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I was going to

Write a poem

For you

But the day

Got away

From me

And now I’m left



With words that

Don’t matter to me

Beyond me explaining

And hoping

You find meaning

In what I’m going

The long way around to

Tell you, all about

The way that I miss you

And how I wish

That I could kiss you —

Wanted to

Write a poem for you

With pretty words

So decorative

To honour you

But the day

Got away

From me
And now all I’m left

With is the truth

Of me —

And it’s you.





🖋️: JaneAuthor

📸 : Pinterest

Copyright ©️JaneAuthor 2023


I was going to

Write a poem

For you

But the day

Got away

From me

And now I’m left



With words that

Don’t matter to me
Beyond me explaining

And hoping

You find meaning

In what I’m going

The long way around to

Tell you, all about

The way that I miss you

And how I wish

That I could kiss you —

Wanted to

Write a poem for you

With pretty words

So decorative

To honour you

But the day

Got away

From me

And now all I’m left

With is the truth

Of me —

And it’s you.




🖋️: JaneAuthor

📸 : Pinterest

Copyright ©️JaneAuthor 2023


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