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I. Starting Points for the Understanding of Culture Society and Politics

1. Culture - shared values,system and etc can be used to identify a group of people
2. Society - interdependent collection of people who communicate in an organized manner
3. Politics - Making policy for the government is what politics all about
- Government = wields power and decision making

Different aspects that make up a Culture

- Gender = socially constructed characteristics
- Socio-economic Status = assessed using a combination of factors
- Ethnicity = recognizable culture traits
- Religion = set of beliefs about supernatural or spiritual world

Changes in Social, Cultural and Political

1.] Social Changes - changes of a social organization

2.] Cultural Changes - changes to the Structure or content of a Culture

Factors involved in Social and Cultural Changes

> Technological and Economical Changes
● Agricultural Advancement
- population growth
● Industrialization
- altering to a socio-economic order
> Modernization
- the way of adapting to changes
> Urbanization
- great shift in population
> Conflict & Competition
- demands of the product, the market engage
> Political Ideology & Legal Power
- political ideas from other country influences other nation

3.] Political Changes - when nation's form of government changes

Types of Political Changes

> Internal
- suggested by country residences
> External
- initiated by other country

II. Concept of Society

> Society - a group of people that shares territory, interaction, and culture.

● Functional - group full of complexity

● Structural - the total social heritage

3 reason people live together as a Society

a) for survival - always depends on others

b.) feeling of gregariousness - flock together for belongingness and warmth.
c.) Specialization - organize themselves into societies to promote their own profession.

Characteristics of Society

1.) social system - a change in one group of individuals effects the stability
2.) relatively large- socially integrated to be relatively large in scope.
3.) socializes its members from those from without - taught basic norms and expectations
4.) sustains its members for generations - the ability to produce new members
5.) holds its members through a common culture held to gather values norms and culture
6.) clearly defined geographical theory -

Major Functions of Society

1.) A system of socialization - values, norms belief are passed down

2) the basic needs of the members - the society must provide the members with basic needs.
3.) Regulates the and control the people's behavior - peace and order are created through a
4.) the means of social participation - individuals learn to interact with each other.
5.) mutual support - the form of relief in any form and solution to problems met by them.

Types of society.

● Economic and Material system

1. Pre-class societies - communal ownership and division of labor

2. Asiatic Societies- economically self-sufficient but readers are despotic and powerful.
3. Ancient Societies- rich, big tract of private properties while the poor worked as laborers.
feudal societies aristracate owned
4. feudal societies - aristocrat owned the wealth of the country due ownership of big lands
5. Capitalist societies - Bourgeois and Proletariat
6. Democratic society - people are free to engage in any lawful business.

● Evolutionary View
1. simple societies predominantly small ,nomadic and unstable leadership
2. compound Societies - 2 or more simple society
3. Doubly compound -
4. Militant Society -
5. Industrial societies -
6. Post industrial society -

● People Substances
1. Food Gathering Society - Hunting
2. Horticultural Society - Plantation
3. Pastoral societies - Pastoring of Sheeps and other animals
4. Agricultural Societies - use of efficient tools
5. Industrial Society - work of machines
6. Post Industrial Society - computer technology

III. Importance of attaining cultural Relativism in Attaining cultural Understanding

● Cultural Variation
- refers to the rich diversity in social patterns that different human groups exhibit
around the world.
● Cultural Universals
- are patterns or traits that are common to all societies.
Variation between Cultures

- the group of society who exhibit subculture have a specific and unique set of
beliefs and values that set them apart from the dominant culture.
- a culture practice by groups whose values and norms place it at odds with
mainstream society
- a culture practiced and patronized by the upper classes of the Society
- is a culture practiced or patronized by the middle and working classes of the

● Ethnocentrism
- one's own culture and society is the center of everything and seen as the most
efficient and superior among the cultures in the world.
● Culture Shock
- is the feeling of disoriented, uncertain, out of place or even fearful when
immersed in an unfamiliar culture.

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