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End of Year Test: WRITING


Write about a person you know very well, for example, your best friend or a member of your family.
Use these questions for help. Answer only 5 questions. Do not answer all the questions!
Write between 100-120 words.
1. How do you know him/her? Where does he/she come from?
2. What does he/she look like? (e.g., Is he/she tall, short? How about his/her face and hair?)
3. What kind of clothes does he/she usually wear?
4. Has he/she got a pet? What does it look like? What is his/her favourite animal?
5. What does his/her house look like? What are his/her favourite things in the house?
6. What does he/she do in the morning on weekdays? What does he/she do in the evening?
7. What things do you do together? When/how often?
8. What things can he/she do well? What things can’t he/she do?
9. What sports does he/she like doing? Who is his/her favourite sports person?
10. What does he/she do in the summer holidays?

Write as much as you can about each of these things in your description.

Write between 100 and 120 words.

/ 20
Sample answer
1 Pablo is my best friend. He comes from Spain. We are in the same class at school.
2 Pablo is short. He’s got short, curly brown hair and brown eyes.
3 He usually wears jeans, T-shirts and trainers.
4 He’s got a pet cat. Her name is Mimi. She’s black and white and she’s got green eyes. His favourite animal is the lion.
5 His house is not very big but it is nice. It’s got five rooms: a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. It’s got a
garage and a garden, too. His favourite things in the house are the TV and his games console!
6 In the morning, he has breakfast and then he has a shower. Then he goes to school. In the evening, he does his homework and
then he watches TV or listens to music in his room.
7 We often play football together after school. We usually go to the cinema on Friday.
8 George can play the guitar and he can draw very well, but he can’t ride a bike and he can’t swim!
9 He loves playing football and skateboarding. His favourite sports-person is Lionel Messi.
10 In the summer holidays, he goes to his granny’s house in Spain. He swims and plays with his cousins.

Marking Grid
The marking is based on the five following criteria: Content, Task achievement, Organisation and Structure, Range
and Accuracy. These are each marked out of 4. The ‘average’ student would get 3; a very good student would get
4; a weak student would get 2; a very poor student 0–1.The descriptors at 2–3 are ‘at level’; the descriptors at 4 are
‘above level’; and the descriptors at 0–1 are ‘below level’.
Marks Content Task Organisation Range Accuracy
achievement and structure
0 Award 0 marks only if there is no written response to assess or if what is written is unintelligible or is an
obviously rehearsed response bearing little or no relation to the tasks.
1 One or two Lexical and Little or no text Uses only very Many lexical
content points grammatical organisation basic vocabulary and
may be omitted inaccuracies according to and grammar grammatical
completely, or impede task genre. structures with a errors, even in
covered in achievement, Text organised lot of errors basic
insufficient severely at largely at evident. language,
depth and/or times. phrase level No complex or which severely
scope. Control may be with some compound impede
Content would sufficient for complete sentences. communication
have a very simple sentences of ideas.
negative effect tasks but not evident. Little

© 2018 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

End of Year Test: WRITING


on the more complex or no linking

intended ones. between
reader due to Stretches of phrases or
lexical and/or text may be sentences.
grammatical unintelligible or
inaccuracies, require a lot of
and/or poor effort by the
control of reader to
register. decode.

2 May not cover Lexical and Little or no text Uses only very Many lexical
all the content grammatical organisation basic vocabulary and
points, or in inaccuracies according to and grammar grammatical
insufficient impede task genre. structures, errors, even in
depth and/or achievement. Text organised perhaps with a basic
scope. Control may be at phrase or lot of errors. language,
Content would sufficient for sentence level. No complex or which impede
have a very simple No linking compound communication
negative effect tasks but between sentences. of ideas.
on the generally not sentences.
intended more complex
reader due to ones.
lexical and/or
and/or poor
control of
3 All points may Control is Text organised Uses basic A number of
have been sufficient to largely at vocabulary, but lexical and
covered, but respond to all sentence level. largely used grammatical
some in simple tasks Some simple accurately. errors probably
insufficient and to and logically- Uses basic evident, but not
depth. complete some sequenced grammar in sufficient
Sections of the more complex sections, with structures, quantity to
content would ones. linking between perhaps with a greatly impede
probably have The majority of sentences. few errors. communication
a positive the response There may be Probably no of ideas.
effect on the would achieve evidence of complex, but
intended its intended paragraphing, possibly some
reader. purpose. but this may be compound,
inappropriate. sentences.
4 All content Control of Text organised Uses a good Occasional
points covered language is and sequenced range of level- lexical and
with sufficient clearly simply but appropriate grammatical
depth and sufficient to logically vocabulary and errors probably
scope. respond to throughout. grammar evident, but not
The text would simple and Linking structures,largely in sufficient
have a positive more complex between used accurately. quantity or
effect on the tasks. sentences Possibly some severity to
intended reader There is throughout. complex and/or impede the
due to good demonstrable Paragraphs compound communication
lexical and/or achievement of used sentences. of ideas.
grammatical all parts of the appropriately
accuracy and/or task. for the purpose
sufficient control and genre of
of register. the writing.

© 2018 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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