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what do you observe about the

3 pictures?
what is Mental health?
An individual's state in terms of their psychological and
emotional health.
Mental health affects cognition, perception, and behavior and
includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
what is Emotional health?
One component of mental health is emotional well-
being. It involves your knowledge of and capacity for
managing both happy and negative emotions. Those
who are emotionally balanced have effective coping
methods for unpleasant feelings.
Factors affecting mental health
1.) Self-esteem
this is the value we place on
ourselves, our positive self-image
and sense of self worth, people with
high self-esteem generally have a
positive outlook and are satisfied
with themselves most of the time.
2.) Feeling Loved

children who feel loved,

trusted and accepted by thier
parents and others are far
more likely to have good self-
3) Confidence

youth should be encourage to

discover their own unique
qualities and have the
confidence to face challenges
and take risk.
4) Family breakup
or loss
seperation or divorce or the
loss of a parent or siblings is
extremly painful. findings
ways to cope and adjust to the
changes wrought by these
events is critical for everyone
5) difficult behavior

when people are

unhappy, they
either internalize
their unhappines or
act out
6) Physical ill health
diseases, injuries and
other physical problems
often contribute to poor
mental health and
sometimes mental
7.) abuse

the mental health of

abused children is at
great risk, abuse may be
gical or verbal

draw anythig that described your mental and

emotion health today and explain why?
search and answer the following question
put in your health note book

1.) what is stress?

2.) what make's you stress?

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