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September 2011

O. GENERAL INTRODUCTION As part of its mission to support local non-governmental organizations and international, that the provincial division of Social Affairs and National Solidarity is to organize this Friday, September 30, 2011 in the Great Hall of the home office to the district office, common Karisimbi, Goma, North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo a manifestation of coordinating organizations in its activities the orphans and vulnerable children in the province of North Kivu. The aim of the event was to understand the current functioning of organizations and platform of orphans and vulnerable children, to know the status of children held in the Province and the support that these children enjoy and learn about the different challenges organizations face. Given the involvement of women Girls Fight Illiteracy and Poverty Organization in supporting local associations for the protection of childhood, the provincial division of Social Affairs and National Solidarity prefer inviting our organization to this event. In this event, Women and Girls Fight Illiteracy Poverty Organization was represented by Mr. Ren NDUNDU, coordinator WGFIP accompanied by a member of his staff, to the person of Mr. Claude Milongo.

We note the participation of local organizations and eighty protection of children and five non-governmental organization. I. RUNNING OF THE EVENT The opening remarks of the event was given by the head office of the provincial division of Social Affairs and Solidarity, Mr. Charles, who thanked all the organizations present at the meeting and encouraged a lot of work field for the benefit of orphans and vulnerable children in the province of North Kivu in particular and throughout the DRC in general.

He wished to inform the participants that the meeting of the coordination will take place every first Friday of the month and invite all organizations for the protection of children to file their regular monthly activity reports to the offices of Social Affairs.

State of operation and location of local organizations On this point, participants find that several local organizations for the protection of children experiencing enormous difficulties in functioning following the issue of funding, some areas are inaccessible with the problem of armed groups and that children are abandoned to their fate Some organizations give up some areas as a result of completion of projects and that local organizations do not know how to take over following the financial problem. There is a lack of support structures for children in several areas around the city of Goma. The participants formulated recommendations to local authorities and international organizations to support local organizations in building capacity to coordinate actions on land for orphans and vulnerable children, and finally, to finance the activities of field organizations local.

Mapping stakeholders Is recorded in the city of Goma five flat protection of orphans and vulnerable are: CACDFE, platform of the associations that make a plea in the area of lake for orphans and vulnerable children

RASPEV, platform of the associations concerned with the health aspect of vulnerable children in the province of North Kivu. REDPD, platform local associations involved in the educational aspect of orphans and vulnerable children in the province of North Kivu. REJER, flat local associations dealing with children from broken homes, including street children in particular. RALDOEV, platform with local associations in its overall objective the protection of actual orphans and vulnerable children, psycho social, legal, and others. All these platforms work but with financial difficulties, equipment and logistics. In turn, each representing a platform made a brief presentation of the activities organized by the platform. A representative of Education platform apologized and had been present at the meeting.

In the presentation, we note that many children do not receive enough support from local and international organizations. As an illustration based on available statistics, from January to June 2011 only 15,000 children in the town of Goma and its surroundings have benefitted from the support of international organizations. But the 2010 report on the same date indicates that 26,000 children were assisted. Case of chronic diseases in children are recorded in many areas of Goma, Masisi, Rutshuru and Walikale. Protection activities of childhood are slowed in several areas of the province of North Kivu, Many children are victims of armed groups for sexual violence, integration of children into armed groups, access to water is a problem for children and their families, and children do not attend school in some villages of the province. In short, children do not receive enough support organizations on the spot where a clarion call to other international organizations to provide support for these abandoned children to their fate. Harvest of information on orphans and vulnerable children To allow the collection of data on orphans and vulnerable children, some records were made available to the organizations present at the event. They are: 1. Identification form for children orphaned and made vulnerable by NGOs 2. Identification form of community network protection 3. Statistical Fact Sheet on the situation of children These cards should be regularly supplemented by organizations to protect children and file in the office of the provincial division of Social Affairs and National Solidarity each month. Training of social workers He was informed the participants that UNICEF in collaboration with the Provincial Division of Social Affairs and National Solidarity organized a training of social workers for a period of 40 days with 4 days of practice following modules. Beneficiaries are the agents of local and international organizations. Number, 50 social workers Trainers: experts from Kinshasa Participants recommended that those who will be trained after training can train other social workers who were not selected to participate in the training. Started 10 hours, the event ended at 13 hours. Next meeting on the first Friday in November 2011. Made in Goma, September 30, 2011 For WGFIP eastern DRCongo



StaffWGFIP North Kivu

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