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1. What animal body parts was the bullet train in Japan designed after?

The bullet train in Japan was

designed after the beak of the kingfisher bird. Japanese engineers studied the bird's beak and its
ability to dive smoothly into water without splashing for inspiration on how to reduce the noise
created by the train moving through tunnels. The train's design allowed the train to move through
tunnels with less air pressure and greatly reduced the amount of noise created by the train.

2. In your own words: Define biomimicry.If i hade to define the word Biomimicry In my own words i
would say it is a concept that involves drawing inspiration from nature's designs, systems, and
processes to solve human problems or create innovation. It is a way of imitating or emulating
nature's wisdom and applying it to human-made solutions.

3. T/F- Prairie dog burrows are studied to build better air ventilation systems.True

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