡b I Abymv‡i Verb am e‡m‡Q|[ e¨w³ + Who+Verb Gfv‡e e‡m|]

2. The man who stole my bog was tall. [ e¨w³+Who+Verb]

✓ That- e¨w³/e¯‘/ clause marker wn‡m‡e e‡m|

✓ Which- e¯‘i/†QvU wkï/BZi cÖvYxi †¶‡Î e‡m| wkï = baby, child, kid.
✓ Whose- Gici Noun e‡m (Z‡e e¨w³i bvg bq) whose book do you want?

Important questions
1. Whom did you help yesterday? Here ‘whom’ is----
a. a noun b. a relative pronoun c. an interrogative pronoun d. a demonstrative pronoun. Ans:C
3. A reward has been announced for the employees who------hard. [29th BCS]
a. have worked b. has worked c. will worked d. have had worked Ans:a
4. It is the students who ———— making noises. a. is b. are c. was d. has Ans:B
5. Jewel sir is one of the teachers who -------- great.
a. is b. has c. have d. are Ans:d
6. Which one is correct? [26 BCS]
a. The man was tall who stole my bag. b. The man stole my bag who is tall.
c. The man stole my bag who was tall. d. The man who stole my bag was tall. Ans:D
7. Choose the correct sentence. [JnU (D) 13-14]
a. The boy was short who snatched my hand bag. b. The boy snatched my hand bag who was short.
c. The boy who snatched my hand bag was short. d. The boy was short who was snatching my hand bag. Ans:C
8. Choose the correct option. [DU, (D)-Unit: 2003-04]
a. The people are friendly who live in the house, b. The people live in the house who are friendly.
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 11 | P a g e
c. The people live in the house who is friendly, d. The people who live in the house are friendly. Ans:D

Who, whom, whose Gi e¨envi

Who, whom, whose Giv Personal Pronoun- Gi wZbwU iƒc‡f`| Relative Pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨w³evP‡Ki cwie‡Z© Giv e‡m|
(i) G‡`i g‡a¨ Who subject Position-G e‡m| A_©vr Subject Gi KvR K‡i|
‡hgb- The seaman rescued who came with you in Cox’s Bazar.
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b who n‡”Q came Gi Subject.

(ii) Whom object position-G e‡m| A_©vr Object Gi KvR K‡i|

‡hgb- The seaman rescued whom you took with you in Cox’s Bazar.
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b whom n‡”Q rescued Gi Object.

(iii) Whose Noun/ Noun Phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m Gi mv‡_ gvwjKvbv (Possess)-i m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i|
‡hgb- I know whose car is this.
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b whose n‡”Q car Gi Possessive eySv‡Z| whose ÕhviÕ A_© cÖKvk K‡i|

(iv) Awbw`©óZv eySv‡Z Relative Pronoun-Gi mv‡_ Ever hy³ nq A_©vr Who-Gi cwie‡Z© Whoever, Whom-Gi cwie‡Z©
Whomever e‡m|
Note: Whoever/ Whomever Gi e¨envi Who / whom GigZB Z‡e Whoever/ Whomever Gi †ÿ‡Î e¨w³ Awbw`©ó nq|
who, whom -wbw`©ó e¨w³

✓ Whoever-‡hB †nvK,
✓ Whomever- hv‡KB †nvK
(i)Give the work to whoever looks idle
1. Who + Verb
2. Whom + Noun/Pronoun [GKwU Finite Verb e‡m]
3. Who+Sub+Fv1+Fv2 [Who Gi Sub n‡j `ywU F.V nq]
4. Whose+ Noun

1. He is the boy whom you know very well.
2. He is the boy who I think is your brother.
e¨vL¨v : ‡h‡nZz Who Subjective form ZvB Gici Verb e‡m wKš‘ Who Gici Sub em‡j H Sub Gi Rb¨ GKwU Verb I Who Gi
R‡b¨ GKwU verb ZvB Who Gici Subject em‡j `ywU finite Verb e‡m| A_©¨vr think I is `ywU finite Verb ZvB Who e‡m‡Q|
Whom I Whose
Whom I Whose Gi g‡a¨ Whom-objective Pronoun, Whose-Possessive Pronoun.
(i) Whom + Noun (bvg)/Pronoun e‡m|
(ii) Whose + Noun (bvg e¨ZxZ)
1. He is the boy whom Rahim wants
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 12 | P a g e
2. He is the boy whose mother wants you.

Important Questions
01. Nazrul, ____ is our national poet, was also a soldier. [D Unit 2015-16]
A. whom B. who C. he D. what Ans: B
e¨vL¨v t ‡h‡nZz k~b¨¯’vb Gi c‡i verb Av‡Q ZvB who n‡e|
02. Choose the correct word for the following sentence: The teacher------student evaluations were the highest
won an award. [C Unit 2011-12]
A. which B. whose C. whom D. who Ans: B
e¨vL¨v: c‡i Noun phrase (student evaluations) _vKvq possessive (whose) em‡e|
03. Indicate the error, if any, in the underlined words. [C-Unit 2002 -2003]
He was the author I was the Ekusheaward. Ans:A
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b Subject wenxb Finite Verb ‘was’ i‡q‡Q ZvB whom bv n‡q who em‡e|
04. ----among you are from Class XII? [Dhaka University (D) 2016-2017]
A. Which B. Who C. Whom D. Whose Ans:b
e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨i subject wn‡m‡e e¨vw³i cwie‡Z© who n‡e|
05. I know the boy – is there. [ivRkvnx wek^we`¨vjq : 04-05/07-08]
a. whom b. who c. which d. that one Ans: B
e¨vL¨v: Subjective Pornoun wn‡m‡e e¨w³i c‡i who e‡m|
06. Do you know the student who books were stolen? [‡KvbwU‡Z fzj Zv DËi Ki‡Z n‡e] [D Unit 2012-13]
A. Do B. know C. who D. were Ans: C
e¨vL¨v: Who books bq; n‡e whose books ev hvi eB¸‡jv|
07. The old man – lives next door has bought a car. [Kywgjøv wek^we`¨vjq : 08-09]
a.who b. whom c. which d. that one Ans: A
e¨vL¨v: Subjective Pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨w³ c‡i who e‡m|
08. Give the clothes to – needs them. [RMbœv_ wek^we`¨vjq : 06-07]
a.who b. whomever c. whoever d. whom Ans: C
e¨vL¨v: Verb Gi c~‡e© Who e‡m| Awbw`©óZv eySv‡Z Whoever e‡m|
10. The chief guest handed over the prize to___ had solved the quiz perfectly.
A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever Ans: D
e¨vL¨v: Prize-wU Kv‡K ‡`qv n‡e Zv mywbw`©ó bq| Zv †Q‡j n‡Z cv‡i, †g‡qI n‡Z cv‡i, Kv‡Qi †KD n‡Z cv‡i, `~‡iiI ‡KD n‡Z cv‡i A_©vr
Awbw`©óZv eySvq ZvB ever hy³ n‡e (Whoever). Verb Gi c~‡e© Awbw`©óZv eySv‡Z whoever e‡m|
11. The chief guest handed over the prize to the boy____ had solved the quiz perfectly.
A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever Ans: A
e¨vL¨v: the boy D‡jøL _vKvq Prize-wU Kv‡K †`qv n‡e Zv mywbw`©ó ZvB ever hy³ n‡e bv (Who).
12. I saw Shoshi____ went to the university.
A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever Ans: A
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b saw verb-Gi Subject n‡”Q I wKš‘ went verb- Gi †Kv‡bv subject ‡bB ZvB subject wn‡m‡e who em‡e| GLv‡b
Reference wn‡m‡e Shoshi D‡jøL Av‡Q ZvB ever hy³ n‡e bv| Ans: who
13. I saw Shoshi___ we knew as the post.
A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever Ans: B

Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 13 | P a g e
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b saw verb- Gi Subject n‡”Q I Ges knew verb- Gi subject n‡”Q we A_©vr Subject Ges Finite Verb mgvb mgvb ZvB
Object wn‡m‡e whom em‡e| GLv‡b Reference wn‡m‡e Shoshi D‡jøL Av‡Q ZvB ever hy³ n‡e bv|

Pronoun antecedent agreement

Rule-1: ‘One’ Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Gi Possessive n‡e One’s.wKš‘ No One, any one-subject n‡j Possessive nq
“his ev her”.
1. One should do one’s duty.
2. No one should deny his duty.

Rule-2: Subject plural n‡j H Subject Gi Possessive plural nq| Subject Singular n‡j H Subject Gi Possessive
Singular nq|
1. They are playing to their field.
Rule-3: Collective Noun Gi cwie‡Z© Object ‘it’ possessive ‘its’ nq|
1. The committee has met and it has taken a decision.
e¨vL¨v : The committee- collective noun Gi cwie‡Z© ‘it’ e‡m‡Q|
2 The family does its best to make a proper living.
e¨vL¨v : The family- collective noun Gi cwie‡Z© ‘it’ e‡m‡Q|

Rule-04: One of the, Neither of the, Either of the, Each of the G‡`i ci noun (plural) wKš‘ verb (singular) Ges
Possessive Adjective (Singular)

g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj t ONE Gi ci noun (plural) ---verb (singular) --- Possessive (Singular)

O = One of the,
N = Neither of the
E = Either of the, Each of the
A_©vr G‡`i ci Noun (plural) --- verb (singular) --- Possessive Adjective (Singular)
students gets his
i. At least one of the full marks in exam. [24th BCS]
N ( P) V ( S ) P(S )
i) one of the Gi ci student bv n‡q students n‡q‡Q|
ii) students Gi mv‡_ verb get bv n‡q singular nIqvi R‡b¨ gets n‡q‡Q | Verb Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM Ki‡j verb singular nq|
iii) students Gi cwie‡Z© their bv n‡q his n‡q‡Q

1. Each of the sons followed----------father’s trade. (33rd BCS)

A .their b. her c .whose d. his Ans: d
Rule-5: Sentence G Everybody, Everyman, Every girl, Anyone, Anybody, Any man BZ¨vw` _vK‡j G‡`i Pronoun me mgq
his/her n‡e|

Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 14 | P a g e
Inc : Every should respect their teachers.
Cor : Everybody should respect his teachers.

Nominal that clause

Verb Gi subject wn‡m‡e hw` †Kvb clause Av‡m Zvn‡j H clause wU GKwU fact †K eySvq| †m †ÿ‡Î clause
marker wn‡m‡e that e‡m Ges GB clause †K ‘Nominal that clause’ e‡j|
❖ A_©¨vr that clause ev‡K¨ Verb Gi Subject n‡Z cv‡i|
1. That Nannu is a good player is known to all.
e¨vL¨v : GLv‡b That Nannu is a good player GwU Subject Ges is know Verb.

One ---the other Gi e¨vnvi

i) `y B wU wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ n‡j One ——— the other
ii) wZbwU wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ n‡j One ——— another—— the other
iii) A‡bK¸‡jv wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ n‡j Some —— other ——— the other/the rest of the
iv) A‡bK¸‡jv wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ n‡j Some —— others ——— the others/the rest.

wb‡Pi example ¸‡jv †Lqvj K‡iv :

➢ I have two dresses, one is red and the other is blue.

Important Questions and Answers

1. One English proficiency test is the TOEFL and — is the Michigan TOEFL.
A. other B. another C. others D. the other Ans. D
2. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and __
A. the others are not B. another is inexperience
C. the other is not D. other lacks experience Ans.C
3. One movie starts at five, —— starts at seven and the other movies starts at nine.
A. a movie B. the other movie C. another movie D. the other Ans. C
4. One of my roommates studies engineering, another studies business, and — studies computer science.
A. others B. the other C. the others D. an others Ans. B
5. There are three kinds of solar eclipses, one is total, another is annular, and — is partial.
A. the another B. the other C. others D. other Ans. B
6. Some plants are annuals, — are biennials, the rest are perennials
A. another B. anothers C. other D. others Ans.D

Exam Questions
01. Choose the correct sentence.
a) Jahir’s the guy who giving us a ride. b) Jahir’s the guy he giving us a ride
c) Jahir’s the guy whose giving us a d) Jahir’s the guy who’s giving us a ride
e) Jahir the guy who giving us a ride. Ans: d
e¨vL¨v: Jahir is the guy who is giving us a ride. Rwni †Q‡jwUB Avgv‡`i åg‡Yi my‡hvM K‡i w`‡”Q|
Jahir’s = Jahir is
Who’s = who is
Relative Pronoun Gi c‡i verb e‡m ZvB who’s n‡e right answer.

02. Choose the correct sentence- [Medical College Admission test 2016-17]

Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 15 | P a g e
(a) One should obey their parents (b) One should obey one's parent
(c) One should obey one parent (d) One should obey the parent Ans: b
e¨vL¨v: Subject one n‡j, possessive adjective one’s n‡e|
One has an obligation to one's friends. [Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary]
03. It's partly finished. There is ___ left. [Dhaka University (B) 2016-2017]
a) nothing b) everything c) anything d) something Ans:d
04. A snake can rat and digest animals much larger than _______ .
a) it b) itself c) its d) it has. Ans: itself
e¨vL¨v: Subject Ges Object GKB e¨vw³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j reflexive pronoun e‡m|
05. Of those who graduated with Betty and ________, Ellen is the only one who has found a good job.
a) his b) he. c) him d) its. Ans: (c) him.
e¨vL¨v: with Gi object wn‡m‡e Betty Gici him n‡e right answer.
06. Salma could not tell ____ books were left on the table. [Dhaka University (A) 2016-2017]
A. whose B. who’s C. who D. who is Ans: A
e¨vL¨v: Books Noun Gi c~‡e© possessive form whose n‡e| hvi ev Kvi A‡_© whose e‡m| mvjgv ej‡Z cv‡iwb Kvi eB¸‡jv †Uwe‡ji
Dci ivLv wQj|
07. No one is completely sure ——— causes booms and depressions in free economies. [C U (C1) 2016-17]
(A) how (B) whom (C) what (D) why (E) when Ans:C
08. Author Edith Warton thoroughly understood the society_____. [Chittagong University (B2) 2016-17]
A. She had grown up B. which she had grown
C. in which she had grown up D. she had grown up in it Ans: C
e¨vL¨v: ¯’v‡bi Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e ‘in which’ A_ev ‘where’ e¨eüZ nq|Avi e¨w³ eySv‡j who ev whom e‡m|
09. It is uncertain____ computers should take the credit for what they can do. [Rajshahi University (A)
A. what B. which C. whether D. while
e¨vL¨v: ‡Kv‡bv e¯‘ †evSv‡Z which e‡m| Ans: B
10. Pinocchio is hungry and looks for an egg to cook ----- an omelet; but, to his surprise, the omelet flies
out of the window. [DU(B) 2015-16]
A. his own self B. itself C. oneself D. himself Ans: D
e¨vL¨v : wb‡Ri KvR wb‡R Ki‡j Reflexive pronoun nq| GLv‡b Pinocchio Gi Reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e himself e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
11. It was us who had left before he arrived. Correct the underlined part. [DU (C)-
Unit: 2007-08]
a. us who had left before he arrived b. we who had left before he arrived
c. we who had went before he arrived d. us who had went before he arrived
e. we who had left before the time he had arrived Ans :b
e¨vL¨v: Be verb Gi ci subject form e‡m| ZvB It was we n‡e| Before Gi c~‡e© past perfect nq|
12. Choose the correct option: [IBA, MBA: 2007-08]
(A) No one should ever feel that their heritages are unimportant.
(B) No one should ever feel that his or her heritage are unimportant.
(C) No one should ever feel that their heritage is unimportant.
(D) No one should ever feel that their heritage are unimportant.
(E) No one should ever feel that his or her heritage is unimportant. Ans :E
e¨vL¨v: No one should ever feel that their ..... GLv‡b their Øviv No one- †K refer Kivq GwU incorrect; KviY no one-
Gi mv‡_ his e¨eüZ nq| Gfv‡e (c) I (d) ev`| (B) ‡Z heritage singular nIqv m‡Ë¡I Gi ci are e¨envi nIqvq GwU fzj,
†hLv‡b (E ) ‡Z is e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q e‡j Answer n‡e(E)|
13. Either of the two girls will be awarded. The underlined word is – (Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq IBA-11-12)
(a) adjective (b) verb (c) noun (d) pronoun. Ans:D
14. The Captain, —— had a score of 30. [D-Unit DU 2006-07]
A. Joy and me B. Joy and myself C. Joy and I D. Joy and us Ans:C
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 16 | P a g e
e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨i subject wn‡m‡e subjective form e‡m| ZvB Joy and I n‡e|
15. According to the Christian Bible, when the disciples saw Jesus after he had risen from the dead, they
said ——————.
A. "It is him." B. "It is he." C. "It is his." D. "It is himself." Ans: B
e¨vL¨v: Be verb Gi ci subjective form e‡m| ZvB It is he n‡e|
16. Since Shamima Khatoon's father never approved of —— Kuddus, the couple ran off to Kartin's Island
where they started a dried-fish processing business. [BBA Admission Test 1998-99]
A. she to marry B. her to marrying C. she marrying
D. her to marry E. her marrying Ans:E
17. Indicate the error, if any, in the underlined words. [C-Unit 2002 -2003]
He was the author I was the Ekusheaward. Ans:A
18. He was the man————— I saw at the conference.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whomever Ans:B
e¨vL¨v: e¨w³ + whom+ subject + verb Gfv‡e e‡m|
19. The committee has met and ——. [C-Unit DU 2003-04]
A. they have reached a decision B. took their decision
C. its decision was reached at D. has formulated themselves some opinions
E. it has reached a decision Ans:E
e¨vL¨v: committee –collective noun . Collective noun Gi pronoun “ it” nq|
20. "One must follow —— conscience". [B Unit DU 2005-06]
A. individual's's C. right D. personal Ans:B
e¨vL¨v: Subject one n‡j possessive one’s n‡e|
21. The U.S. congress restored the medal of honor that was first presented in 1965 to women ---- name few
of us have heard. [DU A-Unit 14-15]
A. which B. who C. whose D. whom Ans:C

21. Control ----, Sabah! Everything is fine, so don’t start crying. [DU B-Unit 14-15]
A. yourself B. you C. me D. herself Ans:A
22. Nobody likes her: she talks about ---- all the time. [JnU-14-15]
A. her B. here C. herself D. self Ans:C
23. It is you who ..... to blame. [JnU-14-15] [mnKvix cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-16 /miKvix wmwU e¨vsK Awdmvi wb‡qvM-2011]
a) is b) was c) are d) were Ans. c
e¨vL¨v : Relative Pronoun Gi c‡ii verb Zvi Antecedent Abymv‡i e‡m| GB sentence G Antecedent you ZvB answer
are n‡e|
24. Which one is the relative pronoun? [RU 14-15)
A. he B. you C. his D. who Ans:D
25. Find the clause which best matches in the gap: [RU 14-15]
My neighbor, ———, say's there will be no mangoes next year.
A. who is optimistic B. whom are very optimistic
C. who is very pessimistic D. who is very popular Ans: C
26. Humans are the only factors in the ecosystem —— are responsible for the changes in the ecology.
[CU, F1-F Unit 14-15]
A. which B. whom C. who D. what E how Ans:A
27. Select the correct sentence: [HSTU, C-Unit 14-15]
A. I myself did the work B. Myself did the work
C. I was did the work D. done the work Ans:A
28. The more hemoglobin one has, the more oxygen is carried to ——— cells. [PUST, C-Unit 14-15]
A. one B. its C. their D. one's Ans:D
e¨vL¨v: Subject one n‡j possessive one’s n‡e|
29. Tell me ——— that. [24th BCS]
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 17 | P a g e
A. whom told you B. that told you C. who told you D. told you Ans:C
30. I have read the book___ you lent me. [24th BCS]
(a) that (b) whom (c) whose (d) what Ans:A
e¨vL¨v: Rvbv _vK‡j that, Rvbv bv _vK‡j what e‡m| ‡h‡nZz book Av‡Q ZvB that n‡e|
31. He is taller than ..... [K…wl m¤úªmvib Awa`ßi mnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v-2016]
a. me b.myself c. am I d. I
e¨vL¨v: Comparative sentence G than Gici pronoun Gi subjective form e‡m| Ans:D
32. It is health .... is wealth. [13 Zg †emiKvix cÖfvlK wbeÜb cixÿv (NTRCA). ¯‹zj- 2|-2016]
a) which b) what c) whatever d) whats ever Ans. a
e¨vL¨vt Health Gi c‡i relative pronoun ‘which’ e‡m|
33. It was she not me who put forth the attractive preposition. [SIBL-TSO -2013]
a. She, not I b) her, not me c) her, not I d) She, but me e) none of these
e¨vL¨v t e¨w³evPK subject ‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z who e‡m| ZvB who Gi c~‡e© subject form n‡q, she not. Ans. A
34. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat. [(†h †jv‡Ki Kv‡Q Avgvi evwowU wewµ K‡iwQjvg †m wQj GKRb avàvevR|]
a) to whom I sell b) to who I sell c) who was sold d) to who I sell
e¨vL¨v t ev‡K¨i the man n‡jv subject Avi who Øviv the man ‡KB eySv‡bv n‡”Q| wKš‘ cÖ‡kœi A_© Abyhvqx evwowU Ab¨ Av‡iKR‡bi Kv‡Q
wewµ Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB GLv‡b pronoun wn‡m‡e who bv e‡m who Gi object form whom em‡e| Ans. A

35. Choose the correct one.

a. He and me will go there. b. He and I will go there.
c. Me and he will go there. d. I and he will go there. Ans: B

e¨vL¨v: GKvwaK Personal Pronoun- and Øviv hy³ n‡j and -Gi Av‡M I c‡i GKB form n‡e| evK¨wU †`vl eySv‡j 1st
Person ïiæ‡Z Ges †`vl bv eySv‡j †k‡l 1st Person e‡m|

36. It is correct to say-

a. Habib and myself stayed home. b. Habib and me stayed home.
c. Myself and Habib stayed home. d. Habib and I stayed home. Ans: D
e¨vL¨v: Reflexive Pronoun KL‡bv GKv Subject n‡Z cv‡i bv| Z‡e emphatic pronoun n‡j c~‡e© subjective jvM‡e|
37. Choose the correct sentence.
a. Let you and I go together b. Let I and you go together
c. Let me an you go together d. Let you and me go together. Ans: D
e¨vL¨v: Let -Gi c‡i pronoun Gi objective form e‡m Ges GKvwaK pronoun _vK‡j cÖ‡Z¨KwUi objective form e‡m|
38. “Youth, I do adore thee.” What is the meaning of the word ‘thee’ in this line.
a. you b. them c. your d. yours
e¨vL¨v: Thee Gi A_© you (Avcbv‡K/‡Zvgv‡K/‡Zv‡K) hv ïay GKRb‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Ges verb Gi object wn‡m‡e e‡m| Ans: A
39. I had two eggs for breakfast and ---- of them was fresh. [PUST, C-Unit 14-15]
A. either B. neither C. each D. both E. not one Ans: B
40. This is pen — I want. [MBSTL, B-Unit 11-15]
A. whom B. who C. which D. it Ans: C
41. ----- Nannu is a good cricketer is known to all.
a. Our b. Which c. Therefore d. That
e¨vL¨v: Clause hw` subject/object nq Zvn‡j clause marker wn‡m‡e mvaviYZ that e¨eüZ nq| Ans: D
42. Which one is a pronoun?
(a) Book (b) After (c) Flute (d) It Ans: D
43. Which of the following is demonstrative pronoun? [mnKvix cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-2012)
(a) He (b) yourself (c) those (d) who Ans:C
44. Choose the correct sentence.

Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 18 | P a g e
a) He, not I, am to be held responsible for loss. b) He, not me, is to be held responsible for loss.
c) He, not I, is to be held responsible for loss d) He, not I, is to be hold responsible for loss. Ans: c
e¨vL¨v: He Ges I verb Gi c~‡e© i‡q‡Q ZvB Subjective Pronoun wn‡m‡e He, not I, n‡e| not Gi c~‡e©i kãwU Subject nq, ZvB He Gi
mv‡_ wgwj‡q ‘is’ verb n‡e.
d) option ‘d’ fzj KviY Passive Gi wbq‡g to be held n‡e|
45. Some of his books have been lost. Here some is-
(a) relative pronoun (b) adjective (c) Indefinite pronoun (d) demonstrative pronoun Ans:C
46. Which one is a distributive pronoun?
(a) This (b) Which (c) Neither (d) Both. Ans:C
47. Which one is a reflexive pronoun? (cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix Awdmvi c‡`i wb‡qvM cixÿv-2005)
(a) Who (b) himself (c) me (d) they. Ans: B
48. They killed one another. Here one another is –
(a) Distributive pronoun (b) Reciprocal pronoun (c) Reflexive pronoun (d) Demonstrative pronoun
Ans: B
49. Moby Dick is a mythical account of evil and revenge as shown by Captain Ahab's pursuit of the whale
that had wounded —— earlier in life.
A. he B. his C. him D. to him Ans: C
e¨vL¨v: GB ev‡K¨ had wounded n‡”Q verb; verb Gici objective Pronoun e‡m|
50. Since the Earth's crust is much thicker under the continents, equipment would have to be capable of
drilling through 100,000 feet of rock to investigate the mantle —————.
A. beneath them B. beneath their C. beneath its D. beneath they Ans: A
51. One property of radioisotopes is that ———— decaying occurs in half-lives over a long period of time.
A. they B. them C. they're D. their Ans: D
e¨vL¨v: verb+ing ev Gerund Gi c~‡e© Possessive Adjective form e‡m| ZvB right answer n‡e their. They Gi Possessive
Adjective n‡”Q their.
52. The man ———lives next door is a Doctor.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whomever Ans: A
53. In a parliamentary system, It is not the monarch but the Prime Minister ————.
A. whom the real power B. who has the real power
C. whom has the real power D. who the real power Ans:B
54. The jaw structure of a snake permits it to eat and digest animals much larger than ----- .
A. it B. itself C. its D. it has Ans:B
55. Choose the correct sentence.
A. He availed the opportunity to go to England.
B. He availed of the opportunity to go to England.
C. He availed himself of the opportunity to go to England.
D. He availed in the opportunity to go to England. Ans:C
e¨vL¨v: †Kv‡bv sentence G avail of _vK‡j H sentence-G reflexive pronoun e‡m|
i) Employees should avail themselves of the opportunity to buy cheap shares in the company. [Cambridge
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary]
ii) Avail yourself of every opportunity to learn. [Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English]
iii) Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of hotel facilities. [Oxford Advanced Learner’s

56. Most labor unions provide insurance benefits ——.

A. at your members B. in they members
C. for its members D. for their members Ans:D
57. The apostrophe (') is placed correctly in------ [DU B 2018-19]
A. My parent's home is in one of the town's posh areas.
B. My parents' home is in one of the town's posh areas.
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 19 | P a g e
C. My parent's home is in one of the towns' posh areas.
D. My parents home is in one of the town's posh areas. Ans: B
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avgvi wcZvgvZvi evvwo kniwUi AwfRvZ GjvKv¸‡jvi GKwU‡Z Aew¯’Z|
1. Avgvi wcZvgvZvi evwo, wcZvgvZv Dfq‡K eySv‡”Q ZvB plural noun Gi possessive n‡e A_¨©vr parents' n‡e|
2. GLv‡b ÒkniwUi GjvKv¸‡jviÓ K_v ejv n‡q‡Q ZvB town n‡”Q singular, town - singular weavq town's n‡e|

58. Shoose the correct sentence:

a. The man that said that was a fool b. The man who said that was a fool
c. The man that said that was a fool d. The man which said that was a fool
e¨vL¨v: Relative pronoun Gi antecedent me mgq Zvi c~‡e© e‡m| e¨w³ + who + verb Gfv‡e e‡m| Ans:B
59. We want the teacher to be him has the best rapport with the students.
a. We want the teacher to be him b. We want the teacher to be he
c. We anticipate that the teacher will be him d. We desire that the teacher be him Ans:B
e¨vL¨v: to be Gi ci pronoun Gi subject form nq|
60. It is, you know, I who is the person responsible for scheduling meeting in the conference room.
a. me who is b. me how am c. I who am d. I whom am
e¨vL¨v: To be verb Gici subjective Pronoun n‡e| Ans:C
61. Choose the correct sentence? [K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi) 15]
a) I, you and he are present b) You, he and I are present
c) You, he and I am present d) He, you and I are present
e¨vL¨v : Person- Gi wbqg Abymv‡i cÖ_‡g fv‡jv Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 2nd person (you), Zvi c‡i 3rd person (He) Ges †k‡l 1st Person e‡m
Ges ev‡K¨i evwK Ask| g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq nj 231| Ans:B
62. The preacher said that everyone will burn in eternal damnation for their sins.
(A) that everyone will burn in eternal damnation for their sins.
(B) that everyone for his sins in eternal damnation will burn.
(C) that everyone will burn in eternal damnation for his sins.
(D) about everyone that they will burn in eternal damnation for their sins.
(E) that all of us should burn in eternal damnation for their sins.
e¨vL¨v: GUv‡Z everyone _vKv‡Z his / her n‡e|(Eternal (‡q‡Ui&bvj&) damnation(W¨vg&‡bBb&kb&)- biK hš¿bv| Ans:C
63. The dog ate --- meal. [JU (Kha) 10-11]
a. its b. her c. it d. his Ans.a
64. The committee decided to defer ---- meeting for a month. [JU (Kha) 07-08]
a. their b. its c. them d. his Ans: b
e¨vL¨v: Collective Noun Gi cwie‡Z© Possessive ‘its’ e‡m| Committee n‡”Q Collective Noun.
65. My, our, her are-- [Dc‡Rjv cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-12]
a. nominative case b. dative case c. objective case d. possessive case Ans: d
66. Choose the correct option. [DU, (D)-Unit: 2003-04]
a. The people are friendly who live in the house, b. The people live in the house who are friendly.
c. The people live in the house who is friendly, d. The people who live in the house are friendly.
e¨vL¨v: Who’ w`‡q man †K indicate Kivq who, the people Gi wVK c‡i em‡e| mwVK DËi n‡e (d)| Ans: d
67. Which of the following sentences is correct? [RU (E †Rvi) 14-15]
a. He and I am well. b. He and I is well c. He and I are well d. He and I was well Ans: c
68. All of us Abir, Wafi, Nibir, Aritro and – were present. (IU (D) 11-12]
a. me b. mine c. I d. none Ans.c
69. It is correct to say- [DU (D) 08-09]
a. Habib and myself stayed home. b. Habib and me stayed home.
c. Myself and Habib stayed home. d. Habib and I stayed home Ans.d
70. The teacher told--- to leave. [DU (B) 09-10, BSMRUST (D) 12-13]
a. he and me b. him and me c. him and I d. he and I Ans.b

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71. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv Awa`߇i mnKvix cwiPvjK-01]
a. Let you and I go together b. Let I and you go together
c. Let me and you go together d. Let you and me go together Ans.d
72. Between ----, this is the greatest book I’ve ever read. [CU (E) 08-09, cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-15]
a. you and I b. I and you c. you and me d. me and you Ans.c
73. Every student in the classroom understands the lecture-----. [IU (C) 10-11]
a. except me b. except I c. excepting I d. excepting me Ans.a
74. For ---- did the board of directors’ vote? (‡evW© Ae wW‡i±im Kvi c‡ÿ †fvU w`‡qwQj) [KU 06-07]
a. who b. whom c. whoever d. whichever e. whose Ans.b
75. Choose the correct option: Take --- time. [JnU (B) 06-07]
a. you b. your c. you’re d. yourself Ans.b
76. I really like the way that car looks, but --- price is more than I can afford. [BU (D) 13-14]
a. its b. it’s c. it has d. it Ans:a
77. My father never approved of ----a foreigner. [mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvjq)-10]
a. her to marry b. her marrying c. she marrying d. she not marry Ans:b
e¨vL¨v: Gerund (verb+ing) Gi c~‡e© possessive adjective e‡m| Preposition Ges gerund (verb+ing) Gi gv‡S possessive
adjective e‡m| structure: Preposition + possessive adjective + Verb+ing(gerund)
78. We insist on --- leaving the room. (Avgv †Zvgvi iæg Z¨v‡Mi e¨vcv‡i †Rvi w`‡q ejwQ) [CU (E) 08-09]
a. you b. to you c. yours d. your e. you’re Ans:d
e¨vL¨v: Gerund (verb+ing) Gi c~‡e© possessive adjective e‡m| Preposition Ges gerund (verb+ing) Gi gv‡S possessive
adjective e‡m| structure: Preposition + possessive adjective + Verb+ing(gerund)
79. When friends insist on --- expensive gifts, it makes most people uncomfortable. [CU (Ga) 02-03]
a. them to accept b. their accepting c. they accepting d. they accept Ans.b
e¨vL¨v: Gerund (verb+ing) Gi c~‡e© possessive adjective e‡m| Preposition Ges gerund (verb+ing) Gi gv‡S possessive
adjective e‡m| structure: Preposition + possessive adjective + Verb+ing(gerund)
80. If you insist --- you must pay my money. [Cou (B) 07-08]
a. on my coming b. me to come c. on me to come d. so that I come Ans.a
e¨vL¨v: Gerund (verb+ing) Gi c~‡e© possessive adjective e‡m| Preposition Ges gerund (verb+ing) Gi gv‡S possessive
adjective e‡m| structure: Preposition + possessive adjective + Verb+ing(gerund)
81. My dog is smarter than--------. [DU (C) 15-16]
a. their b. theirs c. your d. her e. we Ans.b
e¨vL¨v: Possessive adjective + noun Gi cwie‡Z© possessive pronoun (mine/his/hers etc) e¨eüZ nq| My performance is
better than your performance = My performance is better than yours.
82. Is that my key, or is it----. [CU (D) 06-07, NU (weÁvb) 14-15]
a. the yours b. they your’s? c. your? d. yours Ans.d
e¨vL¨v: Possessive adjective + noun Gi cwie‡Z© possessive pronoun (mine/his/hers etc) e¨eüZ nq| My performance is
better than your performance. = My performance is better than yours.
83. Our laboratory is much more spacious than-----------. [CU (A) 09-10]
a. you b. him c. their d. hers e. they Ans.d
e¨vL¨v: Possessive adjective + noun Gi cwie‡Z© possessive pronoun (mine/his/hers etc) e¨eüZ nq| My performance is
better than your performance. = My performance is better than yours.
84. You should not say nasty things about Jessica. She is a friend of ----. [CU (E) 02-03]
a. her b. you c. ours d. me Ans.c
e¨vL¨v: A relative/friend/habit/game of Gi ci mine/his/hers/theirs/ours e‡m| KviY, Giv one of + possessive adjective +
plural noun Gi cwie‡Z© e‡m| one of my friends = a friend of mine.
85. He is a liar. Do you trust- ---? (‡m GKUv wg_y¨K| Zzwg wK Zv‡K wek^vm Ki?) [RU (I) 16-17]
a. his b. him c. her d. he Ans.b
86. Choose the correct sentence. [evsjv‡`k e¨vsK (A.D)-06, mnKvix cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-06]
a. The presents are for you and me. b. The presents are for you and I
c. The presents are for me and you. d. The presents are for I and w. Ans.a
Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 21 | P a g e
87. My uncle decided to take --- and my sister to the market. [wewmAvBwmÕi mn: e¨e¯’vcK (cÖkvmb)-11]
a. I b. me c. mine d. myself Ans.b
e¨vL¨v: Infinitive (to+verb), Gici object pronoun e‡m|
i) He came here to help me.
ii) I will have to tell him. [Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary]
88. ‘I cut myself.’ here ‘myself’ is a/an-- [kÖg cwi`߇ii RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-09]
a. pronoun b. adjective c. adverb d. reflexive pronoun Ans.d
89. Do it yourself. What kind of pronoun ‘yourself’ is -- ? [RU 08-09, 09-10]
a. demonstrative b. relative c. distributive d. reflexive Ans.d
90. Control ----- Farhana! Don’t get hysterical. [JnU (B) 09-10]
a. you b. oneself c. self d. yourself Ans.d
91. A snake can eat and digest animals much larger than---. [DU (B) 13-14]
a. it b. itself c. its d. it has Ans: b
92. I certainly esteem --- as a steady, reasonable kind of person. [DU (A) 08-09]
a. me b. mine c. my d. myself Ans: d
93. Complete the sentence: Masud introduced ---- to the other guests. [SUST (A) 11-12]
a. hisself b. him c. himself d. myself Ans.c
94. This is my pen. That is yours. Here ‘This’and ‘That’ are---- [RU 06-07]
a. Personal Pronoun b. Demonstrative Pronoun c. Possessive pronoun d. Noun Ans.b
95. Any, Anyone, Some, Someone, are --- [RU 05-06]
a. Demonstrative pronoun b. Indefinite Pronoun
c. Relative pronoun d. Interrogative pronoun Ans.b
96. None but Allah can help us. What kind of pronoun ‘None’ is ? [SUST 07-08]
a. Reflexive b. Reciprocal c. Indefinite d. Demonstrative Ans.c
97. Find out the correct sentence. [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Z_¨ Awdmvi-05]
a. One should not give opinion unasked. b. One should not give one’s opinion unasked.
c. One should not deliver his opinion unasked. d. One should not give his opinion unasked. Ans.b
98. Choose the correct sentence. [ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (2q †kÖwY) -15)
a. You, he and me are to blame for the mess. b. He, you and I am to blame for the mess
c. I, he and you are to blame for the mess. d. You, I and he are to blame for the mess. Ans: c
99. Choose the correct sentence: [RU (wnmveweÁvb) 07-08]
a. I, you and he committed the crime. b. You, he and I committed the crime
c. He, I and you committed the crime. d. I, he and you committed the crime. Ans: a
100. Neither Jane nor --- have been to the opera. [mv‡K©j A¨WRy‡U›U-15]
a. me b. I c. he d. him Ans: b
101. Choose the correct one:
a. Let Runa and I go b. Let Runa and mine go
c. Ler Runa and me go d. Ler Runa and myself go. Ans: c
102. There is really no difference between you and ---- .
a. I b. we c. them d. me Ans: d
103. It is not ---- who are to blame.
a. me b. we c. us d. him Ans: b
104. It is --- whom the committee has chosen. [JU (G) 12-13]
a. him b. he himself c. he d. himself Ans: c
105. I wish I were ----.
a. him b. his c. he d. himself Ans: c
106. Choose the correct option: Take ---- time.
a. you b. your c. you’re d. yourself Ans: b

Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 22 | P a g e
107. Find out the correct sentence.
a. I insist you to go there. b. I insist on your going there.
c. I insist upon you to go there. d. I insist yourself to go there. Ans: b
108. It was --- came running into the class room.
a. him b. he c. her d. them Ans: b
109. Shamim and --- are going to the cinema. [NU 09-10]
a. me b. myself c. my d. I Ans: d
110. The woman asked me where the hotel was so I told --- how to get there. [JnU (D) 05-06]
a. them b. she c. her d. it Ans: c
111. He wanted nobody --- to know --- the treasure was hidden. [DU (B) 14-15]
a. except him, what b. but himself, where
c. else, which d. and him, when Ans: b
112. Choose the correct sentence. [BSMRSTU (F) 12-13]
a. I shall avail this opportunity b. I shall avail myself of this opportunity
c. I will avail this opportunity d. I would avail this opportunity Ans: b
113. Choose the correct sentence. [RU (I) 15-16]
a. He absented from the meeting b. He absented himself from the meeting
c. He was absented from the meeting d. He had absented from the meeting Ans: b
114. Carl was one of the most intelligent --- class. [CU (E) 02-03]
a. student of their b. student of his c. students of his d. students of their Ans: c
115. Who is the man that came to you? Here ‘that’ is a/an ---. [we‡kl wbeÜb -10]
a. Indefinite pronoun b. Demonstrative pronoun
c. Interrogative pronoun d. Relative pronoun Ans: d
116. ‘I don’t like stories --- have unhappy endings. [CU (A) 07-08]
a. that b. they c. whom d. who e. where Ans: a
117. The registered parcel --- arrived for you is on the table. [DU (A) 13-14]
a. who b. whom c. which d. when Ans: c
118. The teachers --- challenge us are the ones we remember. [JnU (D) 08-09]
a. which b. whose c. whom d. who Ans: d
119. You can discuss the issue with --- you feel can solve your problem. [CoU (A) 14-15]
a. who b. whom c. whoever d. whomever Ans: c
120. This is the pen --- I want. [MBSTU (B) 14-15]
a. this b. whom c. which d. those Ans: c
121. Everyone knew the poet --- the students had invited to speak at the literary club.
a. who b. because c. whom d. since Ans: c
122. Life is a succession of lessons --- must be lived to be understood. [DU (D) 07-08]
a. then b. which c. those d. these Ans: b
123. Have you met the boy ---- father is a Major in the army. [Zzwg Kx Zvi evevi mv‡_ †`Lv K‡iQ hvi evev Avwg©i †gRi?]
a. which b. of which c. of whom d. whose Ans: d
e¨vL¨v: hvi, hv‡`i, Kvi, Kv‡`i, wK‡mi, ev gvwjKvbv A‡_© whose + Noun e¨envi Kiv nq|
i) Whose car is that? [H MvwowU Kvi?]
ii) Is that the writer whose books you never fail to buy? [¯^vfvweKfv‡e e¨eüZ of which Gi ¯’‡j KL‡bv KL‡bv whose e‡m|]
iii) The house whose windows are broken. [Rvbvjv fv½v evwoUv]
iv) Mr. Larif, whose house I rented for a year, is a businessman.

124. Which one of the following words is an example of a distributive pronoun? [38th BCS]
a. such b. either c. that d. any Ans. b

Miracle Applied English Grammar FB Group: English Solution Shakhawoat Hossen 01976606160 23 | P a g e
e¨vL¨v : ‡h Pronoun `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ga¨ †_‡K GKwU e¯‘ ev e¨w³‡K Avjv`v K‡i eySvq Zv‡K Distributive Pronoun e‡j|
125. Each of the sons followed----- father’s trade. [33 Zg wewmGm]
a. their b. his c. them d. himself Ans:b
e¨vL¨v: Each of the Gi ci noun (plural) wKš‘ verb Ges possessive singular nq| ZvB his n‡e|

126.Rashed, two of____ brothers attend primary school, wishes to be a school teacher after his graduation.
[evLivev` M¨vm wWw÷ªweDkb †Kv¤úvwb wjt {mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK/mnKvix Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY)}-22]
A. them B. which C. whom D. whose Ans:D
127. Fill up the blank in the sentence: ‘Everyone should respect___ teachers.’ [¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi †gwW‡Kj †UK‡bvjwR÷
A. his B. one’s C. own D. their Ans:A
128. It was I _____ he wanted to sing to. [wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ wj. (GWwgb Gwm÷¨v›U-23)]
a) that b) who c) whom d) which Ans: c) whom
e¨vL¨v: e¨w³ + whom+ subject + verb Gfv‡e e‡m|
129. Select the incorrect part of the sentence. [Rvnv½xibMi wek^. B Unit : 21-22]
It was him/who came/running/into the class room.
a) It was him b) running c) who came d) no error Ans: a) It was him
130. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Asia, and ______ are from ____ countries. [CU B
Unit : 21-22]
a) others, other’s b) the others, the other
c) the others, other d) the others, the others Ans: c) the others, other
131. I wish we did not have to use ___ car for the trip to your reunion. [BDS 21-22]
a) ourselves b) our c) us d) we Ans: b) our
132. One should be careful about------ duty. [Nursing Diploma 21-22]
a) his b) her c) the d) one’s Ans: d) one’s
133. They came to an old building ___ walls were made of rocks. [NSTU B Unit 13-14]
a) which b) whose c) who d) that’s Ans: b) whose
134. There are two brothers, but ----- of them were honest. [¯’vbxq miKvi cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi wb‡qvM cixÿv-23]
a) both b) neither c) either d) no one Ans: b) neither
135. Choose the correct sentence. [10th BCS]
a) A few of the three boys got a prize. b) Every of the three boys got a prize.
c) All of the three boys got a prize. d) Each of the three boys got a prize.
Ans: d) Each of the three boys got a prize.
i) cÖ‡Z¨K‡K Avjv`vfv‡e †evSv‡Z each e‡m|
i) Each boy was given a book. [BAD]
ii) Each of them is good. [BAD]
Each is used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately.
i) Each answer is worth 20 points.
ii) Each of the answers is worth 20 points each.
136. Which of the following sentence is correct?
a) Any of the three pen will do. b) Any of the three pens will do.
c) Either of the three pen will do. d) Either of the three pens will do.
Ans: b) Any of the three pens will do
Option (a) fzj KviY 'three pens’ n‡e|
e¨vL¨v: either `y‡qi †h †Kvb GKwU; either is used when referring to a choice between two possibilities.
‡hgb, i) Either candidate would be ideal for the job.
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