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Summary of Vocabularies


BILL – is a statute in draft and cannot become law unless it has received the approval of the
UNEXPURGATED – (materials) that are complete and contains everything, including parts (words & images)
considered likely to cause offense.
BICAMERAL – is having, consisting of, or based on two legislative chambers.
NATION – is a community of people united by a diverse array of shared characteristics, including
language, history, ethnicity, culture, and/or society.
NATION-STATE – is a sovereign territory with one group of individuals who share a common history.
SOVEREIGNTY – is a political concept denoting absolute power or supreme authority.
STATE – political organization that sets and upholds laws over a population within a territory.
PATRIOTISM – is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to one's country.
BAYAN/BANUA – to the Filipinos, it refers to concepts of territory and community that may be associated with


MILLENARIAN GROUPS – are socio-political reforms that generally adhere to the belief that the coming of the Kingdom
of God will bring about a significant societal shift.
RIZALISTA – is a religious organization that sees José Rizal as divine.
JOVE REX AL – Jove is the secret name of God: Rex meaning King, and Al meaning all. Jove Rex Al thus
means God, King of All. This eventually became Jose Rizal.
COLORUM – is a euphemism for underground organizations that battled against the colonial regime in the
CANONIZATION – is the act of declaring a dead person as a saint.
CHINESE MESTIZO – was the term used to describe anyone who was born to an Indio mother and a Chinese
PRINCIPALIA – was the affluent, governing class in the Spanish colonial Philippines.
BACHILLER EN ARTES – is a bachelor's degree awarded for an undergraduate program in the arts, or, in some cases,
other disciplines.
SPANISH CORTES – is Spain's lawmaking or legislative body
ILUSTRADO – constituted the Filipino educated class during the Spanish colonial period in the late 19th
MASONRY – is a fraternal association which encourages moral development.


CASH CROPS – are crops that are produced for export or for sale in local markets.
DECREE – is a direction given by a legal authority; a statement of policy
GALLEON TRADE – is basically the trade remaining the exchange of silver for silk between the Philippines and
INSULARES – are Filipino-born Spaniards of pure blood
MESTIZO – are people having mixed heritage, with one parent being Chinese or Spanish and the other
being a local.
MERCHANT HOUSES – are businesses that foreign traders established in Manila and other places.
PACTO DE RETROVENTA – is a contract wherein the borrower transferred his land to the lender subjected to the lender's
power to acquire it from him for the same sum of money.
PARIAN – is a Chinese settlement that was built outside of Intramuros’ fortifications in 1581.
PENINSULARES – pure-blooded Spanish born in Spain.
PRINCIPALIA – are rich settlers of pure blood who are thought to be derived from the kadatoan class.
SANGLEY – is a term rom the Hokkien word "seng-li," which means commerce, the name "sangley"
became widely used in the Spanish-ruled Philippines to denote to persons of pure Chinese
SOCIAL STRATIFICATION – is the process through which members of a society are divided into groups according to
political and socioeconomic criteria.
CONQUISTADOR – were the explorer-soldiers of the 15th and 16th century Spanish and Portuguese empires.
CABALLERO – is a tiny plot of land granted as part of a land grant.
CANON – is a measure equal to 75 liters
HACIENDA – refers to vast estates that were used for farming and cattle production.
INQUILINO – is a tenant who decided to rent property to sharecroppers after renting it from the friars.
PRINCIPALES – are the ruling elite class
SHARECROPPER – is a person who worked the land after renting it from an inquilino.
SITIO DE GANADO – is a sizable area of land that is part of a land grant
PISCOPAL VISITATION – is a formal pastoral visit by the bishop to a diocese to assess the state of a congregation; it
typically takes place once every three years.
GARROTE – is a device used to administer the death penalty that tightens an iron collar around the
prisoner's neck.
POLO – was a 40-day forced labor system in the Philippines that obliged males between the ages of
16 and 60 to perform labor.
REGULAR CLERGY – are priests who belong to religious orders
SECULAR CLERGY – are priests who are pastorally active but do not belong to a religious order.
TRIBUTE – is a system imposed by the Spanish colonial administration to the Filipinos in order to raise
money for the colony's upkeep.


CORTES – is the Spanish government's legislative body.

CREOLE – is a Spaniard born in the Philippines
MESTIZO – are people having mixed heritage, with one parent being Chinese or Spanish and the other
being a local.
PROPAGANDA – is an information that is utilized to publicize or promote a specific cause or point of view.
RESTORATION – is used to describe the Spanish restoration, which took place between the years 1874 and
1931. During this time, the monarchy was restored by Alfonso XII, and a bicameral legislature
was established.
NOVEL – is a lengthy work of literature, typically centered on made-up people and situations.
SETTING (IN A NOVEL) – refers to the context in which events occur; it covers geographical places during certain
PLOT – is the flow of a story's narrative and how it unfolds

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