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1.0 Marketing and Its Importance...............................................................................................3

2.0 Company Background.............................................................................................................4

3.0 Concepts – Marketing Mix.....................................................................................................5

3.1 Marketing Plan........................................................................................................................6

3.2 Marketing Audit......................................................................................................................7

3.3 Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning................................................................7

4.0 Porter’s Five Forces Model.....................................................................................................9




Today we can see businesses thriving under constant competitive pressures, making them more
resilient to challenges. Whether you realize it or not, marketing has become a necessity for
preserving the gamesmanship. Companies definitely need to catch up with the emerging
marketing trends, else they better prepare themselves for their biggest downfall. The way a
company markets its products and services, has a major impact on the organizational
performance. All that is required is the elevation of the trend-watching game.

1.0 Marketing and Its Importance

To elucidate, the company needs to recognize and embrace what is relevant for them, as well as
develop marketing strategies to enhance its chances of success. Let’s explore the concept of
marketing. Marketing can be defined as the process which a business carries out in order to
address the value of a product to its audience. This exercise focuses mainly on attracting
consumers and increasing its sales. When it comes to describing the term marketing, it is much
more than targeting the audience. It entails creating brand equity, collecting feedback on
products, analyzing the requirements of consumers, providing high quality service and
maximizing customer satisfaction.

Ever wondered why marketing is regarded as a vital component in businesses? Well, for a
business to achieve heights it is mandatory that it employs certain marketing strategies which
will enhance its productivity and boost its profitability. Marketing serves as the secret tool to
success. Without it, businesses are likely to suffer from failure due to lack of sales, inability to
understand customer needs or as a result of poor marketing initiatives.

Let’s find out why it is important for businesses to market its products and services.

 A medium to captivate the audience
Marketing certainly proves to be an effective tool when it comes to engaging customers.
Through this method, firms can educate people on the products by giving them a basic
idea on its features and characteristics. This increases the possibility of people buying
from the organization, as customers always invest into products, they are knowledgeable

 Generate sales
One way to get those sales rolling, is by relying on marketing. By reducing the cost of
products, improving the services, optimizing sales channels and promoting the products,
businesses can increase its client base. Discounts, coupons, giveaways, advertising
through digital tools and communicating with customers are all techniques to attracting
more customers, hence boosting the organization’s sales.

 Helps identifying customer needs

Marketing helps businesses to identify its potential customers and recognize their specific
needs and expectations. By conducting surveys or customer interviews, a firm can get
insights on what the customers truly want. That’s what we call the market research.
Through this research, the company receives the answer to all its questions. As a result,
this helps to improve the processes as well as build a solid customers base for the firm.

 Ensures growth of business

By making customers a main priority, and taking into account advertising and promotion
of products, a business is more likely to prosper. Marketing also improves a firm’s profits
which guarantees stability and growth.

2.0 Company Background

The marketing strategy of Dominos Pizza has helped the firm to stay ahead in the market.
Dominos is one of the leading Pizza companies throughout-the-world. It was previously called

Dominicks, but was later renamed Domino’s. Founded in 1960, the company has been able to
establish itself as a pizza delivery brand and achieve its viability. It started as a small outlet and
then flourished internationally throughout the years. The company has over 9,000 stores
operating globally and this expansion has been possible through its franchising. No doubt, it has
gained recognition worldwide considering its high-quality ingredients, freshly baked orders and
good service. The brand is devoted to a complete focus on becoming the best pizza serving
restaurant in the fast-food market, selling the best products and establishing lasting relationships
with its customers.

3.0 Concepts – Marketing Mix

Clearly, Domino’s has been able to position itself as the most favored fast-food chain around the
globe and this has been possible through the marketing strategies that it has implemented.
Domino’s has developed the marketing mix that is the 4Ps of marketing namely product, price,
place and promotion to reach its target market. Below is an analysis of how the 4 aspects of
marketing mix has helped to achieve business goals.

1. Product
This one plays an essential role in attracting customers and Dominos has left no stone
unturned to satisfy its buyers in the best way possible. The brand specializes in various
kinds of pizzas from vegan to non-vegetarian, taking into consideration the preferences of
its consumers. It allows them to customize their pizzas as per their taste and likings and
also provide them with wide range of products such as side dishes (Garlic Breadsticks,
Parmesan Bites, Chicken Wings, Stuffed Cheesy Bread), soft beverages (Coca-Cola,
Fuze tea, Sprite, Fanta), toppings (vegetables, chicken, meat, cheese), sauces and so on.
Domino’s focuses on upgrading their menu with these items, intending to target more

2. Price

Dominos surely knows how to beat its competitors (Pizza Hut, Panarottis, Pizza Inn) by
adopting the product pricing strategy. Affordability is the key here which encourages
individuals to buy from the brand frequently. That’s the reason, it often introduces
schemes like special discounts, buy one get one free or combo deals so as to engage the

3. Place
This strategy is of utmost importance because the firm should know where to locate its
outlet in order to be able to access a large group of people. As far as Domino’s is
concerned, it serves its consumers both directly and online. People can easily dine-in at
the nearest Domino’s outlet. In addition, it provides home delivery as well, and through
the Domino’s Tracker buyers can track their order.

4. Promotion
Domino’s put great emphasis on promotional tactics and with the aid of several media
channels it is able to reach wide audience. It advertises its products on social media
websites by announcing its mega deals, special offers and discounts which creates a
sudden craving towards eating pizzas. At times, personal review also acts as a source of
promotion which incite people to come and taste the magic of Domino’s pizza.

3.1 Marketing Plan

Essentially, a marketing plan is required to be able to accomplish the marketing strategies. The
marketing plan serves as a roadmap which guides a firm towards executing its activities
scheduled for a certain period of time. “Constantly monitoring and adjusting a market plan is an
important part of running a business as it shows what are the best and worst ways to generate
sales.” (Chen, 2022) The vision of Domino’s is to achieve the top rank position among its
competitors and in order to turn this vision into reality, the brand devised a market plan to help
achieve its organizational goals. As mentioned above, we can see that it has turned to marketing
channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as a means to promote its products more

efficiently and to capture a bigger market to be profitable. Domino’s had to think of a way to
stay ahead of its rivals, and therefore intended to make use of digitalization, a method that its
competitors had not integrated. Connecting virtually with clients indeed proved to be a blooming
factor for Domino’s and even succeeded in gaining massive sales. Additionally, it even planned
to expand its product line by opting for a diversification of products, to survive in the growing
delivery market. The brand also included the proximity strategy in its plan to be closer to its
clients. This has, in turn proved beneficial to its growth and revenue.

3.2 Marketing Audit

In order to identify any issues within a company, or to improve its processes, it is imperative for
a business to dive into the stage of marketing audit. A marketing audit is that which “provides
management with an in-depth look at the marketing operations of the business, which enables
them to evaluate the performance, budget and resources available to the department as a
whole.” (Majeed, 2019) One of the most practical tools in the marketing audit is the SWOT
analysis. According to the SWOT analysis of Domino’s, which is a management tool that
identifies the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats, it has been found that the
organization enjoys a plethora of strengths and prospects owing to its reasonable prices, quick
service, strong brand name and timely delivery. Nevertheless, it faces enormous challenges from
its adversaries simultaneously, as a result of limited coverage area in delivery service, poor
training of staff and decrease in sales due to increase in health-conscious consumers. Thus,
Domino’s came up with the proposal of market segment, target market and positioning
strategies. The process of these three pillars of marketing strategy was executed by the company
to stay relevant in the market and to be able to reach out their audience effectively.

3.3 Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

“As a matter of fact, customers no longer base their loyalty on price or product. Instead, they
stay loyal with companies due to the experience they receive. If you cannot keep up with their

increasing demands, your customers will leave you.” (Kulbytė, 2022) With a view to support its
sales and serve its consumers with the best services, Domino’s has segmented its market into
three different ways namely geographically, demographically and behaviorally. A market
segmentation strategy can be defined as “the process of dividing a target market into groups or
segments” (Coray, 2022) and that which also “provides more clarity on the different customer
segments allowing the firm to truly understand what the customers expect from the organization
so it can provide that to them better.” (Pribanic, 2020)

With the geographic segmentation, which is a marketing strategy used to segment customers
based on their location, Domino’s has established its outlet in areas where they will have a huge
population to serve. While the demographic segmentation focuses more factors like occupation,
age, status and others. Domino’s aims at targeting the youth, working people who have no time
to cook, as well as middle-class people who can easily afford pizza from their income. On the
other hand, we have the psychographic segmentation which is determine by the lifestyle,
preferences and values of people. It has been observed that the lifestyle of Domino’s clients are
usually those who prefer eating out or to order pizza on special occasions.

Hence, it is evident that Dominos uses such segments to target its customers. The primary target
of the brand remains people who love to eat. The targeting concept simply means that a “group
of customers has been identified for whom the offering should be ‘right’ and to whom the firm
will direct the majority of its marketing time, resources, and attention.” (J.Cahill, 1997) By
using this effective strategy, Domino’s has been able to target a large audience with its
reasonable pricing. However, while targeting a specific market, it is necessary that Domino’s
also take into account certain factors like financial resources, competition in the market,
operational skills, regulatory barriers and its strengths and weaknesses.

Besides, it is vital that a company influence its prospect’s perception in a way that they are able
to feel connected with the brand. This act is called market positioning. In simpler terms, “Brand
positioning is about owning a unique position in the mind of the target consumer.” (Qualtrics

XM , 2018) No doubt, Domino’s has been successful in securing its market positioning through
its versatile ads and quick delivery. Its effective strategy ’30 minutes or free’ has worked
wonders in creating a distinct image in the consumer’s mind.

4.0 Porter’s Five Forces Model

Besides, a model known as the Five Forces Model, was introduced by Michael Porter, which is
an important tool that helps to analyze the competitive forces prevalent within a company. Below
are the five forces model for Domino’s, which will help it explore profitable opportunities.

 Risk of New Competitors

High competition in the market brings a sense of morality. It encourages businesses to
improve their daily activities, increase productivity and perform better than their
opponents. However, it also puts pressure on Domino’s as it has to re-work its pricing
strategy and its products. But, through innovation of products, cost reduction and
building customer relationships, the company can easily fight off such threats.

 Bargaining power of suppliers.

This is another kind of pressure put on the companies by the suppliers. It is by providing
low quality products, decreasing its quantity and increasing its cost that impacts the
profitability of an industry. In that case, Domino’s can switch to other suppliers or
associate with several suppliers for an efficient supply chain to be able to maintain long-
term competitive advantage.

 Bargaining power of buyers

This is when consumers have endless demands and high expectations from the company.
The buyers seek best quality, discounts, low prices, and variety of products which again
lowers the profitability of the firms. By focusing on new products and its quality,
Dominoes can attract more customers, thus decreasing the bargaining power of buyers.

 Threat of substitute products or services
When consumers find alternative products from other companies that are able to meet
their requirements, that is when the company loses its customers and suffer losses. As
such, Domino’s can provide better services compared to its competitors and ensure that
they are able to satisfy their consumer’s needs.

 Intense Rivalry
Rivalry among existing firms refers to a situation where industries compete among each
other, and at the same time impacting their market share and profitability. “Intense
rivalry cam limit profits and lead to competitive moves, including price cutting,
increased advertising expenditures, or spending on service/product improvements and
innovation.” (LIUPost, n.d.) As such, Dominos can introduce different and unique
products to win new customers or join hands with its competitors instead of competing
with them.


As a concluding note, we can say that Domino’s has reached a superior position in the market
owing to its reasonable pricing, extended product line, and quick delivery service. However, in
order to keep the growth momentum in the years to come, Dominos should consider different
techniques of marketing to stay ahead in the competition. For instance, including healthier
options in the menu, increasing its social media engagement, coming up with additional varieties
like deserts, soups or salads or introducing lucrative offers, all these can help Domino’s in
maintaining the brand reputation. With this exception, even the marketing strategies
implemented by the company have kept it going strong and helped in creating a loyal customer
base. Despite its strong rivalry, it does have the potential of sustaining in the long run.
Unquestionably, if a firm knows and understands the concept of 4ps well then nothing can stop it
from climbing the ladder of success.

10 | P a g e
(2018). Retrieved from Qualtrics XM :

Chen, J. (2022). Retrieved from Investopedia:


Coray, T. (2022). Retrieved from SheerID:


J.Cahill, D. (1997). Retrieved from


Kulbytė, T. (2022). Retrieved from SuperOffice:


LIUPost. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Majeed, M. (2019). Retrieved from SmartBug:

Pribanic, E. (2020). Retrieved from TechFunnel:


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