Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Circuits In.38

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ASAIO Journal 2022 Management of COVID-19 Patients

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Circuits in Parallel

for Refractory Hypoxemia in COVID-19: A Case Series
Yatrik J. Patel ,* John W. Stokes ,* Whitney D. Gannon ,† Sean A. Francois,* Wei Kelly Wu,* Todd W. Rice ,†
and Matthew Bacchetta *‡

Refractory hypoxemia despite the use of extracorporeal mem- hypoxemia. For example, the additional blood flow achieved
brane oxygenation (ECMO) for coronavirus disease 2019 with a second drainage cannula remains limited by cannula
(COVID-19)–related acute respiratory distress syndrome size and the maximum rated flow of an oxygenator. To address
remains a challenging problem. A single ECMO circuit may severe, refractory hypoxemia despite maximum ECMO support
not provide adequate physiologic support in the setting of an and other adjunct measures, we elected to introduce a second
elevated cardiac output, physiologic demand, and impaired ECMO circuit in parallel to substantially increase the blood
gas exchange. In select patients with refractory hypoxemia, flow rate in select patients with COVID-19–related ARDS.
addition of a second ECMO circuit in parallel can improve Additionally, we describe a novel technique for dual circuit
oxygenation, facilitate lung protective ventilation, awakening, support using a single return cannula, obviating the need for
and physical rehabilitation. We report the largest case series two return cannulas in two upper body central veins.5 This is
to date of patients receiving ECMO circuits in parallel and the largest case series of patients receiving ECMO circuits in
the first to report this approach in COVID-19. ASAIO Journal parallel and the first to report this approach in COVID-19.
2022; 00;00–00
Case 1
Key Words: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, acute
respiratory distress syndrome; ARDS, COVID-19, refractory A 50 year old male with a body mass index (BMI) of 39.5 kg/
hypoxemia, parallel circuits m2 (136 kg) and no known medical history was admitted to the
hospital for hypoxia secondary to COVID-19. He was endotra-
The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cheally intubated 2 days after admission for respiratory failure
for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–related acute and required high-pressure mechanical ventilation, deep seda-
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has introduced distinct tion, continuous neuromuscular blockade, and inhaled epo-
clinical challenges, and outcomes widely vary.1–3 One such prostenol (Flolan, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park,
challenge includes persistent hypoxemia despite the use of NC). He remained hypoxemic despite these strategies and was
ECMO support, requiring concomitant use of therapies such cannulated for venovenous (VV)-ECMO 3 days after intuba-
as prone positioning, neuromuscular blocking agents, inhaled tion (Table 1). Ultrasound guidance was used to place a 25Fr
vasodilators, and ventilator settings that exceed criteria con- drainage cannula in the right common femoral vein and a 20Fr
sidered lung protective.1,3 Further strategies to temporize return cannula in the right internal jugular (IJ) vein. An ECMO
refractory hypoxemia for patients receiving ECMO include blood flow rate of approximately 5.8 L/min was achieved. The
optimizing cannula positioning to reduce recirculation, reduc- patient had an initial improvement in oxygenation yet contin-
ing metabolic demand using antipyretics or beta-blocking ued to require 80–100% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) on
agents, blood transfusion, and placement of an additional the ventilator and continuous neuromuscular blockade. On
drainage cannula.4 However, these interventions may not be ECMO day 5, a second 21Fr drainage cannula was placed in
safe in all clinical circumstances and have varying effects on the left common femoral vein and a blood flow rate up to 6.6 L/
min was achieved. Despite maximum ECMO support and high-
pressure ventilation, arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)
From the *Department of Thoracic Surgery, Vanderbilt University fell to 49 mm Hg. Recirculation was ruled out. Hypotension
Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; †Department of Pulmonary, precluded the use of beta-blockers and diuresis. Adequate oxy-
Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical genator function was confirmed. Given the presence of sepsis,
Center, Nashville, Tennessee; and ‡Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, we suspected the patient’s cardiac output (CO) was substan-
Tennessee. tially higher than the flow we could achieve using a single
Submitted for consideration October 2021; accepted for publication ECMO circuit. Therefore, we added a second ECMO circuit
in revised form January 2022. in parallel to achieve a blood flow rate to better match the
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL
patient’s metabolic demand. A 22Fr return cannula was placed
citations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are in the left IJ vein and the previously placed 21Fr left femoral
provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s vein cannula was used as the drainage source for the second
Web site (www.asaiojournal.com). circuit (Figure 1). Subsequently, a blood flow rate up to 8 L/min
Correspondence: Matthew Bacchetta, Departments of Thoracic and was achieved and allowed reduction of ventilator pressures,
Cardiac Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 609 Oxford
House, 1313 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 10032. Email: mat- FiO2, sedation, and discontinuation of neuromuscular block-
thew.bacchetta@vumc.org. ade (Table 2). Blood flow and sweep gas flow was partitioned
Copyright © ASAIO 2022 equally between the two circuits. As the lung injury, pulmo-
DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001706 nary compliance and gas exchange improved, we were able

Copyright © ASAIO 2022

Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics

Case Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5

Age (years) 50 47 37 47 46
Sex Male Male Male Male Male
Body mass index (kg/m ) 2
39.5 32.6 38 36.9 39.7
Weight (kg) 136 99.7 127 133.8 132.9
Body surface area (m )2
2.56 2.15 2.46 2.59 2.51
Days from COVID-19 diagnosis to intubation 12 12 17 18 17
Days from intubation to ECMO initiation 3 2 1 3 1
Mechanical ventilation settings before ECMO initiation
Mode Pressure control Volume control Volume control Pressure control Pressure control
FiO2 (%) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Driving pressure (cmH2O) 14 22 20
Tidal volume (ml) 350 450 400 430 350
Plateau pressure (cmH2O) 32 34
Respiratory rate (breaths per minute) 30 32 24 34 35
Positive end-expiratory pressure, (cmH2O) 14 15 15 15 16
Arterial blood gas before ECMO
pH 7.32 7.24 7.33 7.36 7.36
PaCO2 (mmHg) 68 75 64 61 65
PaO2 (mmHg) 62 63 61 63 53
SOFA score before ECMO initiation 5 4 4 4 4

COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PaCO2, partial
pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment.

to wean ECMO support on both circuits. During this period, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation flow and sweep were
lung-protective mechanical ventilation was utilized and first weaned on both circuits to maintain appropriate oxygen
FiO2 was weaned to <60% before weaning ECMO support. saturation and normal pH. Once the patient was consistently

Figure 1. Venovenous-ECMO with parallel circuits with cannulation of bilateral femoral veins and bilateral internal jugular veins. ECMO,
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Copyright © ASAIO 2022


Table 2. ECMO Characteristics

Case Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5

Initial configuration (drainage-reinfusion) RFV-RIJ RFV-RIJ RFV-RIJ RFV-RIJ RFV-RIJ

Initial cannula sizes (Fr) 25–20 25–22 27–22 27–25 27–25
ECMO settings 24 hours after cannulation
Blood flow rate (LPM) 5.3 4.2 4.5 4.4 5.4
FdO2 (%) 100 100 100 100 100
Sweep gas flow (LPM) 2 3 2 5 4
ECMO settings before second circuit
Blood flow rate (LPM) 6.6 6 5.9 5.5 5
FdO2 (%) 100 100 100 100 100
Sweep gas flow (LPM) 8 7 9 7 5
ECMO days before second circuit support 11 23 10 4 8
Mechanical ventilation settings before
second circuit
Mode Volume Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled
FiO2 (%) 100 100 100 100 100
Driving pressure (cmH2O) 18 16 16 14
Tidal volume (ml) 140 120 80 250 240
Respiratory rate (breaths per minute) 20 18 15 14 22
Positive end-expiratory pressure (cmH2O) 18 14 14 14 12
Arterial blood gas before second circuit
pH 7.32 7.45 7.43 7.39 7.32
PaCO2 (mmHg) 55 59 62 66 75
PaO2 (mmHg) 58 67 65 65 65
Neuromuscular blockade before second circuit Yes Yes Yes No No
Inhaled pulmonary vasodilators before Yes Yes Yes Yes No
second circuit support
ECMO settings 24 hours after second circuit
Flow 8 7.1 7.4 7.8 6.8
FdO2 (%) 100 100 100 100 100
Sweep gas flow (LPM) 7 4 6 6 8
Mechanical ventilation settings 24 hours
after second circuit
Mode Pressure control Pressure control Pressure control Pressure control Pressure control
FiO2 (%) 50 50 50 50 50
Driving pressure (cmH2O) 12 16 16 16 14
Tidal volume (ml) 160 140 150 150 270
Respiratory rate (breaths per minute) 12 18 15 14 22
Positive end-expiratory pressure (cmH2O) 14 12 14 14 14
Arterial blood gas 24 hours after second circuit
pH 7.35 7.46 7.41 7.45 7.37
PaCO2 (mmHg) 48 51 49 51 43
PaO2 (mmHg) 71 117 104 116 122

ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; FdO2, fraction of delivered oxygen via ECMO; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; LPM, liters
per minute; RFV, right femoral vein; RIJ, right internal jugular; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; PaO2, partial pressure of
arterial oxygen.

supported with a total ECMO flow of <5 L/min, the left IJ return next several days, the patient’s pulmonary compliance wors-
cannula was removed and the left femoral drainage cannula ened. Despite 5.8 L/min of ECMO flow, the patient continued
served as an additional drainage cannula for the single circuit. to require 70–100% FiO2, deep sedation, and neuromuscular
The patient remained on parallel circuits for 9 days. The patient blockade. He had refractory hypoxemia with PaO2 decreasing
was decannulated from ECMO after 25 days. Mechanical ven- to 52 mmHg despite maximum ECMO support and ventilator
tilation was ultimately weaned and the patient was discharged pressures exceeding those considered lung protective.6 There
from the hospital on 2 L of supplemental oxygen after 65 days. was no evidence of meaningful recirculation and beta block-
ade was deferred due to hypotension and septic shock. To better
match the patient’s elevated metabolic demand, we inserted a
Case 2
second ECMO circuit in parallel using a 23Fr left femoral vein
A 47 year old male (BMI 32.5 kg/m2, 99.7 kg) with no drainage cannula and a 20Fr left IJ vein return cannula. With
known medical history was admitted with respiratory failure two circuits, we were able to achieve up to 10 L/min of total
from COVID-19 requiring endotracheal intubation. His gas ECMO blood flow. His arterial PaO2 improved to 124 mmHg,
exchange remained poor despite maximized ventilator set- which allowed the ventilator FiO2 to be weaned to 40% and
tings, deep sedation, neuromuscular blockade, and prone driving pressure to be reduced. Neuromuscular blockade was
positioning. He was cannulated for VV-ECMO 2 days after intu- stopped. His lung compliance continued to slowly improve.
bation using a 25Fr right femoral vein drainage cannula and a The patient underwent tracheostomy placement on ECMO day
22Fr right IJ vein return cannula. His oxygenation improved 37 in an effort to reduce sedation requirements and improve
with approximately 5 L/min of ECMO blood flow. Over the pulmonary toilet. His hospital course was complicated by a

Copyright © ASAIO 2022


right pneumothorax requiring chest tube placement and he hospital days, the patient was discharged to a long-term acute
died from uncontrolled bleeding after iatrogenic hepatic injury care facility where he tolerated slow weaning of mechanical
on day 38 of ECMO support despite improving lung compli- ventilation.
ance and function.
Case 5
Case 3
A 46 year old male (BMI 40.9 kg/m2, 132.9 kg) was can-
A 37 year old male (BMI 38 kg/m , 127 kg) with no signifi-
nulated for VV-ECMO 1 day after intubation for refractory
cant medical history was cannulated for VV-ECMO the day hypoxemia due to COVID-19 despite maximal medical man-
after intubation for refractory hypoxemia secondary to severe agement. He was cannulated with a 27Fr right femoral vein
COVID-19 ARDS. He was cannulated with a 27Fr right femoral drainage cannula and a 25Fr right IJ vein return cannula.
vein drainage cannula and a 22Fr right IJ vein return cannula. He continued to require 80–100% FiO2 and deep sedation
His lung compliance continued to worsen; tidal volumes were despite maximum ECMO support with up to 6 L/min of flow.
approximately 120 ml on pressure-control ventilation with a In an effort to achieve lung-protective ventilation6 and reduce
driving pressure of 18 cmH2O. Despite 5.5 L/min of ECMO sedation, a second circuit was added for increased support. A
blood flow, he continued to require 100% FiO2, deep seda- 25Fr left femoral vein drainage cannula served as the inflow
tion, and continuous neuromuscular blockade. Septic shock of the second circuit and the outflow was connected to the
precluded the use of beta blockade to attenuate his tachycar- existing 25Fr right IJ cannula with a Y connection. With a sec-
dia and elevated CO. His arterial PaO2 was 56 mmHg despite ond circuit, we were able to achieve up to 10 L/min of ECMO
maximum ECMO support. We elected to add a second cir- flow allowing us to maintain lung-protective ventilation6 and
cuit in parallel to achieve increased ECMO flows to match dramatically reduce the patient’s sedation requirements. He
the patient’s elevated CO and to reduce excessive ventila- required dual circuit support for 13 days. His hospital course
tor support and avoid long-term neuromuscular blockade. A was complicated by renal failure requiring renal replacement
23Fr left femoral vein drainage cannula and a 20Fr left IJ vein therapy and numerous infections, including Candida albicans
return cannula were placed. With two circuits, we were able fungemia. He was decannulated after 53 days on ECMO in an
to achieve flows up to 10 L/min. After improved oxygenation, attempt to clear the fungemia. He required recannulation after
ventilator settings and neuromuscular blockade were weaned. 48 hours for hypercapnic respiratory failure; a 28Fr single-site
Over time, sedation was weaned. While receiving dual cir- dual-lumen cannula was placed. The patient was decannulated
cuit support, he was able to participate in physical therapy after 71 total days on ECMO. After a prolonged hospitalization,
on a stationary bike while in bed. After 62 days on ECMO, the patient was discharged from the hospital to a rehabilitation
his lung compliance remained poor with little evidence of facility with evidence of both renal and pulmonary recovery.
improvement. He was evaluated and listed for lung transplant. Mechanical ventilation was weaned and he returned home on
He continued to participate in physical therapy while on two 2 L of supplemental oxygen.
parallel circuits. After 72 days on parallel circuits and a total
of 96 days on ECMO, he underwent double lung transplanta- Discussion
tion. His postoperative course was unremarkable, and he was
discharged on room air oxygen after a 125 day hospitalization Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a life-saving
and returned home. therapy for select patients with COVID-19 ARDS. Refractory
hypoxemia despite ECMO support can occur requiring the use
Case 4 of injurious ventilator settings and concomitant rescue thera-
pies. We demonstrate that refractory hypoxemia can be ame-
A 47 year old male (BMI 36.8 kg/m2, 133.8 kg) presented with liorated with a second, parallel ECMO circuit allowing for lung
severe ARDS and hypoxia despite optimized mechanical ven- protective ventilation, awakening and physical rehabilitation.
tilation, deep sedation, inhaled vasodilators, and neuromus- Outcomes were excellent; four of five (80%) of patients sur-
cular blockade. He was cannulated for VV-ECMO 3 days after vived to hospital discharge (Table 3). This is the first case series
intubation using a 27Fr right femoral vein drainage cannula reporting the use of two circuits for VV-ECMO to support a
and a 25Fr right IJ vein return cannula. He was initially sup- single patient.
ported with up to 6 L/min of blood flow allowing for weaning COVID-19–induced inflammatory syndrome driven by
of neuromuscular blockade and inhaled vasodilators. Six days hyperactivation of the immune system results in severe lung
into his ECMO course, his pulmonary compliance and oxy- injury7 leading to marked impairment of gas exchange by the
genation worsened requiring 100% FiO2 and deep sedation. native lungs. On presentation, patients can have atypical hemo-
The patient required more ECMO blood flow than what could dynamic profiles and an inflammation-driven hyperdynamic
be achieved with the addition of a second drainage cannula. circulation contributing to lung stiffness creating a vicious
Therefore, a circuit in parallel was added by inserting a 25Fr cycle between the heart and lungs.8 We did not obtain CO data
drainage cannula into the left femoral vein and the return line using a Swan-Ganz catheter as routine use of these catheters is
of the second circuit was joined with a Y connector to the exist- not part of our institution’s standard of care for ARDS patients.
ing 25Fr right IJ vein return line of the first circuit (Figure 2). The However, to obtain an estimation of the CO in these patients,
25Fr return cannula was large enough to accommodate 10 L/ we used the LiDCOrapid monitor (LiDCO Ltd, Cambridge,
min of total flow with outflow pressures consistently less than United Kingdom). The LiDCOrapid uses the PulseCO (LiDCO
200 mmHg. He required dual circuit support for 47 days and Ltd) algorithm to calculate continuous beat-to-beat CO by
was weaned from total ECMO support after 98 days. After 154 analyzing the arterial blood pressure tracing from an existing

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Figure 2. Venovenous-ECMO with parallel circuits with cannulation of bilateral femoral veins and reinfusion via a 25Fr right internal jugular
vein return cannula. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

arterial line.9 Figure 3A shows the CO data over a 24 hour estimated CO ranged from 9.8 to 19.2 L/min. Anemia, hypoxia,
period immediately before reconfiguration to parallel circuits and sepsis further contribute to this hyperdynamic high CO
for patients 2–5; Figure 3B shows the calculated CO of the state. With an additional circuit in parallel, we were able to
patients based on body surface area, ECMO flow with one cir- significantly increase the total ECMO blood flow, thereby
cuit, and estimated CO based on the LiDCOrapid monitor. The

Table 3. Outcomes

Case Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5

Hospital length of stay (days) 64 37 124 154 95

ICU length of stay (days) 56 37 115 154 95
Total ECMO duration (days) 25 37 95 98 69
Duration of two circuit support 9 14 72 47 13
ECMO-associated bleeding None None Yes, LIJ cannula dislodgement None None
complications requiring replacement
Thromboembolic complications Cannula-associated DVT None None None None
Requirement of renal replacement Yes No No No Yes
therapy during ECMO
Evidence of renal recovery at time Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes
of discharge
Survival to decannulation Yes No Yes* Yes Yes
Survival to discharge Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Discharge disposition Skilled nursing facility N/A Rehabilitation hospital Long-term acute Long-term acute
care hospital care hospital

*Patient required double lung transplantation.

ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ICU, intensive care unit; LIJ, left internal jugular.

Copyright © ASAIO 2022


Figure 3. Cardiac output data obtained by LiDCO. A: Estimated cardiac output over a 24-hour period for patients 2–5 immediately prior
to addition of a second parallel ECMO circuit. B: Comparison of each patient’s calculated cardiac output with the estimated mean cardiac
output over a 24-hour period using the LiDCO device. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

decreasing the total undrained systemic venous return and the drainage cannula. The reinfusion cannula was inserted
increasing the ECMO flow:patient CO ratio. with the tip in the superior vena cava (SVC) close to the right
Mechanisms of refractory hypoxemia during VV-ECMO atrial-SVC junction. Oxygenator dysfunction was ruled out in
include a 1) high recirculation fraction, 2) high pulmonary all cases. In our cohort of patients, efforts to reduce the intra-
shunt fraction, 3) low ECMO blood flow to patient CO ratio, pulmonary shunt included increasing the ventilator FiO2, peak
and 4) oxygenator dysfunction.10 Chest radiography confirmed end expiratory pressure, and initiating inhaled epoprostenol.
proper positioning of drainage and reinfusion cannulas in all These interventions were marginally and transiently effective
patients, and there was no evidence of meaningful recircula- and compromised lung-protective ventilation. Methods of
tion. The drainage cannula was inserted deep enough to lie in reducing the patient’s CO such as beta-blockers11 and hypo-
the intrahepatic portion of the inferior vena cava (IVC) close to thermia were used to decrease native CO but improvement
the right atrial-IVC junction. The intrahepatic portion of the IVC in oxygenation was temporary, and use was limited due to
is least collapsible because of the surrounding hepatic paren- clinical circumstances. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
chyma and less likely to collapse with negative pressure from circuit temperature was maintained between 36°C and 37°C

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in all patients. To optimize venous drainage, we used the larg- are provided in Table 1, Supplemental Digital Content, http://
est available femoral drainage cannula (27Fr) we have avail- links.lww.com/ASAIO/A800.
able at our institution. Despite using large drainage cannulas There are important factors to consider when selecting
and ensuring adequate patient preload, we found it difficult patients for a second circuit in parallel. Extracorporeal mem-
to achieve ECMO flows greater than 6 L/min with a single cir- brane oxygenation is a limited and resource-consuming ther-
cuit due to excessive negative drainage pressures. With the apy. Triaging scarce resources during a pandemic has practical
addition of a second drainage cannula to a single circuit, the and ethical implications. Choosing to offer dual circuit support
maximum flow we were able to achieve was 6.5 L/min. Only to a patient could potentially deprive another patient of a life-
by increasing ECMO blood flow above the rated limits of avail- saving therapy in the setting of resource limitations. Further,
able oxygenators with parallel circuits were we able to better while outcomes were promising, no conclusions can be made
match the patients’ high CO state and consistently wean venti- about the safety or efficacy of this strategy. Other consider-
lator settings and discontinue rescue therapies. ations include the increased burden of care on bedside staff
The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) and cost of disposables. We initiate ECMO for all patients
guidelines advocate for transfusion to achieve a hemato- with the intent of managing the patient on a single circuit
crit level greater than 40% to improve oxygen delivery.12 and employ a second circuit based on physiologic need. Our
Targeting higher hematocrit thresholds may have improved ECMO and critical care teams maintained daily communica-
oxygen delivery in our patients and could have been con- tion with the patients’ family regarding the plan of care, and
sidered before providing dual circuit support although there risks and benefits of each therapy were extensively discussed
are no data that provide evidence for maintaining higher before any intervention.
hematocrit targets in adult patients. Furthermore, blood con- Venovenous-ECMO management in patients with COVID-
servation protocols may reduce blood transfusions without 19 ARDS is challenging given the severity of lung injury and
increasing end-organ dysfunction and mortality.13 Prone posi- inflammatory and metabolic derangements. A single ECMO
tioning during VV-ECMO could also have been considered circuit may not provide adequate support in the setting of an
and may have led to improved oxygenation14 but we do not elevated CO and severely impaired gas exchange. In select
routinely place patients on ECMO in the prone position at patients, addition of a second ECMO circuit in parallel can
our institution. Furthermore, benefits of prone positioning result in increased ECMO blood flow and improved oxygen-
remain uncertain in patients with the most severe form of ation in the setting of refractory hypoxemia.
COVID ARDS requiring VV-ECMO15 and prone positioning of
patients on ECMO complicates nursing care and increases References
risk for complications.
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Copyright © ASAIO 2022

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