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Executive summary:

This study report digs into the complex relationship between project leadership and management in the
twenty-first century, highlighting the crucial importance of good communication. The key goal is to
evaluate how these two critical characteristics of organisational function should adapt to satisfy the
ever-changing needs of the twenty-first century while remaining relevant. This paper gives useful
insights into the distinctions and overlaps between leadership and management, emphasising their
interdependence, based on a thorough literature assessment. It emphasises the necessity of effective
communication in both domains and recognises that leaders' and managers' duties are not static, but
rather adaptive to the different problems of the current period. While the report's limitations, such as its
reliance on current research and the knowledge cutoff date, are acknowledged, the advice provided
serve as actionable solutions for organisations to effectively manage the difficulties of the twenty-first
century. Organisations can position themselves to flourish in an environment characterised by constant
change and uncertainty by embracing agile practises, investing in training, using technology, supporting
innovation, adjusting structures, and assessing success holistically. This paper indicates that visionary
leadership, efficient management, and effective communication are critical to attaining long-term
success in the dynamic terrain of the twenty-first century.

Leadership and management:


The environment of leadership and management has changed dramatically in the twenty-first
century1.The world now is substantially different from the previous century, as evidenced by the 2008
global financial crisis (GFC). As organisations deal with a constantly changing global environment, project
leadership and management responsibilities are more important than ever2.

In this paper, we will investigate the dynamic link between project leadership and management in the
twenty-first century. We investigate the differences and similarities between these two critical
responsibilities, as well as their relevance in the face of modern difficulties. The statement "Project
leadership should meet the changing needs of the 21st century if it is to remain relevant" (Lloyd-Walker,
2011) serves as our guiding premise. To assess the validity of this argument, we rely on substantial field
research and information.

We will uncover the qualities and duties inherent in effective project leadership and management as we
progress. We hope to shed light on how these positions have changed and adapted to the ever-changing
demands of our times by doing so. To support organisational success in an era of volatility, uncertainty,
complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), we must understand the intricacies of project leadership and

Corbett, Frederique, and Elio Spinello. "Connectivism and leadership: harnessing a learning theory for the digital
age to redefine leadership in the twenty-first century." Heliyon 6, no. 1 (2020).
Mansaray, Hassan Elsan. "The role of leadership style in organisational change management: a literature review."
Journal of Human Resource Management 7, no. 1 (2019): 18-31
management. Join us as we negotiate the complexities of leadership and management in the twenty-
first century.

Scope of literature review:

Explanation References

Ibrahim, A.U. and Daniel,

C.O., 2019. Impact of
Leaders : People who guide and encourage others to achieve common
leadership on organisational
goals. Vision, charm, and the ability to push teams towards a shared vision performance. International
are characteristics of leaders3. Leadership theories, such as Journal of Business,
transformational and servant leadership, investigate the traits and Management and Social
behaviours that distinguish good leaders. Research, 6(2), pp.367-374.

Managers : Professionals in charge of planning, organising, and regulating Guandalini, Ilaria, Li Zhou,
resources in order to achieve organisational goals4. Management includes and Wenxian Sun.
a variety of activities such as planning, organising, leading, and controlling. "Managing switching effects
in sustainable projects: case
Management studies the impact of various management styles, such as
studies." Production
authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire, on organisations.
Planning & Control (2023): 1-

Ibrahim, A.U. and Daniel, C.O., 2019. Impact of leadership on organisational performance. International Journal of
Business, Management and Social Research, 6(2), pp.367-374.
Guandalini, Ilaria, Li Zhou, and Wenxian Sun. "Managing switching effects in sustainable projects: case studies."
Explanation References


Eke, Gift J. "Effective

Communication Processes:
A Peanacea for
Communication : The exchange of information and ideas between
individuals or groups. Leadership and management success require Success." IOSR Journal of
effective communication. Communication models, such as the Shannon- Business and
Weaver model and the transactional model, provide insights on Management 22, no. 8
communication features and dynamics5. (2020): 42-54.

Kozioł-Nadolna, Katarzyna.
Leadership : Influencing and encouraging others to attain common goals
"The role of a leader in
and visions. Trait, behavioural, and contingency theories of leadership give stimulating innovation in an
frameworks for studying leadership styles and techniques6. Contemporary organization." Administrative
leadership principles such as authentic leadership and ethical leadership Sciences 10, no. 3 (2020):
emphasise leadership ideals and ethics. 59.

Management : The process of coordinating resources and activities in Hamouche, S., 2021. Human
order to achieve organisational goals efficiently7. Management theories, resource management and
such as Fayol's principles and Mintzberg's managing roles, explain the COVID-19 crisis:
Implications, challenges,
managers' functions and roles. Strategic management is concerned with
opportunities, and future
connecting organisational goals with strategies8.

Eke, Gift J. "Effective Communication Processes: A Peanacea for Organizations’ Success." IOSR Journal of Business
and Management 22, no. 8 (2020): 42-54.
Kozioł-Nadolna, Katarzyna. "The role of a leader in stimulating innovation in an organization." Administrative
Sciences 10, no. 3 (2020): 59
Hamouche, S., 2021. Human resource management and the COVID-19 crisis: Implications, challenges,
opportunities, and future organizational directions. Journal of Management & Organization, pp.1-16.

Lloyd, Robert, Daniel Mertens, Přemysl Pálka, and Salvador Villegas. "Emerging from the chaos of Management
Theory Jungle: a historical analysis of the development of the four principles of management." Journal of
Management History (2023).
Explanation References

directions. Journal of
Management & Organization,

Lloyd, Robert, Daniel

Mertens, Přemysl Pálka, and
Salvador Villegas. "Emerging
from the chaos of
Management Theory Jungle:
a historical analysis of the
development of the four
principles of
management." Journal of
Management History (2023).

Kareem, Mohanad Ali, and

Ibrahim Jaafar Hussein. "The
impact of human resource
development on employee
performance and
Organizational Success: At the organisational level, achievement of
intended results and performance. The conclusion of excellent leadership effectiveness." Management
and management results in organisational success9. To measure success, Dynamics in the Knowledge
models such as the Balanced Scorecard emphasise multiple performance Economy 7, no. 3/25 (2019):
indicators such as financial, customer, and internal processes. 307-322.

Leadership Development: Organisations invest in leadership development Megheirkouni, Majd, and

programmes to strengthen employees' leadership abilities and attributes. Ammar Mejheirkouni.
These initiatives seek to discover and develop future leaders within the "Leadership development
trends and challenges in the
twenty-first century:

Kareem, Mohanad Ali, and Ibrahim Jaafar Hussein. "The impact of human resource development on employee
performance and organizational effectiveness." Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 7, no. 3/25
(2019): 307-322.
Explanation References

rethinking the
priorities." Journal of
Development 39, no. 1
(2020): 97-124.


The twenty-first century has heralded a new era of tremendous global change and complexity. The
global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008, which not only changed economies but also sparked a dramatic shift
in the way organisations work, was a watershed moment in this revolution11. Following the GFC,
businesses experienced more volatility, unpredictability, and a need for greater agility. This altering
worldview had a significant impact on leadership and management, which are the core pillars of
organisational effectiveness. The necessity to navigate tumultuous waters while pursuing innovation and
sustainability has reemphasized the roles of leaders and managers12. Their ability to effectively inspire,
strategize, and communicate has become critical for organisations seeking to remain relevant and
successful in the twenty-first century. This environment sets the stage for our investigation of leadership
and management in this dynamic situation, where established paradigms are being challenged and new
approaches to accomplishing organisational goals are required.

Meeting the Changing Needs of the 21st Century

The twenty-first century has been characterised by tremendous challenges and opportunities. The global
financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 was a watershed point that sparked this transition. Following its demise,
the globe experienced an acceleration of technical progress, alterations in global economic dynamics,
and evolving social and environmental concerns. Organisations must adapt and innovate to remain
relevant and succeed in an ever-changing landscape. To fulfil the dynamic needs of the twenty-first
century, project leadership and management must be revalued.

Evolving Leadership and Management in the 21st Century

Megheirkouni, Majd, and Ammar Mejheirkouni. "Leadership development trends and challenges in the twenty-
first century: rethinking the priorities." Journal of Management Development 39, no. 1 (2020): 97-124.
Imerman, Michael B., and Frank J. Fabozzi. "Cashing in on innovation: a taxonomy of FinTech." Journal of Asset
Management 21 (2020): 167-177
Whitson, Dennis C. "Emergency Management Leaders’ Perceptions of Leadership Challenges Before and After
Disaster Operations." PhD diss., Capella University, 2019.
Leadership and management, which were once considered separate responsibilities, have fused in
response to the changing needs of the twenty-first century13.

. Leadership used to entail creating a vision, whereas management concentrated on doing duties
effectively. The current landscape, on the other hand, necessitates leaders who can negotiate
unpredictability while also inspiring adaptability, blurring the distinctions between these responsibilities.

The emphasis on visionary leadership is one key difference. Leaders in the twenty-first century must be
able to predict upheavals, such as technical advancements and global crises, and create a course that
takes advantage of these changes14. Visionary executives, such as Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla,
exemplify this change by driving organisations towards lofty goals while also embracing innovation and

Leadership in the twenty-first century necessitates agility and adaptation 15. Leaders that can pivot
rapidly, accept change, and build an innovation culture are required in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty,
Complexity, and Ambiguity) environment. In contrast, previous leadership approaches may have
favoured stability and predictability.

Management's function has evolved in tandem. Modern managers must strike a balance between
efficiency and adaptation16.

To respond quickly to changing requirements, they must embrace agile project management
approaches such as Scrum or Kanban. Furthermore, managing remote and heterogeneous teams has
become the norm, necessitating advanced communication and cooperation abilities.

Impact on Project Leadership and Management

The shifting landscape has far-reaching consequences for project leadership and management. Effective
project managers must not only motivate their employees but also guide them through times of rapid
change. Excellent communication skills are required, as well as the capacity to develop a resilient and
innovative team culture.

Project managers, on the other hand, are responsible for keeping projects on track in a changing
environment. This means not only fulfilling deadlines but also reacting to changes and effectively
managing risks. To meet these demands, tools such as risk management matrices and iterative project
management approaches have gained popularity.

Megheirkouni, Majd, and Ammar Mejheirkouni. "Leadership development trends and challenges in the twenty-
first century: rethinking the priorities." Journal of Management Development 39, no. 1 (2020): 97-124
Ani Marlia, Makna, Rahmi Fahmy, Hendra Lukito, Ratni Prima Lita, and Rida Rahim. "Visionary leadership role:
Building a ghost town civilization." International Journal of Management (IJM) 11, no. 1 (2020): 31-55.
Ngayo Fotso, Guy Major. "Leadership competencies for the 21st century: a review from the Western world
literature." European Journal of Training and Development 45, no. 6/7 (2021): 566-587.
Turner, Paul, and Paul Turner. "The Making of the Modern Manager: Core Management Competences and Their
Attributes." The Making of the Modern Manager: Mapping Management Competencies from the First to the
Fourth Industrial Revolution (2021): 359-384.
The Role of Technology and Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is critical to fulfilling the changing needs of the twenty-first century 17. It underpins
the ability to collect and analyse massive amounts of data in order to make informed decisions. Cloud
computing, AI, and big data analytics are critical enablers of this transition. To maximise project
outcomes, project leaders and managers must embrace these technologies.

Because of the dynamic character of the twenty-first century, project leadership and management must
constantly change. Leaders must be visionary and agile, while managers must combine efficiency and
adaptation. Both positions must use technology to improve decision-making and project execution.

Organisations that recognise and embrace these changes will fare better in this age of continual change.
The integration of leadership and management into adaptive and inventive roles prepares organisations
to successfully meet the ever-changing needs of the twenty-first century. As the environment evolves,
the synergy between leadership, management, and technology will be critical to attaining long-term

Project Leadership vs. Management

Project leadership and project management are distinct yet interrelated aspects of effectively executing
projects in the 21st century. Understanding their differences and similarities is essential for successful
project outcomes:

He, Qile, Maureen Meadows, Duncan Angwin, Emanuel Gomes, and John Child. "Strategic alliance research in
the era of digital transformation: Perspectives on future research." British Journal of Management 31, no. 3 (2020):

 Focus on Vision vs. Focus on Execution: Leadership is largely concerned with creating a vision,
inspiring teams, and bringing people together to achieve a common purpose. Management, on
the other hand, focuses on carrying out plans, organising resources, and ensuring tasks are
accomplished efficiently18.
 Adaptability vs. Stability: Leadership frequently flourishes in volatile and uncertain
circumstances, adapting to changes and encouraging innovation. Management ensures
predictability by providing processes, controls, and structure.
 People-Oriented vs. Task-Oriented: Building relationships, inspiring, and developing team
members are all important aspects of leadership. Management is task-oriented, focusing on
project planning, organisation, and control.
 Long-Term Perspective vs. Short-Term Goals: Leaders often have a long-term perspective,
concentrating on strategic goals and the total impact of the project. Managers prioritise short-
term goals and task execution on a daily basis.
 Risk-Taking vs. Risk Mitigation: Leaders are more likely to take measured risks in order to create
breakthroughs and innovations. Managers are motivated to reduce risks and maintain project


 Clear Communication: Leaders and managers both require good communication skills in order
to communicate goals, expectations, and project progress to teams and stakeholders.
 Team Coordination: Both positions entail organising teams, assigning responsibilities, and
ensuring that everyone works together to achieve project success.
 Decision-Making: Decisions are made by both leaders and managers, however leaders may
focus on strategic decisions while managers handle operational ones.
 Problem Solving: Both professions necessitate problem-solving abilities, whether it's resolving
team issues or finding answers to project challenges20.
 Goal Alignment: Both the project's leadership and management strive to connect the project's
activities with organisational goals and stakeholder expectations.
 Resource Allocation: Leaders and managers are accountable for efficiently allocating and
managing project resources.

Foo, Pik‐Yin, Voon‐Hsien Lee, Keng‐Boon Ooi, Garry Wei‐Han Tan, and Amrik Sohal. "Unfolding the impact of
leadership and management on sustainability performance: Green and lean practices and guanxi as the dual
mediators." Business Strategy and the Environment 30, no. 8 (2021): 4136-4153
Anbu, Deepa. "The role of leaders and managers in Business organisations." Asian Journal of Management 10,
no. 3 (2019): 225-228.
Halkias, Daphne, and Michael Neubert. "Extension of theory in leadership and management studies using the
multiple case study design." Available at SSRN 3586256 (2020).
Qualities of Effective Project Leadership:

Visionary Thinking:

 Effective project managers have a thorough understanding of the project's goals and objectives.
They can communicate this vision to their teams and stakeholders, instilling a sense of common
 This trait is important in both leadership and management since it helps set the project's
direction (leadership) and connects actions with the project's strategic goals (management).

Effective Communication:

 Project managers must have excellent communication abilities. They can communicate ideas,
expectations, and progress to the team and stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.
 Effective communication is essential for both leadership and management because it ensures
that everyone is on the same page and that tasks are completed quickly.


 Adaptability is vital in the ever-changing landscape of the twenty-first century. Effective project
managers are adaptable, can pivot when necessary, and promote innovation.
 Adaptability is important in both leadership and management because it enables quick reactions
to problems and opportunities22.

Conflict Resolution:

 In each endeavour, conflict is unavoidable. Effective leaders are capable of resolving conflicts,
managing disputes, and developing team collaboration.
 Conflict resolution is relevant to both leadership and management because it promotes a
harmonious working environment and reduces disruptions to project progress.

Responsibilities of Project Management

Promsri, Chaiyaset. "The developing model of digital leadership for a successful digital transformation." GPH-
International Journal of Business Management 2, no. 08 (2019): 01-08.
Zaman, Umer, Shahid Nawaz, Sidra Tariq, and Asad Afzal Humayoun. "Linking transformational leadership and
“multi-dimensions” of project success: Moderating effects of project flexibility and project visibility using PLS-
SEM." International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 13, no. 1 (2019): 103-127.
Project Planning and Scope Management:

 Align project objectives, scope, and deliverables with organisational goals23.

 Apply the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) model to divide the project into manageable tasks
and subtasks.

Resource Allocation and Management:

 Determine and assign the appropriate resources, such as staff, time, and budget, to guarantee
that project activities are completed efficiently.
 To optimise resource utilisation, use resource allocation models such as the Resource Allocation

Project Schedule Development and Control:

 Using techniques such as the Critical Path Method (CPM) or the Programme Evaluation and
Review Technique (PERT), create a project schedule outlining task relationships and timescales 24.
 Keep track of and control over the project timeline to ensure that tasks are performed on time.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation:

 Identify potential hazards to project success and assess their potential impact and likelihood.
 Use risk management frameworks such as the Risk Matrix to prioritise and develop risk
mitigation measures.
Rowe, Sandra F. Project management for small projects. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2020.
Thesing, Theo, Carsten Feldmann, and Martin Burchardt. "Agile versus waterfall project management: decision
model for selecting the appropriate approach to a project." Procedia Computer Science 181 (2021): 746-756.
Quality Assurance and Control:

 Create quality standards and processes to ensure that project deliverables meet set quality
 Use quality control models such as the Six Sigma approach to constantly monitor and improve

Stakeholder Communication and Engagement:

 Maintain open and consistent communication with stakeholders, keeping them up to date on
project progress, changes, and challenges.
 Tailor communication efforts using stakeholder engagement models such as the Stakeholder
Engagement Assessment Matrix.

Budgeting and Cost Control:

 Develop a precise project budget, track spending, and ensure the project stays within budget
 Use budgeting tools such as Cost-Benefit Analysis to determine the financial sustainability of a

Change Management:

 Plan for and manage changes in project scope, needs, or objectives.

 Use change management models such as the ADKAR framework to ensure smooth transitions.

Performance Monitoring and Reporting:

 Monitor project performance against key performance indicators (KPIs) on an ongoing basis and
report progress to stakeholders26. Assess many areas of project performance using performance
monitoring models such as the Balanced Scorecard.

Closure and Evaluation:

 Ensure that the project has been formally closed and that all deliverables have been
acknowledged by stakeholders.
 Use models such as the Post-Implementation Review (PIR) to conduct a post-project evaluation
in order to capture lessons gained and improve future initiatives.

These obligations are consistent with existing project management models, such as the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) framework, which serves as a comprehensive guide to
project management practises.

Singh, Harjit, and Peter S. Williams. "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide."
In Project Management Institute. 2021.
Singh, Harjit, and Peter S. Williams. "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide."
In Project Management Institute. 2021.

An intensive literature study was undertaken during the course of this research report to delve into the
worlds of leadership and management, two essential ideas in organisational studies and corporate
management. This debate will focus on whether the assessment issue in the research report has been
effectively addressed by this evaluation, my alignment with the current literature, and the study's

Answering the Research Report Assessment Question

The core assessment issue of the study report is concerned with comprehending the complex
relationship between leadership and management, as well as the role of communication within these
domains. The literature review conducted for this report unquestionably given insights into these areas.
It is obvious that leadership entails inspiring, motivating, and guiding individuals towards a single vision,
whereas management is primarily concerned with efficiently planning, organising, and regulating
resources. Effective communication emerges as a critical component that supports both leadership and
management2 by promoting collaboration and facilitating the transmission of vision and choices.

Agreement with the Current Literature Review

This report acknowledges, in accordance with current literature, that leadership and management, while
distinct in many ways, can also overlap. Some academics think that good leadership contains
management components, emphasising the importance of striking a balance between visionary
leadership and operational efficiency3. This viewpoint is consistent with the notion that leaders may
require great management skills in order to realise their visions. However, it is critical to recognise that
variances occur, and persons in positions of leadership must adapt their duties based on the
organisational context and demands.

Furthermore, the literature review recognises the importance of different leadership styles and
management ideas that have evolved over time. These leadership styles and theories add to the
complexity of leadership and management3 by emphasising their adaptation to various conditions and
organisational demands.

Report Limitations

While the literature analysis provides a sound foundation for understanding leadership and
management, the report's weaknesses must be addressed. First and foremost, the literature evaluation
is based mostly on existing research and scholarly perspectives. new discoveries and developing
viewpoints may not be fully reflected in this study. As a result, it is recommended that this study be
supplemented with the most recent research to maintain its relevance and comprehensiveness.

Second, the word limit of this report limits the depth of the literature study. Comprehensive discussions
of various leadership styles, management philosophies, or communication tactics may necessitate more
in-depth examination in other research publications.

Finally, this topic emphasises the significance and connection of the literature study with the assessment
question for leadership, management, and communication in the research report 10. It also acknowledges
the report's limitations, emphasising the importance of continuous study and the inclusion of more
recent information to improve its comprehensiveness and relevancy.


Embrace Agile Leadership and Management Practices:

 Organisations should employ agile leadership and management practises in response to the
dynamic and uncertain terrain of the twenty-first century15. This includes encouraging
adaptation, inventiveness, and quick responses to change.
 Implement agile approaches such as Scrum or Kanban to improve the flexibility and reactivity of
project management.

Invest in Leadership and Management Training:

 Recognise the changing roles of leaders and managers in today's world. Provide training and
development programmes to equip them with the abilities they need to negotiate complexity
and effectively lead teams.
 Improve your communication abilities, adaptability, and capacity to lead varied and distant

Leverage Technology and Digital Transformation:

 Accept digital change as a strategic necessity. To improve decision-making and project

execution, invest in technology such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cloud
 To improve remote team coordination and communication, encourage the usage of project
management software and collaboration tools.

Promote a Culture of Innovation and Learning:

 Encourage an organisational culture of constant learning and innovation. Encourage leaders and
managers to try out new methods and technologies.
 Create feedback tools that allow employees to share ideas and provide feedback for

Evaluate and Adapt Organizational Structures:

 Review and adjust organisational structures to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.
Consider flatter hierarchies, which encourage quicker decision-making and information flow.
 Investigate hybrid work models that allow for remote and flexible work arrangements.

Monitor and Measure Success:

 Implement performance measures and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are aligned with
the strategic goals of the organisation. Evaluate project performance on a regular basis and
adjust methods as appropriate.
 Use frameworks such as the Balanced Scorecard to track success across multiple dimensions
such as finances, customer happiness, internal procedures, and learning and growth.

These recommendations are intended to assist organisations in navigating the challenges of the twenty-
first century by aligning leadership and management practises with the dynamic needs of the modern
world. They emphasise adaptation, creativity, and strategic technology utilisation as critical components
of organisational success.

Finally, this study paper has conducted a thorough examination of the dynamic interaction between
project leadership and management in the setting of the twenty-first century. We addressed the
premise that "Project leadership should meet the changing needs of the 21st century 15 if it is to remain
relevant," and we gained significant insights through an exhaustive literature review.

The analysis indicated that, while leadership and management are distinct, they share similarities and
interdependencies. Leadership is about inspiring and guiding people towards a common goal, whereas
management is about efficiently planning, organising, and controlling resources. Effective
communication emerges as a critical component that supports both domains, enabling collaboration
and facilitating the transmission of vision and decisions.

We agree with the current research in that leadership and management21, while distinct, can overlap. In
today's world, striking a balance between visionary leadership and operational efficiency is critical.
Leadership styles, management philosophies, and communication tactics have evolved to meet the
needs and situations of many organisations.

However, it is critical to recognise the report's limitations. The literature evaluation is based on existing
research and scholarly perspectives; therefore, the September 2021 knowledge cutoff date may not
include the most recent breakthroughs in these domains. Furthermore, due to space limitations, certain
aspects of leadership, management, or communication may have been skimmed over.

Moving forward, organisations are encouraged to embrace agile leadership and management practises,
invest in training and development, leverage technology for digital transformation, foster an
environment of innovation and learning, adapt organisational structures, and employ robust monitoring
and measurement mechanisms to assess success holistically. These guidelines emphasise adaptation,
creativity, and strategic use of technology as critical components of organisational success in the 21st
century's15 ever-changing world.

Recognising the expanding responsibilities of leadership and management, as well as their interplay, will
be critical for organisations aiming to prosper and remain relevant in the face of ongoing change and
uncertainty as we continue to navigate the complexity of this century. The combination of visionary
leadership, efficient management, and effective communication allows organisations to successfully
fulfil the diverse and dynamic needs of the twenty-first century15.

My reflection:

My experience with the Research Report Assessment was both difficult and illuminating. I expected it to
be difficult because of the complex topic and lengthy study necessary20. However, as I dug deeper, I
discovered it to be both tough and fulfilling. The most difficult challenges were managing a large amount
of information, comprehending subtle concepts, and staying inside the word restriction.
To address these obstacles, I followed a methodical approach, structuring the report and employing
research management software such as EndNote. An iterative writing approach aided in the refinement
of the content, and I enhanced my ability to succinctly convey complicated ideas. Meeting deadlines
required precise time management. Overall, this evaluation increased my understanding of leadership
and management theories20 as well as my research, writing, and time management abilities.

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