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Lovely L.


Nisha wants to support Ben because he’s a friend. But if he felt comfortable asking his
colleague to cover for him and complete his work, he lacks judgment and self-
awareness. So, as his friend, Nisha should point this out rather than enable his
shortcomings. If he can’t respect her holding her ground, she should also question
whether this friendship has any value.

What rating should Nisha give Ben, and what should she tell him?

Should understand Ben’s situation
Cover him up
Give a passing rate of 3

Should confront Ben on why he is slacking off - openness
Give a deserving rate based on what he contributed
Think of what he produced to accomplish the project
Is he there at all times when needed?
Is he thinking about the team?
Can he balance his work and their project with Nisha?
It is not only him who has a lot of work, Nisha and Mark too

For Nisha:
Motivate your teammates
Remind everyone in the team that they have to peer evaluate each individual
Set a clear timeline, for the deadline and meeting time
The goal is to finish the project which everyone contributes
She may overthink those times when they work together in the past and right now
She may regret giving him a rating that Ben did not deserve
Ben will learn more about this experience if Nisha gives him the rating he deserves

For Ben:
He will not learn to manage time
He is making Nisha and Mark uncomfortable
Value of friendship
He should explain clearly why he is lacking – not only about his work from different area
is understaff or because his boss is strict
Should not use friendship over the rating because his boss will not want him to have low
Should not pressure Nisha
Think of what Nisha and Mark will feel if he is also on the same shoes as them

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