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"Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment"

Article · January 2020

DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH

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1 author:

Ronald Gomeseria
RonGlad Environmental Engineering Services Co. (RGEES)


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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D
PE, PEng, PME, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, ASEANEng, ACPE, IntPE, CEMgr, CHCMgr, MPM, CIPM
27,770 LinkedIn Followers Connections

Environment and Natural Resources Management

Principles and Applications of Landscape Ecology
University of the Philippines
Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH | Journal of Management and Development Studies | 01 Jan 2020
*Corresponding Author: /
The environmental infrastructure landscape development has continued from then and up to the present that
tremendously changed the country's image into a progressive and developed nation within the GCC region.
And with all the changes happening throughout the states have simultaneously changed their cultural
behavior and practices that brought them with modern attitudes compared what they have before with
conservative ideology as you can notice brought in this article towards urban greening governance.
Adopting all the latest technology in the infrastructure and building built environment has made them unique
with all the funds and initiatives brought by the Qatar Emir that simplifies the needs of their countrymen with
pride as Qatari citizens they have in the country. Although some difficulties and tragedies happening in the
country in terms of security silently, they have been sorted out and transformed sustainably.

Al Mazrouah Desert Landscape (photo; rvgomeseria, January 2020)

Qatar terrestrial ecosystem comprises an open desert landscape as you can see in the above photo,
which is a mostly flat and stony environment that has few hills somewhere in Al Khor, Al Shamal and

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Dukhan of approximately 40-meters height above sea level. The desert landscape view has been
dominated by large sand dunes which can be found in the southeastern part of Qatar.
And from the open desert landscape which can be found the scrub communities that have been dominated
by Acacia tortilis and Lycium bushes in the area with the dominant shrub called, Zygophyllum qatarense.
However, the land-use pattern being used has limited to 5% pasture and the cropland is less than 1%
while the remaining which can be called mainly semi-desert that is often grazed with livestock.
Since the country is a desert landscape, vegetation farming has sparse but quite diverse, and also, the
so-called xerophytic species can be seen widespread in the area as described shown in the photo above.
Moreover, other terrestrial habitats can be found in the desert environment as part of the discussion in the author’s
article such as cultivations, and landscape plantations as discussed in the further section of this article whereas TSE
water is being used for plant irrigation. Nonetheless, with all the prominent species whereas noticeably
among the plantations in the country is the date palm, and hence, as usually used in the landscaping.

Table of Contents
Title Page………………………………………………...........………………………………………………………………… page 1
Abstract……………………………………………………..........………………………………………………………………. page 1
Table of Contents………………………………………………………….....................………………………………... page 2
Section 1.0, Introduction…………………………………………………...………………………………………………… page 3
Section 2.0 Materials and Methods or Methodology ……..………………………………………………………… page 4
2.1 The objective of the Study…….………………………………………………………………………………….. page 4
2.2 Method of Analysis………………………………….…………………………………………………………..…… page 5
2.3 Analysis of the Policy Problem……………..............................………………………………………… page 5
2.4 Three Alternative Options……………...............................................................………………. page 6
Section 3.0 Results and Discussions………………….………………………………………..………………………… page 8
3.1 Environmental Regulations and Standards………………………………………..………………………… page 8
3.2 The Need for an EIA………………....…………………………………………………..………………………… page 9
3.3 Desert Landscape Pattern Analysis…………………….…………………………..………………………….. page 9
3.4 Landscape Structure and Implications……………………………….…………..…………………………… page 10
3.5 Describing Landscape Elements…………………............………………..…………………………………. page 14
3.6 Human-Altered Landscape Construction…………………….........……………………………………….. page 16
3.7 Desert Landscape towards Greening Policy.................................................................... page 17
Section 4.0 Conclusion............................................................................................................. page 18
Section 5.0 Recommendations.................................................................................................. page 18
Section 6.0 Statement of Authorship......................................................................................... page 19
Section 7.0 Write-Up Reference................................................................................................ page 19
About the Author..................................................................................................................... page 21

Keywords: Sustainability, Urban Greening, Desert Landscape, Environmental Management, Policy

To cite this paper: Gomeseria, R. V. (2020, January 1). Desert Landscape to a Sustainable
Environment. / DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH

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Section 1.0 Introduction

Qatar landscape in today's generation can be said as an innovative type with the help of technology
being applied following the urban greening policy in the desert landscape to a sustainable environment
which is one of the initiatives by the government as part of the infrastructure development in the country
within their economic landscape vision for the citizens and migrating citizens living and working in the
country, and it is indeed, the landscape of interest as one of the highly urbanized in the GCC’s. However,
the landscape structure and implications to environmental management which has been described from
the given article (Richard T.T. Forman; Michael Godron; 1981) as a wide area referring to a cluster of
interesting strands that is similar to the ecosystem being formed by the two mechanisms as they are
operating together to its specific boundary as geomorphological process and the specific disturbances of
the stand components. Since Qatar is a desert land by environmental default, the principle of urban
greening becomes one of their mandated policies by providing an imported mechanism in the planting of
trees, shrubs and ground cover to sustain the needs for their future generation, beautification and
climate change mitigation, and hence, a sustainable environment with quality of life.
Moreover, the implication towards sustainable environment and with the Urban Greening, which is one of
the principles of UNDP Sustainable Goals #11, Sustainable Cities and Communities that is being
transformed on the way the building build and managing the spaces for sustainable built-up areas from
the design works and project implementation into a reality for a common good for public use and
mitigating Climate Change. Accordingly, the Urban Greening is a work-related referring to public
landscaping into green by providing shrubs, ground covers, and various trees applicable design for a
certain park as we can see in some of the developed countries. Nonetheless, in this Policy Proposal, this
will be using on both Green Building and Building-Built Environment to provide a green environment that
will helps the community an urban forestry projects providing with mutually beneficial affinities between
the urban dwellers, which is referring to the urban built environment that includes urban buildings,
transportation systems, energy systems, and other components necessary to support the modern urban
living; and with the respected urban natural environment, which is referring to the air, water, soil,
wildlife, and vegetation. This is similar works in the desert land like Qatar as an example to simulate
incorporating Urban Greening Policy in their development, which the author involved in the project from
the Concept, Schematic, and Detailed Design, Tender Stage, Construction stage and Authorities Approval.
The Green Building Project within the desert landscape environment is one of the most important parts of
urban societies like high-rise, mid-rise and low-rise buildings facilities composed of residential,
commercial, industrial and business establishments within the infrastructure and building built
environment. And as part of the urban society, the greening principle shall be the fundamental element in
the implementation and design of the site and the building through promoting high-quality landscaping
that is appropriate to the scope incorporating all the measures that include planting trees, establishing
green roofs and green walls using a natural based sustainable drainage e.g. greywater, rainwater
harvesting, and HVAC water condensation applications being treated to landscape irrigation purposes.
By providing Green Building Project Facility will provide an internationally renowned as part of the Urban
Greening Policy that will help in a long term health care needs, founded upon evidence-based design, an
integrated service model and a family-centered approach for the urban dwellers living in the country like
Qatar whereas Greening Policy is being implemented based on the criterion provided by the Global
Sustainability Assessment System Authority for the Urban Greening Policy in the desert landscape.
In today’s generation, most of the millennials are now well-versed on what’s going on within the
competitive landscape, which can’t be denied that they have learned already what’s happening and what
we have from the past in reinstating the same in today’s situation. However, according to the Public
Health Law Center website (2019) and with their statements that the Urban Greening Policy initiatives

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can incorporate topics that include; (a) Brownfield redevelopment; (b) Green building efforts; (c) Green
and living streets initiatives; (d) Solid waste management; (e) Urban agriculture; (f) Urban energy
sources and renewable energy initiatives; (g) Urban greenways and trail systems; (h) Urban open space
and park systems; (i) Urban forestry; (j) Watershed and urban water management, and (k) Wildlife
habitat and management. Nonetheless, working on these mentioned urban greening initiatives can help
and promote healthier urban environments that lead to an increase in physical activity and healthy living.
And by default, as experienced in the desert environment, the concept of sustainability has an important
paradigm in urban planning towards the world’s production, consumption and waste generation
concentrated in sustaining the quality of life for a sustainable environment. The urban green spaces have
positive environmental externalities that play a key role in improving the liveability within towns and cities
depending on the design, management, and maintenance with respect to social, ecological and visual
functions, which can improve living, working investment and eco-tourism for a positive contribution.
Moreover, the research facts are more reliable based on the situation we are facing in today’s generation
that changes must be happened to reclaim what we had before, and according to Tüzin Baycan Levent
(2004) in his article, “Urban Green Space Policies,” there are five factors for planning and management of
urban green spaces as I summarized and quoted in the formulation of Urban Greening Policy initiatives;
(a) Improving the quality of urban green spaces an up-to-date informative database; (b) Urban green
and open space planning policies need to be developed locally for national and international sustainability
objectives; (c) Integrated approaches in the involvement of the urban community for the development
and management of urban green spaces; (d) Planning authorities develop their own local standards for
green spaces not only in new housing developments but also in non-housing developments, such as
industry and business; and (e) Improvement of quantity, quality, and accessibility of green spaces.

Section 2.0 Materials and Methods or Methodology

2.1 The objective of the Study
This section makes an unambiguous statement of the aims or purpose of the proposed study as stated as
the author’s Desert Landscape to Sustainable Environment through Urban Greening Proposal. However,
this can be in the form of a question or questions that will be addressed as formulated in order to simplify
the work through the learning process in developing strategic planning. Whereas should then present
details of these objectives; that usually requires breaking down of the overall objectives or purposes into
a goal that must be met in order to achieve the overall result that will be exercised and implemented as
categorized in the author’s study proposal towards the application of the principles of UNDP Sustainable
Goals #11, Sustainable Cities and Communities in the Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment.
However, the objective of the study for the Desert Landscape to Sustainable Environment is about the
proposed Urban Greening Policy initiatives in Doha as a desert environment by default as such;
The Urban Greening Policy Proposal in the Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment is subjective
with the use of Green Building Design objective for any building facility that applies the greening element
requires to the building construction built-up area, which has to improve the ecological biodiversity, using
the rainwater run-off into form as greywater application for re-use and recycle, controlling the air/noise
pollution and urban temperature regulation through by promoting with high-quality greening landscaping.
And more importantly, this is to provide a level of environmentally life safety consistent with
internationally recognized environmental standards and other comparable structures in fulfilling the
subject course of study in the application of Urban Greening Policy in the desert environment. Moreover,
the proposed Urban Greening Policy in the Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment aside from
the building Facility application being applied as the author mentioned, but this will be addressed also for

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the skyscraper's tall building issues that include protective views towards a better greening perspective.
2.2 Method of Analysis
This section will outline the methods and procedures to be followed in accordance with the prevailing
Urban Greening Policies, which is already at hand in the national and regional levels for implementation.
However, the Codes and Standards of Practices with respect to the Authority Having Jurisdiction is one of
the important guidelines to follow in order to achieve the necessary goals in achieving the Urban
Greening Policy Proposal for the desert environment application. The method analysis in this section may
be a brief that will include in the discussion of the sources to be consulted that will inform the selection
and use of these methods as identified and need to be addressed for the Urban Greening Policy.
According to Morestin (2012) whereas presented the six indicators towards success for Desert Landscape
to Sustainable Environment policy that can be used as summarized and I quoted such: (a) effectiveness,
referring to the effects of the policy on the target problem; (b) unintended effects; (c) equity, referring to
the effects of the policy on different groups; (d) the cost; (e) feasibility; and (f) acceptability. However,
using these six (6) dimensions, the analysis must be prepared and have a comprehensive overview of the
policy in the project application depending on the study intent and requirements for the implementation.
And hence, the preparation method, I would say is easy and understandable, and yet, a fairly
comprehensive and flexible in the Urban Greening Policy application in a work practice manner.
And with all the concerned works, this will be guided by the principles for a good quality analysis relevant
to urban greening sustainability policy enabling the reliable delivery of the services, detailed facts and
findings, and necessary recommendations leading to whatever demonstrable improvement accordingly
(Patton & Sawicki cited in Milovanovitch, 2018).
In an engineering work practice, the policy can be defined as building requirements following the codes
and standards being applied in the building design and implementation respectively, which have to have
to analyze methodologically to sustain the client’s requirements and working the aspect progressively.
However, in today’s generation, the concept of urban greening is now mandatory in the project as part of
Doha urbanization, and hence, sustainability requirement and principles is a must following the required
policy provided by the government in the development of the design for energy conservation.
As an environmental advocate, the application of urban greening policy analysis can help to understand
the economic impact in helping the project framework resulting to be more efficient through combining
factors called ex-ante and ex-post analyses to the applied policy. In such a way, the practical application
of policy analysis can withstand and beneficial for various services applications as we perceive which has
been regulated either local or national. And as far as my engineering work is concerned, using with the
policy analysis being applied, it helps me in developing the required approaches or methodology in
addressing any specific policy problems encountered. Hence, this leads to potential reference in solving
whatever future policy proposals since vehemently effects to higher accuracy in the desert environment.
2.3 Analysis of the Policy Problem for the Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment
The desert environmental Urban Greening Policy incorporating the green building design aspect, which is
the most critical aspect amongst building services engineering design whereas the lives have been taken
care of and the property that has been invested to be secured all around. In this Urban Greening Policy
Proposal, the following policy problems have to be answered in defining strategic environmental
management from the built-up facility through innovative and sustainable design planning as follows:
1. One of the important factors in addressing this policy is a cooperation between the organizations and
communities involved, and it is said to be helpful in the formulation of Urban Greening Policy in
securing green building design applications in the desert landscape. Hence, this will promote
sustainable cities and protecting communities from the various threats that might occur in order to

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Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH

saves lives by providing a comfortable sustainable environment, improving the quality, planning
policies, and integrated approaches as well as the improvement of quantity, quality, and accessibility.
2. As part of the Urban Greening Policy, the application of Green Building design will help in sustaining
the needs for a sustainable community, however, the implications will need to secure and cite all the
required parameters from the Environmental Codes and Standards of practice by evaluating the
environmental impact that will be used through the strategic design planning of the proposed building
facility without compromising under the respective Authority Having Jurisdiction in the country.
3. Through an innovative design planning will help in promoting the Urban Greening Policy, which have
to have a clear understanding about Building Science and for instances, leading to a comprehensive
scenario so that even the ordinary laymen can understand on how the building facility works or will
might be improved in the application of green building as a contribution in greening the urban
community towards a sustainable environment in the desert landscape.
4. Whereas the building facility is being designed on whatever proposed location, a secured
Environmental Site Analysis must be carefully studied and applied for a working procedure in
compliance with the requirement of the Authority Having Jurisdiction that has to be documented
accordingly for record and maintenance purposes through planning and developing local standards.
5. Based on the country’s authority requirements, the site environmental condition needs to be identified
and investigate how the situational environment will affect the green building design towards the
Urban Greening Policy implementation in the desert landscape. And hence, integrating the values of
equipment in the prevention and protecting lives, and building properties for the built-up areas by
promoting high-quality landscaping using the building greywater (recycle and reuse from the building
drainage) for landscape irrigation and toilet flushing. And that is appropriate to the scope
incorporating all the measures including the planting of trees; establishing green roofs and green walls
from the natural-based sustainable drainage effectiveness, equity, feasible; and acceptability.
6. The Environmental Strategic Design will identify how the Wayfinding Strategy being developed that
can provide a benefit range of the amenity space-enhancing biodiversity to solidify the urban heat
island effect and the sustainable drainage in the built-up areas towards a sustainable environment.
7. The required application needs must be considered in the building facility so that that the strategic
implications of Urban Greening Policy in the desert land like Qatar will be applied. An Environmental
Management on Building Plans and Construction must be formulated so that the strategies and safety
features can be incorporated in the building design accurately in conformance with the requirement of
the Authority Having Jurisdiction with references to the Building Codes, and Environmental Standards
of Practices for the building facility as well as the built-up areas greening principle and strategy.
2.4 Three Alternative Options for Desert landscape to a Sustainable Environment Application
The methods and procedures to be followed in accordance with the prevailing Urban Greening using the
analysis of content, impact, and process of the policy, or such tools as economic analysis, and
environmental impact assessment; and with the mentioned policy problems above, the three alternatives
that will work accordingly are using item no 1, item no 5, and item no 7 as such;
2.4.1 Item No 1 of the Analysis in the Policy Problem Implication
One of the important factors in addressing this policy is a cooperation between the organizations and
communities involved, and it is said to be helpful in the formulation of Urban Greening Policy in
securing green building design applications in the desert landscape. Hence, this will promote
sustainable cities and protecting communities from the various threats that might occur in order to save
lives by providing a comfortable sustainable environment, improving the quality, planning policies, and

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integrated approaches as well as the improvement of quantity, quality, and accessibility.

- Cooperation gathered from both organizations and the communities will give an advantage
strategically due to their open-minded acceptance to improve the quality of living, and enhancing
the economic strategy towards a comfortable sustainable environment in the desert landscape.
Hence, the expected awareness for the urban greening policy in the desert landscape application
will be implemented and secure the approaches easily and that will be acceptable to both parties.
Moreover, in applying this application on both sides will become an essential part of the strategy
with the cooperation between related actors involved and as the author has mentioned through
the help of the local, regional, and national authorities; professional engineering and architectural
consultants practitioners; the scientific advisors; and the public concerned; which are said to be
more concerned for these kinds of approaches. Another thing that needs to be considered in the
application of urban greening policy in the desert landscape is the relevance towards urban
adaptation due to the effects of climate change in today’s happening as well as mitigating
greenhouse gas emissions that must be in the planning strategy, reflected and decided by both
parties involved to sustain economic viability; sustainable environmental quantity, quality, and
accessibility as well as the essential aspects of every disciplines for the vision.
2.4.2 Item No 5 of the Analysis in the Policy Problem Implication
Based on the country’s authority requirements, the site environmental condition needs to be identified
and investigate how the situational environment will affect the green building design towards the Urban
Greening Policy implementation in the desert landscape. And hence, integrating the values of equipment
in the prevention and protecting lives, and building properties for the built-up areas by promoting high-
quality landscaping using the building greywater (recycle and reuse from the building drainage) for
landscape irrigation and toilet flushing. And that is appropriate to the scope incorporating all the
measures including the planting of trees; establishing green roofs and green walls from the natural-based
sustainable drainage effectiveness, equity, feasible; and acceptability.
- The built-up area will provide an economic strategy basically through the use of recycling and
reuse as well as rainwater harvesting to form into greywater applications for building sewage
flushing and landscape irrigation serving the high-quality landscaping vision that includes green
roofs and green walls as part of green building design towards an urban greening policy
application. Moreover, the use of an interdisciplinary approach will need to address more of the
complex issues to be designed accurately to form between the green building and the urban
greening towards social, environment, biodiversity and urban development. However, this will
give a great opportunity for the community to enhance the given formula and linkages
administrative and political boundaries with lasting urban greening policy implementation in the
desert landscape to a sustainable environmental application.
2.4.3 Item No7 of the Analysis in the Policy Problem Implication
The required application needs must be considered in the building facility so that that the strategic
implications of Urban Greening Policy in the desert land like Qatar will be applied. An Environmental
Management on Building Plans and Construction must be formulated so that the strategies and
safety features can be incorporated in the building design accurately in conformance with the
requirement of the Authority Having Jurisdiction with references to the Building Codes, and
Environmental Standards of Practices for the building facility as well as the built-up areas greening
principle and strategy.
- This option will need a careful study through an environmental impact assessment in applying the
urban greening policy in the desert landscape to a sustainable environment with the strategic

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Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH

application due to their environment availability and applicability that will generate cost impact
and importing the use of imported cultivated soil, plants, shrubs and trees from other countries
to process in the desert land in formulating an urban green spaces, thus, will play an important
role in securing biodiversity throughout the urban environment towards urban greening policy.
However, the applications will be guided according to the Environmental Jurisdiction following the
Building Codes, and Environmental Standards of Practices in the design and implementation.
Therefore, attaining such a policy will provide an essential structural and functional contribution
in the cities urbanization that will become more attractive and liveable following the urban
greening policy for quality of life as part of the strategic formation within the urban environment.
With all the above statements, therefore, can be summarized into three agenda to sustain and progress
the selected study, “Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment,” with the; a) formulation of Urban
Greening Policy in securing green building design applications in the desert landscape, b) promoting high-
quality landscaping, and c) Environmental Management on Building Plans and Construction; which will
help in achieving holistic outcome in valuing the importance of ecosystem in the community biodiversity.
However, it is an essential point to review the integrated variables within the ecosystem in fulfilling the
key requirements identified in developing a sustainable environment by providing a high quality of living

Section 3.0 Results and Discussions

3.1 Environmental Regulations and Standards in Design and Implementation Requirements
In the application of this study relevant to the course of interest, “Desert landscape to a Sustainable
Environment,” the following environmental regulations and standards have to be applied in the
progression of the design works as well as in the project implementation that can be used and guided as;
In the application of Sustainable development in the subject interest, hence, it is a global responsibility
that requires enactment at a local level. However, in recognition of this, Qatar has committed to
becoming a signatory of various international agreements to protect and manage the environment, which
Qatar has ratified, and is now party to, the following relevant treaties:

 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

and Their Disposal – ratified 1995
It is said to be and as part of green building application, however, the untreated sewage waste often
contains a significant amount of pathogens. If released into the environment, for example, groundwater
or sea, without adequate treatment, it has the potential to travel and affect neighboring countries.
 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity – ratified 1996
This Convention has recognizes that States, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the
principles of international law as well as the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to
their own environmental policies. In addition, they also have the responsibility to ensure that activities
within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas
beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
If within the limit of the course subject of interest, the ecological survey were, therefore, to identify a
healthy ecosystem either within the site or its immediate surroundings, then the obligations of the
Convention on Biological Diversity must be implemented. Therefore, this would need to be done in
accordance with the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan, 2004 towards a sustainable environment.

 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification – ratified 1999

As a signatory to this convention, Qatar is committed to combating both land degradation, which results
from erosion and the deterioration of the soil. As the construction of urban greening policy will involve

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the significant movement of soil, and such, there will be certain implications in terms of sediment
transport and erosion in the implementation of a sustainable environment in the desert landscape.
Law 30 (2002) is the main law regarding the management and conservation of natural resources. Within
this law, articles 17 and 18 states that, throughout the full life cycle of development, relevant
environment protection regulations and standards must be identified and subsequently adhered to.
Reasonable assurances that these standards will be met are required before the project gains both
environmental clearance for construction and consent to operate.
Drainage Affairs also imposes standards for the treated sewage effluent (TSE) produced by the works to
be used in the landscape irrigation as the prime source towards sustainability policy in the desert
landscape as subject interest in the course assignment that has been considered to ensure compliance.
The Environmental Protection Standards as imposed by the Qatar SCENR (Supreme Council for
Environmental and Natural Reserves) and the acceptable levels of noise and odors must be held towards
project implementation in meeting sustainable development in the desert landscape.
In order to complement existing Qatari legislation as mentioned above shall ensure compliance with the
best practices; adoption of international standards will additionally be required. And as part of sustainable
development, from the green building process through the STW will become TSE and sludge, it is
important to ensure that they are treated to a quality high enough to allow re-use and release into the
environment for landscape irrigation, building toilet flushing and for the district cooling towers processing.
3.2 The Need for an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) towards Sustainable Ecosystem
This study relevant to the course of interest, “Desert landscape to a Sustainable Environment,” must have
to prepare and present the findings through the EIA undertook to determine the potential environmental
effects associated with the construction and application of the proposed urban greening policy in the
desert landscape. The EIA is required in order to fulfill statutory regulations and promote the
sustainability of the development. The EIA report will provide details implication on both the adverse side
and positive benefits of the extension as well as considering secondary for the indirect and cumulative
effects of the development. Whereas, if the adverse impacts have been identified as more significant,
appropriate mitigation measures shall be recommended in resolving issues in the desert landscape.
However, the EIA aims have to present a concise account of the main issues of the development, which
may have a significantly adverse impact on the environment. In summary, the main objectives are to:

 Establish the existing environmental conditions at the site and in the immediate vicinity that
would be potentially affected by the proposed development;

 Identify and document the potential effects, both positive and negative, that may arise from the
construction and application of the proposed urban greening policy in the desert landscape, but
taking account of the size and location, the sensitivity of the local environment and the
requirements of Statutory authorities;

 Assess priority impacts of noise and odour for the site and its immediate surroundings; and
 To identify and evaluate measures that may be employed to mitigate adverse impacts
3.3 Desert Landscape Pattern Analysis and its Metrics Background
The Greater Doha is the city capital of the State of Qatar and the sovereign Arab state-bound within the
peninsula of the Western Asia coast as part of the Arabian Gulf and a monarchy ruled by the Al Thani
family. The State of Qatar was popularized in pearl hunting and sea trade before the discovery of their

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Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH

natural reserve gas, which they are ranked as the 3rd largest oil & gas producer in the world and one of
the richest countries based on their GDP capita. But when you look in the map (Qatar Map, right-wing) at
the south is bordered by the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia and has an area of 11,586 square kilometers
that has been said a desert landscape mostly and
with agricultural activities with fast-depleting
groundwater resources whereas they relied on.
According to the Qatar Statistics Authority in Figure
01 showed the comparison of male and female
population pyramid as well as the growth graph
about the incremental evolution of the population in
the country since 1950. However, the small
population has grown from the figure of 111,133
since 1970 and up to the present year, 2019 with
2,861,437 million at a rate of 2.7% average annual
growth. Nonetheless, with the given numeric value
of the population, it is about 85% are migrants
expatriates working and live temporarily in Qatar
and about 90% of the said population are living in
the cities and respected towns. The Qataris
nationals are less than 15% of the total population
in the country, 13% from other Arab nationals,
24% from Indian, 16% from Nepali, 11% from
Filipino, 5% from Bangladesh, and 5% from Sri
Lankan. With all the groups identified, the Filipinos
are the third-largest group of expatriates of about 250,000 migrated workers living in the country.
As a result of the growing population in the country, the Qatari citizens are now being affected with the
evolution, and thus, migrating from the respective towns and villages to the greater Doha is a
tremendous behavioral change in the sense of quality living and quality life. But then again, that includes
the massive expatriate's migration too from different localities to the greater Doha, mainly because of the
rapid economic landscape development on both infrastructure and built-up areas throughout the country.
With the increasing population in the country, however, that will give more vital pressure and demand in
the government as subsidies that include the level of potable water consumption for domestic needs
through the use of water desalination processes being supplied throughout the country. And because of
the increasing population, an accumulation of building wastewater which is being collected and utilized
sustainably through re-use and recycling process application at the sewage treatment plant to produce a
treated sewage effluent (TSE) water serving for agricultural farm, building greywater, district cooling
towers, landscape irrigation purposes as well as for industrial usage in terms of maintenance aspect.
3.4 Landscape Structure and Implications to Environmental Management
Though the environment is a desert land basically that can be said as lack of vegetated area, however,
with the country's present governance, accommodating urban greening policy, which is now ongoing
implementation with the restriction as regulated from the Environmental Agencies recommendation. And
as part of their urbanization program whereas the presence of trees, shrubs, and ground covers, as well
as agricultural vegetation farms, are now in existence in complying with the UNDP Sustainable Goals #11,
Sustainable Cities and Communities. The UNDP Sustainable Goals #11 is being transformed on the way
the building builds and managing the spaces for sustainable built-up areas from the design works point of
view and the project implementation into a reality, and that is a common good for the public use as well

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Figure 01, Qatar Population Pyramid and Growth Graph 2019 (source; QSC/worldpopulation)

Table 1, Land Use and Land Cover Classification System Distribution Analysis for Doha
Class No Land Use Cover Distribution Classification Area kM2 %age
Commercial and Services
1 Built-up Area 235.25 39.40
Mixed urban or built-up land
Other urban or built-up land
2 Industrial area Heavy industries 14.58 2.40
Small-scale industries
3 Agricultural area Farm areas (vegetables, dates farms, etc) 7.49 1.30
Road networks
4 Transportation Airport area 133.72 22.40
Parking area
Sandy areas other than beaches
5 Open space Bare exposed rock 150.83 25.30
Transitional areas
Mixed barren areas
6 Recreation 54.80 9.20

as mitigating Climate Change. It is indeed and has proven actually that through the planting of trees,
shrubs, and ground covers within the community has an impact on every individual’s well being and

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likewise with the built-up areas in the application of green building policy in the desert landscape for the
growing city like Doha in conserving a sustainable environment, which is the main goal and vision of the
country for 2030, and perhaps, that has to preserve and protect the unique environment as it was as well
as balancing the essential needs of economic landscape growth and social development with the
conditions importantly for environmental protection in a timely fashion conserving biodiversity.
We all know that Doha is a desert environment. However, the Qatar government has a pronouncement
initiative and committed to a sustainable environment in the desert landscape. This will cater to the
implementation of urban greening policy in the country as well as their vision for 2030. Moreover, with
the lines according to McGarcial, which was cited by Leitao (2002), the landscape structure has a close
relationship with the abiotic abundance and diversity. Turner (1989) described how spatial structure and
influences as the most fundamental ecological processes. And thus, the ecological aspect of health within
the landscape structure is dependent on each other functions of connectivity and biological diversity. This
is because whatever changes in the desert landscape structure will cause a change in function and
influences within the ecosystem through planning and environmental management programs on how to
conserve; utilize and progress on the built-up areas without compromising the environmental itself.
Furthermore, resilience strategies have been doing with all the cases for the country’s environmental sake
and strengthened the coastal protection by increasing mangrove tree planting located at Qatar’s eastern
coast and north of the capital of Doha areas as part of one of the government initiatives. The mangrove
wetlands are said to be valuable as a breeding location for most of the species like crustaceans and fish
as well as for the bird’s nesting areas like Herons and egrets, hence, conservation entails on it.
In Table 01 has shown that the Built-Up Area is 39.40% over 100% occupied land, which has been
proportionate the graph in Figure 04. But as a matter of fact, about 15% (or 6.0% of the built-up
development is allocated in the landscape greening planning) over 39.40% human settlement that can be
seen in Figure 06 as an example for the patch landscape (planted shrubs, ground covers, and trees)
within the author’s neighbors infrastructure area, which has been managed by the government in
delivering irrigation system from the recycled TSE water. The recreation and the agricultural areas are
fundamentally composed of trees, shrubs, ground covers and vegetated farms of about 10.50%.
Notwithstanding, the open space with 25.30% has an estimated 10% or 2.53% overall occupied with the
desert green plants scattered, which is referring to as the natural plants in the area. Likewise with the
transportation and industrial areas are similar situation with the Built-Up Area that has 24.80% over
100% occupied land, and back then again, about 15% (or 3.72% of the built-up development is allocated
in the landscape greening planning) as shown shreds of evidence in Figure 02 and within those areas
inside the West Bay, Doha, as shown in Figure 03, are well planned with landscape greening plants.

Figure 02, Qatar Urbanized Possibilism Elements (a. National-Museum, credit source to Atelier-Jean-
Nouvel and, b. Doha Corniche, credit source to Dutourdumonde-Alamy Stock Photo)

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Figure 03, West Bay Urbanized Possibilism Elements (credit source, Dutourdumonde-Alamy Stock Photo)

Figure 04, Landscape Proportion Graph

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3.5 Describing Landscape Elements to Form a Sustainable Environment

As with the given exercise and herewith, the Patch Corridor Matrix model is being identified to be used in
identifying the spatial components of the landscape and its elements as prescribed in the image
presented in Figure 06, “Doha Urban Landscape Map.” Although the image with the author has covered is
unusual. The application of urban greening policy is essential most likely as it gives challenge in the case
of desert environment not only in Doha but you can notice also what the UAE government did in Abu
Dhabi, which the author appreciate their amazing program. However, just to give some facts from Wiens
1976 and 1989, Wiens and Milne 1989, and I quoted that the Patches are dynamic and occur on a variety
of spatial and temporal scales, from an organism-centered perspective, vary as a function of each
animal’s perceptions; and “A landscape does not contain a single patch mosaic but contains a hierarchy
of patch mosaics across a range of scales like from an organism-centered perspective, the smallest scale
at which an organism perceives and responds to patch structure is its gain,” (Kotliar and Weins 1990).

Figure 05, Google Map Image for the Selected Location

With the continuous economic landscape development in the country, the population growth keeps
changing drastically every year that results in the expansion of human settlement built-up areas in Table
01 and as shown in the photo images (Figure 03 and Figure 05) as evidently part of the country's
urbanization. Moreover, as part of their greening policy with respect to Qatar’s National Vision 2030 and
the author quoted as, “The State of Qatar seeks to preserve and protect its unique environment and
nurture the abundance of nature granted by God. Accordingly, the development will be carried out with
responsibility and respect, balancing the needs of economic growth and social development with the
conditions for environmental protection.” Nonetheless, the vision has summarized into Four-Pillars with
human development, social development, environmental development, and economic development.
The initiative of planting mangroves along the coastline as an example is an essential part of protecting
the coastal areas that may be having waves and floods just in case, but these also serve as a breeding
ground of some marine and brackish water species (Florida Museum, n.d.); and most patches of
mangrove areas are planted throughout Qatar as an integral for their oil and gas explorations in

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mitigating C02, which is not shown in the map provided in Figure 06, Doha Urban Landscape Map.
The landscape elements used was based on the Google Map Image (Figure 05) with the Patch Mosaic
Madel (Figure 06) presented as such: A patch of Human Settlement; a patch of landscape-shrubs, ground
covers and trees; and the corridors for the main road, secondary road, and tertiary road. Unknowingly,
the arrangement of elements affects the ecological components of the environment specifically on the
movement of organisms, matter, and energy. “Interactions and Dynamic of spatial heterogeneity, spatial
and temporal interactions and exchanges across heterogeneous landscape influences of spatial
heterogeneity on the biotic and abiotic process and management of spatial heterogeneity” (Wu, 2013);
and the increased in the population lead to an increase of housing demand that causes deterioration of
the urban environment as well as mitigating measure in the climate-responsive urban design and
planning process (Yang et al, 2018). Moreover, with the urban greening policy in the desert landscape
being held in the country is a priority as progressively covers in every infrastructure development project.
Moreover, in addition with the urban greening policy being discussed hereof, an author’s article
published, which can be read in the known CEAIndia ViewPoint Journal (September 2018 Edition)
entitled; “Energy Conservation for Utilities Means Sustainability;” that can be retrieved from;
The author’s article provided is aligning with the ViewPoint Journal theme; ”Built Environment – Energy
Conservation for Utilities.” However, with the energy conservation using the recent technology
applicability and keeping environmental sustainability in mind can lead to the main goal of today’s
competitive landscape in the desert landscape to a sustainable environment. The intent is to help the
world in conserving the environment in mitigating climate change as well and at the same time, the
purpose will create revenue from the innovative works. And aside from the Energy Conservation, the
combined MEP and utility designs have focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions through system
selection, maximizing the system and equipment efficiency and exploiting renewable energy resources.
Sustainability is thus, inherent in the theme of Energy Conservation for Utilities for the environment.

Figure 06, Patch Mosaic Madel for the Selected Location

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3.6 Human-Altered Landscape Construction towards a Sustainable Environment

Figure 07, Human-Altered Landscape Construction of the Msheireb Metro Station (credit, ARCADIS)
The photo image above (Figure 07) can be described as one of the human-altered landscapes in Doha,
Qatar for the built-up environment development in preparation for the 2022 World Cup, but creating a
sustainable environment through means of providing mass transportation between points of stations
throughout Qatar. However, it is indeed that most of the construction happening in the country is a
benefit to both Qatari citizens and migrants citizens by providing quality of life progress towards the
country's economic landscape whom the government dedicated not only for Qatar but the whole world.
The author, again, has been in Qatar since 2004 and observes what's happening in the whole country for
all the projects being envisioned into a structured realism, whereas a proud to say that has become part
of every project held in every company's employment. And with all the human-altered landscapes
through construction progression has no effect within the landscape biodiversity since the covered area is
a true desert ecosystem and has no record on whatever impact on soil degradation or even forestry but
collaboration into a sustainable aspect towards urban greening policy following Section 3.2 to where the
project/s are being constructed as part of the infrastructure development within the desert ecosystem.
Figure 07 has an ecosystem implication progressively but the importance of environmental management
planning which will give an essential factor for the schedule 24/7 working overtime. And because of the
unending construction activities in the country have consequently led to the transformation anew from a
desert landscape into a sustainable economic class environment in alignment with the urban greening
policy implementation. Moreover, Qatar's now is one of the amazing countries in terms of development
they have produced in decades whereas the transformation after human-altered landscapes construction.
The human-altered landscape construction (Figure 07) is the Msheireb Metro Station being featured as an
example of progression during the construction stage and up to the finishing stage, which is now in
operational for the three-lines (Gold Line, Red Line, and Green Line) from different directions, whereas
already commissioned as part of today's ways of mass transportation for the citizens and migrant citizens
subsidized by the Qatar government. Moreover, the construction progression of the Doha Metro Rail
Project was one of the biggest fast track infrastructures that had been developed over time. The main
goal is only by providing mass transportation as part of sustainable development commitment of Qatar
government through Qatar Rail Company that was started last 2013 when I am still working with the
United Consultants and the author was involved in the building services design and build project when I
was in ARCADIS/Hyder for the Gold Line Metro Rail Project working 24/7 tasks within the timeframe.
Furtherance and with the development of the project, it was the Qatar Ministry of Environment has
initiated the implementation of urban greening policy to sustain a sustainable environment within the
mass transportation, and a law compliance towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requirements
for a long term sustainability initiatives that will benefit the entire citizens working in the country.

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3.7 Desert Landscape towards Greening Policy for a Sustainable Environment

Figure 08, Cultural Village Desert Landscape towards Greening Policy Application (credit, lauallemagne)
Figure 08 is one of the successful applications of urban greening in Lusail City other than Sports City of
the same application and the author was one in the design team of PROJACS International who
developed the Cultural Village greening landscape design. The area was damped continuously to a height
of about 15-meters height from the original desert land datum to form hills full of shrubs, ground covers,
and trees. The landscape irrigation system was designed based on the recent technology whereas the
supplied water being used to irrigate the whole green areas are from the recycled and re-use treated
sewage effluent water of either from Doha Sewage Treatment or Al Dhakira Sewage Treatment Plants.

Figure 09, Mangrove Tree Planting towards Greening Biodiversity Preservation (credit, lauallemagne)
Figure 09 is located mostly in Al Thakira, the northern part of Doha and as one of the oldest landscapes
in greening biodiversity preservation, which is popular with all visitors for fishing and birdwatching spots.

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Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGZQH

Section 4.0 Conclusion

And with the increasing population pressure every year from both Qatari citizens and migrants citizens,
the Qatar government has focused in the development of infrastructures and the built-up areas for
human settlement expansion to accommodate them without any hesitation and the acquired pressure in
the conversion of desert landscape into an urban greening environment, vegetated farms towards
agricultural ecosystem as well as industrial lands production in developing the economic landscape and
other recreational land uses presented in Table 01 as explained in Section 34. The purpose is to preserve
and sustain the needs of the required comfortable life towards a sustainable environment through forest
land management, biodiversity conservation, urban greening, and ecological balance in the country.
As a Professional Engineer and a Chartered Environmentalist working in the country and as part of their
built-up development for more than 15-years contributions, the author have seen and observed how
Qatar is being developed through its landscape structure and construction implications towards
environmental management planning, which is strategically amazing as compared to other countries in
the GCC region. However, as part of Qatar commitment, the application towards sustainable goal
development (UNDP SDGs) has improved incorporating the strategic implementation of the ecological
connectivity of the area that include the use of mass transportation and connectivity, which was being
held lately for the full operation of subway trains serving the community on both local and migrants.
A sustainable ecosystem like Doha urbanization, though, has to achieve a balance among environmental
aspects of protection in mitigating climate change, landscape economic strategic development, and social
wellbeing that maintains cultural and social diversity as well as integration for the common good.

Section 5.0 Recommendations

In the desert landscape development, let us understand first about landscape ecology and its implication
to environmental management towards the ecosystem. According to Almo Farina article, “Landscapes and
Their Ecological Components,” defined that, “landscape ecology is a discipline that studies environmental
complexity, concentrating mainly on an analysis of the importance of spatial relationships between the
various components such as individuals, populations, communities, and land mosaics of the real world.”
Wherein the description of the current situation towards landscape development “defined as the spatial
representation of an ecosystem, a landscape that is composed of many superimposed environments.”
Moreover, Jianguo (Jingle) and most of all, Wu defines that “Landscape ecology is an interdisciplinary
field that aims to understand and improve the relationship between spatial pattern and ecological
processes on a range of scales.” Hence, the integration of interdisciplinary services will work successfully.
Management planning is one of the strategic points that need to be understood that simplifies the works
through the given direction and time framework. However, as a practicing Engineer (PE) by profession in
the construction sector, which is part of the landscape building-built environment that environmental
management planning is the process of conservation that must be addressed and adhered to within the
environmental construction management team. And it is the author’s point of view relevance with the
presented topic, “Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment” within the construction environment.
As a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) in practice, with the urban greening policy, will help the country’s
desert landscape to a sustainable environment in spite of the area is very alarming due to environmental
circumstances, however, it is not a big deal since the country is a desert environment as shown in Table
01 for the researched conducted about the Doha Land Use and Land Cover Classification System
Distributions and presented in the Landscape Proportion Graph in Figure 04. Section 3.4 discussed the
strategic landscape management using the sewage treatment plant in processing the recycled product,
which is the treated sewage effluent (TSE) water that will be used in sustaining the country needs for
irrigation in irrigating the entire landscape ground covers, shrubs, and trees as shown in Figure

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02/03 and Figure 07 for the Katara Cultural Village as an example of a sustainable urban greening and
biodiversity conservation. In a glimpse of 2007, when the author was with the PROJACS Consulting Firm
had involved in the Katara Cultural Village landscape greening design.
However, as part of landscape ecology study, most recommendation for the landscape structure and
implications to environmental management, the author want to reinstate that according to Wu (2009)
statement, which I like most that he has suggested some points in order for the country in achieving
urban sustainability that has to design environmentally and build a better cities considering urbanization
as part of the solution towards global sustainability, and hence, urban greening policy is the one.
Nonetheless, Wu (2008) pointed out some various reasons why does landscape ecology is more
important towards sustainable research and practices or as a practitioner and the author’s quoted as
such: a) the human landscape as a basic spatial unit for studying and maintaining sustainability; b)
provides a hierarchical and integrative ecological basis; c) provides a holistic approach to socio-ecological
systems; d) provides theory and methods for studying spatial heterogeneity and relates pattern to
process; e) provides methods and metrics for quantifying sustainability; f) provides theories and methods
for scaling and uncertainty analysis. Thereby, modernization can be said as part of the natural condition
due to the technological aspect, however, with the balanced aspect and environmental views can be
achieved with a political will towards a clear direction for the policy implementation in the country.
But then again, the strategic governance must have an initiative in the urban greening policy as describes in
Sections 2.3 / 2.4 respectively and a law-abiding citizen at all costs so that the future generations can have
their dignity to uphold the growing population towards a sustainable environment in the desert landscape.
Moreover, the following has to be addressed to improve the cultural aspect of the communal ecosystem with;

 Sustainable vegetated forest management by a reproduction of very high-quality palm trees,

 Community-based vegetated forest and landscape management democratizing resources in using
rights through conserving natural and indigenous trees that can be found in the desert landscape,
 Ineffective policy implementation contributes to deforestation and unsustainable environment,
 Ecological values of the vegetated forest and urban landscape that are implicit in the programs, and
 Good environmental governance in introducing species from places having a similar environment
Additionally, the good thing in Qatar’s environmental ethnographic movement is because of their wealth
whereas they can do whatever they want to accomplish in serving the country citizens and migrated citizens.
The reason behind this is because of their oil and gas explorations as their means of income. However, in
every exploration they made, the environment suffers because of CO2 that mainly contributes to global
warming. But on the other side, the author was influenced by the dramatic improvement throughout the
country to develop and sustain a sustainable environment whereas the product of urban greening policy has
been experiencing by numerous citizens. In this regards, it is the author’s privileged that was involved
primarily in the economic landscape design innovation towards a sustainable environment on the country’s
progressing construction in the building built environment on different scales, which until now, the author’s
still part of it, not only for the country’s development but also for my family needs since 2004 in the country.

Section 6.0 Statement of Authorship

The author has developed and conducted all necessary literature research in completing this article
composition with the prepared conceptual framework, identifying thematic points on all cases, formulated
recommendations, and undertook the write-up with the given timeframe as part of the assignment.

Section 7.0 Write-Up References

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Gomeseria, R. V. (2019, November 11). Building Services Application In The Built-Up Landscape

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Gomeseria, R. V. (September 2018 Edition); “Energy Conservation for Utilities Means Sustainability;” CEAI
ViewPoint Journal; Consulting Engineers Association of India
Leitao, A.B. and Ahern, J. (2002). Applying landscape ecological concepts and metrics in ˜ sustainable
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About the Author

With 27,770+ LinkedIn Followers Connections (28 February 2020)

Er. Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. ME/PME, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, APEC (IntPE), ACPE, ASEANEng
Professional Engineer (Philippines, Qatar, India, UK); Chartered Engineer (India, UK); Chartered Environmentalist (India);
Chartered Engineering Manager (USA); Chartered Health Care Manager (USA); Specialized Engineering Manager (UK);
Specialized Project Manager (UK); Master Project Manager (USA); Chartered Building Engineer (UK); ASEAN Engineer; ASEAN
Chartered Professional Engineer; APEC Engineer (IntPE); Mechanical Engineer (Phils); Plumbing Engineer / Master Plumber
(Phils); Master Electrician (Phils); Certified International Project Manager (USA)

Book & Article Author/Writer – CEAI ViewPoint Journal | Durresamin Journal | Top 1% Author of Academia and

eCommerce Graduate Course (99.34 GWA-High Distinction Award); New Enterprise Planning Grad Course (94.6 GWA Distinction Award)
RCRANRM / CCA&DRM / PED Graduate Courses – UPOU CEP Courses Topnotch | SAfE Course (2020 – Ongoing)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Upland Resources Management (DENRM-URM, 1.78 GWA)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Coastal Resources Management (DENRM-CRM) - Ongoing
University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

Master of Science in Construction Management (36 Credit Units / 2016-2018, 1.14 GWA / 4.0 US GPA, Topnotch)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

Master of Mechanical Engineering (48 Credit Units / 2010-2013, 3.78 US GPA, Magna Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering (65 Credit Units / 2016-2019, 4.0 US GPA, Summa Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Ongoing)
Atlantic International University, USA

Master of Arts in Teaching major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology | EARIST Manila, Philippines (1.12 GPA, 2002-2004)

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Bicol University, Legazpi City, Philippines

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3) Reflection on the Battle of Manila Bay (Published at LinkedIn)

4) Fire Detection and Alarm System (Published at LinkedIn and Academia)

5) Building Services Engineering Management (Published at Academia and ResearchGate)

6) Environment Possibilism - Durreesamin Journal (Published at Academia and LinkedIn)

7) High Rise Building Fire Environment (Published at Academia)

8) The Importance of Environmental Communication (Published at LinkedIn)

9) The Effect of Nacirema Body Ritual and Practices (Published at ResearchGate)

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