Test For Unit 1

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nature (n) natural national

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. aunt B. daughter / C. laundry D. automatic
2. A. homecare /e/ B. nanny /ae/ C. cabin /ae/ D. natural /ae/

3. A. chores /ch/ B. charity /ch/ C. chemist /k/ D. chair /ch/

4. A. rubbish /^/ B. suburb /^/ C. community /iu/ D. lunch /ă-> ^/
5. A. brothers /z/ B. cousins /z/ C. works /s/ D. areas /z/
Quy tắc phát âm "es/s"
+/s/: Tận cùng là "k, p, t, gh, ph, f, th) month this
Ex: talks laughs +/z/: còn lại
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. breadwinner B. stepfather C. housemaid D. homemade
2. A. breakfast B. hometown C. supper D. dinner
3. A. contribute B. generous C. homemaker D. meaningful
4. A. grocery B. enormous C. consumption D. financial
5. A. relationship B. collaborate C. responsible D. generation
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following sentences.
1. Everyone can play an important role by always doing their best to help their families
flourishes. help sb to V/V(nguyên)= giúp đỡ ai làm gì
play a role : đóng vai trò
--> to flourish flourish (v): thịnh vượng, phát đạt
2. Each family member need to develop certain traits and skills and then practice being a
strong and supportive
needs to develop trait (n): đặc điểm
C Each + N (số ít) Ex: Each student/person
member of the family.
3. There are many different ways that family members show their love for one other.
one another
4. People feel secure when they know that their physical needs are being made and that they
are protected and met
one another: lẫn nhau, nhau (ba đổ lên)
Ex: The crowds are supporting one another
each other : lẫn nhau, nhau (với hai người/vật)
Ex: Lan and Linh support each other
secure (Adj): an toàn, đảm bảo
meet one's needs: đáp ứng nhu cầu

"like" và "alike" (giống nhau)
safe from harm. 1. "Alike" thường đứng cuối, đằng sau không đi với N
Ex: I and my daughter are alike.
D 2. "Like" đằng sau + N
Ex: Like many other students, I love binge watching
5. Of all the billions of people in the world, no two are exactly like.
A B C D alike

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
sentences. make up of: tạo nên từ....

1. A family is made up ____ people who care about one another.

A. by B. from C. of D. with
2. All members of a family give and receive love and support ____ the others.
A. of B. about C. for D. from
3. Family members reach out to one another and share ____ happy and sad time together.
A. between B. both C. either D. whether
unit of society: đơn vị xã hội
4. The family is the basic unit of _____and
N/Ving is important to both individuals and communities.
(adj): thuộc xã hội (Adj):hòa đồng (v)= communicate (v): giao tiếp
A. social B. society C. sociable D. socialize
5. Strong families are the foundation of strong communities, ____ a strong foundation needed
nền tảng (n) (n):nền móng
to construct a sturdy building.
sturdy (adj): vững chắc, kiên cố
A. as B. like C. for D. since
6. You should realize ____ it is important to know more about family life and how to
strengthen your families
A. what B. how C. why D. which
7. Think of society as the building, the family as the foundation of that building, and
nguyên vật liệu xây dựng
individuals and the community as ____ of building material. a piece of = mảnh, miếng, mẩu

A. pieces B. block khối C. layer lớp D. bricks viên gạch

8. You are important to your family, because you fill a special place in your family where
____ no
fill (v): lấp đầy
one else can fill.
A. when B. that C. who D. Why
9. Part of ____ up is learning to accept and respect yourself and others. grow up: trưởng thành, lớn lên
(n): sự phát triển
A. grow B. growth C. growing D. grown
(n): năng khiếu
10. Each person has some talents, gifts, or strengths that make him or her ____.
A. unique B. uniquely C. uniqueness D. more unique
11. Everyone doing their share in the family will help make things ____ more smoothly.
A. to run B. run C. ran D. that run
make sb/sth + V(nguyên): khiến sb/sth làm gì, bắt ép ai đó làm gì
make + sb/sth+ adj= khiến ai/sth như thế nào
Ex: Make me disappointed
uniqueness (n): sự độc đáo
Với những tính từ tuyệt đối: unique (có một không hai), excellent (xuất sắc)
without Ving --> without being P2
complaint (n): sự phàn nàn
complain (v): phàn nàn
without : mà không --> giới từ
sự cam kết (n)
12. A good way to show your responsibility and commitment to your family is to do your
chores without N/Ving
____ or being asked.
A. complain B. complaint C. complaining D. complains
13. When you carry ____ your responsibilities in the family, you are letting the family
members know that you love them and that they can depend on you. carry on=keep on= go on= tiếp tục
carry out = tiến hành, thực thi
A. on B. away C. along D. out
14. A good way ____ family communication is to send clear messages.
A. to improve B. improve C. improving D. improvement
15. The more each family member cooperates by participating in the management of the
So sánh càng...càng:
home, ____. the + tính từ/trạng từ ss hơn+ S+ V,the + tính từ/trạng từ ss hơn+ S+ V.
A. the more smoothly things will go B. the more things will go
C. the more things smoothly will go D. things will go the more
16. In ____ to your regular duties, you can do many other things around the home that would
benefit your family.
A. reply B. response C. addition D. return
17. Take time to do what needs to be done ____ that the family will have time to do fun
things together, too.
A. so B. such C. now D. given
18. Scheduling a family meeting ____ a regular basis is a good way to make sure this activity
happens. on a regular basis = thường xuyên = regularly
on a daily basis= hàng ngày = every day
A. on B. in C. with D. by
19. To be an effective father, one must have a good ____ with his wife, be ready to parent,
and really want to have children. have a good relationship with sb = get on well with sb
= có mqh tốt với ai
A. relative B. relation C. relationship D. relating
20. Research shows that children with ____ fathers do much better in life, have better
self-esteem and fewer problems in school. self-esteem: lòng tự trọng
involved father: người bố quan tâm, dạy dỗ
A. involve B. involving C. involved D. involvement
21. The family remains ____ to US society, and more than half of unmarried adults between
the ages of 18 and 24 still live with their parents.
(Adj): không đáng (adj): rất nhỏ (adj): bắt buộc
A. trivial B. minimal C. mandatory D. central
kể, nhỏ nhặt
22. In many households ____ both the husband and wife work outside the home, men are
expected to share household duties.
be expected to V: được kỳ vọng làm gì
A. that B. which C. where D. when
văn hóa phương Tây
23. In western cultures, and ____
adv in European American culture, families typically follow a

nuclear model comprised of parents and their children.

đặc biệt
A. particular B. particularly C. particulars D. particularity
24. It is very common for families in collectivist cultures to establish multi-generational
văn hóa tập thể thành lập nhiều thế hệ
A. house B. household C. households D. houses
25. In traditional Asian families, it is the oldest male in the family who ____ his bride to live
with his parents. bride (n): cô dâu

A. bring B. brings C. bringing D. brought

26. Shared and recorded stories help keep memories ____ so future generations will know
something about their family members and their roots. root (n): gốc rễ
(adj): sống động
A. live B. lively C. alive D. lived
27. The sharing of a family's life stories can be thought provoking and ____
adj for children,

helping them learn, formulate a sense of identity, and put their own experiences into
thought-provoking (adj) = đáng suy ngẫm
perspective. beneficial (Adj): có lợi ích benefit (n,v)= lợi ích, có lợi
A. benefit B. beneficial C. beneficiary D. benefits
beneficiary (n): người hưởng lợi
28. ____ will start at different times for each person, and, on average, will last about three
years between their childhood and adulthood.
tuổi dậy thì giáo dục mầm non
A. Puberty B. Teenage C. Nursery education D. School
(n); thanh thiếu niên
time on average: trung bình last (v): kéo dài
29. "Are chores assigned to children in your family?" – “____”
A. Sure, we all contribute to doing the housework.
B. My mom will do the shopping and my dad does the cooking.
C. We have to stay at school until late in the afternoon.
D. I have to take the garbage out and clean the floor.
30. "Do you get along well with your brothers?" – “____”
A. He's not living with us, he's living in the town.
B. We have never got into fight but sometimes in quarrel. quarrel (n,v): cãi vã
fight (v): đánh nhau
C. He likes swimming, and I like reading when free.
D. Mon and Dad always help us with our school work.
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.
ups and downs: những thăng trầm
sorrow (n): sự buồn rầu
bread and butter: kế sinh nhai risk (n): rủi ro

1. All families have ups and downs, but strong families know the importance of sticking
together - especially during the tough times.
A. fun and sorrows B. bread and butter C. risks and benefits D. rises
and falls
2. Examples of crisis in the family can include a death, a damaging storm, or a burglary and
many other stressful events that can affect the entire family.
A. time of hardship B. time of fun C. time of gathering D. time of
reunion crisis (n): cuộc khủng hoảng time of hardship: giai đoạn khó khăn
gathering (n): sự đoàn tụ = reunion
3. It is disruptive and discourteous to carry on a phone conversation during dinner or while
the family is watching a program on TV. disruptive (adj): gây gián đoạn
discourteous = impolite = rude= bất lịch sự(adj)
A. being impolite and showing little respect B. being polite and showing
respect uneducated (adj): vô học

C. being uneducated and causing offence D. being polite and offering

4. Although the younger children tended to use a family email address teenagers demanded
demand = require (v): yêu cầu
greater privacy. privacy(n): sự riêng tư >< publicity (n): sự công khai
A. by themselves B. of their own C. one's personality D. being
5. A father will be his child's role model. He will be the example for his child of what
husbands and fathers are like. role model: hình mẫu, tấm gương

A. someone that others admire and follow B. someone that others share
interest with
C. someone that others love and live with D. someone that others are fond
of with
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following sentences.
1. Receiving encouragement, guidance, and training from the family makes family members
feel secure.
A. Family members feel secure as they receive encouragement, guidance, and training
from the family.
B. The family feel secure because they have received encouragement, guidance, and
training from the family.
C. The family members feel secure only after receiving encouragement, guidance, and
training from the family.
D. The family members feel secure to be receiving encouragement, guidance, and
training from the family.
2. You can show your love for your family through special words and actions.
A. Through special words and actions can you show your love for your family.
B. Your love for your family through special words and actions can be shown.
C. Special words and actions can be shown through your love for your family.
D. It can be shown through special words and actions that your family is loved.
3. Family members share fun as well as sorrow and help heal one another's hurts.
A. As family members share fun as well as sorrow, they also help heal one another's
B. Family members share fun as well as sorrow so that they can help heal one
another's hurts.
C. Not only do family members share fun as well as sorrow, but they also help heal
one another's hurts.
D. Family members do not share only fun as well as sorrow, but they also help heal
do not only
one another's hurts.
4. Effectively managing a family requires balancing time and money. against: chống lại
A. To effectively manage a family requires balancing time against money.
B. Time and money in balance is a requirement for an effective family manager.
C. Balancing time and money is required to effectively manage a family.
D. An effective family manager must be able to balance time and money.
5. It is important that family members talk and listen to one another.
A. Family members should always talk and listen to one another.
B. Talking and listening to family members is important to everyone.
C. Family members always find it important to talk and listen to one another.
D. Talking and listening to one another must be done among family members.
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences given.
1. Security refers to physical and psychological safety. Families can provide security.
A. Families can provide security that refers to physical and psychological safety.
B. The security that families can provide refers to physical and psychological safety.
C. Referring to physical and psychological safety is the security provided by families.
D. Provided by families, security refers to physical and psychological safety.
2. There is no one like you. Without you, your family would not be the same.

There is no one like you, without whom, you......

A. Your family would not be the same if there were no one like you.
B. If there were someone like you, your family would be the same.
C. There is no one like you, without whom, your family would not be the same.
D. Because there is no one like you, then your family would never be the same.
3. Single people are more likely than married couples to be in touch with friends, neighbors,
siblings and parents. Many good studies have shown this.
A. That single parents are more likely than married couples to be in touch with
friends, neighbors, siblings and parents has been shown in many good studies.
B. Many good studies have shown that single parents are more likely than married
couples to be in touch with friends, neighbors, siblings and parents.
C. Single parents are more likely than married couples to be in touch with friends,
neighbors, so they have been shown in many good studies.
D. Many good studies have shown why single parents are more likely to be in touch
with friends, neighbors, siblings and parents.
4. The nuclear household is an ideal many strive for. A nuclear household consists of one or
two parents and some kids under one roof. ideal (Adj): lý tưởng
strive (v): nỗ lực
A. The nuclear household, which consists of one or two parents and some kids under
one roof, is an ideal many strive for.
B. Even though a nuclear household consists of one or two parents and some kids
under one roof, it is an ideal many strive for.
C. The nuclear household is an ideal many strive for, but a nuclear household consists
of one or two parents and some kids under one roof.
D. The nuclear household is an ideal many strive for because a nuclear household
consists of one or two parents and some kids under one roof.
5. All families have disagreements from time to time. There may be times when you feel that
from time to time = sometimes= thỉnh thoảng
others in your family don't understand you.
A. All families have disagreements from time to time, but there may be times when
you feel that others in your family don't understand you.
B. All families have disagreements from time to time, which makes you feel that
others in your family don't understand you.
C. There may be times when you feel that others in your family don't understand you
and all families have disagreements from time to time.
D. Because all families have disagreements from time to time, there may be times
when you feel that others in your family don't understand you.
discipline (n): tính kỷ luật (n)

VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Each family forms its own set of values and decides what is most important to them.
Discipline also (1) ____ among families. Families have different ways of dealing with
different issues. In some families, one or both parents make all the decisions with no input
during /while
from the children, (2) ____ other families may encourage input from all family members
before decisions are (3) ____. Perhaps you know of a family (4) ____ there is equal decision
while + S+V
making among family members. during +N (trong khi, trong suốt) Ex: During the summer,.....
perhaps: có lẽ
There is no one family style for everyone. A family's style (5) ____ based on each
family's individual situation and the values they care about. For example, your family may be
laid-back, while another family is very active and (6) ____. Many different ways of living
together can (7) ____. What makes a family strong is not just the number of people in it, (8)
____ its members are related, or their pace of life; people caring for one another and sharing
laid-back (adj): ung dung, thoải mái
their lives is what really matters.
whether.... or : liệu rằng...hay / có...hay
pace of life: nhịp sống
faith (n): đức tin, Many families also share faith are religious activities (9) ____ one another. As a
niềm tin
Scout, part of your duty is to do your (10) ____ to make your family strong and help your
family thrive. By doing this, you are helping to lay the foundation for a stronger community
vary (v)=khác nhau change = alter (v): thay đổi
and society. various = different (Adj): khác nhau adjust (v); điều chỉnh
1. A. changes B. alters C. varies D. adjusts
2. A. when B. while C. during D. for
3. A. made B. taken C. done D. decided make a decision
4. A. which B. that C. when D. where
5. A. develop B. develops C. developing D. developed
6. A. hurry (v) B. hurries C. hurrying D. hurried (Adj): vội vàng
7. A. come B. work (v): có hiệu quả
C. make D. go
8. A. whether B. either C. when D. that do one's best
=try one's best
9. A. among B. for C. with D. between = làm hết mình
10. A. best B. hard C. heart D. full
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two
parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there
has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per
cent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there

rise =increase : sự gia tăng

will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago, this would have been
socially unacceptable in Britain.
In the past, people got married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult,
expensive and took a long time. Today, people's views on marriage are changing. Many
couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) without getting married.
Only about 60% of these couples will eventually get married.
cohabit (v)
= sống thử In the past, people married before they had children, but now about 40% of children
in Britain are born to unmarried cohabiting) parents. In 2000, around a quarter of unmarried
people between the ages of 16 and 59 were cohabiting in Great Britain. Cohabiting couples
are also starting families without first being married. Before 1960 this was very unusual, but
in 2001 around 23 per cent of births in the UK were to cohabiting couples.
People are generally getting married at a later age now and many women do not want
to have children immediately. They prefer to concentrate on their jobs and put off having a
baby until late thirties.
The number of single-parent families is increasing. This is mainly due to more
marriages ending in divorce, but some women are also choosing to have children as lone
parents without being married.
1. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
chuẩn mực (n)
A. Changing Values and Norms of the British Family
B. Changes in Marriage among British Young Generations
C. Changing Insights into and Ideas of the British Family
D. Changes in Viewpoints and Lifestyles of British Couples
2. The word "which" in the passage refers to ____.
A. the family in Britain B. substantial changes
C. typical British family D. single-parent households
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In the past, British people had to pay a lot if they wanted to get divorced.
B. Half of the children in Britain now are born to unmarried couples.
C. Women in Britain now do not want to have children right after marriage.
D. There are more and more single-parent families in Britain these days.
4. The phrase "put off" in the passage mostly means ____.
A. do not want B. delay C. start D. do not
5. Which of the following best describes the overall tone of the passage?
A. informative B. positive C. negative D.
X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Family life education (FLE) is the educational effort to strengthen individual and
mục tiêu (n) (V): làm phong phú
family life through a family perspective. The objective of family life education is to enrich
and improve the quality of individual and family life by providing knowledge and skills
(adj): cá nhân be enable sb to V: cho phép ai làm gì
needed for effective living.
FLE emphasizes processes to enable people to develop into healthy adults and to
realize their tiềm năng
potential. Family life education helps people to work together in close
relationships and facilitates the ability of people to function effectively in their personal lives
chuyên gia
and as members of society. While various professionals assist families, it is the family life
(n): nhà giáo dục áp dụng, kết hợp
educator who incorporates a family-systems, preventive, and educational approach to
(adj): ngăn ngừa
individual and family issues. apply an approach = áp dụng phương pháp

(7) Family life education includes knowledge about how families work; the
inter-relationship of the family and society; human growth and development throughout the
life span; both the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality; the impact of
thuộc sinh lý (adj)
money and time management on daily life; the importance and value of education for
parenting: the effects of policy and legislation on families; ethical considerations in
professional conduct; and a solid understanding and knowledge of how to teach and/or
develop curriculum for what are often sensitive and personal issues. dilemma: tình huống
quy tắc đạo đức hướng dẫn đương đầu khó xử
A professional code of ethics provides guidelines when confronted with challenging
and difficult ethical dilemmas. They serve notice to the public, and profession, as to the
principles and values that will guide decision making under such circumstances. The ethical
principles put forth in this Code of Ethics are standards of conduct in which Family Life
Educators consider in ethical and professional decision making.
1. According to paragraph 1, which is NOT truc about Family Life Education EXCEPT ____.
A. improving the quality of individual and family life
B. providing knowledge needed for effective living
C. trying to strengthen individual and family life
chuyên nghiệp
D. offering professional skills for individual and family
2. The word "objective" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.
A. effort nỗ lực B. aim mục tiêu C. cause nguyên nhânD. scope phạm vi
3. The word "incorporates" in the passage can be best replaced with ____.
A. applies B. practices C. combines D. explains
4. Which of the followings is true according to the passage?
A. Family Life Education focuses on exploring individuals' potential.
B. Family Life Education teaches people how to work professionally.
C. Family Life Education applies preventive, and educational approach.
D. Family Life Education teaches people how to manage their families.
5. According to the passage, the knowledge provided by Family Life Education is NOT
concerned with ____.
sự xem xét về đạo đức hành vi professional (adj): chuyên nghiệp
A. ethical considerations in professional conduct
B. how people should do exercises to stay healthy
liên quan đến nhau (adj)
C. how the family and society are interrelated
quản lý thời gian tác động (v)
D. how money and time management impacts daily life
sự nuôi dạy con
6. The word "parenting" in the passage mostly refers to ____.
A. the act and skills of looking after the children
quá trình (n)
B. the process of taking care of the young children
C. the best way parents teach their young children
phương pháp
D. the method of feeding parents feed their children
7. Which of the followings can be inferred from the passage? infer (v): suy luận

A. Receiving family life education can help individuals understand themselves.

B. Those having family life education will surely become the most successful parents.
C. Each family should always have a family life educator to assist other family
D. Family life education programs can train the most knowledgeable teachers.
8. The word "They" in the passage refers to ____.
A. code of ethics B. guidelines C. ethical dilemmas D.
9. The phrase "put forth" in the passage almost means ____. describe (v): miêu tả state (v): tuyên bố
A. suggested B. established C. described D. stated
10. The best title of the passage could be ____.
A. Family Life Education: An Educational Effort
B. Family Life Educators: Best Family Managers
C. Family Life Education: Code of Ethics
D. Family Life Educators: Most Successful Parents
A. PHONETICS bathe (v): đi tắm = take a bath

1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. responsible /o/ B. homemaker /âu/ C. mow /âu/ D. overworked /âu/
2. A. bathe /ei/ B. finance / C. program ae D. cat ae

3. A. lifting /i/ B. routine /i:/ C. split /i/ D. divide /i/

4. A. clothes /z/ B. fold /âu/ C. groceries /âu/ D. iron /
5. A. duty /iu/ B. clusters /^/ C. rubbish /^/ D. washing-up /^/
II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. Circle A,
B, C or D. surface /fis/

1. A. Private B. Provide C. Arrange D. Advise

2. A. Resurface B. Knowledge C. Technical D. Export
3. A. Medical B. Entertainment C. Atmosphere D. Suburb
(n): điêu luyện
4. A. Recipe B. Cinema C. Similar D. Expertise
5. A. Indicate B. Forefinger C. Procedure D. Enemy
1. Match the two columns to make correct phrases.
1. set a. the floor
set the table : bày ra, chuẩn bị
bàn ăn 2. mop a b. the houseplants
><clear the table: dọn dẹp bàn ăn
mop the floor: lau sàn 3. feed d c. the heavy lifting
4. water b d. the baby
5. do c e. the table
II. Choose the odd one out.
(n) (n) (n) (adj)
1. A. satisfaction B. household chore C. breadwinner D. financial
(n) sự công bằng
2. A. mop (v) B. lawn (n) C. equity D. resolution(n): nghị quyết
(v)= take a bath= đi tắm
3. A. split (v) B. bathe C. overworked D. tidy (v): dọn dẹp
(adj): làm việc quá sức
4. A. housekeeper B. housewife C. houseplant D. homemaker
5. A. conflict (v,n) B. marital (adj): thuộcC. chore D. finance
hôn nhân (n): công việc (n): tài chính
III. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks.
1. My mother is ____ for taking care of the home and the family.
A. responsible B. takes the responsibility C. take the duty D. Both B
& C are correct.
2. Women usually manage ____ better than men do.
A. household finances B. household machines C. housewives D.
3. My parents ____. My mother usually does more housework than my father.
A. divide chores equally B. split chores unequally
C. don't share housework equally D. Both B & C are correct.
4. Equal share of household duties helps increase ____.
A. job satisfaction B. couple satisfaction C. wedding satisfaction D.
marital satisfaction : sự hài lòng trong hôn nhân
5. It's not easy to gain ____ between husbands and wives, even in developed countries.
A. equal chore B. chore equally C. chore equal D. chore equity : sự công bằng
trong việc nhà
6. He decided that he wanted to be a ____ while his wife worked full-time.
A. homemaker B. house husband C. housewife D. Both A & B are
correct resolve (v): giải quyết

7. Negotiation and conflict ____ skills are very important to every woman in modern life.
sự giải quyết cuộc cách mạng sự cải tiến sự giao tiếp
A. resolution B. revolution C. renovation D. communication
8. My sunflower seeds must be ____ twice a day so that they will sprout in a few days.
hạt giống
mọc, nhú lên, trồi lên
A. watered B. dried C. picked D. spread
IV. Complete the following sentences using the given phrases. There are two phrases
that you don't need.
bathing the baby mop the house folding the clothes
watering the houseplants doing the laundry doing the shopping
take out the garbage doing the cooking feeding the cats
do the washing-up
1. My mother is not _____________________________________________
doing the cooking because we are
eating out today. had better = should = ought to V
(nguyên) = nên
2. My grandfather is not ___________________________________.
doing the shopping He'd better stay home
since he's sick.
3. She is visiting her grandparents in the countryside tomorrow, so she is
folding the clothes

and packing her stuff.

be expected to V: được mong đợi

watering the houseplants

4. It's wet in the living room. My brother is ______________________________________.
5. Susan would like to have a washing machine. She's tired of dishwasher (n): máy rửa bát
doing the landry= giặt giũ every day.
(n): vị khách
6. Sometimes, guests are expected to help ___________________________
do the washing-up after parties.
7. It smells awful in the kitchen. Don't you _________________________________?
take out the garbage
mop the house
8. It's dirty in your house. Why don't you __________________________________?

V. Choose the correct options to complete the following sentences.

cry over spilt milk = cứ mãi buồn bã, tiếc nuối chuyện đã xảy ra
1. Why ____ you always ____ over spilt milk? I am tired of what you say.
always --> Chia hiện tại tiếp diễn: diễn tả sự phàn nàn, khó
A. are - crying B. do – cry chịu C. do - drink
Ex; Why are you always putting dirty socks on the bed?
2. We are all in the garden for the monthly family gathering. I am preparing some omelets and eel
soup for the whole family. They ____ us healthy. trứng rán
keep sb healthy= khiến ai khỏe mạnh
A. are keeping B. keep C. will

3. Look! That girl is very attractive. - Yeah, she ____ me of an old friend of mine.
quyến rũ
A. reminds B. is reminding C. will remind

4. What ____ you ____? - Nothing. I am just trying to say that Laura won't be available this Sunday.
A. are - meaning B. do – mean C. are - meant

5. I will go to Frankfurt tomorrow. What time ____ the train from Berlin ____?
Hiện tại đơn mang ý nghĩa tương lai: lịch trình cố định tàu/xe/máy bay/rạp chiếu
A. will – leave B. is - leaving C. does – leave

6. Which one do you prefer: the red or the black car? – I ____ the red car looks better.
think: chỉ quan điểm (believe....) --> hiện tại đơn
A. am thinking B. think C. thought
I'm thinking about....: tôi đang suy nghĩ về.....
7. Felix is very rich. He ____ a Mercedes.

A. is driving B. drives C. just drove

8. Only when he ____ truly sorry can I accept his apology.

A. feels B. is feeling C. will feel

9. Would you like some soup? - Wow. It ____ good. Can you get me some? Thanks.

A. is smelling B. is tasting C. smells

10. Will you accompany me to the graduation prom next Friday? - Yes, if nothing comes up. I ____.

A. am promising B. will promise C. promise

VI. Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning with the given one.

1. It rained during the match, but we enjoyed it all the same.

A. It rained during the match and we did not enjoy the match.
during: trong suốt
B. It rained during the match and we enjoyed it less.

C. It rained during the match and we enjoyed it in the same way as others.

D. It rained during the match but we enjoyed it.

2. Donald could not help weeping when he heard the bad news.
can't/couldn't help + Ving
A. Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news. = không thể nhịn được....
weep (v): khóc
B. Donald could not allow himself to sweep at the bad news.

C. Donald could not help himself and so he wept.

D. Donald could not help himself because he was weeping.

3. "When I met my long-lost brother, I was at a loss for words."

A. When the speaker met his brother, he was puzzled about what to say.

B. When the speaker met his brother, he had much to say.

C. When the speaker met his brother, he refused to say anything.

D. When the speaker met his brother, he had nothing pleasant to say.
be loss for words: không thốt nên lời
4. It's a pity that you didn't tell us about this. puzzled (adj): bối rối
A. I wish you told us about this. B. I wish you would tell us
about this.

C. I wish you had told us about this. D. I wish you have told
us about this.

5. Without transportation, our modern society could not exist.

A. Our modern society could not exist if there is no transportation.

B. Our modern society will not exist without having traffic.

Điều ước loại 2: S + wish + S+ V-ed/cột 2: diễn tả điều ước trái ngược với
sự thật ở hiện tại
Điều ước loại 3: S+ wish + S+ had + P2: diễn tả điều ước trái ngược với
sự thật ở quá khứ
without: Nếu không có..

C. If there were no transportation, our society would not exist.

D. If transportation no longer exists, our society will not either.

6. The newspaper has a circulation of five million. (n): tổng số phát hành

A. The paper is five million years old. B. Five million people read the

C. Five million newspaper are put in a circle. D. The newspaper is round in


7. No sooner had they found her number than they called her.

A. They called her as soon as they found her number.

B. They found her number sooner or later. No sooner + had + S+ P2 + than + S+ V-ed/cột 2
= vừa mới... thì đã
C. They called her number sooner or later.

D. They found her number as soon as they called her.

8. He got over his illness in three months.

A. It took to get over his illness in three months.

B. It took three months for him to get over his illness.

C. It took him three months to get over his illness.

D. It took three months for his illness to get over.

9. Though he tried hard, he didn't succeed. Although/though S+V, S+ V

= However + adj/adv + S+ V, S+ V
A. However hard he tried, he didn't succeed. B. However he tried hard, he didn't

C. However he didn't succeed, he tried hard. D. However he tried hard but he

didn't succeed.

10. Joe still likes Madonna.

A. Joe was a fan of Madonna's for years. B. Joe has been a fan of
Madonna's for years.

C. Joe used to like Madonna years ago. D. Joe is being a fan of Madonna.

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the given words.
1. It's a long time since he last called me.

He hasn't ______________________________________________________
called me for a long time

2. When did he get the job? When + did + S+V?

= How long + have/has + S+ P2?
How long ____________________________________________________________
has he got the job?

3. I advise you to book a table in advance.

If I _________________________________________________________________
were you, I would book a table in advance

4. I don't want to tell them the secret.

I would rather ________________________________________________________

not tell them the secret

6. We wanted to get good seats so we arrived early.

In order ___________________________________________________
to get good seats, we arrived early

7. It took her nearly an hour to do the crossword. do the crossword: chơi ô chữ

She spent _______________________________________________

nearly an hour doing the crossword
make sb V(nguyên): bắt ép ai làm gì
8. The policeman made him confess after three days. confess (v) thú tội

He was ____________________________________________________
made to confess by the policeman after three days

9. Nga finds Maths easier than Physics. find sth + adj = cảm thấy... như thế nào
S1+be + as+ adj + as+ S2
Physics is not ____________________________________________
as easy as Maths for Nga

10. I advise you to see a doctor.

You ought ______________________________________________

to see a doctor ought to = had better = should + V(nguyên)= nên ...

VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

31. We always split the housework equally - my mom cooks, my dad cleans the house and I do the

A. join B. break C. share D. pick


32. Parents are recommended to collaborate with teachers in educating children.

A. part B. cooperate C. separate D.

vulnerable (adj): dễ bị tổn thương

33. Newborn infants are more vulnerable to illness than others.

A. easily hurt B. strong C. safe D.

hard to affect

34. We’re surprised to hear that his musical talent was nurtured by their loving parents when he was
a child.
nuture= foster (v): nuôi dưỡng
A. abandoned B. limited C. fostered D.
restricted abandon (v): bỏ rơi restrict (v)= limit (v): hạn chế

35. In spite of poverty, we manage to raise our children properly.

manage to V= xoay sở làm gì
A. give up B. go up C. make up D.
bring up raise (v)= bring up = nuôi dưỡng

36. She decided to find a job to earn money instead of just living at home and being a housekeeper.

A. lend B. make C. borrow D. raise

37. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties.

(Adj): khôn ngoan
A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores

38. In the 20th century, most of the traditional attitudes to remarriage are changing.
traditional = conventional (Adj): truyền thống
A. conventional B. contemporary C.latest D. new
(adj): đương thời (Adj): mới nhất
39. After consideration, teaching is still a career worth pursuing as I prefer to become a teacher like
my mother and my father. consideration (n): sự cân nhắc
career (n)= occupation : nghề nghiệp, sự nghiệp(chỉ nghề nghiệp gắn bó cả đời)
A. work B. unemployment C. occupation D. professor
seek = find : tìm ra (v) sự thất nghiệp (n) giáo sư (n)
40. The government needs to seek a solution to prevent domestic violence as soon as possible.
bạo lực gia đình
(n):phương pháp, cách thức điều trị
A. recreation B. remedy C. keyword D. technique
(n): sự giải trí (n): kỹ thuật
IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

41. From my point of view, parental divorce can cause lasting negative consequences for children.

A. beginning of a marriage B. the situation of not marrying

C.single person D. ending of a marriage

42. It is important to create a daily routine so as to improve your work-life balance today.

A. a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same

balance (n,v): sự cân bằng, cân bằng

B. a state that things are of equal weight or force

C. a state that things are of importance

D. a situation that things change frequently in amount

43. In my view, husbands should contribute to the household duties in order to reduce the burden on
their wives.

A. minimize = B. lower = C. decrease = giảm thiểu D.


44. We try to create an atmosphere of comfort and security for our children.

A. safety B. harmony C. danger D.

sẵn lòng (Adv) be willing to V: sẵn lòng làm gì>< be reluctant to V= do dự làm gì
45. My husband willingly helps me do the chores at weekends so that I can have more time to relax.

A. eagerly B. reluctantly C. agreeably D.

(adv): háo hức
readily be eager to V: háo hức làm gì

46. In my family, my mother always does the cooking and shopping, my father has responsibility
for mending things, especially electrical devices. mend = fix= repair (v): sửa chữa

A. impairing B. fixing C. repairing D. curing

impair (v): làm hư hại
47. When having days off, he always helps his wife tidy up the house.

A. clear up B. sort out C.arrange D.

mess up tidy up= clear up: dọn dẹp >< mess up: làm bừa bộn
arrange (v): sắp xếp sort out: phân loại
critical (Adj): phê phán, chỉ trích
48. His parents have been highly critical of his recent disobedience. criticize (v): chỉ trích
không đồng tỉnh (adj): thuận lợi, ủng hộ cần thiết, quan trọng
A. disapproving B. favorable C. crucial (adj) D. uncomplimentary
obedience (n): sự vâng lời >< disobedience (n): sự không vâng lời
49. Ms. Lan taught her children to keep their rooms neat and tidy when they were four. không khen ngợi
neat and tidy (adj): gọn gàng, ngăn nắp (Adj)
A. ordered and untidy B. messy and arranged
undusted (adj): không được phủi bụi
C. messy and dirty D. clean and undusted

50. Setting and clearing the table, making bed and taking out the trash are suitable chores for 8- to
10-years-old children.
đúng cách (Adj) có thể chấp nhận (adj)
A. inappropriate B. proper C. acceptable D.
Reasonable : hợp lý (Adj)
set the table = bày/chuẩn bị bàn ăn
clear the table = dọn dẹp bàn ăn suitable for: phù hợp cho
>< inappropriate (Adj): không phù hợp

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