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The National Debt, Equality, China

The National Debt is so high in every country that it is convenient to

promote a healthy work environment to induce all weak humans to
work, in order to increase COMPETITION in the Labor Market.

Resentful people always promote violence for not being "equal" and
it is convenient to reduce that animosity with less bullying.

The way to limit violence is a narrative of equality.

Equality of results is unfair and designed to deceive naives.

There are different human capacity in many levels and even brothers
reach different levels of income, despite having similar opportunities
for health and education.

Sadly, the word "equality" is use by thousands of politicians in order

to seduce naives and capture their votes.

Even brothers with similar education have different income level.

And that depends on habits, drive, intelligence, perseverance,
emotional and spiritual intelligence... which are developed by each
citizen, without intervention.

China has experienced rapid economic growth over the past two
decades thanks to the PRIVATE SECTOR (companies, professionals,
technicians and investors' savings).

Income inequality increased sharply in China from the early 1980s,

and rendered China among the most unequal countries in the world.

China government accepted that situation in order to create

technical capacity with foreign investment.

China's Gini coefficient increased from 0.30 to 0.55 between 1980

and 2002.
Thanks to private sector the government can collect more and spent
in many rural areas to reduce China's Gini coefficient to 0.38.

We can see Ferraris, Prada because now China has multimillionaires

and poor people in the same city.

The existing income inequality in China is attributed to structural

factors of Chinese political system.

The structural drivers are:

a) urban-rural disparity

b) regional disparities in economic prosperity.

The same problems in many developing countries like Peru or


China doesn't allow blockades nor violence at airports.

June 23rd, 2023

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