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EXPERIMENT aS: OSCILLOSCOPE FREQUENCY AND PHASE MEASUREMENTS OBJECTIVES 1. To measure the frequency of an ac waveform using an oscilloscope with a calibrated horizontal sweep 2. To measure the phase angle between voltage and current in an inductance, using a dual-trace oscilloscope BASIC INFORMATION “a Measuring Frequency In Experiment 32 the oscilloscope was used to measure ac and de voltages. Oscilloscopes can also be used to measure frequency indirectly. If the time base of the oscilloscope is calibrated in time units per division, then the number of horizontal divisions covered by a single cycle will represent the period of the cycle. In Figure 35-1 a single cycle of a sine wave spans 8 horizontal divisions. If the calibrated time base is set at 0.5 ms/div., the 8 divisions represent 1 = 05 msidiv. 8 div. = 4ms LH sar —| l-— sav Figure 35-1. Sine wave displayed on the oscilloscope screen. The gratcule gid consists of 8 x 8 divisions Copyright © 1982 by Glencoe Division of Macmilan-MeGraw Hi where ris the period of the waveform. Because the pera ss the reciprocal of frequency, the frequency of the wawecam calculated using the formula sy In the case of Figure 35 the frequency is S- 7500 = 250 He. The time base is provided by the horizontal sweep. The calibrated sweep is the rate at which the sweep srmwels horizontally across the face of the screen. By accurately measuring the numberof divisions spasms by a single cycle and multiplying the divisions by the time base setting, the period of the wave can be found. Take reciprocal of the period will give the frequency. as ee fee mula (35-1), As we discussedin the experiment on oscilloscope wattage ‘measurements, voltmeters can provide much mone a=erate measurements, although oscilloscopes do have Sport and unique characteristics for measuring voltages. especialy when dealing with peak-to-peak values. Similarly. feeguemcy measurements can be made quickly and accaratehy =i electronic frequency meters or counters. Nevertheless, Se oscilloscope is often the only instrument available, an te accuracy requirements may be well within those obeasnaiie with the scope Phase Relationships ‘Ohm's law states that as the voltage across a resistor varies, the current through the resistor varies directly, That is, ifthe voltage is doubled, the current doubles; if the voltage de~ creases by a third, the current decreases by a third. This is ‘rue whether the source is de or ac. In the case of a sinusoidal alternating current, at any instant the voltage and current obey Ohm's law, and at the next instant the change in voltage is accompanied by a like change in current. When the instantaneous voltage is zero, the instantaneous current is zero, When v is maximum, 7 is 245 Figure 35-2, Inaresistive crcul, voltage and currentare in phase, ‘maximum (where v and / are the instantaneous values of voltage and current, respectively). Figure 35-2 shows this relationship graphically. In the case of ac resistive circuits, wwe say the voltage and current are in phase. ‘When an inductor is connected in an ac circuit, the volt- age across the inductor and the current through the inductor are not in phase. For a pure inductor (that is, a device having ‘only inductance) the voltage and current are out of phase by 90°. By convention we say the current Jags the voltage by 90°. For example, when the voltage reaches its maximum, instantaneous value, the current is zero. Not until one-fourth time period later will the current reach its maximum instan- taneous value, and by that time the voltage is equal to zero. In this experiment the oscilloscope will be used to show graphically, as in Figure 35~3, how the voltage and current sine waves are shifted in time. phase shit Figure 35-3. Ina nonresisive circuit voltage and current are notin phase. 246 Experiment 35, Dual-Trace Oscilloscope A dual-trace oscilloscope is, in effect, two separate scopes capable of simultaneously showing two traces on the same screen. The dual-trace scope contains two separate input channels and two separate time-base (horizontal) and Volts/Div. (vertical) controls Every oscilloscope manufacturer has its own design for the functions andontrols ofthe dual-trace scope itproduees. ‘Whereas vertical amplifiers and calibrated horizontal sweeps are features of all oscilloscopes, the actual arrangement, labeling, and specifications of the controls differ from manu facturer to manufacturer. I is always good practice to have the operating manual immediately available when using a scope. Modern scopes include the capability to display multiple traces (more than two), to display numerical quantities of voltage and phase angles directly on the screen, and to process waveform infermation digitally. Through the use of special interfaces, the personal computer can be used to display waveforms on its video monitor. Dusl-trace scopes are most often used to observe two waveforms of the same frequency or derived from the same frequency. However, many scopes are capable of displaying two unrelated frequencies if necessary. Phase Measurement A dual-trace oscilloscope can be used to display the phase relationship between two signals. One signal is established as a reference through the Channel 1 input, The leading signal can be used as the trigger source, or, if the signal ‘comes from a line source, the line can be the trigger source, ‘Once the positioning controls center the reference waveform, these controls are not adjusted again, The second signal is input in Channel 2. The Volts/Div. control can be used to adjust the height of the second waveform (it need not be the same height as the reference waveform). Engaging the dual-trace switch will display both signals simultaneously. ‘The dual-trace switch is labeled differently by different man- ufacturers; DUAL, A & B, ALT, and CHOP are examples of the dual-trace mode-switch labels to be found on popular ‘modern scopes. Figure 35—4 (p. 247) shows how two waves fone representing voltage across an inductor v, and the other ccurrent through the inductor i, will appear on the oscillo- scope screen. Although the two waves represent different quantities, the vertical amplifiers were adjusted so that the waveforms of both channels have the same height. ‘Notice that the two waveforms are offset from one another by 2 div. Thats, the maximum positive value of v, occurs at B; 2 div. later, at C, i, reaches its maximum positive value. ‘The actual difference, the angle by which i, lags v, can be calculated as follows. ‘Copyright© 1982 by Glencoe Division of Macmilan-McGraw-Hil Al rights reserved. pase shit measured between positive maximum a ‘measured between 2210 points Figure 35-4, Using the dual waveforms to measure the phase-shft angle The distance AD represents one cycle of 360°. This distance covers 8 div. of the graticule. Therefore, each division is equal to or 45° div. Degrees/division = Because 2 div. separate the two positive maximum values in the display of Figure 35-4, the current is shown lagging the voltage by Amount of lag = 2 divisions x 45°/div, = 90° This verifies the fact that in a pure inductor the current xcilloscope COT inser source input channel input channel 2 ‘apt GyD Figure 95-5. Circuit used to moasure the phase-shit between volt ‘age and current in an inductive circuit ‘Copyright © 1992 by Glencoe Division of Nacmilan-MeGraw Hi, through the inductor lags the voltage across the inductor by 90°. In introducing the example, we mentioned the reference ‘waveform as the basis of our measurements. Froma practical standpoint a reference waveform can be set up using the circuit of Figure 35~5. This circuit will behave almost as a pure inductance provided X, is much greater then R. If X, is 10 times greater than R, the error in phase angle will be approximately 6°; that is, the angle between v, and i, will be about 84° rather than 90°. ASX, inereases greater than 10R, the error decreases and the angle approaches 90° In this circuit, Channel 1, to which the leading waveform is connected, is triggered by the source supplying the circuit (if the source is 60 Hz, the line can be the trigger source). In the series circuit of Figure 35-5 the current is the same throughout. It is in phase with the voltage across R. Because thecircuitacts asa pure L the voltage acrosstthe source leads, the current and therefore the voltage across R. Thus, the ‘waveforms across R and across the source, in effect, repre- sent the current and voltage waveforms of an inductance. SUMMARY 1. Triggered oscilloscopes can be used to measure the frequency of an ac waveform, provided the scope has a calibrated time base, or horizontal sweep. 2. To measure the frequency of a waveform, a single cycle is displayed on the screen of the scope. The waveform will extend across the screen over a number of horizontal zgraticule divisions. The setting of the time base control in time units per division is then multiplied by the number of divisions to give the period f of the waveform. Fre- ‘quency is the reciprocal of the period. pate where ris the period in seconds. 3. A dual-trace oscilloscope can be used to measure the phase difference or displacement of two waves with the same frequency or derived from the same frequency. 4, Adual-trace oscilloscope is, ineffect, twoscopes capable of displaying their input waveforms on a single screen. 5. Dual-trace scopes have two separate time-base functions ‘and two separate vertical amplifiers, each serving sepa- rate input channels. 6. To measure phase difference the scope must be triggered from the source of the leading waveform or from the line, ifthe circuit is fed from the line. 7. Phase difference between two waveforms is calculated by multiplying the number of divisions on the graticule between the comparable maximum or zero points of each. ‘waveform by the degrees/division factor. Oscilloscope Frequency and Phase Measurements 247 PROCEDURE a NoTE: Oscilloscopes vary widely from manufacturer to manu- facturer. Check the operating manual of the scope you will be using to find the comparable controls and functions men- tioned in the following steps. Check with your instructor if in doubt about the proper settings or adjustments of the scope. A. Frequency Measurements. AL. Your instructor will provide you with an ac source of ‘unknown frequency. Connect the output of the source to Channel 1 of the oscilloscope ‘A2, Turn om the scope: tum on the ac source. Adjust the scope so that one cycle of the waveform is displayed on the screen. ‘A3. Measure the number of divisions spanned by one cycle and record the value in Table 35-1 (p. 251). ‘Ad. Record the Time-base/Div. setting in Table 35-1 AS, Calculate the period of the waveform using your data from steps A3 and Ad. Record your answer in Table 351 ‘AG, Calculate the frequency of the ac source and record your answer in Table 35-1. Verify your frequency measure: ‘ment with your instructor. If your answer is not correct within an acceptable range of error, repeat part A. 248 Experiment 35 MATERIALS REQUIRED Power Supply AF sine-wave generator (oscillators of known but dis- uised frequeney may be used in place of the generator for part A) Instrument: WE Dual-trace oscilloscope Resistors (2-W, 5%) m2 1000.2 Inductor 1 30.mH B. Phase Measurements BI. With the oscilloscope and AF sine-wave generator off, connect the circuit of Figure 35-7. Channel | is con- nected to the output of the generator, as is the trigger source connection. On some scopes Channel | can also serve as the trigger source, and the extra connection to EXT trigger is unnecessary. Channel 2 is connected across resistor R, B2. Tumon the scope and generator. Adjust the generator to 50 kHz. Switch to Channel 1; this will be the reference signal channel. Adjust the scope and output level of the generator untila single stationary sine wave i displayed ‘on the screen about the entire width of the screen and 6 divisions peak-to-peak. Center the waveform about the horizontal and vertical centerlines ofthe graticule, B3. Switch to Channel 2. Adjust the Volts/Div. control until a single cycle of a sine wave is displayed. Adjust the hicight of the sine wave until it is 4 divisions peak-t0- peak. Adjust the vertical position control until the waveform is centered on the horizontal centerline of the graticule, Do not adjust or change the horizontal positioning control. CCopyight © 1982 by Glencoe Division of Macrilan-McGraw-+il lights reserved B4, Switch to the dual-trace mode that permits displaying, both the Channel 1 and Channel 2 signals on the screen simultaneously. Check the operating manual of your scope to find the proper control or controls. Two sine waves should be displayed. Draw the waveforms in Table 35-2 (p. 251). Label the Channel 1 waveform v and the Channel 2 waveform i. Turn the oscilloscope and generator off. BS, Replace R, (1000-22 resistor) with a 30-mH coil as in Figure 35-8 'B6, Tum onthe scope and generator. Adjust the generator to, 100 kHz. Check to see that the waveform of Channel | is still 6 divisions peak-to-peak. Adjust the generator ‘output and Volis/Div. scope control if necessary. Cen- ter the single cycle waveform as in step B2. B7. Switch to Channel 2. Adjust the Volts/Div. control until the displayed waveform is 6 divisions peak-to-peak. Center the waveform vertically on the horizontal cen- terline of the graticules. Do not adjust or change the horizontal positioning control. BB. Switch to the dual-trace mode that permits both the Channel 1 and Channel 2 signals on ltaneously. Two sine Waves should be on the sereen, but their maximum points as well as their zero points should be displaced. Draw the ee waveforms in Table 35-3 (p. 251). Label the Chammet 1 signal v and the Channel 2 signal Note the positions of the maximum positive posans and the zero points of each waveform. Measure the distance, in divisions, between the maximum potas. Verify the measurement by measuring the divisions between zero points. (They should be the same.) Re- cord the value in Table 35-3. Calculate the phase dis- placement of the two waves and record your answer in Table 35-3. Turn the scope and generator off and disconnect the cire oscilloscope ExT trigger input AF generator [ Coma on probe would substtte {or this connection Figure 35-7. Circult for procedure step 81 Copyright © 1992 by Glencoe Division of Macmitan-MeGeaw i Oscilloscope Frequency and Phase Measurements 249 EXT tigger inpat ca on probe ‘would subsite {oe hi connection ar sine-wave (~\) v senerator 100.2 Figure 35-8. Circuit for procedure step BS, 250 Experiment 35 (Copyright © 1982 by Glencoe Division of Macrilan-McGraw Hil lights reserved,

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