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S.A. Khavronina, A. |. Shirochenskaya C.A. Xasponnna, A.M. LUnpouencxan RUSSIAN PYCCHUI ASbIK in e EXERCISES YNPAHKHEHVAX Prelee snd assmmentsranlaten fecm the Resin by V. KOROTRY PREFACE usar in Eserlsen is inlerded for begaes, tt cots somo 800 castes freaing most fundamen! and typical points of Russan gram- ton aa vosbulry “ihe book vied nto to pa The evi included im tht setion wil enable studeats to muster the structure ofthe simple sentence and to Tern fo ask and anwer warious questions, uslng'n selected wocabulry wot exceeding 290 wouds oooms, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, proaouns end function words). At the ‘Sie tne they wl help slants aeimiete sus pbeoosena of Ruslan fanaa verb conjegtions, the formation snd uses of tbe past nd fate fees, the formation of plaal seuss, aectves and pono. at, “he foot tht the exis tse limited mmber of wordt which ae eeore Eeqrently repented, teps to provid. sfafents with » feed ‘ats so necessary for ore extensive sty of Resta, “The Use of the Carer “The prestoce in Risin of amsrous declension fatten often proves to bea stombling bask for foreign sade, However, will a thor ‘teh oowtge of nse pallens and cortdesble rocice Ip ther se toe cannot acquire good Russian spec abil. Hence the lage maber ff exten treo i hs extn Ty intel the coves ad ther meanings, the comps of thi rmapml fellowed ibe. poctce. generally accepted tt Rosia fulton for Tovelgners They Hist ove cases ond thle meanings Fist whieh ae the most vital in everydey communication. Thos stents are frst taught fo ‘ame persons er cbjects (Oro empof. Sr0 nue Vien fo mane Places of action (Mu wat « Maced. YKypain en nopme,) and objects of action (ft ak anday. Ox ner mura), The namerous exerci will eqbie the Mert 4 soiate blk case forms ad fhe entretions kn mh they cee. 2. The Use of Verbs “we Russian ve i dficlt for foreign stents to grasp at fit ‘This is ee (1) tothe peculaiis ta ile comjation (which tn frit tl grammars ae ello ia the division of verbs lat dlleen eee) snd\@) to such pbevomean as verbal aspect verbs ncrgoraing. the Darléle cn and verbs of metion with and witout peli, Iti thse ‘henoenn tht make up the subject-matter of the namerow exercises of ‘hie scton, designed o tac the slueat fo we yb corel, 8. The Coupler Seatene “The exercees ieluded In Ue stcion give the eofentpastice in the we of eagles suslener contsinng eles intodued by the eominenest Conjurtins and eonjnetive words. Spec attention is given fo cles Intooeod by the canjnctve word xrdput andthe conjnstlon en, since their sie accounts for the greater put of mistakes made by foveign speakers of Reson. This eeton ala conn erties i ea tng dec by inet seh end sentences involving partie or Weal aves corstrctions by comple sentences The character of the cveczes ven inthis bok fs dstrminad by two factor () the specie tne of the Iatage phanencn shied Ant @) fhe eed to scivse the form soocernet In spe This he te of sie is best procised in qustion and answer execs, whereas the ase of verbal apacts should be practised In exces in whieh the student tas Yo compre’ the mange of arpeet forme er to hoor the ‘pprepate ssp from ame rimber of forms ven inthe eel ‘he mithors of thie manaa strove to comple the execs so thet the ulent shod not nly merorise the Iangege phenomena conrad but sic learn to use thm Sn spc, Exercies unier the beatings "Answer the qusstlns", "What qestions the steed words answer™, "Conplete the sentences" and “Replace the selences by spoons (ot ontoymoas) Seems” will ensle the student sot ely to conaidle his knowlege of the vacious forms end constrsetions ut alto to actly tae tha de see Esch section comprises a serie of granted execsts. The inital eres stn al angisting the stoant with the new phenomengn Then Prove exeries ae given, fllowed ina nae of exes by exercises Wich demand of the stent that he sctlse the knowledge Be has fess tn the previous oes. in the authors” opinion, the execses will prove: out eetive they" are paced pot ony in writen form, Sot aio rally 2 for Taste inthe Tor of anawers to the teacher's qusstiont or as ae Togues between the stant ‘The book ahnld be wied in a cyl poten anf mot stat ‘meet from beginning. to end, This shuld grevent the stent frm Jewning the sesustive of istion fn ation fram veebs of moon ot te fscumota. ination am th tort form of pss prt, itis wef to ety tho acemative of te object of action In conn: tion with the easton devoted fo verbal ect, ele ssi in Eseries ls td on United mami of the comooes Russan wort. afeatire whch makes possible Yo tse to spore say conpiebraie Rasen cote, Authors CONTENTS: Introductory Lexical and Grammatical Course ‘The Noun. The Snguer. The Questions 40 bu? Kw Jc? ‘The Verb. The Preset Tee The Quastian Kae? ‘The Question Kew? a : ‘he Question Yan das? Recta Eseries . The Gender of Noss | | le The Peatesve Prooouse od, moe, as saw The Verb, Tie Past Tease... ‘The Verb. The Future Tense ‘The Pha of Nouae : Passessve Pronaus. The Qustan Yod? : The Costco ¥ sen, y met eons ‘The Derarteave Proaans dum, dna, ne, nu. The Question Kabat Karts? Koxsi? Kasie? . . The Adjective... ‘Adjectives with the Stem endiogin'a Hard Cnsenant ‘Adjectives with the Stem ening in a Soft Cosmos Adletives with the Stem ending In @, =, = « Adjectives und Adverbs, The Questions Kanda? an Kor? Use of the Veta somdna, acd, xow snd the Word nxn swith the ftaitve ee Basie Course ‘The Use ofthe Caves ‘The Prepositonsl Cave ‘he Prepaiinal wed fo Dene Phe... « Sings Noane in the Pepto ‘Tae Prepeatn| used to. Denote the” Object” ot “Speech er Thos ° Personal Pras tthe Prepon Shula Adjectives fx the Pepto Poasasive Proce inthe reposition ‘he Proncan cand tn the Preto! hos) Nouns on Adjectives fa the Prepositions ‘The Prepsiema! wed Yo Denote Tie ‘The Prepctionl used fn Other Meanings “Tha Accusative Case “The Acsutive sie fo Denote the Obst af an Acton Slagle Nouns in the. Accstive Siaglar Adjectives and Pronouns in he Accusative Persia! Prine inthe Aesomtive ss ss Phat Noa in tha Acialie : Plural Adjetives and Pronoucs In the Accustve ‘The Acsetie of Direction Une othe Acsnativ Cate wih the Vers taser — moan, (andouns = nscmat and ada nae “The Aceetiv wed to Dente Time a5 “The Dative Case ‘The Dive wed to Deroe the Pesca toward Wham ap Action Erect ° " Sinela Noins in the Dative Pla Nouns in the Dative sa ; Peroral Prasams in the Dative <2 2 ‘Adjectives and Posarive Prensa Ue Dative ‘The Dative wed wth the Verb wpdourser . - ‘The Dative sid to Deaote Age : ‘he Dative kn Ipereral Senne Ure of the Dative Case with Prepsitans The Genitive Cae Singsit Nas to he Genitive 6 w 0 a % ” a 0 92 1 ns. ue 18 120 196, se ofthe Gestive aller he Negative Words mem, nd, wr eioen eee a Singlar Adjectives and Prosans io the Gaitve | | ‘Use of the Ganllve withthe Nemesis dag, me and semipe Paral Nous tn the Geive. ss ss ise of the Geaitive with sandso, so, cxdaneo, mfoxoanno, eso andthe Numerals tae, waren deo ee lust Adjective and Pronouns fa the Genitive ‘The Gaitive sad fo Denote Posesion ‘The Adnoninal Genitive. . = : S The Genitive ated wih the Comparative Berce The Genitive used to Denate the Dato Use of the Gaitve wit Propolis “The Iastamental Cove Stogular Nouns in he Inatrenentl The Secitive lesen : q Singur Adjectives and Prowus ithe Instrument Pessoal Brains tn he Tesruneatl Phral Nouns, Adjectives and Posessive Pronouns in the Insta ‘The Instrumental sed 38 the Nominal’ Predicative ‘The Iestrametal alter the Verte iuenémece, den, ele The Iestrentl ied fo Dente Plo : ‘he lesbemental in Pasive Consists ‘The losinmertl eed ns Propee Meaning ‘The Tncvapantl wed in Other Msnings = : Revlon Exerles nthe Uses of the Cates The Verb Verbs of Motion Unpelised Vets cf Motion and fhe Vebs watt and radon "Re Very tomes The Sreent feo oe ihe Ve sede. foe Bat Tee ‘he Verb natn the Pte ee The Verb Gao, The reset Toe The Verb faded. The Past Fes : of The Vb aan The Ture Tee © Be ‘he Verbs datom — bene page 6 13 BI 193 1a Mo ua M4 us 16 155, 158 188 160 1 168 167 168 168 m ont ae tot eae Bee ay Bee chais, The Prefir 0 ree Revision Ems oy ; ‘Ver withthe Paiste or ‘The Verb gms ane ymen : ‘Verb with he Paslve Newaing : ‘Verbs wit the aie Reine esing ‘Verbs withthe Meaning of a Reha! Action ‘Vebs withthe Proper Relleive Meaning ection Eserivee . ‘The Aspects of the Verb ‘Use of Inpercctive Verbs lo Denote Repeated Actions Use of Patecive Verbs to Dente Momeotary Actions The Inperetive Agect aftr the Verbs mown, npodas en td none (se of ioperective sed “Peietive Verbs I the Future Tee ‘Une of Aspect Pars of Certain Vets, sof the Verbs sldene— yeldeme, seano— yim and xdutme yaaa Use of Perfect aris wilh We Prefixes n= oa Revision Execion Bebcn The Complex Sentenee Clases introduced by the Conjnctive, Words amo, i, asd, far, #0, x04, omnia, nownd, Sada tnd onda. Causes Inoduced by the Canfarctions nomany waa and nado Clauses itrocred by the Caojuction eae... Clases fletaned by the Conjncton unde Cinses inode by the Conjacton zomé. Sexienees catsning the Cornet Word mm, me Clases intodced by the Conintive Word amie Diet se ntet Spach 1. The Diet Speech Is Statement : TL, The Direct Speech is « Question containing an laterogative Word SPST 2 ation sonia a 210 a2 210 221 2a a 29 ro os 24 26 an 2a 20 251 2s 55 287 55 280 6 sr 1, The Diet Spath $8 9 Question contsning No Introgtive Wort ‘ peered IV. Tae Diet Speath san Order or Rogaast © SL SS Reolsion Bxerdses ss nt Sealeces contasing Paticle and. Verbal Avec Costrtions acts : Present aod Pant Parties Active Comat Form Portis Pasive ‘Short Farm Partkipes Pasi = = + aa Compiste sad Short For Parties Pasi Vertal Adverbs. eee : : Inparfetve Vevil Advrta © 2 LL 2 : erletie Verbal Advecbs age 29 270 am ™ 20 ar 259 Pa = Introductory Lexi Course ‘The Noun. The Singular The Questions Ymo smo? Kmo Smo? — 10 non? Da, $10 30m. = 310 exyntur? = Fa, S10 eryzénr. erase 1 Answer the question Pt Dee S10 eros? Bro atira? 310 pfs? So ana? ro erynént? Sto npenoaaairem? Sro apa? Oro inna? vercive 8, Answer the question lng the words given intact Model:—3r0 pyuva? (wapanniuy) | Tien "o ne pina, 40 Kapow —— ‘ro cxyatm? ryaéerea) 2. 910 rerplan? (ira) 2.38 2 Sro SEU abuia) "7. Bro Una (era) 8. 310 Sto xapenain? S70 aon? penoandrexs? (eryaésr) aa [=ase ee Exercise 4, Ask questions about the pitures ead answer them Model: = Kro $0? Sto eryaeer. erese 2. Answer the questions, e alll Sto kwtira? ro mxypuiin? Sto exp? Bro aBepu? 210 sock? ro ro m6? = eryatrr npenoyaeérens? ro S10? eS a —Kto sro? Sto apa, . The nayative matte. ae te never stased and in pronunciation a snares wide word winch flows Te fom pa. Prereve 5. Which quell Kio dn? or ino dc? Go the itl ctsad words raver Model: S10 apae, Kmo 570? Bro eaoadpe. ‘ino Sto? ALL. S10 om, B. 1. 310 esosdpe, : 310 omy. 2 Bro ynpasenénue, 3. Sr0 emyatmea, 3: Sto Gpam. 4 Sto ulea, 4, S10 cecmpa. 5. S10 npenodaadimesy 5. Sto eaten 6, Bro pau. 8 Sto wea, 7, Bro emyatnm, 7, Bro uundaonue. 8. Bro adsina. 8. Bro ynucepeumaém, 9. Bro nanan. 9, Bro moan, ‘The Verb. The Present Tense A wo, ‘Mu seen. Tu siracum, Bis wurdeve, (Ou site. Oni wizaor. Ons sue erin 6, Insert the verb wun ithe appropriate fom, Model: 91... reser. BL sauna exer. 1. Ta wn ypdn, 2. Min. rexer, 3, Onl. mxypuda. 4.08. nnd” 5, iar. ypanonénne 6.51. pacckas, 7. Mos ‘Mpexaowenme. 8. Bet. npasuao, 9. Oui... cmeane, cere 7, laset the approorate pronouns Model: .. urrdew rexcr, ioe wurraew texer, 1 rie yp6ik. 2... SHRSNO MYA. 3. rreney. i. nie mHCHNG, 8, .. ster paces. Tindior yopaaitenas, 7. aurder apesaoxcémue, 8... wie a0 npannzo, xercke 6 Itt the verb acamopinw So the aproiate form. Model: Qu. ypis, On rosmopiem ype. LM npisiao. 2. fl. ker. S, Ou enn. 4. Oi sjarSk 8 Bia, npesaontane. 6, Ont. YOR uci 8. Conigale the verbs, msemodno, same, mown, ex a ena a3 el Model: $1 wo muctas. Mic wurden nucnsd, Tur sumdeu tncons. But wumdeme ncsd, On tuundem nineens. Ont aumdor nacon6. 8 nomopho rexcr. A awito npinano. $ sonmvo npex noxéune, $1 eat pismo, $1 orpexsi0 ypok Execve 10, Answer the question fut {nthe afinative an then sn the gave. st pigwo? 2, Oud surder_ nucaus? 3. Ow "4. ON sorier wypusa? 5. CryaGur swder nga nastider Texev? 7. Armia w Cepréh veri 11, Antwer the questions fist Lathe afiemtive and then in epee, 1. But noumtdere rexcr? 2, Bu eajuere péauo? 3, Bi sy spas? "ut aude ope? S. Ta sosropieny ‘exer? 6, Bis tlowropiere avi? 7. Tat NORRIS npeazo- ete? rowopfire 8 rovopt, Tu rovopion, Ou rosopi On ronopae, Ona rosopie, (MEMORISE: abun ie eee 3, Oni rovopir mo-pyccnn? 4. Bei ropopire no-pyccKn? Spe oo renee Ts er CGryaéer surder ypnin. Gxjaenrea arden yp | Kro weréer aps? Onn surdior ypu eee eercie (3, Answer the questions sing the weeds sven in raskets Model:—Kro nostopier auaair? (a) 9 nomopsio auaasr Koo wider rover? Ana), Kro xopould mide rexer? (Auua a J ro celuéc noatopfer tener? (ont) Kro auder suanic? (9) Ko xopomd sitier Anaair? (cryaéar « rynéres) Kzo tonopitr no-pycexs? (ov) Ko xopouid rosopir no-pfecxn? (wt) ro censée ronopitr no-pyecn? (Mu) pon) ercie 14. What gestions do the His words answer? Model: acon u Ana rosopir no-pfcexs. ‘Ramo rowopte no pjecku? L. Zlocon eayinaer pinwo. 2. Anna suraer weypuia. 3. snrzito’ maces, 4 Mot rovopie no pjcckn. 5. Oni Xopoud Ser ypor. Gx nostopaere text. 7. Amma w Magi Sar reser. ‘The Question Kax? — Kax ox ander ypin? — Om auder ypoe xopows. ercise 16, Read the gunetins apt suswers and write them dows, 1. — Kar eryxésman onoeuier yp? = Ciyndnmia orecader ype Mpdauwn0. 2. — Kare Tow der? Hino er spin = Kore cryturnt caymaor? = Coyaeans eaymaior enuudmensno. = Kaw Avisa siéer rexct? — Aime auder texer xopous nerve 16, Anower the questions Model: — Kak ow surder, xopomd Haw axxo? Ow wurier sopoms, 1. Kax na suiene auaade, xopomd iam nano? 2. Kax ‘Awad orexier ypék, spasiacso tia uenpénmmno? 3. Kar rouopir” Mapa, FpoMko. jut vino? 4. Kak sit mowundere Teker, nano Haw “xopotus?” 5, Kak ni) ronopize no-pPecne, Giierpo tint MépreHo? 6. Kas oni cauaor ypox, eis ‘remmo Hint temmneitensio? 7. Kak order apetoxaninea, esenno Bait 6uerpo? sect 17. Azover the questo sng te words given in backs Model: — Kae o¥ winier? (uéasenno) = On wiraer xéa2ee40 1. Kae Bopie winder no-pjeexs? (xopom) 2. Kax on surder no arafcan? (aaGxo) 3. Kae. erynesmalorpesdior Yoox? (aplonauso) 4. ax Auna anrder” exer? (Gsctpo) Bika Hina suéer expat? (andxo) 8. Kak OM paccesah- bier Tener? (wéatento) 7. Kak ow sven maar? (¢pOaKo) B'Kak exyagir enviar ypsx? (anmcareno) 9. Kax ont rovopie nopfeeni® Quezaenuo) 10, Kak rosop psa? (vio) exercise 18 Complete the sentences usag the anlonyms of the satel wore Model: Ou unrier Gticmpo, a8. « On wnder dslempo, a 5 Siri0 EO sexo. 1 Gryaten ormesler apie, yarn - 2. Cece. pi rovopite Gsiempo, a Gar a wurde muxo, @ Tiisen =. - 4. Mepa rosopiir so-pycexm naéeo, a Anta. « 5. Crysdurca’ eajniaer ypox auadmensno, 9 cryxent — - 8. $f susio ypéx xopow), a tu... 7. Bu pacexisumaere exer nedeustwo, a ort... 8 Ow fosopi nb-pfecin a eH, 8 OH empdbom the prof the noun erga, xerche 18, Make sp questions to which thse sentences are the Mode: — 2 — Kaw suréer Anus? = Nima ‘rvéer'maixo, = — Anna unréer Cryxemr ‘werder nbd. ry sure ‘emp. = fea — injesionaséreas ronopitr epino. " Ceprés rosdpir ‘no-sense nadso. 6 5 > — nko ioinpit co pfcexn sopomd, = ins rovopii’wo-picomn npiouseno. sing the words xp — nae Exercise 29. Acower the questions ‘niko, npaoutons—henpdousnd, Stinntno newness. Model — Kas on exjamer? = On cajuser onndmeseno, 1, Kaw eryaéer wunier? 2. Kak ou ander texcr? 3. Kar ceryainrea ormeiser ypox? 4. Kak om ronopir no-pYcexi? 5. kaw Tlizn pacekdatiaacr texer? 6. Kax cryaénri caj~ immor rexcr? 7, Kex ou sudere ypox? 8. Kak mz rovopare popjecn? 9. Kan asi nowmudere mo-pjeckn? — But sufere, Kak Huxoréit rosopir no-anraiicwn? dla, m audio, Kax O% rouOpir no-aKTaifcKn. On FORO ptr nO-auraiekn xopons. : Pi'Hlen, a we sndio, aK oH ronoptic no-anrnitice. Tce Bt Aart the gto 1 Buc auiere, ra ond rosin n-pjecex? 2. Bx sere, vax non oredr ox? Bat aplere nak rye Tafuaior ypor? 4. Bul sudere, ae on pacckonoaor rene SP Bar aero, wax on ronopr no-snr anc? a Esercce 22, Read th fet and retell ro, Ana. Ond eryaéerva. Sto Jtqon. Ox cryaéur. Celi wwic ypox. Tpenoaaaitem wider eter. Ox vrtaer Texcr powO M wésaenO. Aue x Jbxow caviar. Or enyuaor stnwdtrenno. Tlovéu wuréet Anus. Ord aurder MEMIeINo, bo mpdnsiaano, Tpenonasdren envuiaer, xa under eryaet: a, Tordat ou rouopite: «Bu sudere no-pjecum xopowicn. verse 28. Translate flo Rusa, AA lesson i in progress now. This is the teacher, This is a boy student and that, is agit] student, The teacher is reading, the boy student and the girl student are listening. ‘They are listening attentively, Jim and Mary understand the fext well. ‘Then Jim reads tho text. He. reads rapidly and correctly. The teacher says, “im, you read well.” The Question Kozdd? tins and anewers and write them don. 1. = Bur sorparaere ge — la spar np. 2, — Bit oiexacre and? Ia, & obra Ons, 3. — Ont “Faumaor aie. — — Ta, om Yacunaior abue- pow? os. — Ama pasérace Ouéw? — — la, ons pubinser anew 5. — Ikon eaymaer piaso — — a, om cajmaer pion sbuepox? skeipon. 6 — Bur turiere rasérut — — Ta, st ntti rasta impo? ‘mpom. xercee 25, Answer the questions Model: — Korné nus aderpaxacre, rpow Su ut? 1 sbrpaxano pos. 1, Koraé mar oGéaaere, anit Kat néxepow? eas 5 the url of the moon zanna, a Korad nit Saumiaere, véuepos ima abt? ‘Korat wis eafuaere piano, rpox iat uésepon? fut podsraere, 23 Hak Spox? Kornd tit orauxsere, a8 saw sévepose? KKocaé nor anmiere rangri, Yxpow Haw aéepon? Everio 26, Answer the questions sing the words and phrases imps Stn, aaron pao ebay, Miso apo Model: Keedé ww séorpasaere? = Hi sanrpanaio gnpom. 1, Kora ober? 2. Kora a Sacer? 3. Kora ut sinrpanacre? 4, Koki uh uuréete.rasér? 5. Kora Ftxon orttixder? 8, Koraa of eaSiiaer paso? 7. Kool oit ‘ammder ranéru? 8. Kora ow jxunaer? reretse 27. Make up queatons to which these sefenes are the L- > 5a ‘aierpaiaio “pom. — Mir ofenaen Suk = Tomo eager paw eévepox. ‘Asa paciraer dua. ? =H aurév ‘ravers gmpas. = Mis Jrtiac ‘avepoi, The Question Ymo déaaem? = “ro néaaer crynéer? - — Cayséur swrder. — Yo on aéaaer? = On ander. xercle 28. Rend the qtions and amare and write thom down oe ike pen of ne pnt od proun-sbject fa he Quests 1. — Yro aésmer npesonassrens? = penoaandren sneer. 2, — ro neon eryaeumu? = Gyystunse cayniaor. 3, — ro ont aeamor anen? Elneat ont pacoracr. 4, — tho adszer sox? — Hac ornesser yDOn. 5. — Uro mw xéaaere Béepou? Bévepow mic ovabixien, 6 (Uo a aéageus celsde?) = Galiie 9 wai nee. secse 29, Answer the sustins asin the appropri forms of the extn ce le Wd oti wt he being Model: — ro wu nénaere cedwdc? (orauxéms) = Cotwde sus orzesien. 1, Uro aut aénmere névepow? (jaemars, ormuiny, ry- airs) 2.°A 70. Kou zemaer sésepou? (paGinart) 3. ro ryxénra_aeamor ceituic? (auvére Tener, nowTopsits raaré- ‘nw, oniesire ypix) 4 Uro om agar rpou? (siorpu- ave, suri raaertl, cayuars paso) 5. Uno mua aéaaeu cele? (curérs mies) 6. Ho” Ana aéaaer cemuic? (i celts? yupsenudrne) 7- ro ond xéaact Bésepon? (Vraurars, rans, wrrére ypu) Exercise 90, Answer the ro aéaaer IDxot yapom? 9: ro ow aéaaer anew? Uro aésaor cryaéurie cevic? Uro out ae Uo ast ‘ro au Aégaere Yxpou? Uro su Aémere wesepon? ions A 1 sate i he pra of the sown sod 2 fcine smth me es on aye 4 Seppudac ist paral 8 ie moun yond BS 8 10, tro xénawor 1 2 Uso aénaer Thame miene obs? Uno bur abadere none ypoKa? nett) dee Sauna? Uso Résmer bse nieae sasrpans? Uo aémer Hina néeae ypua? Eerce 8, Make up questions to which thse sontens ae the 1 4 po Axon 'paimaem. inéacpon it énjuaen pido. ‘Cee’ Ami ‘omdtusien. 7 ‘Celie’ on oben. iBésepoi 3 ‘wimao, Taweie & padomeio eave niu pias ii. ‘Cede’ Fihia miwém rucons. vercge Read the sentences and wete theo down, Note the pst ae elt enol nein he auevers 0 te auestinge Fe ean apt ostdes? Temerber thatthe were coutsning He ee 2 pike ba, ater dinar {o's question ir plat the ood of he seen, Koubd on esa? ‘yo 'ok baer eh Iiew Ou padémazm.. Kosa ou otauxier? On erguxier obvepos. imo Hixon déaaem névepon? Béeepow oH omdbuzlem. Koood st vurdere? 1 eurdio abuepox. mo wa deaneme wésepon? Beepow umd, oe wpe, aler the eon Revision Exercises. xeric 38, Inert th sproriate forms of the word given on the vot Model Crynéer .. mmkrénr. | mucin, Gryae rons end 1, vat 09a oceans 3, Getie ona". nenis. tui 4: rs pla abe xvas 5. Cerda Ana Ypok axxo. | suam 6 Tar roared tontopsrs 2. Bue opine yu 8, Bu. apenaoncune? tome 8 Oni, nopjecnn? respi Eneche 94, tert the wba sons, umdom, ce, dtm, ‘nuciims, sooopime and yume in the appropriate form. ae 1. Bévepow a .. rasém ypu, .. piso. A exo un ry . 2, Rane pos. nosso, Bs nine sons no 3. Tpenosandress .. reer. A ano. cryséaré? On. 4 aK mpenoaaneait urder Texe. Cefwae JT. ress. AvsTo ... Ana? Ona... ype. Ceréqun Mépm “Ropows ... ypor. But téae xoponid ... yx? versie 36. Anewer the question A. 1, Kae aut sonopire no-pjecin? 2. Kos Auwa surier no- joes?" 3, Kew! ond ater cerca yi? Kae ond B. 5. Koras su sisrparaere? 6. Korad Slow paGéraer? 7. Korn om ommxdet? 8, Korg net o6éaaere? 9. Korad ‘ig eajuiaere paauo? C. 10. ro amor eryxéars awe? LI. ro ont xézaIor rovepou? 12. Uro mel nésaere cele? 1S, ro bi Re smaere néepon? D. 14 Bu rosopiire no-pjcexn? 15. Anna xopoué siier pox? 16. Oxé wider no-pycexu 6tierpo? 17. Bx ame {Re ranéral Ypon? 18, Bur padsracre area? Enerclae 86, What qution do the lied words answer? 1, S10 Anna. 2. Oud xopous der ypin. 3. Oni ate rier seker Guicmpo. 4. Bro. anyéumet, 5. Oni oBédaont. 6, Celvée oli rovopir no-awaaitzenu. 7. Yrpox Jlwomt par Gimacm. & On orgaxier auepon, 9. Celivac o& wumden atime. 10, Soxow surder vanes ympoa w ebvepos varie 57, Anawer the questions as In the motel Model: — But andere, wr ow péaaer? — Aa, # awa, a6 om xénaet. Ox miner nncoat, = Her, w ne suo, #6 on aéaser. 1. Bu suéere, Kosai JpKom pattraer? 2. But sere, 0 ou Remaer néicpow? 8. Bur shéeve, Kora of oTsiakier? 2 By stdere, 70 Arma géaaer celle? 5, Bus andere, nora ‘ond Yeort ypakil? 6. Blut stidere, ax od rovvpiit no-pYc- cui? 7. Bat andere, orgs ued obéaaeu? 8, But snéere, #16 a nbiaew dene OOéaa? ‘The Gender of Nouns ‘The Possessive Pronouns «toil, meoii, Hau and eau ‘ro wo (nH) mapa, 910 wasn (ea) 20m. Br wok Gant} Siu” Bio tuna fsa) cas Sto wae (ros) meus, Bro nde eau) on Exar 38, Insel he pssessivepronuns in the appropriate fm, Model: Sto ... xéunsra, Bro od Kéunara, A. wail, wos, sos 1. Bro «cron 2, Sto a pfama, 3, Sto wu KApARASL 4, Sto nn Washt6, 8. B10 «rasta. 6. Bro... apyE. 7. 970 1 yrds the plural ofthe nous ype. B. rook, re0d, rood 1 Bro a. Mypuda? 2. 9x0. KénmaTa? 3, 9x0. nee 62 4 Spo". "nama? 5. Dro. yeéoune? 6. 310... TBs pun? 7. Sto. ceempa C. amy was, nse 1, S10... KORA, 2. 90... gow, 3. ro... GuGaworé xa. 4, 3t0 %. yumepearér. 5. Hay6. 6. 310. earaa, 7. Sto .. npenoxasiens, 8. S10 .. os. D. nauk, saa, nme 1. Bro... mice? 2. Bro. raséra? 3. Bro .. pana? 4. Sion. ipa? 5, 910 w. pgwo? 6. S70... spenosand vem? 7. Bro =. eryaiar? Mod wats, ‘Mod rerpan. eccse ©, Put these. wards in threw gis in acsurince with hour gener a in the dt Model: ‘MEMORISE: Mol cross ‘Moi noprpea. fem et. 870 mom cron, | 910 wom xéwnara. | Bro mod mucoas. pina, aduma, xapanadm, Opar, paawo, raséra, yaéGuman, ekid, era, -uDKaD, eApta, "NOpTpEA, Terpabn 1aaT0, ocnons, nate, eon, yr, eecrpi, TODA, 0%, ‘obutentirie, oRN6, aRypILEA, apriba, enous, yapaaeKéune, Exerc 0 insect the perionalproonin oF, au oF ond Model: 310 woh crox, .. eroiir tec, Bro soit cron. Gu ctor saece. 1. Dro saat npenoganirens. .. aurder Texcr. 2 310 Most cocrpi. .. pabraer anew, 3, Sto nok Gyan... eajanaer pismo. 4, S10 mHot woapjra. .. niiwer naeyad. 5. x0 aa Enyachr. PoRopir no-piecka, 6. 310 MOF UNCSMG. we ar aneehs 7. S10 ia pfaka, . rear Taal. 8, S70 NOM Chosdpo, . eakirsiece. 9. SiO Tao TerpAa. ... neat Steen i0.” Sto" mat wap... crow enean. 1. Oro oe xpécio, , eroir tak, 12. 910 wod aawina, ..” eToir cnpasa. The Verb. The Past Tense ronopitrs Cryaéir rosoptia, (Ou ronopi Gryxénria rooopiza. Oui ronopina Cryrénrat ronopian, Ont rosopéaw. Pawo rouopiao. rere 44, Anse the qusstions inthe allematine, Model: — Tix wuréa jrpow raséru? = a, a uurda Yapou rasérn, 1. Cryatin auméa rexer? 2. Cryaéinae wimdss xypmia? 3, Bur wumau ceroann rasérs? 4. Cryaéwrat rucdan cerona hiwrént? 5, Baur ApyF neds euepé mucins? 6, Ti cageuaaa cerduin pdzuo? 7. Bu ayaa pseps nevepon? 8, Tes pabd- mas Biepi? eres 42, What qusions do the verb answer? Model: Yrpou on caja paduo. mmo ox deat ¥rpo%? 1. Sue sat pasdmage, 2. Bésepow wo omdbcxdian, 3, Buepa, nexepoe a rca mucous. 4. N'rpom ond, aumdaa ausdmul. 5, Baepa perepon au cilompéaz meseaiop!. 6. Cex Tenuin frpoM ‘OW ued duxmdnm. 7. Yrpon 9° winds peupndit * cuorpée rexeiop, to wath television ve od fe po wow Bar ow te pat ee Model: swtin—on wntia, ot waning out ian a) paGérans, suave, xétate, caulers, 3 ‘ seni, Groatinh, alursieny, obkzany, ye 8) ronan ya, rere 8 cores ——r—~—™™OCO— Trt aéxan ma apyr ave? 2. tro ow 38 i nye ave? 2. tro ow ana ates soar apy, cane am ou 3 en esa Cerca pou? 1. io ma geaanw erat aaa Exercise 45, While the verbs fm the pet tee. Model: ow paSéracr—on paGiran m, enpauune 5, Hostopar 2 the ie beter faces ine ae 5. ona enpaanmeaer — ee EEE ie os ater ne he Model: Ond wmdem Gsicrpo. eae OUP a BS a 5 cormewéror, 8. [jE mas paOcraen, a Bévepow ovabxden. ‘verbs by the past. Retell the text. Sepa bee eat tied atest i cemetary ype, a the fc 2 suusaer rexer 6sierpo H npiiauto, o& xopond ates Roots on crpender, Mid enyuizen sumcirenbto, THorowe npe- Roubirens oOwseaer ypoe, Mis onmtien, rb rovopie Tpenogepirens, Mu nosropies Taare, miiew amir, Povopine no-pfecan. Boe eryRéurbs paGsraior xopow6. eects 48, Rewrite ae test replacing the present fase of the verbs by te pas Miro # géso vévepou? Tlkeae ypéra # obéaat, norsu oraunno, $1 cms cna wrtare raséra mt axypmae. Th Sn a pasoran, 51 rordamo zostunee anxduie’: yu cand Touropho raarim, mms) vexcris. Mo Gpar roe Toro owitnsee soaaate, Moré aly jrcmseu, cuorpuet rexeaop ft enguaen panx0. rerese 49, Trandate into Russa. 1 In the morning | have breakfast, read the newspapers and iisten to the Wireless. 2. Tn the afternoon we worked, and now we are Having a rest, { am reading a megerine, and Mary jo writing a leter, &. Yesterday evening we waiched {elevision and then bad supper. 4. Yesterday the teacher Explained a text. We listed attentively. ‘Then, be asked {Gestion a se soe he, Taner Sow, and ry answered quickly and correct om ; ge ee | Rao de oars ie en ree 60, What gusto do fhe lee wos ane? Model: Cmydénmsswarian, pacers ‘Rm vcard paconaa? 1 myn on 9p 2, Jn rors omen ee Pat ipan Hops: Ge Bop feo ut oropéa a Teamta a ean, na cas. om cir 2 Soule auuine, Homeware veri 51, Wat question do the italic wud sae? orate Bt so, 2 Can aap Sets ean un ia ‘rerio 62, Whot question do fhe Ulcsed words answer? 1. 1 smri0 ypaia. 2. Cmydéume eure 0 vaice! 3 Mot nucéam auerinnu. 4. Oud noxyniior rasérer yrpou, 5. Bus xopews rovoptire no-piecxn. B. Ciiyd6ume wu Vpn Banden wip He: pasiranh. 7. Ceinun td Nopoue ein ‘981 ypox. oue ome ———_——_—__ Kymin sed vest, ) Kora romans ve Tend acacino Tae, | ro seine rau? OKypudaua weméan ram. ee serch 83, What questions do the lacs words answer? 1; Kidea seichaa a crost, 2. Czoaips sonia wn cr $8 8 Bdse crodza’ va onne. 4, Cina Crohn a Halse 5 Pastries va cron. 6, Ulemed cob ua one Exercise A, What questions do the talks? words answer? J. Caydéums enjator pias. 2. Mie mize suern 5 nny td Deep emu ss nt (ua open. Gani. 6 Esc ane Ganw, 8 Tene Auman exis a croak. by Gmyseunes user 6 cer Bs eka 8 ope! ry be een oe 2 ae ‘dr, tthe eae aos e Shi ae ‘The Verb. The Future Tense A say Mor 6 Tut Gynems | wwrdme Bu 6 Ou eyaer | xypeda, Ou O¥ayr Ona Gyner Aercise 65, Aner the qustions Model: — Bat 6jdeme caguam pinvo? = a, # 6pdy cajuame paso. 1, On 6jdem qundmn raaéru? 2. Cerda Odea pacchéasiume Teker? 3. Hau npenoaasirem, Oyjdem oben: Indrnb ypox? A. Ti 6Gdeum emdeixdime nose o6bsa? 5. Te (jdeuis nucdnio nicontS wevepon? G. Bax Oydeme o6eoame? 7. Bu Gfdeme noamopiimn raardau? 8. Ox Oden sévepom chompémo reseninop? 9. Oni 6gdym sierpa nuctime sua ‘Tue? 10, Baur Oper Gjdere wagadme pjecxmi sce? 11. Ti Giidewe gocunama? Exerls 56 Laser the flue lense of the verbs given in Brackets Model: Mu... aduat. (o6éaarn) Mus Byjden obeOame n6ra, 1. Ceuée nperonanénems ... ypdx. (oOsscuirs) 2. Cry- éarat ws ype. (eajusars) 3. HéMa A. YOpanene. (ae Sats) Saonpa cht. UKTI. (mnt) 3. Bévepoxt ont reaeaiaop (eworpér®), af... péalio. (exyusar.) 6. Te. Picckint watix? (waywane) 7. Anna TORe .. pyecsuil aac? Gaysins) Exons 57, Replace the present tense of the verbs by the flue. Model: fl nuuj mycnus. BI Ggay mucin nc. 1. Tipenosasirens oGsicufer ypox. 2. Cryaéura caf aor, 3. Sor cryacin paccxésunaer Terct. 4. Bévepow wis ‘cuorpme Tedenlaop. 5. Mut roaopine 1o-pfccm xopoat. 6. 5 paGoraie ésepon. 7. Tcexe fauna x rordamo AoManwee fsagiine, 8. Tlordis st eajusao ‘ian. * pinay at heme MEMORISE: Days of the week: Koede? rowexéauiis B wonexémnm ropa ‘0 propa pea 8 epeny Serpe 2B vernepr ina my eyosira 8 eysoury ocrpeceune nocupecéuse Exercie 58. Ansver the questions axing de words at phrases om- Ousdine, caja pido, wunna ‘scypwas'u assis, exurpere mest ‘ise, pein vod, esompée Gute, Maca Dutt, rato nace , 1. Uo Ojaer aéaerm Anna nocupecéme? 2. ro ond Ofnet aézare cyGGory? 3. Yro OYaer.NénarD Gopi # no: enéavine? 4. Uro om Ojaer éaare séutpa nevepou? 5. U0 ba Ginere nbrar» aeraipe? ©, Uno ath Gjasre seats TOM wevepon? 7. Uno Gjayr Asmar cryaeral a cpeay Srrow? 8. "Uso ond Gjayr aésars wo HtdpM DéxepoM? 3."tro ow GYayr xésare 8 wirmay? Burch $9, Rewrite the text replacing the revnt tase of the vests by the fe: Rete fxg, : Ha ypcie sit nposepew nosdmwee aaainie. Crynéira ‘usrdor yrpoxuéime y pecckéausaor Texct. Ilpeaouandrent cupiurioaet, a wit orgeuseu. Tloréw 5 Tul) a aoené* ra résmi, asc apyr Malia surréer rm tauromi, Mperogané- ‘em oGrscnser Ypok. Mar cxyuisew stupdteasto, xerise 0. Tranlate nto Rosia, 1. Yesterday we worked and today we have a rest. 2, Today I've had an corly breakfast,” Now I'am having dinner. T shall have’a late supper. 3. Yesterday ie teacher explained new lesson. He is repeating the lesson now. Tomorrow the teacher will be asking (questions) and we shall be answering (thom). 4. ‘The students are writing an exercise now. Then they. will 'be writing ¢ dictation. 5. I coulda’t speak Russian before. Now T speak a little Russian. T think T shall speck Russian well. 6. Ann is waiting # letter now. In the evening she will be watehing television. Ts aoa, on the Binkboerd ‘The Plural of Nouns “The sires falls on the carne. syllable in the singulee pox — ypi ‘oxdpam — Toxspiqwt opmpee —nopegean Myc —xysen exira — rn piace — phan ‘erp —sexplaw Lo} nee ot, Pat the mons Io the pul. : remace, sabia, ypon, unre, nun, niuira, yp, sonpée, resera,rener, ramron, onions, pyexa, Terpixe, erynéirea, nényurca, ‘dave, mperonanétenb, ctyseHr, oprbéas, guissi, warastin, Kocrios, sGpHKa, napK, OFxES fem. | raéxa—rasért The sires falls on different syllables in the singular and the plural Ss cron | sax aunt | zon — zoned pan — spat comps — caouapi fem. | xpan—enin noexé —xécnn | net. mucosa ‘ending e108 w eee eee ee Exercise 2. Pat the mine inthe sings, eae OP the singular, Meme the tral ot yom’, ocr, ay con ZEAEK es cop, roe, nena ‘noni, eet tle, ea veri 63. Pt the nant Hn the pla sexe | sainne— sadn eee (soe ete | ee sxceypenn— | obitescinue MEMORISE: Singular Pla apy — apyaut Ghar — Gpimua enya — enya epee — pean verte 64, Put the seams in the pla 6 ‘MEMORISE: tec 6, Put tn sams oe pl Model: S70 meme mempa 1. 910 eapauxin. 2. Sno ayzinipus. 8. 910 hus 4, Sro user 6 Dro, exyaunr 8. S10 soprpens, 7. 310 tows" Sro warevims 9. ro, pfora. 10. Sre_cryaEamen Hiaqo mea 12, Sto caleo, 18. 919 raaera. 14, So feist. "16 Seo eryar 10, ro 1px. 7. Bro cana eee 06, Relea by ta A. Model: Cryatur uier scypnde Gaertner syd 1. Ceerpé miter auenns. 2. 1 eurdio pacts. 3. Ow wording fuses ts Cryer commapter ‘mene. 8: Cry Sher ubuee gnioxcuiue’ 8. Ma ew oom. 7. img endo. B. Model: Ha eroxé anki wien. Hi cron aed end 1, Ha rant azn anséma, 2. Tig eText auc pm. 3, Hn btu anal stant eB ealon eum. ener 31 ctese cual. sapmines 6. B'xadece onc cmon en G Model: Qui nfwer yaparuéane. Si tye yup : 1, Cryxégr sumier rerer. 2. peoganinen poner serpin Cryateea rte mega erm npezo edna 9, On ym ym Tae 6, Rese sh aby te Sol. Model: #1 nmi nica. 5 ny mua 1, 91 xynin rexpizo u xapauaauul. 2. SLicon wird axyp- wins, 3, Mat micas gueramnee -H yrpanéma. 4. xo ce croft cron w enjaes.5, Ha croae abkin win, rast ‘Tum cromopi. 6. Tipenouaninenn rosopsit ro pjeex, verse 68, Trantatefnto 1, The student is reading a story. The students oe listen ing fo him reading. 2. The feachets and the sien speak Russtn, 8, [buy newspapers and megernes in the moa am reading @ magazine now. 4, Every day we lestn words, rele ewe accident Three On Thore are lables ander pre, TOMS Tete Possessive Pronouns. The Question eit? re wo (oe) sap] ih 0 napa? ro x. [Bro nod (rand) pitas, | Hom sro pena Dro ri)/Sro woe (rene) tm, | MRE Gro facade [ro wow {rani} ssn,” | Haw sto mua (ro maw (wom) xopanxéu.| eit Spo xapansé? foro mis [3:0 maa Coste) Pst, | Hom sro pooies ‘roms: )}Sro nde (au) sco. | Wee so he 2'(St0 nn (atm) vir” | on Sa? fro er rapa Se fro rapanai? Bre orf er aya bm gro ppanae ro eré rend. ae dro tts? iam. Srp ero eae Sn io ame Lo ont oF yet Mei sro yun? [Bro ont [Sro ef expan bara Sim Sto Terps? She deo caso? (Bro e@ nein, Ym $70 nue? Sto we ira, PP" £13"}Sro wx ocwerinne ‘near, [STO ME oben bro om 6 wx exosdps, Bro wx aoprbea Mow &0 opment? 0 erese 60, Wit question do he sailed words answer? Model: Sto sod xypnaa, Yet S10 mypnio? A. 1 ro ao exonipe, 2. Sro moat apa 3. 970 nau gs 15a Spoinirem "5 Se ee 3 ob pur, 7, BNO we ROM. B. 1, 310 cee pywKa. 2. S10 maod wuitra. 3, Seo nduia symp, Avo, aaa nénnaa. 5. B10. eo emp Bo" cepa. 7."Sn0 tt name 6.1, Bro ane suuyas 2, Bro moo? ynpgatine, 3. S10 dite pao 4 Sodus Ogu. ‘Be BMO eb ALTO. er Sle tcro, 7 Bro tx often. Be 3 meen 7 i oar Bre Se ea Mae, faa a scree 71. Aoaver the qiostion: ug the posesive ronauas noth musty eb, eh maa, a Sd A. 1 Wea $ro néwnara? 2. Welk fro aace? 3, Ud S70 ero? 4. ca ro Terpais? 5, Ube $ro namste? 6. Uo Joo cnonips? 7. Hoa sro cect B. 8, Usa ware wicro mimer micwna? 9. ek ronpan, cr xiv ran? 10, Yel apyr xopoms roxopir no-pfccun? 11. Het Imyplaa sor svinéere? 12. Use menS aeactr, 6 xii? 13 Yen ocr puoi tam? 14. Yelk nopnbay nent saec? 16, el Oper maysder pci wate? 18. ef apye smut a Macnee Bercse 72, Whot questions ¢o the Lalli words answer? Medel: 910 sai rerpaau. ur bro verpiaa? 1. Bro au raséru. 2. S10 co mypudiaa, 3. Sno adune apyssi. 4, S10 mao xapanzami, 5. Sto ux mina. 6. 30 ef pein. 7. Sto due Tosipuuns. 8. Sto ead noctow. 9. 910 sod vac, (0. Seo acute mics. verse 78. What questions do the Yalesed words anwar? Model A, 9:0 naw wna. “tet, S10 ices paGéraer une! Padiraer a nix? AL 1, Sto wiua xéswers, 2. 910 soi nat. 3. Sro oe Ki Ta. 4. S10 moe macund. 5, S10. e8 Tasva. 6. tO ah cron. 7. 910 due oxi. 8 Dro” agus Nocti. 9. ro sod pjuwa, 10. Bro ue yaace. 11. Sta sa Report 12. 370 ae apyans. 13. Bio wis yaesomnt B. I. Mod Spar’ pabéracr 2 mxéve.. 2. Tood Kirn sexe tees, 3. Hob sondpau annén a slesiumrpéze. 4. Ee cec tps woyéer pyoonil ak, 5. E25 warn wécr0 miter tessa, 6, Bawa noxpira xopoié rosopit. No-pHeekt Everise 74, Translate ilo Resin, 1. This is my friend John. His brother learns Russian, 2. This is Ann and that is her father. 3. This fs our class oom. There are our bags and books here, 4. These are the students and that is their teacher. 5, "Whose magazine is iW" “I is her mngazine." 6, “Whose car is 12" "Il is his car." 7. "Whose books are these?” “They are your books.” 8 “Whose fetter is 10" “It is my let” The Construction Y meni, y media ecmo. vereie 78, Bnawer tbe question Io the afinstive Model: — ¥ werd cor rosipu? Bla, ¥ nerd cere ToRspua. 1. ¥ erg cor, pata? 2. 9 werd coms xapautia? 3. ¥ send ors jet? A Vero ecm cpa? Be 9 ers come ter ere re coro un? 1. ro ects rgéra? 8. Sed ecra”gerpaur? 3. Vee ecto pea? 10. ¥ wet cory Gourd TT, Bee core apis? 1S. Vek ch wenger? ey ed ate sah 14. 8 neers one? 1, Y ae eve yon 16, Vm coms Royook » Mocwee? 17. Y uerclie 76, Anew the questions {nthe afinnative, Model: — ¥ eac ecm ys6uni? Ta, y seus cor yoeGun ALL. ¥ rac ects cxerpi? ——_-B, 10. ¥ re6f ecrm compa? 2. ¥ mac ects pyar UL. ¥ ve6a com apyr? 3. ¥ mae cere cnondpe? 12, ¥ reo coms rasera? 4, ¥ aac ecm, rerpsaa? 13. ¥ tes cone mama? 5. ¥ we ocry Gat? 4, ¥ te08 corm Oper? 5. ¥ pac oor xapeuxdu? 15, ¥ teGa cert maa? TY ase ects ue? 16, ¥ re6A eens abuaru? 8. ¥ nae eth ypna? 9 ¥ mae cers ween? Exercise 77. Transiaie the questions info Rassln and answer them. 1. Haye you a pencil? 2. Has she 9 magazine? 3. Has he a’ pen? A. Tlave you (any) books? 5. Have they 8 car 6. Have you a brother? 7. Has he a father? 8 Have you # Gictionary? 9. Have vou a folder? 10. Has she the textbook? 1. Lave you a sister? 12. Have they (any) textbooks? xerie 78, Invert the epmopriate pososive pron Model: ¥ ead ect raséra, Sro ... raxéra ‘Bro ces reséra. 1. ¥ naé cote eaoniph. Sto. cxondpo. 2. Y ate crs ius. Sto. yuesAlak, 3. ¥ eae ects: piano. 910 pipe, 4. ¥ fas ery vamos, S10. amin, 5, ¥ nae 8 ES oe ln So din 6's sa Sra, myn 7. 9. nab tort Soya oro appeal SY tau thm sn, S10. rire 9 one este eter Bro orn 10. ¥ mel om Opa. So ¥ seed eGoezne. va ape ts md : wee 1a Peed eos aes Sra opigeme. Te, wc eee napa ro apes Guan ypsx, Guana aes. Buepé y nac| G86 Sonate sian sacs, vere 70, Answer the questions in he alfa Model — ¥ mac Gian sxopi és? Tia, wep y ae Osa abs, LY, nae Gia cord ypéu? 2. ¥ wae Gua n cy6Ginry néwep? 3. ¥ nix, Gund ceroumn amine? 4, Y nik Osim Uieph co6pinne? 5, ¥ netsh Gus v epeay axainen? 6. ¥ ame Sind a wocxpecénve oKeKY pH? 6 Sign y ase ojnor {Absa cospanie, Ofayr susan, varie 80, Anawer the questions inthe affmative 1. ¥ sac Sjger siorpa yon? 2. Y voc Ofaer sisrpa abana? 3.9 wae Gaur corde cooplnue? 4, B mocap ease y wae Ofaer axeaipcus? 8. Susrps y nae s HAGe Of fet abiep? 6, Sampo y hax Ojay7 oxsineuu? 7, Sasrpa y rise Of aéxunt “ ‘The Demonstrative Pronouns Smom, Sma, Smo, ‘Smut, ‘The Question Kadi? Kanda? Kanée? Kaxie? ror eryxéur rovopir no-pfeckt. ‘ra erynenxe rovopér no-pfccui. Sin eryacine rowopsr uo-pscext. HT anaio S10 ea6ao. xerise 81, Answer the question in the alfirmative Model: — Bis wdgem Sonor duussu? = a, bien Som guson. 1. Bat, wun nom. seypads?, 2, Bus, xylan at seétnun?'3,"bus shat mom asin’ 4. Sou cago Ser pin ena 5. "Se digg. yen peut ata? Be Sima nsenndaadmesenaya rome torscennt 7. Bi Biber ino" calaoe 8 Bu tach xia” do. ypc? SS anc ynn Go arom? 10. Siecle Gt 9 Mouige? 11. Bae sr Sm eostma? 12 Be sndere dr Seat verse 62, Insert the demomlrtive pronoun dom, fa, dno or Model: ... nina cron ua cron. Bina aéxtna. Croat na croaé 1. a enynénrKa xopoms rosopir no-pfcewm, 2. $1 wert xypada. 3, Bue xopoue andere .. texer. 4... eryaehr pinue ona a Jloazone. 5. .. nésjuuka waysser fect aii. 6, Ont ayn... aobirit xHOcwe, 7. Mat Yoce stéea Tarim. 8. Mot nicaum ... yrpexubune x6na. 9. 5 X02 75 nueda , maciat. 10, Mit yace nostopdam .. enowd. UL. Y fax ecto“ yscontixn, 12. lof rowipian sien... vais. s ror mixat ero eupina. Kaxéfi unkaip evo enplina? Sra crynéieraa xopoud ro- Karin crynéerxa xopows opti no-pjecnt. rosopilr ho-pjeexu? ro TuesH6 Jed 8 nn Kaxde mycaNd Reis v er ‘ine? Sn cram yrs Kan ryan uy am nec 3, What questions othe Hale word answe? 1. Sma xwica neadaa ua eras. 2. mom cryati pins- swe aul» Mocwn 3. Sma xényin paddractapech 4 Beep drm eryému Ginna rednpe. 5. Aina saat Siw npn, 8. ena wee nneéan Sm yopaacten, 7. Mit Ye Sra Taare. Be om wn ort paca, Freres 84. Read the qustions snd answers and write than down. 1, — mo smo? — 3mo aeypéa = Kone weypuin wu taréau? — A suerén Srom mypuia. 2, — Yo. dm? — Imo tice. = Karas Knire avis 8. = Ymo imo? — 3mo nucsut, = Kase ‘ics abs Heda wuepé?—L nwedaa wrepa Smo ‘sr? — Smo raver, = Kanie raxéest Bu xyniite 0 KuGexe?—$ xyniaa 2 = Kno. snnc? —3mio. enya. = Kagéd exyaéur xopoms rovopér no-picexs? — mom cayaGir xopoud rovopiir no-pycon. 6. — Km mo? Smo erynenrxa. Kaxia cryxésa xopouté rosopin uo-pfcexu? ‘Sma ceyAeutna xopaM6 ronopHtr no-pJccKN. = Km Gmc? — Smo eryaeira. Kane crygéure -Kus)t saeco? — Iu erynbure mi ma venice sete afr sneet, erin 85 laser the deuonstrlie pom Soa, di, Seo or Sn Model: ... rexpinb. ... erp ae snec. Smo: rexpéas. Sina Terpiat sescte saecs, 6 + ayerdpit. a ayanndpns. wandoren eupana, 1 2. 0 wen. no men eusls wa cron 8. TC gapnina, sn xaprna nuedt a xéxnare, 4.2. kana, =. tira esate a crane 5. Tend, ont axénre cana 6. cryaemr. . cxyntar usyuder, pyecanll asin. 7. TL eryaeern. .. eryaéarat cess OTaSKAI. vere 88, Inert the demons ve pronoun Sam, na, do ot 1. Kron eryniuraa. .. cryatirrea uaysder pfe+ xn sas, Tae anime... cryadirka? 2.—UT0 wn? Holl nopnpéas. 3 Kym. opRim wendawo, —Cérmin Crore epriin? 3. ie ao eno. 4, On ara Tastri Biopapésepou. Bar mize a? 6 ~npenonasive. The Adjective the Stem ending In a Hard Consonant (The Endings -oit (-0f), -a, -02, bie) 310 nn now. ro woron6 spas. Bro wdeaw xtra, Bro wososis apriterka, ‘ro HoBoe Hans. Bro wouozée agpene. Bro nénwe Kum Sto oaonste aroar vecse 87, Inset the aieclives inthe appropriate frm, 1. a OW, ve KES, ae SIME, PHD endped : 2 ocr, .. nina, .. aaduue, .. rasérit 3. oem oer, .. Gywra, .. manbn6, w+ eTeUBE 4 sepa 7 apes, py anor... wanna TT Gelman er? How much ie? ” Exerl 68. Sopply the adjective xpdowd, a, copa, mee out, est, at or stoma cach fear Model: Gémai nen, sépnas piuxa, réxnoe nansrd, aon 2) xapanaiun, Koc, noprbém, cron, xounépr, aBréyes 1) pybaumxa,” sauna, “chen, puna, Terpand, sina, nim, 6) naa, 4) 20M, ‘Adjectives with the Stem ending in a Soft Consonant (The Endings -ui, -22, ~2e, -1e) ‘Sto cian una, ‘to olitee naterd, Bro cine Kocriow. ee Nodel: cauh toptaios sinm Seplans cet wp, cam rea bso aye = Span egeamn HOS fs 3, 7 woenbw xnace) SES aes fear ct ae ae Exercise 90, Insert theaijectives meal, doa, cfd, abn a ate Model: 910 «. aow. Bro cookin nox. 1, 910... Temps 2 310 » 4. 90. uainse. 5. Seo 7, S70 1 manxa, 8. 310) aie. 10.'910 ypOk. 8. Gro. ames. oct 6. Sto... ayziropm. auduie, 9, Ovo... ylpaa sxsiwen, il, Sto. mansrs, Adjectives with the Stem ending in 2, 1, (The Endings -wit, an, oe, ~#e) Bro pfccxmil vexcr, Dro pyocxan juke. Bro pyeenve endvo. Bro pyccxme nec. Breet 91. Supply oars Model: aucérxit 1, mace sdnesncne 8. wockéackn xerise 92. Replace the Model: néauit npenowat to these adjectives ruseéxni aesooée dsedKan Oeayuuxa suesKoe godine suede dowd 2. upéxut sumpéxan pore mpbae 4 pfecnu byceken pyeexoe pyeexe Jegulae by the pal from — nase npenogasdrent Sonvunil ow, mirepéeusl gum, pfccras m noe exéuo, minpéken fata, xopsu Ayr, anraitiewan a3e- ‘ra, Kopémiatl "paces, crépuh Tépos, “nOsMesice MCN, eerpd, esérau xocria sulscoe andi, crapuian eercee #3, Reps the 1. merit ects, dew yudtnus. 2. Y_ner6 ecre une ingular by the pla ploiia sndea. 3. V ‘wes eer cmdpuid 6pam. 4. ¥ wen term nocaddieca dppanyiacran eaaina. 5. V wae cet edema Imempaow 6. ¥ nerd cere Xopiuul Opye? 7. Y vac ects Pbcoxoraneationut cavadpe? 8, 9 aura Stor Adeeid acon S'Ceréans yor micéam mpguoe ynpaacwduce wm SMras KO ppomnaui paces, 10. On nya wepuodd Rapanddut, U1. Mia ‘worpéut unmeniousd cooénienud Gusta, 12. BM noxwitiere imcatdnee nped aati? 2 “ amigfitcb 94 Rowlte the seas eplcng thease by ale Model: Sro Gouide xara, Bro sdsonseas eer 1, 9ro ndove anime, 2. Qx0 emipuna Spat. 3. S10 ale se Yop 379 tpn Sata Se Sto pg yexch, 6.510 suadduaeceerph, 7. So, Goabusa pos 3510 rope eva. 8. Seo zopia onan 10. 10 Dat soe tas Tle Oro font wopugdp. 12.910 naorde plana, exaitgihe 9% Renn te pans roaeg te actves by ti Model: xonquas noriza—rénan nordna 1. ropfan wat 6, cripstt wexonéx — 2 xopéamih vevonée — 7. aman xeaomara — 3. imepécran xnira— 8, xondawan sow — 4. aminnoe nants — 8, manent tep0q 5. erdpan seu — 10. spas ynpancaine — Kaxdft S10 axypuia? Kanda ro auéira? Kaée $10 neue? Kane $70 raséeu? rere 96. Anwer the sins sng the wort gen co the ridst. ® , " 1. Kans sro xia? mepéenn Kani ro aya? Katse ro mic? 2. Kans fro ost? consi Kaxse ro azine? Kania Sto komen? 3, Katdn sro pan? au Knot dro Kapaa Kanse dro apo 4. Katee fro man? sip Kaxaa 310 aioxa? Kaxée $ro nsmurd? 5. Kanon stiawunn mrpier 9 née? | daca Ronis aenoua urpier w npne? amie Agra urpaion ® népxe? 6, Kaxéh eryatir Gaia 8 xajée? covtresait Kain eryasitrsa Ghats 8 xe? aie eryaénns Guim » Kaye? eres 67, Ansver the questions wing slble adjectives, Model: — Kandi $ro xoctiow? —~ Kaka S10 raséra? Srocedmanti xoetiou, — 910. pjeckan raséra AL 1. Kawéit $10 répon? B. 1. Kaka Sro pjuna? 2 Kaxsi S10 20m? 2 Kaxéx So Jamar 3. Kaxoh $ro xapanndus? 3. Kata Gro crpaud? ‘4 Kaxgit sro mypuai? 4. Kaci $ro mune? 5, Kandi ro san 5, Rani §r0 xGxvara? 6. Kaxi $10 seaongi? 6. Kani S10 eryntsraa? C1! ante jro muceus? D1. Kane gro serpaat? 9, Rane ro yupanné 2) Kase ro iw? une? 1. Kaxée $10 obuient 3, Kani $ro eryaénmi? 4, Kare ro nansr6? 4, Katie sro exons? 5. Kaxée S10 sane? 5, Kakie $10 apysha? 6, Kade $10 upewnoxc 6. Katie $ro rexerai? me? ercise 98, Answer fhe queens ung the words ive in bask 1 Kane exoseph acmiir ua_croaé? (pjecko-auraiticnl) 2, Ka ro oe nabs? (Comat) Kaxie Kaira fs noxynsere?,(pjecsa) 4. Kensie yuparnénnn nix were? Gpiawetl) 8. Kane Texcret wut wuréere? (woporeni) 6. Ka: wi nk tude (Grace, Kane it far cuorpire? (wen) 8, Kanie micuxa nit nfiere? (aie ii) 9, Kaxtie nouh nit sian? (ssicxci, wSsi) Exercise $2. Answer the questions using stable adjectives, 1 Kanéa xara aexiir na croaé? 2. Kani xaprina ow. cin ea ereve? 3. Kak owypnin ms myn a xHéewe? Kans tener ma auvinm cerdaiet wa ypone? 5. Kaxse ftncoM6. nix nomysiinn wiepa? 6. KaKOR cpasint oni eworpéme sreyosery? 7. Kaxde yrpaxerbie met nhuere cefadc? 8. Ka- ot Gan sen ocspstie? 8, Kast eaoulpy ae ‘air a cron? E a Exercise 10, What question do the isiied words awe? Model: Ha eroné sexur aeBemeul xopanai Kavcéit xapangéan aertie ka cone? 1. B xémuare eroit Gomuéa cron. 2. Ha evant nessir pijceko-aneattienu cosine. 3. Hdean ery i8HTKa XOpOuNS To opie no-pjecan. 4. Ha’ ereié auciit” dusowde népre 5. Mic surien cade raséra. 6, Crymen miner mpg duce ‘ynpaacnénue. 7. Mix ewonpéan uxmepscuat ipugiae, 8. He rane sexitt cmdpa yuecuk. Adjectives and Adverbs. The Questions Kani? and Kax? On sander xopows, Kaw ow unrier? 5 qurtons do the Hailed mocks anwar? 1. On pacexstisaer unimepsono, 2. ¥ werd ect uumeptc- as ‘nica. 3. On miiwer unmepicue pacexssts, 4. Jbwon osopir epbato. 8. Y werd epdunut rane. 6, Bueps 5 lt ram xopiuaid pacckia. 7. Ox xopowd ovweHin’ ypat. vere 102, tngrt adverts or efter choosing them from those Goer oo the aht. What quctine do thee words aver? Model: On ... eryagsr opti On wurrbx xopsumtit pacexis, Kaxolt pecexis on witréx? Eerie 101, Wh Ou sider xopaus On xopiuaut eryséer. — Kandid on cryagur? Ox wer xopouu, ‘Kae ow suréer? 1. Dra eryasiera miner xpacin Tur nym... Koco. pacino 2, Mus emé .."”rowopinn no-pycex. aoxoit Ou aeoradorsevier sabxo On... eryaee 3. Ana ronopiir visa Y nee Fae, | ‘xo 4. Mor sadew cox sake xopémat A cnorpéa divi, xopoud HL UErD «pom prepéeu Bror aarop miner .. nepécto xecce 198, laser ajetves oF adverbs choosing them from those ven he ; 1. Bu sndere ... satin? Bu rosoptie ...? | pyccxwlt DS puu spye xopom ronopin Ox | Ro-pfcout anao oyser re nate? 3, Bal at Bre ara?” Ba xopouis rosmale- reo? A $1 euls nI0x0 ros0p! Torok to a aaya .- soc ret | mee ee tae, On yop wn 9 | owl nome xe pa 6. Rorai n un aGna, 2 andro rong | dpamujacxa Koons "amma ayaa a rosea. | ho-ppemujecu sa Roue oe sop rope Mok epivat i ceexpa, asi rd Use of the Verbs xoméme, a6time, 0x6 ‘and the Word ddaacex with the Infinitive a xovtns x0 ‘Ma x08 ) sears pec fu stvens Joan pce Bur none | STs On aver [asi Oni sorte Oud xéver Terese 104, Answer the gusto i the firmatve. Model: — But xorine aymins Stor akypux? = Ta, a xoug Kymin Stor anypHaa. 1. On xéuer o6tsans? 2. Bu xonire Sammars? 3. Bat onhie cajun piano? 4. Ox xéver urpine m wixaara!? 1 apr whmaara, to play chess 5, Ont xosir obtaars cefnée? 6, Bua sonine mocuorpéns Gs cman? 7. Bel xoviire ramuesir? a verse 105, Insert the veeD comin In he anette form 51... rosopine no-piceks, Mui .. ronopirs no-pyecexn, Tw". rosopén, no-pyeenn. Bu. ronoptire no-pcexa, On <2 rowopiirn no-pyceKm. Oni. rovopite orp. ‘ers 108. Insert the Yer samme fm the appropri form, 1. Ty. mdny Soon ayuda? 2, Bis. une nocaéase vari 3. Bap om cnr nt. yin waivimofoe: 3. One nocuorpery or Gai a."Dee Crvnéneea. pabtrans » unde Mw. onan ix ati. 8. 61. XOpOUS ronopiah ho-pfeckn. Bxercle 107. Rewrite the sentenses replcing the pent tose the vers by the pt SE Model: Mot somdw xynirs Sra xiiru ‘Mu xoméau nym Sea Kade 1. A og) urpirs » uinwar, 2 Oud sors wide ra sera. 3. Oud x6ser nocuorpers dni gama 4. Bur xovie meds mncomé? 8. Mas xonist stare ocnéatine w6ocTH 6. $1 ne x04) caorpére teneaitio. 7. Bpar ne Xéter paGi- tare nesepon. 8. Ont xan nipine & GyT6Bn. 06s 81 wonia Ms ano Tw aioGnun But mooure } sirare, On agin { #F. On aioe Ona aiogne Exercise 108, Answer the ution 1. Te abOuumucdmy micoua? 2. Ond aééum exon pms diauaos? 3, Bat wi6ume pasémamn eésepou? 4. Bart Spar sédun vepdm w dbyxOéa? 6. Buia cetrp odun man esis? 6, But acume cajuums paano? 1. Bu atdume aunéno? 8, Tes abuue uepiine wy wixsar? 3 Ayre, to pay oot rerio 108. Tosert the verb arma inthe appropriate form. 1. Mat... cworpére Texesisop. 2. Oui ne param, me wuepone 3. One ve uere mBcbaa. 4. $n. Sariny Tests ‘oe Tas we apne @ Gyr651? 7. On rordnumi? 8. Bu. noayad micona? Beebe 110, Complete the sevens using the verb anime fo. loved BY a nitive 1, Mod cectpa «2. 51 3, Molt crépumi Spar 4.Bu.? 5. Hau upenoganiven . » 6 Mug. 7. Ere Jove. 8 Sin eryaerma .. » 9. Moi coves 10, Tat ? org Mur winery) asomeus| peuirs Sen Bu womere | pes rm On uomer | saute Oni méryr J "anion (Ona noxer eet Ise the verb. one tn the sppopiate frm of the ul ~ un a ne omer. yp, 2 OF 4 mtn sin a cine bn sn ns Seer. Sscopon 5 oy covets So cabwo. 6. OHA HE tay ec iT tobe see? Ae voxasére dor neue? 9. On me. Git arpa a a jen 1a 09 tn Fre teonmnt) | oicina Bi amt |SES Os Sonmen SS. Giana Sharon a Tac 12 Tt ean he rine form Tar porniapen.sror reset, 2, Onl oreo a dM mchne Imran. Cayenne Be men 8 Sor aonare gowiunee sna. OF == Sa So tarts 7a ere. noo para Exerc 118, Inert Basco in the epproprat frm. 1. Bese : pow a... mains maraué nosh, 2 Bet ry ror pacenis. 3, Crysis .. ys Srov Tener. AH) On... pene, Snm aaninn B, Mix. unde no-pyccnm ional nes, 6. Oud... anare Ori ardor sean Ge uy cr ye co a, gost Ef i MO Sapa t, caa The Use of the Cases Tho Prepositional Case ‘The Prepositional used to Denote Place Singular Nouns in the Prepositional 1 xymiia door aypnia & warasie, Exercive 1, Answer the questions in the affirmative Model: — Bis mumire @ alpode? = Fa, bot mnném & 2épode 1. Baws comes amar ¢ Jepfone? 2. Bus yaurecs 6 yrte eepeiimime? 3, Béuia cecrps unten @ unbad? 4. Cede cerynenrn canis @ raced? 5. Oui epi xan o 6ubauamd fe? 6. Mis noxynaew maim @-acasine? 7. BS noKyniere rere 0 audexe? Jlauna erodr na eroaé, Exerciae 2, Answer the questions in the affiative Model: — Kura acai na cmoae? = Ns, naira nextir na cma 1, Jina eroi ua cmoad? 2. Caonipe sentir na nbaxe? 3. Manan enuir na Queda? 4, Tiponosseéren niwer wa Soené? 5. Kaprina sacit na ceené? 6. Bisa cron na oKue? 7. Tloprijéne sein a cme? seca &. Inect the sproprlate forms of the words chien in brackets Use the resin aera eee Model Hern ryaiior ... (naps). Ter ryasior 4"ndpee. = Tye cate eryaenra® = Crynésras cast m wadcce, = Pre seit noprgiém? Hopréais aexiir na eroaé. Execue 4 Aonver the qusuns ug te wor ven in tackts and the peptone te na ie words ane bak Mod A. = Te era cron? (ames) 2 ion ah ene = ge ener apa (cre = ipeiun cernaca. A, 1. Dae mplion ar? (xounina) 2. Fe ace erp? (oopre) 3, Tye mar nian come Gepsown) Per epi ri (cuonéea) b+ Ize yuston cryaters? (ye tepewmén) €. Tae einen a seaouse? (ung) 8 Dad wt ‘kina oj00) cy Be 2a tt oe) 2 Tae ae ni (ra 5. Fhe ar edpra? (cas) 4, Tye aot as 1 thé? (crya) 5. Tae cromr upersi? (oxud) ee MeMORIS 1 Papo Ts Papin ne merge wa afpee 2 Jansepene te fpmrtre 1 aero » varesive | see » anjte ne obaepe : | Bee 1 myate te eno seine va Conte B répone ua ae mor Bae Exercise 8, Anower the questions i the aime 1. Tlwou paGéracr 1a sapine? 2. Frd oréu paéract na taopime? 3. ‘Tu tonynéere wepiir ua ubste? 4. JlézoM fa een oxguncder wa fre? 5. Bam Opar amnér ceive ua Ceuope? 6. Baul pyr cede we patie? 7. Mpenoxapiread tele na" ypc? Exercise 6 Answer the quetious wing We werd given in brackets 1, Tae paGézacr nom ory? (sansa) 2. Tae paGoracr vam earn? ((pS6pmea) 3. Te Yorren saua sexiaman cecrpa? (U6: na) 4. Tae. cron aunG6ye? (Jamia) 5. Tae ryzaton Aéra? (rape) 6. Tae cefude civir yueuned? (saacc) 7. Te om rpior » gyrGén? (cramnés) 8, Tae ae a cra) 9. Tae Bu nok! ner sant apyr? (Oxcop) vere 7. Answer the questions wing the ward given in bracts, 1. Tae seus end cemii? (or) 2, Tae waxdanren find vit?" (eocrée) 3. Tae uaxéawtes JTumepune? (ednaa) 4. Te faséraor eb epua (én) 8. Te On oeaxtor akon? condone wiper? re Knitra? (Maran) 10. Tae = xerie Answer the questions inthe negli using the wee stven a acel ee eee Model: — On patérecr wa sispune? (mxéna) — Her, on pasracr ne na pune, on pabiaer 1. Sone padoraer xa ure? (Gnésmoréxa) 2. Erd ce mpi patiraes 9 nanmkane? (S6pma) 3. Tix ord paOs ‘act na sanine? (Gann) 4. JiwoH ceiuae wa paGére? (Kay) 5. Beeps nor Gsian 9. redype? (crannon) 6. Jlérow “ndua cen Ouida wre? (Saim6ypr) MEMORISE: on —wa mony, caa—n cany nap — uKapy ecm aecy Son —s yray Geer — aa Soper oct — ua woery versie 9, Anewer the cuttin 1. Hlém urpior a conf sim a Yame? 2. Omit ryainor BL RR ue? 8. Tid tc ern 'W?? 4, Croa eros 6 yeay sm nocpeatine? 5. Mauiina cro 1a ocr sont Ha Gepery? rercise 10, Answer the questions weg the words given in Bracket 1. Tae mrpiior mxéasnvun? (ean finn ap) 2. ae xeaci séuui? (oxap m senoain) 3. Tae neacir mosép? (uwain om) ae or mag? (on 5. Te be Ga 9 mee o MENORISE: ‘erp (Jem.)—» tenpéau aduteas (fem,) — na rnoutaam Synnropaa a ayanropan aeeuws ua aba Seuienirme — — pocinextirun Exercie 1M. Answer the questions ising tbe! words gen ia cele A. 1. Tae sur miwere yapaxnéunn? (rerpda) 2. Tae ae éauon kuoreénp «Kécwoes? (anémaas) 3. Tae sect Goa aR (ponars). ° 1B, 1. Te sewer eryaéuru? (oGuexsirne) 2. THe on Ge am acpi ‘nésepon? (coOpiine) 3. Tae Osan wep maim apyabA (oncxspens) 4, Tuo cryaéwrat Gime S4pon? (cesium) Sr Tae maser sam xpyr? (Haas) 6, [xe nsxoanres Tepiic? (@piiruin) 7. Tac senmer ina consi? (Lima) 8, Tae on forduxser aérox? (Uleéaus) FExecue 1, Answer the question In the gave sing the words oon bracts, Model: — Bam apyr fuuren s Téa? (Nexoesonis) = Her, Woh apyr Yuutes ne € [To.nuie, on yuuren a Yexocsosinuu. 1, Jlérox nut orauaxiant po pinuen? (Mirdaws) 2. Banna cous samér > Hpasnawn? (UIlornsnaws) 3. Ba ccerpd Fonren m Bensriae (lamas) 4. Leow mayuda pycexnk sae Bb Mockee? (Auras) 5. byxapéor waxdanren a Bénrpuu? (Pystatin) 6. Jlandex naxoxueren 8 Twoane? (Clips) 7. 0:0 naxdgures w Tiluéuun? (Hopsérua) Exercise 1. Answer the questions using the words ven in waste 1. Tae, cunts cryaenmu? (ayanrépa) 2, Pre ancity x00 xi? (rena) 2. Tae eros ners (0x0) 4, Tae next xv fa w retpana? (croa) B, THe cro caouapi? (xa) 6. Tae hier npenouassrene? (docx) 7. Tae miwiet eryaen? (rer~ piso) 8. Tze eryAdurst emdspar wOnte cnosa? (Ca0D6ps) egEitit Mi Anover the qutons esng the wads gen in 1. Tae mu 6ciw m vocapecéuse? (cranudn) 2, Tne Osun 5 ocxpecéite saur rosipum? (nseTanka) 3. Te Oia cryadu ‘Ta 6 cy6Odry éaepou? (way0) 4. Te wet cuorpéan Coast? (reinp) 8. Tae paGéreer pant oréud (ayoth) 6. Tae bet mize au [MSan? (konatépn) 7. Tae of eerivie. padoracr {Kaoresp) he er Gs nosapweps? (aspx) re aa asa one ete oe 2, BPN a a Same Canc, cme Sar cae ee Slee nee Spe ning A ta ea oe can pe (Ate Th ec a), Fes So a ese ety CES OE vee gerne corer ct eels ‘Téra? (sap6,l, na6opaTopes) ent Bazar men a we st? 2. tc cata ms aaa aoa Gerais ance cranes geeelias Sone ere pumpatnas ng ir 6, Ton Rene BST a fp 3s ercise 17. Mako up senfenes using thse phe 5 mysée a sxexSpou, w redzpe wa Ganére, yuxnepen reve wa coGpann, w aise 'Ke wiriire, ayaHtépan ha Nek ont, B xndece va ‘ypéine, 9 Kafe ua Hevepe Exercise 18. Moko up questions to which thee sentence are the Bang > = vile ptaepeunée, Bi} & oder. a cea = Hina Ceili subst 6 depéave, 4 > — Mon‘ oi8ii paCsrset 4 26pode na sans ne esr ptr nb, poe 2 og nab 7 nse ymipeaite x00) pedir. @ memunje 6 ‘opal fare 1%, Anse tse gatos fl a he late ont en SR Model Ba aniee, rt on mmés? Be eaten mae, On ame 3 aie Re a oe en, ra aa 1, Bu anders, 198 aente ypuba? 2. Bat sere, ene cud jaguar Bi anor, Oe ont forum aouimnes eauitne'ebat ‘sere nae’ any Ba are, Fae Sel yee 6c Bu andes rae "on Youn? 7, Ba oer, Tae peer? ert 20, Read the fat an retell B xaiece A eryaQun. A rei) w Mocuué. yaw » yauvepeurére Y weal cerh pyr. Ont rome erynénr. Ceftie wat cain a pore, Ha crore exir minim xine, pS, Terpaaw. Ha fereu® mucir flocks. [oxox ainer. a AoeRe, 2 mauiy B TeT~ pti, Horou npenotaairen wirrier text. $1-nommMéio Me fee cao rékete, #1 eMorph Heke e7ORH 8 caORape. Tiere ypéxa o6éaao B crouiaod?. [ldcne oGéaa or- ausito, # Novos ToréaNO ypoxm. Moras 5 Forint ypaKs B Oxbakoreee, a uNorad Ava versie 21, Translate into Rossin, 1. My elder brother Jim lives in London, He studies at the University. Jim had worked at a factory before. 2, Ta summer the English tourists were in Moseow. They saw the Kremlin, the Moscow Underground, visited a thea- ie, a school, a tmseum and the University. 2 emanate the geeeitioal of enoasan 6 3. am silting in a classoom at 2 Tegon, The teacher is explaining ‘new material and i writing seniences on te Blackboard. fam writing my exerclsetook. My bag Tp on the desk. Tere are (come) books and a dictionary in the bag. sete 22. Read the tet ao el Cerys sop Mu ont, Vigan a cin ns sua oust” none noms! tyson SA0M) maery amt naéurean Mockwti. : ‘cum 9 astd6yce w enorp w oxus, Ceréann xopcaan ora, Hkto cree ronyete. Baepedi unporan famn, Bro sléxincrai poentvx. Capina croft cone npacioe oui, Caena Gonuncit tapi. Celuse cently, n Repesen 3 pee setanwe, Hans aptoje”aaet icrpo Bor" admins Yama Mocnss— fauna Topenoro ING! sony -nbiets BomsthYeinp, wom we sw, rae ow naxdrren. Ha Yanue erin soamanouép, Sl epauuao eS Granite nondnyacry rae Domus retig® — Gomes ‘reanppizom. iano ati pio, nord uanéso, Bie wood —-enpéuaaer” umartionep Her, 3 ne Mock. SL oenpinet oreekin 8. — A yuych @ Mockdockom yHnwepcurére _Munimnonép ene pad rooopir, xe naxiweren Boat Ho esundmes. ‘The Prepositional used to Denote the Object of Speech or Thought © wt ont rovopir cefuac? — Oui rovapat © Mockné, = TIpeconasinems paccxdsissaa o nocwondere Tardpune, | = 0 xom pacoannan npenosavivens? Sar 0) ao To en i 20 de Uy ltr al Baas Ces soe ane Ams rr 6 Osa giesncn? eve) 6 fon os omer creer) (Spar) rool MES, owt cml, > Hes cep, ee © mii sont Geren) nd et geal 9, Beas ert wt cgielne® tae rma shy oe. a sae santa Personal Pronouns in the Prepositional iat eee ee nee ant, ak sae pie seis $ fein se oa eal leer ee ena Ge mde Hau, ens et Rls a Sa De are eae 5 Dard a of am poe, eee cet oe By ly vee Ne ae Plea tea plea ee eestor 2 Ex ames Hct, 8 moe 7 ita ate nearer BSL sw a ie tees 8S epee eae eee ae Tif the wont following the prpouton o bogine wit a vowel, 0 takes the frm 05; 0g 20 ine, #0 9poke, 20 seas. Exercise 27, Answer the question ting the words given in brackets cel OO BA amine, cade? (or ont) 2,0 now £08 Sow eat Forplay at 9) 80 ot be apuen ch sn (ona) 8.0 nou ow explana? (4 n a) Exerel6e 28 Make yp questions to which enters ae the 1 ? = ows enpiniann ® teed o eens, 2 a? . —B esied sats iuedta of omyd w Godme. — a 05 omué 1 6p = par nied oui: Celsie’ Dbaou’ ajuaer 96 modiene no wed, =e — HH Yprine vrei’ pacexiauuan o Jlenunepdide Exerise 28, Answer the quetizs fist in the alimative ond then in the wes Bix neve, xe Jem Ga suep’ névepou? 2. Ba audeze, Tae ok HUN pénbue? 3, Bur share, rae On YsincR pau? 4. By auiete, rae oul orauacon abrox? 5. Bac Sudere, o w@u Anna paccxéstnnaa ma ypéxe? 6. Bit 3H 0 sé! pacexdsuiscer Stor unm? 7. Bu sieve, 0 eM osopla mpoecop cerdaa ma xan? Singular Adjectives in the Prepositional Ban ue na etre? = $i nf w Comat xopeues abae — B nani wonnae wu mine? | ft omy Gamwinen cope xémare » sve no ena examin fn Rison xereke 98, Answer the questions ALB kaxén sipode nar nina cous, ¢ Goaudy tint @ ndsenonon? 2. B Rawat O6ue 2UDET Batt APYC, 6 16 fos dau @ cmépoa? 3. Ha ax omancé wimna xOMHara, a veraiprnon im na ndmasx 4. B nawsxt deypudse wt Crian ob yaweepcmére, @ doo hme @ enpan? 5. B anda ynparenini Bt TOHIM Me Boe cn0Dé, @ népeos finn 20° emopin? Gq 0 Kanon aewe. 98 wa (ypoxe, 0 panygcenna Ham umasvibenon? Bi. 1. Ha mania smaseé wnir saur apyr, aa amopést me Ha mpémen? 2. B anos grpasendnat Wane De CHO Bo 8 népson tiaw @ nocséOteN? 3. O xaKoN Opdine OM to pacendasmwaer, 0 emdpuies: jinn o aadduien? 4. 1 ra- ox done naxSanren Kuo acarasig, ¢ mow Hk @ conlOnea? Exercise“, Aniwer the question using he words giv In breke, 1. B wane ripone er xemaéze? (Gomi sxc répo3) Banca Rome iDET tba conus? (craps xpacins NOX) Ha wana same plula KéNRaTa? (sTOpOR avin) 4. Ha nt sabone pagoraer all Orei? (SDH xunvessa sand) 5. B xaxcon 1nyoe al undere Bévepo? (cryzéuseen way) 6. B axdne waraotine wun uokynaere Kiem 1 >kypuma? (Co- ceutul rosth ara) 7. B xan xusovedpe is eobpire (amas? (Gomme Hm sawovedrp) xan §2, Answer the qustons. AL. B nad Depione suujr nium poxiren, « Gosbusdt iam ¢ wdteworod? 2. Ha Raxéd cmpaniye Sno yupaxs- ine, na. ndmod ian na wecméi? 8. B maxda mempddu pba rere enous, @ néead tan 6 enidpod? 4. B wax éwname aevinfr 31M eTyRenrel, © Goasuidd sw 6 Mise feat Be wan ras ae Tein, « pwd ‘ion seatyot B. 1. Ha wanda empaniye ro ynpasénme, na. népoot an ha nocasdnet? 2, 2 kaRdd mempddu set wiwere nda Ghoul, e ecpod im @ eaned? 3. B xaRdd caséme ois aM Haan b Qyrdine, « ceedonsuined am eo exepduuned? 4. 0 awd” ceempé tex cole ronopare, 0 cmdpuial tint 0 ° o adel? 5. Ha wast Gauye waxdnuren ravens marae ‘i, a Smad Haw na costes? Brorcse 38, Answer the questions using the words given in brates * a tlt 1. Ha vaxéi, Yauue axdauren sine oGuentrue? (visas ‘sennas Yauua) 2. B xantit xesiare nix mere? (Gomsad cenérean ‘xéwera) 3. B KaxOA cTonduoh su 6trAD OBeARe. ne? (dura crynéuecxan cronéses) 4. B nats GuGmoréne su Gepére saniru? (nama yenvepenrercka GxtanoTeKa) b, B anol unkine yunres lata cecrps? (Comusin 1604 WS) 6. 8 xm ern wa vere porn? (ea rOy6on ‘rexpins) Eecise 3h Answer the questions using the words given teak “ ing the words given ln 1, B waKdw néve aomer Ania? (udm) 2, B xancae 06- sono eu aaere? (erysdusecot) SB rah ihaare su rcusere? (Goauiiés) 4, B xaen wicwrfae | Frren a per? acini. xd min. Fr ag ccecrpa? (epéanna) 6. Ha xaxou gaxyasrére tat fuureci? (ucropivecnna) 7. Ha xaxou axyarere Suen Eat Apyt? (cpusiveceat) 8." B Kakon GrGatonexe ua Geplre xoiien? (ropozexsa) verse 35 Answer the qustion: axing the words gan hn brace 7 "" “ 1. Te sxynér nam apys? (wow répon, cocéansn Yama) 2 The’ on yuuren? (yimseperrér, xmulvecxnl daxyaurér) 3. The ox obo santintiete? (yiummepenrércxan CuGgHoTé: ka) 4. O stor on newnier? (mtepéexan patra) 5. Tae of er pers not name? (WRT aan ) ‘da ow pacexisusn colivsc? (oni ne Gonna crane) 7. Tae Gud ra evans? (yuan «Xtina snoenéauad uGuep) Frerclse 96. Ansuer dhe questions using the worde gives on he rent 1 Hla waxéw same waxdyoren nama aya | sir opi? 2, Ha aww stance waxdanten 6xGaworé- | xpérut ia? 3, Ha waxé sraé naxéuires crosdeas? | népasih 4. B xanoh ayauropun Oyner aéxacn? srnenéaarat 5B xaxsh ayanropim nat samincaancs | npwanéran Yrpow? oe 6, Ha waaéu xjpee os furecs? aropsit Hi wax njpee Famer aot apye | seratprt 5. Ha nanéilexpaniine woxdavren xneads- | censaist luaToe ynpaxtentie? 1 Hie wake expamiue waxdxuren pacexis | xeciran © Mockaé? xercse 3t, Answer tke questions Jn te allizalive usiog_ the swords pen at tbe of the esac, 1. Bus andere, » Kaxdit ayanripim Ojacr cele abe? 2, Bur sudere, wa. nakow 9r@Ke iaxdueren Sra aysiTOpun? 3. But audere, a xaxom keg croat exosapi? 4. Dua snie- re, Bonanéat Keke MOKTO Kymin» ywsGrInGN? 6. Bu sude~ Te na anda Gakyaurere wider abun Stor upopéccop? G.'Bar atere, via ROROM cxpatiue naxdurren fro ynparcié- ue? 7. Bu siere, ae pee Yuien S707 eryasurt? (remincxet, noone, mies, xmas, nepal, s8aR- ura) xerlse 58. Complete the sntences at in the mode, Model: Pause » yuisen w wéne, a Tenpe a yafee .. - Pamnme x yuinca s uinéte, @ rengpe a yajen @ unemuunge. AL 1, Péuwore on awa w Ancrpan, a renépe on munT 2, Pause ond yeiinace b epeyvel! uote, a Tempe o1d Faure ws Se Panbine ero Opt paSdrat e roposeKs Gonswtiue, tengpo on pabiracr ... . 4. Pénouse wiua ‘cen ead R MaEHEKON Aepesme,& Terps MA BED B. 5. Moh oréu paGéraer na xiuuiseckost sane, # Molt Spar "6. Mod cverpa omkaxine sero 2 poauoR zepénne, Bio. Te Oni HOYT Ha tore, A ML» 8. $F Tord: io. Ypéien"w Mawel ORGmoTEKe, a MOR apyr .. « 9. 5 ‘oéxdio ROMa, a on meerad ... . 10. BEsepow Mio’ Grim 3 due eryaénvectou wafGe, a sau rosipu U1, Cripmu Gpar Yures na Gusiecnou Gaxy aren usémucnt Oper Exercise 30. Make yp questions to whieh thee sentences ee the La a ‘Mis soin6i's id's oduenatrn. ee ; = Bye at siitecion Gaxynantne, "Tt Juice’ a = Tinos pabstnér ‘6 Tuiutveccod aaGoparpun. singe wpe, ~ ; = Eris crlpimis Cecopa patéraer @ epldnelt use, = Péming ix osha id adsewsnom Wactos vipone. Possessive Pronouns in the Prepositional Exercise 40. Answer the gintins in the atimatve, Nole the use of the presse pions 1. Bus Gila © c25 Aue? 2. Bu Otiny @ ead nawance? 3. BH Ging 6 ef cemd? 4, Bhi Ginn @ ux obuencimia? 5, 8 moot pabime cers omiGxn? 6. B moots durmdume ects ont? 7. B aduiest répaxe eer Tearp? 8. dixon fomren « sdwed epynne? 9. Tia Gua e ndiens Ragoe? 0. x0 rosie @ mood xéxadme? 11, Kro nican ¢ sedi mempddu? rere AL Insert possessive ronons, Model: Stomdweocwensirne, B... o6urenciran wenn ery- ‘tewrat B awe oomexiiran xe yr eryaeum. as. Bae mopnpéne exit xen 9 cron, Moi infiw sean Ha... cTonb, 1 ttiewe erosr cromeh i enfaun, 4, 910 ft Bn AONE? 5. Br0 ee6 Terpas. B rerpiam ers oumiOns, 6. Sto a8 éamiara. Bs. wena’ Gommide 0x16, 7. Sto ux way. Buepé mi Gea ha KOM: 0 Ban RAVER, ‘The Pronoun caoit in the Prepositional arcke 2, Real Ge sce an wits hem down, Nate te on Oi et : 1" dro ok Gper Kann, St rosop © Kéze. $1 romp © c0 Eons. ‘ : 2, Sto foi Gpar Bontgn, Tis rompiats 0 Baris. Tet ro- oe ees | BE wie, Or spt © Bie On oa 0 op, Ma oon Ope. ngs 0 rn, rons 0 Tir, Ba one 1 See icy Ont some 0 Tse, Onl rmpit 0 poe exercise 43, Read fhe sentenees and wile than down, Note the se of the oom ve 1. Bro wok Gpar YOpe A paccriauaie 0 cookie Sy i Met 8 om a Toe ow 6 cee ote a eee 2 Mia (nan 5) ropopant 0 OpaTe BonSRe. Ee Pies ae oe nore tendo, On yuue © nt Beas CERNE. 4.910 gar Maia, On pseu 0 cia Bi loath a) pros. pe 5 prose Make sg Gipian 95 we Spite tice. ertee 4, Inert the pron end in the apres form 8 ceerpi expe, 2. 310) 1, Bro x6 cecnp. Ou pacexdaureaer © wt vx now, “Oui rosopir os s0ue. 3. S10 er6 pabina, Ox n pacekéseisuer 0... patine. 4. 10 saat apyr. Pacckawire 0 ~ apsre. 5. plinbir—e8 péaue, Oud acto A¥aaer 0 oie 6. Oro nau xaaece Mu acerca satinndewer xniece. 7. S10 mos terpiso. $l nim w .. Texpia. 8. 910 28 sual, OM Hea oes sym. Beercee 46, Inet the pons od, mand, Hay ay 6, Fy ae oe calwh the speprate peptone 1. S10 erd duaera. Mas cunii ... Késmare. 2. Bro ni sug ceerpd. Bus pacckistmnaere .. ceeype. a, Ee coud mmnser ' acpénno. Oni paceedaiiact . cewte, 4. Sno néta aye opis, Mus cafueen abun. ayzurnépmi. 8. ZoKoN— bof pyr. $1 wicro mmf Zone .. nore. Mod wars. enpanumzaer ‘anjte. 6. So sina ceerpii? Pacckaiterew. cocrpe.7. 970 6 Oper? Bacckanaine sx Opete cu REESE ASSN eng ree ee 1. O ow ai rosopiie? (wolt aja apyr) 2.0 a8 out paccxiswusger? (erd néxas patra) 3. O KOM oft roDo- pir? (ox aGat Tomdpun) 4, (0 vem ond enpistpaer? (e8 Gjayuas_puGSra) 5. O'xow wit rovopiise? (want crap po ‘GEecop) 6. O weu ond paccxisumnact? (e8 posuél repox) veri 47. Answer the gostons using the roncune #86, e@ ant 1, 9m Aten. dro 8 serpim. B wet rep ier Agate Buch eins con cao? 2. Sp Hee ora rte, Bitah gue cuateVenc Bed kare Ciutat 3 Bro Bop Sto ed er. O gh eee soni Bopic?"O wal Sooe song al So ae Stove coun sna cone pstmt nah covod roel a a —ri—Ss—sOONOs _ 1, Bim trae sens ¢ no nope Ba vepbah acne gaat» rane 2B mutt erence Jponalure 9 mea ver ces dro ype 28 cerns ot sed vaste eae ta AB wre scent nab aa Shoo. 8, Sor ena Fomor ice yimsponee Stet R erates juuren y noc » ynnoepeinére. 6B eden répone cae sestph 9 ac a nojone cove Telap® 7. B ux oStient Sian omus® Gatamorexn, ‘Y" mux» o6ccxtont Contin Severe. Frercise 49. Relae the possessive prone by the pases ae, y mesa g'neh y nee mods eae aE Y Mae Model: B xdwed xsapnipe ect teachin. Y nae» keapripe core renin. 1. B aod néwware anes xaprins. 2. B wosit xoprpéasHon pobre Guid omnd ommi6te. 3. Bux xéwueTe cro Teaeei- Gop. 4. B mioése nogapene enc sod ofska. 5. Mon Opar curen na nduent qaaysbrere, 6. B wiwew Kajee cenitnn Gjner séwep. 7. B oduen wucexe ecrs Gpamyacne raséris? 8.8 ef woamare na crené pier dororpsiin. Plural Nouns and Adjectives in the Prepositional — Pye neni amir? = Kits aexr wa croadx. te am nimere yn TR ln sono expan, fre $0 Rel th ets, Wh ton oe Hated wot 1 Cafe ype. Crysis emir + aydundpun Os nije dine Sooke oo ent een rece Cryabent eubiper «casas Nenana nal "po rp Go Moc, On, inn, dt biipuc sa ts oarneon Ott aor Seles inf Moca. Hoorn pas oa iene nna ercae St. Put the Haleed weeds tn te poral. Model: Kuira seacér na cmos Kieu aexcir na emoaic. . A. 1, Cotiade ywenmnd emain « xafece. 2. Kapmines anestr a cmené. 3. Patowne paGirair na dhiGpune wna aaa Ge. 4. Mui nonynées Rina 0 adoaadue u @ Rudoxe 5. Crynéuru Gaim @ modmpe. 6. B ruconé woh ore enpéuuuaer 0 woEx x. 7. Mis uani 06 SroM @ B. 8. 1 sual @ menipdou. 9. Cryatirs naar @ owe stn 10 ern Sonn cao eB wa crea '@ sake 12. Kort ne #0 ise. 13. Mut cudrpum nesnaKémne cnosd 6 caosape. a xerelse 62. Put th falicino! wore in the pra. 1. Mur eayuiaew aésuim @ aydumépus. iciaa 0 Opdme 0 cecmps. 8. fk ubero B ruconé wars rmomtnano 0 Opt ae 4. Mat cudrpus dilausts © Runomedmpe. ®. Ha ypite Mu endpum 0 eaidze, 6. Sra xia pacexdainaer 0 2epbe. swarasiinax maz ooxyndene sauirs? yin Kiri m KM Marat, = 0 nanix Qiimoax ais rosopine? = Mat rovopi 0 nocaénmnx auraitcnx guia, eZee BAe te oman ing de wads gi TB anit sou yor plage? (Gamunle mins 2p way'2) annie arnoy futon Se, Gngeacn tse toning) 3, "B'xmit kalo oni sewers (cue Gaerne aaecu)4 agit nguoredtp oniounoor Ret Sie ii (aces nreiga) EO nt worse Se" pcrodpunete’nucalune: Unease dace) 6B as th Sele oF me fed ep Exercise 51. Anowsr the qustins wing the wirds given om the 1. Tae Yaarea crynéuru? | piswiwe wacumyrt myn é sepenrréts, 2. Dae, ot eajumor ati | asi syamépen au? Tae on sammwres)crasuinw cnopinne 4 fae cnnle wow ofinemran a -_- -| ~~ Hn sane ——UrhL ——eO te pet : 1. By Bystit nocobor | exease wreine 6 the nana rea | rasérae xn ‘sw ype? Bercae 55. Put the ils words in the po 1, Mos apysia juaren @ socxdeccom uncmumyime. 2. Ox muni @ nieow o6ueseiimuu. 3. dléro on orapinaion 6 Rooion. canamipa, 4, CryNeinik paboraion @ dustveceadl w ‘usivecrod sabopamipux. 8. Oxh Ont @ MocKéecKom me- Gmpe. 6. B nicauax ow wiimyr 0 nocaédnes cosémcKon ses. verise 68, Compete the eeteness, Answer the quastins. 1, Cyanine, noxcdayllera, ua Kaki sree... ? 2 Cxae swsne, nowayiera, sa KSKON cxpautiue ... ? 3. Bat me side re, B naxcit KOwtare ... ? 4. Bul we andere, 5 xaKOR aye ‘opts? 8. HL XOny auarh, ha RaKC Fate... 6. $1 He ‘aul, xaxGu obueRCiTAM ". . 7. Cxankine wit nowy he fra, 0 xaxcxt Texere 2 §- Hnrepéeuo, xamcix rpynnax Mo 9, St xomp start, 6 uaxiix marae «10. 5 He Ory owes, © xaxiox erynéinax . ‘The Prepositional used to Denote Time — Kora ar Gsiaw 3 Téni0ne? = A Giun w Téusoue w moe, a Mafica w ceTa6pé, Exercise 7, Answer the questions using the words given in bract 1. Korad nit minan yuitraca » Mocnéncxos yanepenrd. ve? (ceamsiops) 2. Korad unt névani rovopiirsno-pycoxs? Tames enfpzoe to go in fr sport oxvi6ps) 3. Korad ax Gimn 9 népastl pas w Bonsai 30 Ape? (WoAGps) 4. Koraa aut migenn Sror Gand? (nex) 5. Korad y- tac Ojayr sxsénettl? (snssps) 6. Korna y ac Gfayr sinwne Kanhiyinn? (nundp 1 Peapant xen otnentiior nétoM? (mite h 4uFyt) 7. Koraa cry xerine 58. Make 4p cs 2 = 8 pomiacn anpéie. — 1 ran’ Mocané « sade. 3. 2 ms to. whlch tite eoteoes ae the ncaaems OYzyT @ swap — Nlévine waniinxyas Ofnyt @ wae u @ deeyeme. = Korat nt nina nsyaita pfecrl she? Jixon nivan usysins pjecrn” ssc» opéunaom roxjh a 8 StOM Fony Exercise 69. Answer the gusto a swords gen in ac pestons sing the words gh 1, Koraa Mon Gxt ete: wot 2 Fee a Cntr Ci, rem ae oa a ee toes yacmrer (rr Sfpany aes ommer nae Gina To A ered ae» eae ae Sa Ee re om = Korn ponines: acon? ‘Tixou ponies w Tema aessrue6r c6pox mfrom roxy. [ercbe Ot, Acnver the qstions 1. B nana roxy an poxuaiia? (wicoua senarieér eépox pocendit ron) 2. B xaKéu roa? posites sau one? (risa penarscér anaanéuh ro) 8. B xaKOM rosy poswuties. nina ™ av? (récava nenevucdr xnfimuare mira rox) 4. Koraé po> ‘Cindew wana eecrpa? (ndensa neaiabedr cOpow Zerll rOx) BU Korad om am = Stow ropoae? (ricia ReRITAOST co” Poxopdtt ron) 6. Korad ond orawximt p Ancrpna? (ricasa Reammpcst uleeragees s70poi Toa) 7. Korxi st npuéxant Goud? (rienua aenTeclr Ueersacear sereepri F03) The Prepositional used in Other Meanings a — Ha Eve (eax) mix éopune » yunepentér?! = Ht eauy & yruvepeurér ua anrésyee, Exenise 61. Answer the quaions wing the wards giver in tracks 1, Ha sé on Gana na wor? (ndegg 1 wausisva) 2. Ha sae on sun 9 dleumirysa? (asrOOye) 3. Ha ex yet ESxUL reper nape? (rpoumdl n wexpd) 4. Kan vu Goa B Temp? (anreoye H TpoazéhGyc) 5. Kak on éagnx w Nom 63 Tura? (Gneetpiaa # annéye) 6, Ka Ta Gust ovepa » ro: por? (penocunex) 7. Kak so esque wv wewsp? (aoré6ye Merpo) 8. Kak mi" €agure’s yimoepeurér? (xpoanenoye ‘Tau croiir Gow w vEpnom Koeriowe. aac oT fhe words ven tm Brkt, Use the proite peer ne 1, B xducore cute veaonée .. (8pusth xocru) 2. Ha cna erokan enya (ypacoe Wade) 3. Baur Site pet (Gomah_ Sagi) 4, Ha joe ryan séso4ce gd au 8 mre om fae wan GROfana) Be Tent cutir MERCURE. (epi0e nad Tease base ua neve. (KOwsh soctb) 8. Sach A sty flues namuro aio S15N88) 1 For more deals see the sctlon Verbs of Moti 7 Exercse 6 Inset the word geen in brackets, Use the appropiate reps. Yes corm apyr. Eré gomjr Jhwou. On powizen (nicsua sewsricér eipox aewtrul roa) ... (Moraanara, Gomuidh répog). End oréy paCraer ... (einen waraatn), 4 cxépuni Spar Maina pasoraer ... (aérta). Caveat oxo ywies ... (roposeeést whsna), wows ot) paSéren -n (wars Sim), TAC paoraer er6 ore. .. (opium roa) of Riva yoiirsen . (Jidunouesah yanuepenrér) .. (veropiucckah ae yaunen. Celnde on Yurren . (O10p0R ype). Ttmow MELO pa6draer. Kiaavan ete om saitisaeren .. (ynmaepeurereras ‘Gutimoréxa). On Oszeder ... (Ronuepray, Teinpat, MY2EN M crank). JTétoM on oTsbixter su (QORUGH pO) The Accusative Case The Accusative used to Denote the Object of an Action Singular Nouns in the Accusative Grynéurca surder ypu, Ko surier axypsin? Miro anrier eryaéurKa? Cryagur susier raséry, Kro urier raatey? A Kro wider ncaa? Miro carrier cryxénr? fa wider uncesd. ro curéer Anna? rerclse 1 What question do the Hsiced words ane? 1. Mes wayeien pyceru sasie. 2. Cmydénmss aves Guxmdnm, 3. TIpenodasdmen osvscaiin ndonit maker. [li a. xopouo. ander ypdx. 5. lokam warier pacer, 6. Mee cenjumaen péduo. ™ xerce 2 Ana the ition in the inate 1. Bu gerdan Srpow eaaimy? 2, Bu eafwann men’ ate swt 8" By ne cei Hina? 6, Bt any mien thenepway? 8. But mire deus? 8, Bsn xopaas sasere Tle? tBu vayeian pant Guosbewd? 8. Bi ater ajay? = Miro ues inane? Mat nize anrddye wawiny. eerche 8. Answer the qos 1, ro muy sirdeve cee, ancy dan axypuds? 2. Yro on niauct, cau tan ympscueute? 8, ro wt nostopan fm ypone!vener aut apituso? 4. io mh Ryo KmecRe, Nepanini aw pay? 9. ito mei Gane sie, Gnepy fa sant? scree 4. Answer the qt wing the words elven in trae : 1, Uso su min wa jane? (aoneye, pani, ros, sauling erie nerpd) 2. dro ti nmsere spon?” (xn fo, rasta an mypnaa), 3: so exiiaon eryaGiew 8 ki Ge teow aetna, Kone, aura) he ro. Hato Smite bnécke? andra, rakrg,werpiae, pow, mopauzi, Shira) 5.0 wenso' aynita. 8 STow ‘waranine? aed, tne, up, noua, cheap, woos, pba) 6. ro Ra ere ou? (wien, pu sn sontocd) 7. na ta musee Spon? Ge! teed eat Koré nit ninean reirpe? = Wien w reénpe anjra w ens cecnpy. — Koré pis enjwaere celiac? = senjmiaw npenoaanreas xercite & Answer the questions inthe afrmative 1, Bu awiere ed Opima? 2. Bu andere eri dpjea? 3, Bu wexére snare mosdpuya? 4, On water anece Lacdna? » 5, Bot pitean cerdan npenodasdmeas? 6. Bu xopaus now uéete npapécropa? 7, Bu xopous auéere Jona? 8. But inet pep Mimepa? Enercze 6 Answer the quits wing the words ven in rackets " " " 1, Yo exfuanr eryatena? (eocaix, aésuun, piswo, somtépr, non, nec) 2. yo tor nas Touspu? (poe exer, néchs) 8.‘ro ah voycam a tinge? Gomans oot, arent, reper, Gwonrhn, Herp). not Oe Pere na 9p? (tra, ued, psa, apa aon, Terpias) B. Koss enjuion exyatins (npagtoco. pena Diean. apeicrtnenemn) 0. Kowb. na pepesaere Spon? Gosipin, appr, npenosasinens, Ansa i Jon) 7. Korea Sexe ane (aro, net, Ope, cepa )5) Bxercte 7. Complelo the scores sing the words gen in race " : 1 SI mibcy vane... (uarmina 1 apré6ye). 2. Buopé @ xy- (eoeriou i jyOnumra). 3, 51 xopauid sui =. (Bape (eryadiie w ery (uate a ore). 6, Mot nour. (xiiasina 1 cuopr). 7. AL s¥éio ed we (Opat ecm 8 Hi aa anes (penataniven prota ‘remuea). x ERgb® 8. Make vp gute fo which thee seen are the 1 > 51 rmx ile ease. a=, hae = Beeps ta alo nen Any, Aung snyder uy = bis oir‘ emp * ns iad sy’ npeiaddmesany. = teins jes espa Ale, Evercise 9, Aniner the questions asing the words ven on the iat 1, Pe fuses saat apyr? yaunopeanér ro naxduerea wa Sroh, Yamuc? O és pacexisusan eau pyr? Uno bu pire cupana? 2, Uo nat werdere? vewira Tae sexe maciad? Uo act a cxoae? Owe Bs rovopite? 3. Kro cumir 9 aysurdpa? eryasier Koré enpaumaser npopsccop? 0 wom aot rooopire? 4, Koré ia xapué ae wixenu? ceerp ‘Or kom ut iero Boxomuudere? Kro tasted 0 MceN? exercise 10, Complete the sestencs using the words en on the iat 1, $ muy yopascnéan .. - ‘rerpine B nopréae acme St nowepaa 2, Ha crane asa Tlocworpitre 610 cxén0 you xytia 3. B aygurdpam cuir crynéinis B telspe ass nexpérua ‘una paceriserana .. crops npenonasinens cercee Ht Tranate_ tno Rosson, 1. went shopping yesterday. 1 bought an execs book, apn: ana pen Bs My rind stiles atthe. University fid‘Suties Resion langage nd literature. 3.1 was at the thiy'on Satureay. Tan den end Av There; Jo told, me fic had bougit car. We listened fo a este today. The feture was very interesting

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