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Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board

Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014
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Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board
Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014

Circle the correct answer. each one is 2 Marks.

1. The pie chart below represents mixture of air.

Name the gas labeled X

A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Helium

2. The diagram below shows Sun, Earth and Moon.

This event represents …….

A) Sun eclipse C) Earth rotation

B) Moon eclipse D) Full moon only

3. When Base is added with Acid the product is ……

A) Alkali C) Salt
B) Sugar D) Acid

4. This figure below shows a stone which is moved from point A to point B.

What type of simple machine does this represents?

A) lever C) Gear
B) Inclined plane D) Pulley

Page 2 ©PNEB, 2014

Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board
Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014

5. Which one of the following does NOT take part for making photosynthesis?
A) Oxygen C) light
B) Water D) CO2 (carbon dioxide)

6. Speed of light through air is

A) 2 x 109 m/s C) 5 x 106 m/s
B) 3 x 108 m/s D) 4 x 108 m/s

7. The microorganism which causes Malaria is called….

A) Treponema pallidum C) Plasmodium
B) Neisseria D) Parasite

8. This figure is food pyramid.

Name the organisms labeled part A

A) producers C) herbivores
B) consumers D) animal

9. This diagram shows human eye.

Name the labeled part A?

A) Iris
B) Retina
C) Cornea
D) Pupil

10. When solid dissolves in liquid the product is?

A) Solute C) Solution
B) Solvent D) Insoluble

Page 3 ©PNEB, 2014

Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board
Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014
Answer all the following questions in the space provided.
QUESTION ONE (20 marks)
The diagram shows some of the organs inside our bodies.

a) Match organs, A, B, C and D, with the numbers 1– 4 on the diagram.

A brain--------------------

B kidney------------------

C liver---------------------

D lung---------------------

Study the diagram above and answer these questions.

b) Which organ is responsible for respiration?
(2 marks)
c) Which organ is responsible for thinking?
(2 marks)
d) Match these diseases to microorganisms causing. (8 Marks)

Disease Microorganism Causing the


1. AIDs a) Protozoa…………….

2. Malaria b) Virus………………….

3. Polio c) Bacteria …………….

4. Cholera d)Virus…………………..

Page 4 ©PNEB, 2014

Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board
Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014

QUESTION TWO (5 marks)

The diagram shows Farah and his father on a seesaw.

a) complete the sentence below using these words

the kind of seesaw is ....................................... (2 marks)

b) How far away is Farah from the pivot if the seesaw is balanced?
(3 marks)
The 9 planets in our solar system are listed in the table below, but they are not in the
correct order. (6 Marks)
a) Complete the table below to show the correct order of the planets, where planet
1 is the planet nearest to the sun and 9 is the planet furthest away from sun. The
first (1), second (2) and last (9) planets are done for you.
Planet Eart Jupite Mar Mercur Neptun Plut Satur Uranu Venu
h r s y e o n s s

Rank 1 9 2

b) Which of the planet would be the hottest?

(2 marks)

c) State the planet on which we live?

(2 marks)

Page 5 ©PNEB, 2014

Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board
Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014

QUESTION FOUR (13 marks)

The diagram below shows a food web.

a) Name two producers in this food web?

(2 marks)
b) Name two primary consumers in the above food web?
(4 marks)
c) If all the rabbits were killed by disease, what will happen to the number of foxes.
Foxes will…………….....
i) decrease or ii) increase (2 marks)
d) i) Name the process by which plants make their own food?
(2 marks)
ii) List three raw materials that plants need to make their own food?
(3 marks)
A stone of mass 200g is immersed in a water of volume 70 cm in a measuring
cylinder. When the stone is immersed in the water the water level rises to 130 cm3.
a) What is the volume of the stone?
(2 marks)

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Ministry of Education Puntland National Examinations Board
Grade Eight SCIENCE Examination, 2014
b) What is density of the stone?
(2 marks)
QUSTION SIX (8 marks)
Match terms in Part A with their functions in Part B.


Smoking cigarette is dangerous to health.
a) List two common organs in human body which smoking cigarette effects?
(4 marks)
b) Name the dangerous disease that is caused by smoking cigarette?
(2 mark)
c) Describe the problems caused by mine explosions ?
(2 marks)
Complete the sentences below using the words in list below (12 marks)

Alkali thermometer carbon dioxide vinegar sound force

a) The instrument which measures the temperature is …………………….

b) Base which dissolve in water is ………………………………….
c) …………………………………….is kind of acid
d) ……………………………. can cause air pollution.
e) The ringing bell produces ………………………………….
f) pull or push.

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