Project Name 01

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Project Name Website for hand made products

Project sponsor Amo nageb saweras Project manager Faris ramoun

Date of pro approval 10/2022 Last revision date 12/2025
 In Scope:
There are two types of visitors customer whose want to buy a hand made
products and he can review the products and search for something special
Or he can contract with the professionals to made a special product for the
Scope Description customer
The second are the professionals they made the hand made products they can
upload their products on the website and give the discerption of the product
like the color, material that used, how the customer use it, the weight… etc.
We will create a website to achieve these process

 Out Scope:
We need to have hub for the products also we need to have Shipping company
Need to hire security company
Need to contract with banks (determine the way to pay money )
Project Deliverables  Create a website has the ability to sell hand made products and upload products

Acceptance Criteria  the project will accepted when all features is completed
 the website is easy to use for customers and professionals
 the website contains the most common language except Hebrew and French
Constrains  there is a tutorial for how to use the website
 the website must be fast
 the website completed at the deadline
 the website must work on most computers and phones

Project Assumptions  the website has some statistical analysis for the admins

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