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Role HRD Practices Play in

Employee Training

In the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
qualifying Master of Business Administration (MBA)





“Training is the method of determining if attaining need exists and, if it does, what training is
required to fill the gap. The training seeks to identify accurately the levels of the present situation
in the target surveys, interview, observation, secondary data, and/or workshop. The gap between
the present status and desired status may indicate problems that in turn can be translated into a
training need".

The HR functioning is changing with time and with this change, the relationship between the
training function and other management activity is also changing. The training and development
activities are now equally important with that of other HR functions. Gone are the days, when
training was considered to be futile, a waste of time, resources, and money. Nowadays, training
is an investment because the departments such as marketing & sales, HR, production, finance,
etc depends on training for its survival. If training is not considered as a priority or not seen as a
vital part of the organization, then it is difficult to accept that such a company has effectively
carried out HRM. Training provides the opportunity to raise the profile development activities in
the organization.

To increase the commitment level of employees and growth in quality movement (concepts of
HRM), the senior management team is now increasing the role of training. Such concepts of
HRM require careful planning as well as a greater emphasis on employee development and long-
term education. Training is now the important tool of Human Resource Management to control
the attrition rate because it helps in motivating employees, achieving their professional and
personal goals, increasing the level of job satisfaction, etc. As a result, training is given on a
variety of skill development and covers a multitude of courses.

Role of HRD Professionals in Training

This is the era of cut-throat competition and with this changing scenario of business; the role of
HR professionals in training has been widened.

The HR role is now:

1) Active involvement in employee education
2) Rewards for improvement in performance
3) Rewards to be associated with self-esteem and self-worth
4) Providing pre-employment market-oriented skill development education and post-
employment support for advanced education and training
5) Flexible access i.e. anytime, anywhere for training

After employees have been selected for various positions in an organization, training them for
the specific tasks to which they have been assigned assumes great importance. It is true in many
organizations that before an employee is fitted into a harmonious working relationship with other
employees, he is given adequate training. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and
skills of an employee for performing a particular job. The major outcome of training is learning.

A trainee learns new habits, refined skills, and useful knowledge during the training that helps
him improve performance. Training enables an employee to do his present job more efficiently
and prepare himself for a higher-level job. The essential features of training may be stated thus:

Newly recruited employees require training to perform their tasks effectively, Instructions,
guidance, and coaching helps them to handle jobs competently, without any wastage.

Training is needed to serve the following purposes:

1. HR professionals should take the initiative in employee training It is aimed at individual
development, which cannot happen until there is a transfer of learning from the trainer to the
trainee, and the same is reflected in their work finally. But how can this learning be maximized
considering time, motivation, and learning ability constraints?

2. HR professionals interact more with the team members and help them in their day-to-day
operations. Sit with them, evaluate their performances and give them correct feedback and
rewards their improved performance. Let employees come up with their problems and what all
set of skills would ensure hundred percent performance from them. Find out what all additional
skills and knowledge would make employees indispensable resources for the organization.

3. Employees learn maximum when they are exposed to practical situations. Let employees learn
from their mistakes. Do not spoon-feed your team members. "Learning by doing" is one of the
best ways to train employees and they remember the learning's for a longer time. No amount of
training would help unless and until employees are themselves serious, HR professionals
encourage employees to participate in training programs, register in various online courses which
would help them in their respective domains.

4. HR professionals help newly recruited employees require training to perform their tasks
effectively. Instructions, guidance, and coaching help them to handle jobs competently, without
any wastage. It is concerned with the structure and delivery of the acquisition of knowledge to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. It is concerned with improving the
existing skills and exploring the potential skills of the individual i.e. upgrading the employees'
skills and extending their knowledge. Therefore training is a key to optimizing the utilization of
human intellectual technological and entrepreneurial skills.

5. HR professional involves the movement of an employee from one job to another. This helps
him to have a general understanding of how the organization functions. The purpose of job
rotation is to provide trainees with a larger organizational perspective and a greater
understanding of different functions & areas as well as a better sense of their career objectives
and interests. Apart from relieving boredom job rotation allows trainees to build rapport with a
wide range of individuals within the organization, facilitating future cooperation among
departments. The cross-trained personnel offer a great amount of flexibility for organizations
when transfers, promotions, or replacements become inevitable.
Training of personnel consists in providing them with the necessary facilities and opportunities
to acquire knowledge develop skills and cultivate attitudes and behavior for the efficient and
effective discharge of their duties and responsibilities. Administrative skills can be grouped into
technical skills, human skills, and conceptual skills. Training should enable people to perform
their present duties effectively and at the same time prepare them to shoulder higher
responsibilities in the future. The ultimate objective of personnel training is the improvement in
the effectiveness of achievement of organizational objectives.

Each position in an organization calls for a certain amount of expertise in terms of knowledge,
skills, and attitudes. The person occupying the position may not have all the elements. Of
expertise required for effectively performing new technology or procedure or law. The need for
training arises on account of the requirement of filling the gap between the skills and
competencies required for the performance of a job and the expertise possessed by the job
holder. This gap can be filled either by institutional training or on-the-job training.


HR Vision "To attain organizational excellence by developing and inspiring the true potential
of company's human capital and providing growth opportunities, well-being and enrichment".

HR Mission "To create a value and knowledge-based organization by inculcating a culture of

learning, innovation & team working and aligning business priorities with the aspiration of
employees leading to the development of an empowered, responsive and competent human

HR Objectives:

 To develop and sustain core values.

 To develop business leaders for tomorrow.
 To provide job contentment through empowerment, accountability, and responsibility.
 To build and upgrade competencies through virtual learning, opportunities for growth,
and providing challenges in the job.
 To foster a climate of creativity, innovation, and enthusiasm.
 To enhance the quality of life of employees and their families.
The purpose of training is to maintain and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
individuals within the organization. This can only have a sustained effect if it influences the
actions and practices of offline managers to serve better both - the Self-interest of employees
(Personal return both tangible and intangible) and the Needs of the organization (Profit returns
Both Short and long-range). All training and development within the company is based on the
firm credence that: Employees need growth and self-fulfillment, which can be compatible with
the goals of the organization for the benefit of both,

 Training help individual in making decisions and effective problem-solving.

 Through training, a motivational variable of recognition, achievement, growth

responsibility, and advancement are internalized and operationalized.

 Help a person handle stress tension, frustration, and conflict.

 Training helps to eliminate fear in attempting new tasks.

 Learning is a self-directed- activity: all employee development is Self-development.

 Training to be effective must be a function of line management.

Keeping in view the above facts and considerations, there is a need to undertake a study which
could examine the "Need of Training within the organization. Today, the demands of the current
industrial status and technological advancement necessitate that varied means are tapped into to
achieve the ultimate goal better Training is essential for job success. It can lead to higher
production, fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction, and lower turnover. These benefits accrue to
both the trainee and the organization.

This project will be designed in such a way to make an easy understanding among a layman
regarding training as tools of Human Resource Management. This Project will be useful to study
the various training needs and to know the job knowledge, skill at work.


 To study the employees’ awareness of the training process in the organization.

 To examine the effectiveness of training in overall development of skills of workforce.

 To examine the impact of training on the workers.

 To study the changes in behavioral pattern due to training.

 To measure the differential changes in output due to training.

Research methodology is a careful investigation or inquiries systematically and finding solutions
to the problem under investigation.

Understanding the phenomenon of Human Resource Management in its various manifestations is

a difficult task. It is even more challenging to forecast how this phenomenon will continue to
change in the future. Global turbulence requires a manager to develop a capacity to learn on an
ongoing basis which includes the capacity to challenge their preferred approaches to manage and
trained people. Learning within an ever-changing competitive landscape will involve going
beyond the practice of benchmarking and being able to determine how best to cope with
surprises that are constantly thrown their way.

Statement of objectives

In this study, a systematic approach will be followed to find the different ways of solving the
problem. To define a problem, determining the nature of research adopted at this research is
important. The nature of research adopted in this study is exploratory as well as descriptive in

Exploratory Research

It is preliminary research, whose objective is to provide insights and understandings.

Exploratory research might involve a literature search or conducting focus group Interviews. The
exploration of new phenomena in this way may help for better understanding, may test the
feasibility of a more extensive study, or determine the best methods to be used in a subsequent
study. For these reasons, exploratory research is broad in focus and rarely provides definite
answers to specific research issues.

It is difficult to study each of them in detail in the Vardhman Textile Ltd. with the help of a
questionnaire and depth study of vision. The research process that is adopted is flexible and
unstructured, data collected is qualitative in nature, and the findings of exploratory research are
regarded as tentative or used as input to further research. It seeks to discover new relationships
and is used for developing a hypothesis:

 Gaining organizational support

 Conducting organizational analysis
 Organizational climate
 Choosing HR training Practice
The Literature Survey

The literature research is a fast, economic way for researchers to develop a better understanding
of a problem and to discover hypothesis in the work of other. A large volume of published and
unpublished data is used to study. Some tools like personal interviews and questionnaires will be
used which would help to generate an idea about the effectiveness of the study.

Proper care needs to be followed while designing the questions for personal interviews and for
the questionnaire so that it would become easy for a layman to understand and answer properly.

PRIMARY DATA: Primary data is the data observed or collected from firsthand
experience. Primary data is important for all areas of research because it is accurate information
about the results of an experiment or observation.

1) Personal Interview: A personal interview with staff members of the company will be
organized regarding their convergence towards training needs and benefits under training to
accomplish their goal within the company and marketplace.

2) Questionnaire: A questionnaire would be designed that could help in Fulfilling the

objective of the study to the maximum The questionnaire will be designed in such a way so that
it could solve the issues, like what are the terms and conditions followed by the company earlier
and what are the policies they are following now to make themselves competent. The
Questionnaire would consist of 10-12 objective-type questions which become easy for the bank
staff to answer.

SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data is the data that has been already collected and
readily available from other sources. Such data are cheaper more quickly obtainable than the
primary data and also may be available when primary data cannot be obtained at all. Following
are some of the sources of secondary data:

Secondary Information Sources:-

a) Performance Appraisal System of the Company

b) Training Calendar of company
c) Participants List
d) Various books and Magazines
e) Company's websites.

Questionnaire: A questionnaire will be prepared while keeping in mind the objective of the
study. The option of filling a questionnaire is the most convenient way to interact with people
while filling the questionnaire and moreover the data will be less biased as the details will be
collected directly from the company. The questionnaire will be designed in an objective mode so
that it would become easy for people to fill because it consumes less time.

Survey: Survey will be done with a view to studying the training method and tools and areas of

Historical data collection: The data of the company will be collected on a historical basis.
With a view to studying the terms and conditions or policies opted by the company, historical
data will be studied so that the new policies can be studies properly.

Sampling: Sampling is the process of selecting units (e.g., people, organizations) from a
population of interest so that by studying the sample we may fairly generalize our results back to
the population from which they were chosen. It is that part of statistical practice concerned with
the selection of a subset of individual observations within a population of individuals intended to
yield some knowledge about the population of concern, especially for the purposes of making
predictions based on statistical inference. Sampling is an important aspect of data collection.

Sampling is a commonly used term to describe the process of obtaining information about an
entire population by examining only a part of it. The result obtained by sampling is objective and
defensible. It is not subject to questions of bias.

Statistical sampling can be more accurate than an examination of every item in a large
population. It may save time and money. Data may be combined and evaluated, even though
obtained by different users.
Sampling Unit: An individual

Sampling size: 5 Units of Industry

Sample Size: 50-60

During my analysis, I found that there are four types of training needs included at the time of
annual performance appraisal in Vardhman group to their employees so that they can execute
their role in a better way.

1. Behavioral

2. Quality improvement

3. Computer skills

4. Technical skills

Tools and Techniques of Analysis: No study could be successfully completed without

proper tools and techniques. For a better presentation and the right explanation, I used tools of
statistics and computers frequently. And I am very thankful to all those tools for helping me a
lot. Basic tools which I used for project from statistics are:

1. Bar Diagrams /Pie charts

2. Tables Pie

Charts are really useful tools for every research to show the result in a well clear, easy, and
simple way. Because I used bar diagrams/charts in the project for showing data in a systematic
way, so it need not be necessary for any observer to read all the theoretical detail, simple on
seeing the charts anybody could know that what is being said. Technological tools are:

1. MS Excel

2. MS Word

The above application software of Microsoft helped me a lot in making projects more interactive
and productive. Microsoft Excel has a great role in my project, it created my situation of "you sit
and get." I provided it simply all the detail of the data and in return, it has given me all the
relevant information. And at last Microsoft Word did help me with the documentation of the
project in a presentable form.
The present study will be helpful to an individual as well as the organization as under:

A) Employee workmen who are required training: This study will be conducted to
know the training needs for a worker, who can work effectively. HR Department every time is in
search of a person who has the maximum skills required for the job. After selecting the right
person, the main aim of the HR Department is to make that person a perfect workman. For this,
they provide the training to them. One of the contents of this study is to analyze how different
people utilize their skills with improved skills.

B) Company: This study will give assistance to the company regarding the identification of
training needs and revisions in existing training facilities. This study will be helpful in
understanding the need for shelter for an individual vis-a-vis is training provided by the
company. A company will be able to analyze that what type of employee do they have in their
profile and what type of training can be provided to them.

Thus, training can contribute to higher production, fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction, and
lower labor turnover. Also, it can enable employees to cope with organizational, social, and
technological change. Effective training is an invaluable investment in the human resources of an
1. Objective type Questions:

The Questionnaire will be only objective-type questions which will be designed to make the
survey easy for staff. But this cannot reveal the true observation as people need to answer in yes
or no only.

2. Professional Attitude:

The company staff could show a Professional attitude at the time of the survey. They may not
reveal all the information with the help of which this study can more useful.

3. Other:

Often, sources are not interested to provide the actual data which is very important for correct

For the lack of experience, it is hard to estimate the problem accurately.

Many of the employees have to work in the rigs so it was not possible to know their view.

Due to workload and survey done by the lots of trainees from different institutes scope of
interaction with the employees was less.

The study will suffer from the personal biasness of people on whom the survey will be
conducted. Some of them may have answered the Questionnaire by getting influence from their
friends or colleagues, some of them do not want to be unfair with anyone so give a fair answer to
each and every question.




5) “Human Resource Management 4E” by Bernardin, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2007,

842 pages.


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