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Name: Muzammil Rasheed Batch: 03
Module: Organizational Management Instructor: Mr. Iqbal Hashmi

Topic: Work Ethics & its Importance

Ethics is the study of what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong in human conduct. This is a
branch of Philosophy which studies moral principles. Hence, Ethics is also known as Moral Philosophy.

Many people use the words Ethics and Morality interchangeably. However, there is a difference between
Ethics and Morals.
To put it in simple terms, Ethics = Morals + Reasoning.

To have an ethical viewpoint, one should be able to give some reason for it because ethics is Moral
Philosophy, and Philosophy is all about reasoning.

One might feel that it is morally wrong to steal, but if you have an ethical viewpoint on it, it should be based
on some sets of arguments and analysis about why it would be wrong to steal.

To be moral is all about adhering to what is described (by society or religion). But to be ethical, you should
figure out what is right – by applying some principles and considering all the complexities involved.
Clearly, the ethical life is the harder path.

The essence of Ethics (core of ethics) is to understand those philosophies which guide us in determining
what is right or wrong.

Determinants of Ethics
Determinants are the sources from which the ethical standard arises. There are multiple determinants of
ethics like

 Religion
 Law
 Society
 Individual
 Knowledge
 Time


Work ethics is a set of moral principles that an employee uses in the performance of his job. Also, it is a set of
values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. Building a strong work ethic will allow a person to
train themselves so that hard work is almost automatic.

Why is it important?

Workplace ethics have great importance because they ensure positive ambience at the workplace.
Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied employees who enjoy coming to work rather than treating it
as a mere source of burden. Employees also develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment towards the

A good work ethic can take a person long way in career, improving his/her performance and relationships
with team and resulting in growth opportunities and promotions.

Employers want to work with the people who have a strong work ethics. Those who possess this trait are
better employers who get the job done, no matter what. They often require less oversight on daily activities
and managers can rely upon them to complete bigger tasks. Here are some elements to look for that
demonstrate a strong work ethic and its importance.

Integrity means doing the right things, at all times, even if no one is watching, much less boss. Its greatest
impact is seen in person’s relationships with the people around him/her, which is why integrity is seen as
one of the most important ingredients of Trust.

According to Robert Shaw, a person can earn a certain level of trust if he/she is able to achieve results while
demonstrating concern for others and acting with integrity the whole time. Hence, the formula:

Results + Integrity + Concern = Level of Trust

Acting with integrity, in this context, also means behaving in a consistent manner.

Emphasis on Quality of Work

If a person shows dedication and commitment to work, then his/her work ethic will definitely shine. While
some employees do only the barest minimum, or what is expected of them, there are those who go beyond

They do more, they perform better, and they definitely go the extra mile to come up with results that surpass
expectations. Clearly, these employees are those who belong to the group with a solid work ethic.

The word “professionalism” is often seen as something that is too broad or wide in scope, covering
everything from person’s appearance to how you conduct yourself in the presence of other people.

Employee discipline isn’t a matter of dominance or punishment. It’s about making the work environment
safe and pleasant for both employees and management. Discipline works best when there’s a foundation of
trust between managers and employees. That starts with clear communication and continues through

Sense of Responsibility
The moment a person became part of the organization and he is assigned with tasks and duties, he must
fulfill all his responsibilities. A person with strong work ethic, will be concerned with ensuring to fulfill his
duties and responsibilities. He will also feel inclined to do best to get the best results.

Sense of Teamwork
When an employee become a part of an organization, he/she simply become part of a whole, which means
he/she will have to work with other people. If a person is unable to do so, this will put his/her work ethic
into question.

Put the company first:

A person with strong work ethics always put his company first in thoughts and actions. If a person doesn’t
care about the rules and regulations and moreover the interest of his company, then he has no right to be
called a good employer. He must own his organization and work in the interest and growth of his
organization with the inputs of his team mates.

Manage time wisely:

Time management is not limited to being on time for work and meeting deadlines. It actually involves more
than that.

 Be punctual.

Punctuality is one of the first indicators of professionalism. Because it strengthens and reveals person’s
integrity while also demonstrating his level of discipline, humility and dependability. It is also one way to
show respect for others, while allowing you to build your self-confidence and always put your best foot
forward. For many managers and supervisors, lack of punctuality is a deal-breaker. If a new employee is
habitually tardy in coming to work, this is likely to drive them to have a low opinion of the capabilities of
that employee to continue working in the company.

 Observe deadline:

If an employee is able to finish task ahead of time, that means he is able to manage time wisely. That will
also give him ample time to make any adjustments, if necessary, since there is still some time left before the
actual deadline. Better yet, you should take the initiative to set your own deadline.

Be honest:
Honesty is the key to success and be trusted. A dishonest employee will encounter is the lack or absence of
trust from other people. Therefore, if a person wants to go far in his career, or go up the hierarchy in the
organization, then he should make it a point to be honest in his dealings so that he can be trusted by his
seniors and fellow colleagues.

 Own up to mistakes. If an employee did something wrong, it is best to own up to it, instead of
denying all blame and, worse, pinning it on other people. This is a sign that he is unable and
unwilling to take responsibility, a sure sign that his work ethic is less than solid.

Productive employee:
An employee with a strong work ethic is a productive employee. This productivity is seen in the pace of
work and his persistence in maintaining that pace. If he can work at a fast pace, that means he’ll be able to
accomplish more within the limited time.

As an employee or worker, his main concern is to perform core functions, or the tasks and duties that are
described in his job description. Therefore, that is the first thing that he should focus on.

 Do quality work.

Employers want employees who care about the quality of the work that they churn out, going a step above
and beyond the minimum of expectations with regard to the quality of their work. An employee who is
committed to quality in his own work is an employee worth keeping because, at the end of the day, his work
will form part of the overall quality of the output of the organization.

Respectfulness is, sadly, becoming more of a rare commodity these days. But it remains to be one of the
traits that supervisors are looking for to indicate whether an employee has a strong work ethic or not.

Using proper etiquette is basic for humans, which is why it is valued greatly in the workplace. Even a
slightest shift away from proper etiquette can potentially destroy a relationship that has been cultivated and
nurtured for a very long time.

In the workplace, there should be no excuse to be disrespectful to other people, whether it is with a peer or a

 Stay calm and poised. An employee should stay calm and poised. Good and rational decisions are
harder to come by if anger is clouding judgment. If you show that you are frazzled, this will also
fluster the others, and soon you will be questioned for this act.

 Be diplomatic. Choose your words carefully, and be careful not to offend others.

 Listen to others’ opinions. Even if you might not 100% agree with them in the end, giving them
time to voice out their opinions and listening to them is already a sign of respect. Besides, you may
just find solutions in those opinions.

 Avoid gossiping and harmful talk about, and against, others. Idle chit-chat is unavoidable at the
workplace, but there is a difference between chatting idly about this and that, and gossiping
maliciously about other people. This can potentially blow up and lead to conflicts and even bigger
problems. Negative talks will definitely affect teamwork if it’s not avoided.

Follow the rules:

 Be aware of company policies. There’s bound to be an employee handbook or company manual that covers
policies, rules and regulations that employees must abide by. Make it a point to read through it and know the
finer points, because you certainly cannot argue ignorance if, at some point, you are called out for violating a
company rule. Making the effort to learn about these policies and regulations will also put you in a positive

 Follow the dress code. This is another key characteristic of professionalism. Appearance may not be all that
matters in the workplace, but it DOES matter to a certain extent, regardless of the actual work that a person
do. As employees and workers, they are representatives of the organization, and they should be dress

properly, according to the organization’s defined code because this will reflect positively to the organization
and others.

Work with others:


Cooperation is very important. Even if an employee has personal differences in opinion, he should still be
able to cooperate and work together with his colleagues. Set aside those differences, at least for the time


Socialization is also very important. Once in a while, an employee has to take a step back, relax, and
socialize with your co-workers. This is one way to cultivate social skills while strengthening relationship
with the other employees or members of the team and sometimes heads.

Advantages of work ethics:

A strong ethic offers a host of advantages to employees. From outstanding results to a brighter career path,
the benefits of developing a strong work ethic are numerous for an employee. Here are just a few of them:
 Improved job performance: Individuals are more apt to complete tasks accurately and on time.
 Higher job satisfaction: Employees are more likely to be take pride in their work and to feel
valuable in their roles.
 Career advancement: People with this skill are more likely to be promoted or receive a raise.
 Increased employee retention: Employees who feel valued and are able to advance in their careers
are more likely to stay with a company.
 Enhanced industry reputation: Companies that employ professionals with a strong work ethic are
often models of industry excellent.


So, these were some of the importance of ethics in the workplace. Truly ethics play a vital role in a person’s
life, the more you take a hold on your ethics, the more stable and perfect you will become in your lifestyle
and at your workplace. Ethic not only improves the way of our living but leads towards a final destination.
The more you improve and travel on the perfect path, the more successful your achievements will be.

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