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IVES ‘To measure current in a circuit ‘To measure the effect of resistance in controlling current ‘To measure the effect of voltage in controlling current IC INFORMATION nce, Voltage, and Current ‘experiments used a circuit component called a resistor, resistance could be measured directly with an ohmmeter. value of the resistor, expressed in ohms, is not dependent circuit in which t is connected. The value ofthe resistor ified amount of resistance withina given range, called solerance of the resistor. ‘Similarly, the voltage of a voltage source such as a battery ‘power supply can exist independently of any circuit. Its can be measured with a voltmeter. ‘On the other hand, electric current cannot exist by itself. is defined as the movement of electric charges, but to movement there must be voltage and a path along which charges can move. A voltage source by itself cannot current. The electric circuit provides the complete Current is restricted to this closed path (Figure 6-1). The amount of current in a circuit is dependent on the int of voltage applied by the voltage source and on the ofthe conductive path. Ifthe path offers little opposition, current is greater than it would be in a circuit where there more opposition to current. Opposition to direct current is resistance (measured in ohms). Current, then, can be led by the amount of resistance in a circuit R, ‘Figure 6-1. Current inthe circuit is restricted to the closed path, EXPERIMENT MEASUREMENT OF DIRECT CURRENT Measuring Direct Current Direct current in a circuit can be measured by means of a de ammeter. In measuring current the circuit must be physically broken or opened and the meter inserted in series with the circuit. Suppose, forexample, its required to measure current in the circuit of Figure 6-1. The circuit is first broken at X (Figure 6-1). The ammeter is then inserted in series with the circuit at the two open leads A and B (Figures 6-2 and 6-3), When using an analog ammeter, the polarity of the meter terminals must be followed. The common (COM) or negative (lead of the meter must be connected to the point of lowe potential. The positive (+) lead (sometimes called the “hot” lead) must be connected to the point of higher potential. When properly connected, the pointer or “needle” of the analog am- meter will move in an arc in a clockwise (left-to-right) direc- tion. If the correct polarity is not followed, the pointer will swing sharply to the left off scale, where it will ita stop pin ‘orelse move to the extreme left of the scale. Ineither case the pointer can be bent or broken and the meter seriously dam- aged. 7 Sif The cicuitis open between points A and B. Figure 6-2. R, ammeter k a Figure 6-3. The crcutis completed through the ammeterin order to \S2pyrght © 1992 by Gloncoe Drvision of Macmilan-MoGraw Hil lights resorved a The terminals of digital meters may also be marked for Polarity. However, the consequences of not following the correct polarity are less serious than with analog meters. Most digital meters when connected with reverse polarity will display a correct reading with a minus sign or some other appropriate symbol. Reversing the leads will produce the same reading without the minus sign. Some ammeters are designed to make accurate measure- ‘ments of low amperage. These meters are given special names to denote the ranges for which they are designed. The milliammeteris used to measure currents in the thousandths of an ampere range (milli means one-thousandth). The ‘microammeteris used tomeasure currents in the millionths of aan ampere range (micro means one-millionth). ‘cAuTION: An ammeter must never be connected across (that is, inparallel) with any component. Ammeters must always be connected in series with the conductors carrying current to a component in order to measure current in the component, Failure to follow this rule can result in serious damage to the meter. ‘SUMMARY 1, Opposition to current is a characteristic of a resistor. Resistance can exist by itself. 2, Voltage isa characteristic of an electromotive force (emf) source. Voltage can exist by itself. 3. Current cannot exist by itself. For current to exist, a volt- age source and a closed path (circuit) are required. 4. Inmeasuring direct current in a circuit, the circuit must be broken and an ammeter must be connected in series with the circuit 5. Inconnecting an ammeter in a circuit, meter polarity must be observed 6. Proper polarity is observed if the pointer of an analog ammeter moves up scale, from lefttoright, when the meter is connected in a circuit. Serious damage to the meter can result if the correct polarity is not followed. 7. The correct polatity should be followed when connecting digital meters. Failure to follow correct polarity, however, is not likely to damage the meter. Digital meters will PROCEDURE 1. In this experiment you will observe the effect of resis- tance on current in a circuit. You will first measure re- sistance; then you will wire the resistance into a circuit and measure current. Nore: Never measure the resistance of a component while itis connected in a circuit, especially ifthere is cur- rent in the circuit, 42 Experiment 6 usually display a minus sign or other distinctive symbol to indicate a reversal of polarity. 8. The amount of current in a circuit can be controlled by the amount of applied voltage and by the amount of resistance in the circuit - MATERIALS REQUIRED Power Supplies: M4 Lp-V dry cells. Instruments: © 0-10-mA milliammeter VOM or DMM Resistors (5%, -W): m3 1000.0 Miscellaneous: SPST switch 2. Select one 1000-0 resistor and measure its actual resis- tance. Record the value in Table 6-I (p. 45). 1. Connect four 1':-V dry cells in series-aiding, the meter, switch 5, and the 1000-0 resistor (labeled R,), as shown in Figure 6-4 (p. 43). The switch must be in the open’ position. Note carefully that the negative terminal of the cell must be connected to the negative terminal or lead of the meter. Have the instructor check the circuit (Copyright© 1992 by Glencoe Dvision of Macmilan-MeGraw-il Al rights reserve. After the circuit has been approved, close the switch. The ‘meter will read the current in the circuit, Record the value in Table 6-1. With the switch still closed and the meter reading current in the circuit, disconnect the resistor from the circuit ‘What effect did this have on the meter reading? Record i Table 61 the current read by the meter with the resistor ‘out ofthe circuit. Open the switch 6 Connect one lead of each of two 1000-0 resistors to- gether and measure the resistance across the two unconnected leads, as in Figure 6~5(a). Record this value in Table 6-1 7. Connect the two joined resistors (labeled R, and R,) inthe circuit with the meter, switch, and cells, as shown in Figure 6~5(b). Close the switch, Record thecurrent read by the meter in Table 6-1. Open the switch. Disconnect R, and R, from the circuit. Connect all three 1000-01 resistors by adding the third 1000-2 resistor (R,) to the combination of R, and R,. “Measure the resistance across the three-resistor combina ~ tion, as in Figure 6~6(a) (p. 44). Record the value in Table 6-1. $ Connect R,, R,, and R, in the circuit, as shown in Figure {6-6(4). Close the switch and record the current read by the meter in Table 6-1. Open the switch. in a Series Circuit ‘series circuit exists when the power source and all resis- are connected through a single conducting path, as in 6-616). Disconnect the milliammeter and reconnectit between, and R,, as shown in Figure 6—6(c). Trace the path from the cell terminals to make sure the meter polarity is correctly connected. Close the switch and in Table 6-1 record the current read by the meter. Open the switch. Disconnect the milliammeter and reconnect it between R, and R,, as shown in Figure 6—6(d). Again observe meter 1000.0 Figure 6-4. Circuit for procedure step 3 ‘Copyright © 1992 by Glencoe Division of Macmilan-MeGraw-Hil Alright reserved polarity carefully. Close the switch. In Table 6-1, record the current read by the meter. Open the switch, 12. Disconnect the meter and reconnectit between R, and the switch, as shown in Figure 6~6(e). Observe meter po- larity. Close the switch, In Table 6-1 record the current read by the meter. Open the switch. Controlling Current by Voltage 13. Disconnect the resistors from the circuit. Separate the three resistors and reconnect R, into the circuit as in Figure 6-4, With the four cells in the circuit measure the voltage across the four cells. Record the value in Table 6-2 (p. 45). 14, Close the switch. In Table 6-2 record the current read by the meter. Open the switch. 15. Remove one cell so that the circuit is supplied by only three cells. Measure the voltage across the three-cell combination. Record the value in Table 6-2. 16. Close the switch and record the current read by the meter in Table 6-2. Open the switch. 17, Remove one cell, leaving two cells to supply the circuit. Measure the voltage across the two cells. Record the value in Table 6-2. 18, Close the switch. In Table 6-2 record the current read by the meter. Open the switch, 19, Remove one cell, leaving one cell to supply the circuit Measure the voltage across the cell. Record the value in Table 6-2. mia) | ne a — ' t teat a ion aa = ty ‘ Figure 6-5. (a) Measuring resistance across tworesistors in series. (0) Circuit for procedure stop 7 Measurement of Direct Current 43 20. Close the switch. In Table 6-2 recordthe current read by 21. Remove the last cell and complete the series citeuit with the meter. Open the switch, only the meter, resistor, and switch. Close the s ‘Table 6-2 record the current read by the meter. : neo ma | Lea ea ton = ven me dry cells (a Figure6—6. (a) Measuring esistance across three resistors in series. (b) Circuit for procedure step 9. (c}-(e) Changing the position of tre ammeter in a series circut —— ire ‘992 by Glencoe Divison of Macmilan-McGrew-Hil Al ight reserved

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