Motivational Speech

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Motivational speech

What is it?
A motivational speech is one that is delivered to a group with the intention of
inspiring actions among the audience and drawing their attention to the importance
of their work and efforts in achieving their goals.
What is motivation? Motivation is the force that drives us to do everything in life, we
can even say that it is the force that moves the world, characters like Simon
Bolivar, Teresa de Calcutta, Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan of Arc
and others who changed humanity had a deep motivation, they did not stay only
with their dreams but they took action, they moved, precisely the word motivation
comes from Latin and means to move you to action, move us to action, then every
day it is important that you keep yourself motivated to always aspire to something
more, do not be satisfied with what you have already achieved with what you have
or where you are, you have to know that you can achieve more, that you can
achieve more, that you are a capable person to do so and that you can even
continue training more to make your dreams come true; motivation is the first key
of successful people, if you want to be a successful person, always stay motivated.
The main characteristics of a motivational speech include the use of positive
phrases, avoiding the use of negative words like "no" or "never," unless they are
used to contrast a negative idea with a positive idea that points the way forward.
Additionally, the importance of individual growth is highlighted as an integral and
significant part of a common goal. Self-confidence is promoted, and it is
emphasized that this personal growth is most effectively achieved through
teamwork. Teamwork not only facilitates goal achievement but also contributes to
achieving them more efficiently and with less effort.
Furthermore, obstacles and mistakes are not viewed as hindrances in the activity
but as opportunities for continuous improvement in the organization, personal
growth, and the efficiency of the work group to which one belongs.
Components of the speech
Message or Topic: This is the main content of the speech, the central idea that the
speaker wishes to convey. It is the reason for the speech.
Speaker or Presenter: The person delivering the speech. They should be well-
prepared, reliable, and capable of effectively communicating the message.
Audience or Viewers: These are the individuals who listen to the speech. Their
expectations, knowledge, and reactions should be taken into account to make the
speech relevant and persuasive.
Effective Communication: The effective connection between the message and the
audience implies that the message is understandable, relevant, emotionally
persuasive, and aligns the interests and objectives of the speaker with those of the
audience. When this connection is successfully established, a motivational speech
has a lasting and powerful impact on those who listen.
Some topics for a motivational speech
1. Training: Discuss how continuous training and learning can enhance
employees' skills and confidence, boosting their professional success.
2. Compensation: Explore how appropriate rewards and recognition
can increase job satisfaction and employee motivation.
3. Motivation: Talk about how discovering and maintaining personal
motivation is essential for achieving goals and overcoming challenges.
4. Working Conditions: Emphasize the importance of a positive and
healthy work environment for employees' morale and productivity.
5. Overcoming: Inspire the audience to face obstacles with
determination and adopt a mindset of personal and professional growth.
6. Personal Development: Discuss the significance of personal growth,
self-awareness, and continuous improvement in both life and work.
7. Business Development: Explore how entrepreneurship and
business growth require vision, tenacity, and a focus on innovation.
8. Human Relations: Highlight how building strong and positive
relationships at work and in life can influence success and happiness.
9. Safety: Discuss how ensuring a safe working environment not only
protects employees but also contributes to a climate of trust in the
10.Leadership: Explore the qualities and skills necessary to be an
inspiring leader who guides others toward achieving goals and
Some of the best motivational speakers
 Erick Thomas, recognized for his book "The Secret to Success: When
You Want to Succeed as Much as You Want to Breathe" and his
motivational videos on Youtube.
 Tonny Robins, was born on February 29th, 1960 in Los Angele,
recognized for his success in his personal and professional life, books
like “Awaken the Giant Within” and “Unshakeable: Your Financial
Freedom Playbook".
 Zig Ziglar, was born on November 6th, 1926 in Alabama, and passed
away on November 28th in 2012, recognized for being an exceptional
communicator and books "See You at the Top" and "Secrets of Closing
the Sale".
 Wayne Dyer, born on May 10, 1940, in Detroit, Michigan, and passing
away on August 29, 2015, was recognized for his profound impact in the
fields of personal development and spirituality. His influential books such
as "Your Erroneous Zones" and "The Power of Intention" continue to
inspire countless individuals on their journeys toward self-improvement
and spiritual growth.
 Daniel H. Pink was born on July 23, 1964, in Columbus, Ohio, United
States. He is a renowned author and speaker known for his work in the
field of human behavior, motivation, and personal development. His book
"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" has been
influential in understanding the factors that drive motivation in both work
and life in general.
Other important figures
Also, we have other important and well-known figures around the world, such as
actors and politicians, who don't specialize in giving motivational speeches but are
exceptionally good at it. Below, three of them are highlighted and are widely
recognized for their ability to deliver motivational speeches. For this, Teresa
Aburto, a writer for "El Mundo," provided her opinions on them, which, in my
opinion, are quite accurate.
Martin Luther King Jr.
1. It is 'the speech' par excellence. The first one that usually comes to
mind. The leader of the struggle for civil rights in the U.S. delivered it
after the massive march on August 28, 1963, in Washington, before
more than 200,000 people and the stony gaze of the Lincoln Memorial.
How many times have Dr. King's powerful words echoed in our heads?
How many times have we had a dream? (Aburto 2015)
Al Pacino
2. For motivational speeches we already have Al Pacino... American
soccer coach Tony DÁmato's speech would lift the spirits of even the
most depressed of teams: 'Either we heal now as a team or we die as
individuals! (Aburto 2015)
Barack Obama
3. Part of Obama's victory is due to his charisma is a fact. One of the
US president's strategies is to appear close to the citizens, so we have
seen him eating fast food in several restaurants in the country, dancing
on the Ellen DeGeneres show, singing Taylor Swift's Shake it off, taking
selfies in a viral video for Buzzfed... just like any other mortal. 'Yes We
Can' (January 8, 2008) not only became his campaign slogan, but
inspired millions of volunteers and donors to join the then Illinois
Senator's campaign. (Aburto 2015)
Our Opinion
In our opinion, we firmly believe that motivational speeches are a great source of
inspiration and empowerment. For example, in moments when we doubt ourselves
or face a challenge, a motivational speech can be the thing that gives us
determination and the drive because these speeches tell us that we are capable of
achieving things through our effort and perseverance. We also believe that they
have a significant impact on our self-confidence, as well as on clearing our minds,
fostering a positive mindset in the face of situations that arise.

Informative speech
What is it?
The speaker delivers his or her speech with a clear and direct approach, striving to
set aside personal views. Their goal is to enlighten the audience on a specific topic
or message. To accomplish this, they rely on information, data and statistics to
facilitate the audience's understanding of the concept. These data and statistics
serve as supporting evidence for any claims they make.
The informative speech is based on facts, not opinions and its objective is
educational, so personal anecdotes, stories or opinions should not be included,
and a large number of references should be included to support the information.
.- The characteristics are
- -Strong emotions, whether positive or negative, can grab your audience's
attention and set up the discussion in an interesting way. (Duran,2021)
- To inform, to make known a topic in which the public is interested.
- To deepen people's knowledge
- Transmitting a message in a direct and objective way.
- Use of the 3rd person, sing. or plural (accent on the referent)
- Use of technical vocabulary
- It must be orderly and clear speech.
Informative speech is one of the communicative products older and more moldable
in society, the news is the daughter of political activity and social; It is perhaps, if
you like, the most conventional genre of communication public that ranges from
giving notices, announcements, and information, as well as fiscal than commercial,
entertainment or political. (Karam,2006)
In the criticism attends preeminently to the semantic (i.e., ideological) factors of the
informative discourse: justification journalism is left on the side of opinion
journalism. With the chronic, the factors directly related to the point of view of the
informant acquire primacy unusual in standard or canonical reporting: explanatory
journalism remains oriented towards relief or information. If criticism prioritizes the
relationship of reader with his reality, the chronicle does the same from the link of
the reader with the information professional. (Jorques,2005)
Education and Awareness: Informative speeches have the potential to serve as an
educational tool to inform the public about relevant issues. In addition, they can
play a crucial role in raising awareness about social, scientific, environmental or
political issues, which in turn can motivate change and action.
Building Trust: Informative speeches backed by a solid information base and
presented with transparency can help build trust in both the speaker and the
source of information. When people trust the information provided, they are more
inclined to take action based on that information.
Role in Journalism and the Media: Informative speeches play an essential role in
the field of journalism and media. Journalists use these discourses as a source of
news and as a starting point for informing the public about events and issues of
Impact on Social and Political Change: Well-structured news discourses have the
potential to influence public opinion and contribute to change in social and political
arenas. Political leaders and activists often resort to informative speeches to
mobilize the population and promote their agendas.
Key points to consider when preparing an informative speech:Incorporate current
or historical events Mentioning events that are currently occurring or referring to
historical moments can be an effective strategy to start your speech in a way that
the audience can relate to immediately.
Engaging the audience's attention A useful technique is to address the audience
rather than speaking only in their direction. Posing questions at the beginning of
the speech encourages audience participation from the start.
Use body language effectively Body language plays a significant role in
maintaining interest and captivating the audience during the speech.

Informative speech example

This example Short Informative Speech on Smoking

Smoking is regarded as a fashion symbol in young boys. Despite the ill effects of
smoking, people still continue to smoke. Many young boys, who start smoking, feel
that they look broadminded and liberated if they smoke.
Most often, the teenagers adopt this habit just because of the company they enjoy.
Sometimes, they take a puff from their friend’s cigar. Later on, they develop the
habit of smoking as an indispensible part of their lives. With the passage of time,
the followers of this bad habit turn into chain smokers. It must be kept in mind that
smoking is a toxic habit that may develop lungs’ cancer. Moreover, the other toxic
chemicals like arsenic, carbon Monoxide, methane, acetic acid, nicotine, butane
and cadmium present in cigarettes are also highly damaging for health.
Currently, cigarette manufacturing companies are doing very well all over the
globe. Such manufacturing companies also inscribe warnings on the packets of
cigarettes; still people do not pay any heed. On the other hand, every year
government increases the price of cigarettes to discourage people using tobacco.
Yet smokers go on smoking and prove to be slaves of this bad habit.
The active smokers also harm other people around them known as passive
smokers. Here, it is significant on the part of the government to keep a ban on
advertisements that allure people to smoke. Moreover, the family members and
close friends of the smoker should also play their part to aware the smoker about
the bad effects of this habit. Although it requires strong will to stop smoking but
once you plan to give up, you can definitely do.

The text provided uses an informational text approach to present relevant data and
facts related to the topic of smoking and its effects. The following highlights how
informational text is employed in this case:
Presentation of objective facts and data: The text begins by establishing the fact
that smoking is considered a fashion symbol in young males. This is presented as
an objective fact to contextualize the problem.

Mention of the harmful effects of smoking: The text reports on the harmful effects
of smoking without expressing personal opinions. It is mentioned that despite these
negative effects, people continue to smoke, which is supported with real data.

Description of the reasons behind the onset of smoking in young people:

Information is provided on why young people start smoking, including the influence
of company and the perception that smoking makes them appear more broad-
minded and liberated.

Warning about the risk of addiction and its consequences: Warns about how
smoking can become an ingrained habit in people's lives, which can lead to
excessive smoking and addiction. In addition, health risks such as lung cancer are

Our opinion
We believe that the informative discourse is one of the most important and at the
same time one of the most important to be taken care of and to which we must pay
a lot of attention when making one, since it is through it that we share knowledge,
data and facts with other people. Since it is a method in which information is
gathered, it is necessary to have research and reading skills. Since informative
speaking should convey factual information. Speaking skills and being confident in
the information provided, this refers to not just talking, but effectively
communicating information clearly and objectively.

In summary, informative speech is a crucial skill for an engineer, as it facilitates

effective communication in work teams, presentation of results, interaction with
clients and stakeholders, participation in conferences, and creation of accurate
technical documentation. Mastering this skill not only enhances professional
effectiveness, but also contributes to success in engineering and technical problem

Demonstrative speech
Firstly, what is a demonstrative speech? A demonstrative speech is a type of
speech which aims to declare and highlight something to the audience we have at
the time of giving our speech, usually using demonstrations or practical examples
to illustrate the main point of the speech in a clearer and more concise way. This
type of speech is normally required in sales presentations, motivational talks, talks
and conferences, among others.
In a demonstrative speech, the speaker may use various visual tools, such as
graphics, images, or videos, to help the audience better understand the topic and
visualize the concept they are trying to prove. The key to an effective
demonstrative speech is to provide clear and detailed information so that the
audience can fully understand the topic, the purpose of the speech, and are not left
with doubts about it.
Therefore, we can conclude that the demonstrative genre is one that is carefully
prepared with the purpose of criticizing a topic, demonstrating our points and
opinions, in addition to supporting the information already said with solid
arguments from reliable sources. (Rodriguez, 2022).
What good is it for us to prove something?
First, we must make it clear that demonstrating is the action that a person carries
out to prove a situation and express their point of view regarding a matter and
support it with various evidence that rectifies the statements that they have been
called to demonstrate.
On the other hand, we also normally use the word when wanting to declare
something, express an issue or when something is presented as an indication of
something, that is, it shows us the situation.
Likewise, another use that we give to the word in language is to indicate practical
teaching about something.
For example, when we want to advertise a product, we need to provide all the
information about said product, highlighting the things that distinguish our product
from the rest that exist on the market, demonstrating in this way that our product is
a better option, and they should prefer us. to us about the rest of the products of
assorted brands.
In short, demonstrating something is synonymous with declaring, proving, and
How can we make an efficient demonstrative speech?
Well, before starting to formulate our ideas, it is obvious that we must select a topic
of interest, from which we know we can obtain the necessary information to
support it.
The second step is to consider the audience we will be addressing, since we must
know that you cannot transmit a message in the same way to an adult as you
would say it to a teenager, you must know how to adjust to the audience towards
which you will direct, and know how to keep your audience entertained.
You must keep in mind that your topic is appropriate for a speech, since it must be
a topic that can be explained in a reasonable way and makes sense to the
audience in an uncomplicated way.
Once you have all this, you can start writing your speech, also using various visual
and auditory tools. The speech should also contain an introduction, body, and
conclusion, because this way you will not omit anything important.
Finally, you must practice your speech, because if you really want to demonstrate
something, you must first be sure of it and of yourself.
Features of demonstrative speech:
The one who is going to give the speech to an audience must be able to transmit
concisely the purpose of said speech, today since the main objective of a speech is
to inform and instruct the audience about a topic, and to ensure that the public
learn some of that information.
Normally this type of speech has step-by-step explanations, for the most part only
data that contains great relevance of the topic is provided in order to generate an
effective demonstration with sufficient clarity to not raise doubts, also from time to
time a section where there will be an interaction with the audience depending on
the context of the speech, it is also worth emphasizing that whoever is providing
the message must be perceived in a safe way, in order to more easily influence the
We must not forget that visual tools must be included because this way the public
will be able to grasp the message in a faster and more effective way.
Demonstrative speeches are a great resource when seeking to communicate to the
viewer how to carry out a certain activity or implementation process, motivating the
audience to carry out the described activity to understand the described process.
(Utel, 2023).
Processes during speech
“Every demonstrative speech (that tries to prove something) involves reasoning
and two processes: logical deduction and persuasion” (Cervantes, 1996).
Before talking about the 2 processes, we must remember that deductive reasoning
today is the process by which we manage to obtain deductive inferences, and that
an inference is valid if the conclusion reached in the end logically follows the
precise ones, that is, It will be impossible that if all our premises used are true, our
conclusion cannot be false.
But when is an argument solid? Well, it is said that an argument is solid, if it is valid
and all the premises that make it up are true. Some people define deduction in
terms of the intention that the author currently has, to facilitate the distinction
between valid reasoning and invalid reasoning.
Now we must ask ourselves the question, why is the process of logical deduction
involved during a demonstrative speech? Well, to tell the truth, it is something very
obvious, because at the time of providing the necessary examples with a large
number of premises that are true and that it is not possible to discuss their veracity,
because people begin to make logical connections, and everything I have said
begins to make sense to them.
In this part, we will talk about the second process, persuasion. Persuasion is, in
short, the ability to influence the actions of a group or a person, so that they
change their behavior or simply change their point of view about a topic. Whenever
we communicate with other people, persuasion is necessary. half.
Now, focused on the side of our speech, we can say that persuasion is present
throughout our presentation today because at the end of the day our intention is to
influence the opinion that people have about our topic.
We can say that this type of speech is also directed towards intelligence, because
through it we manage to make evident and even obvious what seems not to be,
and this is the purpose of demonstrative speech.
There is a great variety of statements that at first glance we cannot assure if they
are true or not, which is why everything requires a demonstration to rectify whether
or not said statement is true today, which is why the time to provide arguments,
provide scientific studies and statistics that confirm that the statement already said
today is true, we can say that a truth is founded since the bases and foundations
are laid that will support our point. (Arrieta, 2014)
Our opinion:
What we think about the demonstrative speech is that valuable and effective tool in
communication and in the field of education, because these speeches have the
capacity to make all the information, we try to transmit more understandable and
accessible to the public, to the audience we are addressing, by presenting it in a
practical visual and entertaining way for the type of audience we are dealing with, it
really facilitates understanding because by providing many examples people make
sense of it more quickly and they begin to make the logical connections on their
own so our purpose of demonstrating something is served in a good way to
encourage active learning and engaging the audience during our process. We also
should consider that this type of speech should be the most used in the
commercial field, when comparing products with others, and trying to demonstrate
why one is better than the other and why one should be chosen.

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