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• peculiar hot & cold

relationship- US since
•Cold War era indo-us relations
witnessed many ups & downs.
•Relation was not encouraging &
always sense of mistrust b/w
• us policy tended for Pakistan.
• completely disregarding India’s
safety & security.
• us was not ready to accept
involvement of pak in terrorist
activity especially in j&k.

Differences in plolicies: • closeness b/w india & USSR

teases threat for US from side of
• CW gave birth to two power
Introduction bloc US & USSR
India - US relations
• India took stand by not joining
any bloc.
Cold War stand of india. • created group of non aligned
•by this india was never
considered as impo nations in
US foreign policy.
• USA was seen as pushing
• India and us seen as world cause for india independence.
larger and oldest democracy • relation was not fruitful in initial
respectively . • initially having strong ties. years after independence bcoz
ideological war during Cold War
• phase marked as era of
• india as being newly
independent country choose
strategic autonomy by adopting
• Result India didn’t join any
military alliance SEATO &
• pak joined US military bloc .
• This makes india position with
USA weak and led to diff b/w
countries in every int. Forum.

1. Indo-us in era of Cold War: • India didn’t got a positive

support from US in Kashmir
• diffusion of atomic- hiroshima issue.
India-USA relations will always & Nagasaki was marked as
• despite political diff and military seen through phases. mistrust & start of Cold War. • Cold War led diff b/w countries • Begun immediate after
non cooperation b/w india& was clearly visible - Hungarian independence
USA . crisis, china’s membership in • actions of pak was not
• Two are partners in UN, Kashmir problem, etc. # Kashmir issue recognised by US.
international forums
- attitude continued till 1971.
• india received food aid from • US recognises india stand to
USA during info china conflict . USA helping hands: • US imposed arm sanction on settle conflict .
• USA helped india in 1970s india. • Through bilateral dialogue
through loan from world bank. • situation improved with waning
• india refused arm race that had of Cold War. • it also improved with
started during Cold War. • when india opened its disintegration of USSR.
India relationship with USA economy & emerged as strong
• this lead to sanction by USA . power. • US started tilting toward india
• india opposed USA war in & developed strong relation with • USS mediated info-pak
Vietnam & indo-china peninsular India • reflected in Kargil war 1999 conflict.
India on disarmament and
against US sanctionary. • partition of Indian sub
• india strategic position on continent was very tragic for
disarmament made her reject both nations.
nuclear proliferation treaty. • both emerged as strong rivals.
• india oppose discriminatory • india refused to be ally of
treaty. USA , but pak accepted • pak received arm transfer and
Pakistan - hypernated invitation and joined CENTO, other other diplomatic aid from
relationship b/w india & US SEATO. USA .

Issues -
Reason 1: india relationship Reason 2: improved due to
• india came as a key ally to improved coz disintegration of India’s economic climate Reason 3: end of Cold War led
support usa against terrorism. USSR led to end the ideological • india adopted USA economic to the end of pak relevance to
debate. model by asking loans from IMF. USA.
• peaceful civil nuclear • make capitalism/ free market & • strategising economy in line • made USA to look new partner.
cooperation agreement signed- democracy as the dominant with USA model; free trade and • bearer of USA ideology in
2005 - first major strategic ideology of that time. market based economy. South Asia.
breakthrough b/w nations.
• Economic openness attracted
• it’s also allows india to sign - India-USA bilateral American diplomats & there was
# civil nuclear cooperation. - led to:
nuclear cooperation agreement • india got excess to commerce • when bush signed agreement • ended the isolation of india - relations after the End of a list of emerging market , could • This was complimented by PM • us commerce secretory signed • 10 buissness deal and trade
with other countries like Russia, in civil nuclear agreement from india seen as responsible global nuclear power & Cold War + issues + after foster america trade and narsimha Rao initiative. memorandum of understanding pact with india.
jaoan, France ets (NSG) nuclear power. sanctions 1974 were now lifted. sep 2001 investment ,india was one of • reshape relations by visiting • visit yield positive to create a commercial alliance
them. Washington in may 1994. development . b/w two countries. Defence cooperation signed a
• defence framework
part for building intense defence
cooperation agreement was
cooperation with India.
signed in 2005 for 10 years
period .
• intelligence gathering
• reconnaissance modules for Decided to launch:
c-130 h super Hercules aircraft • Malabar naval exercise in After sep 11
# defence cooperation.
• mobile electric hybrid power 2007 .
In afghanistan & sideline pak for India - encouraged - major role - source • sone of impo project for co- • joint maritime
her tacit support to terrorist • restoring peace. US south Asian strategy Ann- • chemical & biological warfare development indentified under • arm supply
element. • stability Strategy aim: august 2017 protection gear for soldiers. this agreement are: Result • sharing of defence info
Malacca strait link- Indian
Ocean with pacific & south china • major supply routes : • indo pacific region assumed
become disputed place b/w 2 hotspots : malacca strait & international trade & energy strategic and economic • Rise of china and Asian
china and 5 neighbours. South China Sea. resources, contains. significance in recent years. countries , ASEAN members
• china claims 90% South China
Sea, indulge power projection,
not accepted by US on ground
of freedom of navigation.
• and in indo pacific China
launches 21st century maritime
sold route.
• US resident power in this # Indo-pacific theatre
region after ww2 & rise of China
and power projection making
dent on us influence in the
region - result :
• us pacific command renamed
as indo pacific command US
attaches india and Indian
Ocean .

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