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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:433–435 433


BickerstaV’s encephalitis and the Miller Fisher

J B Winer

In 1951 BickerstaV and Cloake described three the literature. Cases with abnormal CT5 and
cases of ophthalmoplegia under the title of more recently MR imaging within the brain
“mesencephalitis and rhomboencephalitis” stem6 have been reported. Even the absence of
and suggested that the clinical features were tendon reflexes has been ascribed to interrup-
due to a midbrain disturbance.1 In this original tion of the tegmentum midbrain spinal cord
report the authors drew attention to the pathways resulting in altered á-motor neuron
similarities of this condition to Guillain-Barré function.7 Observations on a patient with
syndrome, although they concluded that a viral Miller Fisher syndrome who developed a
aetiology was more likely. Some 5 years later supranuclear gaze palsy were cited as strong
Miller Fisher published his famous paper on a evidence of a central cause for the syndrome.8
syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and are- In an editorial in the same volume of the
flexia2 and suggested that this syndrome was an Archives of Neurology Ropper9 hotly debated
unusual variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome that conclusion, pointing out that some physi-
because of absent reflexes and a raised protein cal signs normally considered to indicate CNS
in CSF. He proposed that the high CSF protein involvement could be mimicked by peripheral
and the fact that ophthalmoplegia occurs in nerve disease—for example, preservation of
more classic Guillain-Barré syndrome sug- Bell’s phenomenon, and supranuclear gaze
gested that the pathology would prove to be palsy. Ropper proposed a mechanism for the
similar. Although the signs were diYcult to ataxia in Miller Fisher syndrome10 based on a
explain on a purely peripheral basis he “reluc- case that seemed to have a disparity of the pro-
tantly” concluded that they should be “inter- prioceptive information from muscle spindles
preted as manifestations of an unusual and and kinaesthetic information from joints and
unique disturbance of peripheral neurons”. other proprioceptors.
The following year BickerstaV published “fur- A clearer understanding of the pathogenesis
ther observations on a grave syndrome with of Miller Fisher syndrome,Guillain-Barré syn-
benign prognosis”3 which he continued to drome, and ophthalmoplegia in brain stem
regard as a form of encephalitis. In this paper encephalitis was clearly needed to resolve this
he reviewed his previous cases and described debate about central versus peripheral involve-
four others. Many of these patients had CSF ment and the role of infective agents.
pleocytosis and marked drowsiness. In one Studies over the past decade have thrown
patient postmortem examination disclosed much light on the possible mechanism of
ballooning of myelin sheaths within the brain immune mediated nerve damage. The finding
stem and diVuse loss of Purkinje cells in the that serum from the vast majority of patients
cerebellum. Perivascular aggregations of lym- with Miller Fisher syndrome11 12 contains an
phocytes were also seen in the frontal lobes. antibody that reacts with the peripheral nerve
These changes were thought to suggest that ganglioside GQ1b provided a plausible expla-
much of the pathophysiology was due to nation for at least part of the pathophysiology
cerebral oedema secondary to either a viral of the disease. Unlike the relation of antigan-
infection or resulting from hypersensitivity to glioside antibodies with GBS13 the association
an infection. of anti-GQ1b was so tight that it seemed very
A subsequent publication from a group likely that these antibodies must in some way
including BickerstaV came down strongly on be pathogenetic. In 1994 Roberts et al showed
the side of an encephalitis in a paper4 that that a serum factor caused neuromuscular
Department of described 18 patients with the syndrome of blockade in patients with Miller Fisher syn-
Neurology, Queen which many had atypical features such as fever, drome by first increasing then blocking the fir-
Elizabeth Hospital, extensor plantar signs, CSF pleocytosis, and ing of miniature end plate potentials in the
Edgbaston, coma. The authors reported low density mouse hemidiaphragm preparation.14 Studies
Birmingham B15 2TH, changes in the brain stem on CT of a woman of by Buchwald et al15 have demonstrated neuro-
J B Winer
69 years. She subsequently died from the muscular block using anti-GQ1b IgG, strongly disease and at post mortem her midbrain suggesting that this is the mediator of the
showed foci of microglia, astrocytic prolifera- symptoms in Miller Fisher syndrome. Anti-
Received 28 September 2000 tion, and cuYng of vessels. GQ1b monoclonal antibody has also been
and in revised form
2 March 2001 Debate about the peripheral or central shown to block neuromuscular transmission
Accepted 7 March 2001 nature of these syndromes continued to rage in with an eVect closely resembling the paralytic
434 Winer

neurotoxin á-lathratoxin in the mouse neuro- cases and assigning to diVerent diagnostic cat-
muscular junction.16 egories on the basis of their clinical, neuro-
Anti-GQ1b antibodies also cross react with physiological, and pathological features. They
lipolysaccharide in the bacterial coat of Campy- found many shared clinical and immunological
lobacter jejuni17 18 providing a possible mech- findings within these groups including diVerent
anism by which these antibodies might be frequencies of anti-GM1 and GD1a antibod-
formed in patients with Miller Fisher syn- ies, the last occurring in 50% of cases of
drome and indeed other forms of Guillain- Guillain-Barré syndrome and only in 8% of
Barré syndrome. Cross reactivity with other BickerstaV’s encephalitis.
organisms could explain cases of Miller Fisher They propose the concept of an “anti-GQ1b
syndrome not related to C jejuni. antibody syndrome” which includes all these
Further evidence of an important role for diseases despite diVerent clinical features.
anti-GQ1b antibodies in Miller Fisher syn- Plasma exchange or IVIg might logically be
justified in patients with anti-gQ1b antibodies
drome is the finding that the third, fourth, and
and ophthalmoplegia whatever the primary
sixth cranial nerves contain appreciable
clinical diagnosis. The evidence of benefit from
amounts of GQ1b ganglioside19 and can be
these treatments in BickerstaV’s encephalitis
stained using fluorescent labelled mouse anti- however, remains anecdotal.23
GQ1b monoclonal.16 The frequency of involve- It is amusing to conclude that despite the
ment of ophthalmoparesis in myasthenia which debate over the years about whether Miller
itself results from neuromuscular blockade Fisher syndrome was an immune mediated
adds weight to this proposed pathogenetic polyneuritis or a brain stem viral infection,
mechanism. Despite the plausibility of this both camps may well turn out to be able to
argument patients with Miller Fisher syndrome claim credit. Perhaps anti-GQ1b antibodies are
lack any clinical evidence of fatigability; nor is the key factor in mediating the ophthalmople-
there any neurophysiological evidence to sub- gia and these can be produced in various
stantiate a defect in the neuromuscular junc- diVerent ways in diseases that may aVect both
tion. the peripheral nerves and less commonly the
Anecdotal reports of the response of patients brain stem itself? Defects in neuromuscular
with Miller Fisher syndrome to plasma ex- transmission may be only one mechanism by
change20 would be consistent with a pathogenic which these antibodies mediate disease. Unrav-
role for anti-GQ1b antibodies. The ultimate elling other mechanisms promises further
proof that anti-GQ1b antibodies mediate fascinating insights into the cause of autoim-
Miller Fisher syndrome requires the demon- mune neurological disease.
stration that passive transfer of antibody can
mimic disease in vitro in an animal model but 1 BickerstaV ER, Cloake PCP. Mesenchephalitis and
rhombencephalitis. BMJ 1951;ii:77–81.
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was moderately depleted of Purkinje cells and 12 Willison HJ, Veitch J, Paterson G, et al. Miller Fisher
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The authors proposed that BickerstaV’s en- 13 Enders U, Karch H, Toyka KV, et al. The spectrum of
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munological disorders. Ann Neurol 1993;34:136–44.
sent a single autoimmune disease with a wide 14 Roberts M, Willison H, Vincent A, et al. Serum factor in
range of symptoms including ophthalmoplegia Miller-Fisher variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome and neu-
rotransmitter release . Lancet 1994;343:454–5.
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The association of anti-GQ1b antibodies by immunoglobulin G from patients with Miller Fisher
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with BickerstaV’s encephalitis is nowhere near 16 Plomp JJ, Molenaar PC, O’Hanlon GM, et al. Miller Fisher
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