Assignment - DMBA102 - MBA - Set1 and 2 - Jan-Feb - 2023

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Directorate of Online Education



ROLL NUMBER 2314101176

Assignment Set – 1

1. Write any three barriers to Listening. Enlist the different types of Listening.
Ans: - Barriers to Listening:
• Obstacles that hamper or restrict one's capacity to clearly hear the speaker are
referred to as physical obstacles. These may include annoying background noise,
poor sound, or a speaker's distance.
• Psychological obstacles: Internal things that make it difficult for someone to fully
participate in the listening process are referred to as psychological obstacles.
Personal biases that exist assumptions alternatives, and emotional responses are a
few examples.
• Cultural obstacles: When the speaker and the listener have different languages,
cultures, and worldviews, there may be cultural barriers. These variations can lead
to miscommunications and incorrect understandings of the message that is being

Types of Listening:
• Active listening is an approach to listening in which the listener tries to grasp
the speaker's message while participating completely in the discussion. This
involves paying attention carefully, making inquiries, and giving comments.
• Empathetic listening is a style of listening in which the listener tries to
understand the viewpoint and emotions of the speaker. This entails paying
attention to the speaker's feelings, according to what they are expressing, and
offering encouragement.
• Critical listening is a style of hearing where the audience member evaluates and
analyses the speaker's message. This entails challenging beliefs, spotting
prejudice, and determining the speaker's trustworthiness.
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• Listening with appreciation: Listening with appreciation is a listening style in
which the listener concentrates on savouring and appreciating the speaker's
message. This entails having an open mind and being sensitive to fresh
viewpoints, experiences, and ideas.
• Informative listening is a style of listening when the listener tries to learn new
things or expand their knowledge. This entails paying attention to the small
print, taking notes, and clarifying your comprehension with questions.
• Discriminative hearing is a style of listening in which the listener focuses on
recognising and differentiating between various sounds and signals. Tone, pitch,
and loudness must all be taken into consideration in this.

In conclusion, knowing the various listening styles and obstacles might help people
communicate more effectively and create stronger bonds with others. One can learn to
listen effectively and actively by identifying and overcoming listening barriers and
getting a variety of listening skills.

2. Explain the various types of Non-Verbal Communication while giving examples

as to how you will use NV Communication when appearing for a job interview.
Ans: - Body language, gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other non-verbal
signs are all examples of non-verbal communication. In order to make a good first
impression and convey assurance and professionalism during a job interview, nonverbal
communication might be just as crucial as verbal communication. The many forms of
nonverbal communication and their applications in job interviews are listed below:
• Facial Expressions: What your face says about your emotions, attitudes, and
personality may be quite telling. Confidence and interest in the conversation may
be shown by smiling, nodding, maintaining eye contact, and making pleasant facial
expressions. On the other hand, frowning, avoiding eye contact, or looking
disinterested can signal are lacking interest or insincerity.
Example: Keep a cheerful look on your face the entire time you are talking during a job
interview. When appropriate, smile, nod as examples of engagement, and keep eye contact
to show listening interest.
• Body Language: Body language is the study of how people move and hold
themselves in order to express feelings or messages. Maintaining an open posture
while sitting up straight can convey professionalism, assertiveness, and confidence.
A lack of confidence or nervousness might be shown by slouching, crossing the
arms, or being restless.
Example: Sit up straight, lean slightly forward, and keep your hands on your lap when
attending a job interview. Fidgeting or crossing your arms might suggest uncomfortable or
lack of attention.
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• Gestures: Hand or body motions that highlight or support a verbal word are known
as gestures. Making the right motions may help stress points and exude confidence
and zeal. However, utilizing too many or the wrong kinds of gestures might be
distracting or come across as uneasy or insincere.
Example: Use the right-hand motions to emphasize points or show excitement, for
instance. Using the "thumbs up" sign, for instance, to express consent or acceptance.

• The tone of your voice, which includes your pitch, loudness, and intonation,
describes how you communicate. It can express feelings like assurance, elation, or
anxiety. A voice that is clear, assured, and pleasant may make an impression, but a
voice that is timid or monotonous might suggest lack of confidence or interest.
Example: During the job interview, use a clear, assured tone of voice. Aim for a moderate
loudness and tone, and when expressing passion or intensity, switch up your intonation.

• Appearance: A lot about your personality and professionalism may be inferred

from the way you look. You may make a good impression and show that you take
the interview seriously by dressing correctly for the position and keeping your hair,
nails, and hygiene in good condition.
Example: When dressing for a job interview, make sure your choices reflect both the
culture of the organisation and the role. Maintain good hygiene, your hair, nails, and your
In summary, nonverbal communication is a crucial component of job interviews and may
reveal a lot about your professionalism, personality, and feelings. Making a good first
impression and displaying confidence and participation in the discussion may be
accomplished by using the proper non-verbal clues, such as facial expressions, body
language, gestures, tone of voice, and appearance.

3. Imagine that you are the sales representative of your organization, and you are
asked to effectively demonstrate a newly launched product/service in front of a
target audience. Explain the communication process while including the relevance
of context and how the communication can go wrong even if a few elements are
Ans: - Your responsibility as a sales representative is to explain to a target market the
benefits of a recently released item or service. This procedure, which includes numerous
phases, relies on effective communication.
Understanding the communication's context is the first step. What is the communication's
goal? Who are the intended recipients? What message do you wish to deliver? It is essential
to understand the context since it allows you to target your communication to the
appropriate audience.
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Making your message is the next step after understanding the situation. In order to
successfully communicate your message, this involves employing the appropriate language
and tone. Make sure your message is clear and brief and that the audience will understand
The message must then be communicated. There are several methods to accomplish this,
such as through a presentation, a demonstration, or a dialogue. The goal is to select the
technique that best suits your audience and the message you want to get across.
It is crucial that you pay attention to the audience's comments as you are delivering the
message. Are they a couple? Do they understand the message? Do they have any inquiries?
If the audience is not interested, it could be essential to change the message or the way it is
delivered in order to engage them.
The communication channels that are utilised to reach the target audience must also be
considered. Is it an in-person conversation, a video conference, or an online posting? Each
kind of communication demands a unique strategy, and it is critical to comprehend how the
target audience engages with each.
In order to make sure that the audience understood the communication and was interested
in the good or service, it is crucial to follow up after the communication. This may involve
sending further details, responding to inquiries, or arranging a follow-up appointment.
If one or more of these procedures is skipped or not carried out correctly, communication
may fail. For instance, if the context is not correctly understood, the audience may not
connect with the message, which might result in disengagement. The message could not be
succinct or clear if it is not correctly written, which could cause misunderstanding. The
value of the product or service may not be effectively communicated if the delivery is
inappropriate for the target audience or the message. If the routes of communication are
poorly chosen, the message could not get to its target audience. The audience may forget
the message or lose interest in the good or service if there is no follow-up.
Directorate of Online Education


ROLL NUMBER 2314101176

Assignment Set – 2
4. What are things to be kept in mind BEFORE the commencement of a Business
Meeting? Explain.
Ans: - To guarantee that a business meeting is fruitful and successful, there are several
considerations that should be made before it begins. The following are some crucial things
to think about:
• Meeting's Objective: Prior to holding a meeting, it is crucial to determine its
objectives. Is it an informational meeting, a brainstorming session, or a meeting to
make decisions? Setting an agenda and sending out invitations will be made easier
if the meeting's goal is made clear.
• Attendees: It is crucial to invite the appropriate individuals to the meeting. You
should make sure that everyone there has an interest in the subject under discussion
or is required to participate in the decision-making process. To prevent crowding,
consider the number of guests as well.

• Agenda: Make a detailed agenda that outlines the topics to be discussed, the amount
of time given for each topic, and the moderator for each discussion. This will make
preparing easier and keep everyone focused during the discussion, making the
meeting effective.
• Time and Length: Choose a time for the meeting that works for everyone who will
be there, and make sure the length is adequate for the agenda. Meetings should not
be scheduled at lunch or other times when attendees are more likely to have other
• Location and Technology: Pick a suitable location for the meeting, and make sure
that it has the projectors or audio-visuals equipment that are required for
presentations or demonstrations.

• Pre-reading Materials: Provide guests with pre-reading materials or relevant

documents to help them get ready for the meeting if needed. As a result, attendees
will be more prepared for the meeting while understanding the subject at hand.
Directorate of Online Education
• Communication: Ensure that everyone attending is informed of the meeting's time,
place, and agenda, and send reminders as the day draws near. This will guarantee
that everyone has the information they need and is ready for the meeting.
• Etiquette and Behaviour: Setting standards for meeting etiquette, such as being
on time, prepared, and actively interested, is important. Encourage honest
discussion, but make sure the conversation stays civil and on-topic.
• Refreshments: Depending on how long the meeting will go, provide drinks to keep
guests interested and active.
5. Suppose you are asked to write a research document. Elaborate on the steps you
will apply for writing.
Ans: - Writing a research paper can be a challenging effort, but by breaking it down into
manageable sections, you can make the process simpler. The following are some
procedures to consider when writing a research paper:
• Select a Topic: Choose a subject that interests you and is pertinent to the area of
study. Make sure there is adequate research accessible to support your argument
and that the issue is neither too wide nor too restricted.
• Research: Conduct an in-depth study about your choice. To obtain pertinent
material, consult a range of sources, including books, scholarly journals, and
internet sources. Make thorough notes and arrange your research materials so they
are simple to find again.
• Make an outline: Compile the information from your study into a structured
framework. This will assist you in determining the key concepts and points of
contention for your research paper. An introduction, a body, and a conclusion
should be included in your outline.
• Write the Introduction: The introduction should give a general overview of the
subject, identify the research question, and give some background information. It
should also introduce your thesis statement and highlight the importance of the
• Write the Body: The key explanations, additional information, and analyses for
your thesis statement should all be included in the body of your research paper. To
make sure that each component of the body is relevant and linked to the main thesis,
use your outline as a guide.
• Write the Conclusion: The conclusion should repeat the thesis statement and
highlight the key aspects of the research paper. Additionally, it ought to make
suggestions for more investigation or make topical implications.
• Edit and Revise: When you have finished writing your research paper, spend some
time reviewing and altering it. Make sure your arguments are concise and well-
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supported, and proofread for language and spelling issues. Think about asking
someone else to assess your work and offer comments and recommendations for

• Reference Your Sources: In research writing, properly referencing your sources is

essential. Make sure all sources are correctly referenced in the text and reference
list by using the right reference style, such as Harvard.
• Presentation and Format: The last stage is to format your research paper
according to the instructions given by your professor or academic institution. To
ensure that your paper seems professional, pay close attention to formatting aspects
like margins, font size, and spacing.
6. What is the basic difference between Product Advertising and Corporate
Advertising? Explain the different types of Corporate Advertising.
Ans: - Corporate and product advertising are two forms of advertising with different roles.
Corporate advertising promotes a company's entire image and reputation, whereas product
advertising concentrates on promoting goods or services.
Product advertising is focused on promoting a single item or service, whereas corporate
advertising is focused on promoting the firm. This is the fundamental distinction between
the two types of advertising. While corporate advertising aims to promote brand recognition
and foster favourable reviews of the firm, product advertising is intended to increase sales
and income.
Corporate advertising comes in many kinds of forms, like:
• Image Advertising: This kind of corporate advertising aims to improve the
company's overall reputation. It may be used to position the business as a leader in
its sector and to promote a favourable view of the firm and its principles.
• Advocacy Advertising: Advocacy advertising is made to support a certain cause
or problem that the business is deeply committed to. The firm may develop its track
record and position as an industry thought leader with the use of this kind of
• Recruitment Advertising: To draw potential workers to the business, recruitment
advertising is employed. It displays the business's culture, principles, and
advantages and may help in attracting top people.
• Corporate social responsibility advertising: This type of advertising promotes a
company's efforts to help or give back to the community. This kind of marketing
may assist the business in developing a favourable reputation and maintaining its
place as a respectable corporate citizen.
• Advertising for Investor Relations: Advertising for Investor Relations aims to
reach out to shareholders and potential investors. In addition to helping to increase
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investor confidence, it may be used to showcase the company's financial
performance, strategy, and future objectives.

In summary, corporate advertising and product advertising are two different kinds of
advertising with distinct functions. Corporate advertising promotes the entire image and
reputation of the organisation, as opposed to product advertising, which is focused on
promoting goods or services. Corporate advertising comes in a variety of forms, each with
specific goals and advantages, such as image advertising, advocacy advertising, recruiting
advertising, corporate social responsibility advertising, and investor relations advertising.

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