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Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

Vocabulary and Grammar

A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. I tried chocolate with different spices to make this cake.
a. developing b. selecting c. measuring d. combining
2. Oh no! I forgot to turn off the oven before I left the house!
a. constantly b. completely c. currently d. eventually
3. Molly was buying a new laptop, but everything’s so expensive.
a. observing b. encouraging c. considering d. wondering
4. I sprained my ankle and now it’s .
a. anxious b. nauseous c. swollen d. shallow
5. Bart is interested in wildlife so he’s decided to volunteer at a bird sanctuary.
a. conservation b. accommodation c. deforestation d. destination
6. Robert wasn’t in a very mood so he left the get-together early.
a. brave b. reliable c. sociable d. courageous
7. I’m not very about going horse riding tomorrow.
a. enthusiastic b. fond c. eager d. interested
8. It was difficult to know what she was thinking from her .
a. reaction b. characteristic c. outcome d. sight
9. It’s always a good idea to your hotel room for damage as soon as you check in.
a. require b. inspect c. intend d. reserve
10. Freddie will lead the into the forest tomorrow.
a. tourism b. voyage c. cruise d. expedition

Score 10

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do
not need to use.

captivity signal disturb control wander smog remove shock

1. There was so much in the city yesterday that we could barely

2. Jennifer loves to around town on sunny days.
3. I’ve told you a hundred times not to Tommy while he’s doing his
4. Everyone was in when Julian suddenly announced he was moving
to Canada.
5. I couldn’t believe it! The driver just lost of the car and crashed into
the bridge!
6. We had no up in the mountains so we couldn’t call for help.

Score 6

Copyright © MM Publications
Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. Many of the animals in this shelter have been treated with

in the past. CRUEL
2. is very important in art class. CREATE
3. I have discovered a very EFFECT
way of learning new vocabulary.
4. You need a lot of IMAGINE
to be able to create a painting like this.
5. There were no of the plane crash. SURVIVE
6. Ian tries to help cut down on rubbish by drinking from
a coffee cup instead of REUSE
paper ones.
7. Listen, I don’t want to have an ARGUE
with you about something so silly.
8. We should check the DEPAR
board before we go to our gate.

Score 8

D. Join the sentences using relative pronouns or relative adverbs adding commas where
necessary. Make any other necessary changes.

1. Yesterday I saw Joanna. Her brother is taking part in this year’s marathon.

2. The café has delicious cakes. I went there the other day.

3. Could you please give me the sunscreen? It’s in my bag.

4. Barry sits next to me in history class. He does parkour.

Score 8

E. Choose a, b or c.
Copyright © MM Publications
Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

1. The children want to go to the zoo see the lions.

a. so as to b. so that c. in order
2. A: What time do you arrive tomorrow?
B: At 6 p.m.
A: We for you at the airport.
a. will be waiting b. will have waited c. are waiting
3. I love skateboarding when I was a kid, but now I’m bored with it.
a. was used to b. would c. used to
4. James of booking a holiday to New Zealand, but he doesn’t know when to go yet.
a. thinks b. has thought c. is thinking
5. I have very time to pack my suitcase. I don’t think I can make it.
a. little b. a little c. few
6. The hiker continued walking despite dizzy.
a. he was b. to be c. being
7. Janet’s exhausted. She all day.
a. would shop b. has shopped c. has been shopping
8. It’s Saturday morning, so Mary at home now. She works on Saturdays.
a. must be b. can’t be c. needn’t be
9. You should go to that restaurant. You’ll find nice dishes.
a. lots b. very much c. plenty of
10. The more you study maths, you become at it.
a. better b. the better c. the good
11. the trainers if I could afford them.
a. I’d buy b. I’ll buy c. I might buy
12. It was nice weather that we decided to go on a day cruise.
a. so b. such c. such a
13. I Mr Davis five times but there is no answer.
a. ’m calling b. ’ve called c. ’ve been calling
14. The soup hasn’t got salt. It’s a bit tasteless.
a. a little b. many c. much
15. Today’s meeting by 7 p.m., so we’ll still be able to get to the dentist’s on time.
a. will have finished b. has been finished c. will be finishing
16. As Lisa her vegetable soup, she discovered a hair in it!
a. ate b. has been eating c. was eating
17. The children came into the house as soon as the storm out.
a. broke b. has broken c. was breaking
18. You go on the tour if you don’t feel like it, but I’m sure you’ll have fun if you do.
a. mustn’t b. might not c. don’t have to
Score 18

Copyright © MM Publications
Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

F. Read the text and choose a, b or c.

I1 up so many hobbies since I 2

1. a. ’m taking b. took c. ’ve taken
school — woodworking, photography and
painting — but I always seemed to be 3 2. a. started b. ’ve started c. start
talented person in the classes I took. That is, 3. a. less b. least c. the least
until I tried karate a few months ago with my 4. a. since b. already c. yet
mate Oliver! I’ve only just started and I’ve 5. a. Although b. In spite of c. So as to
4 participated in my first tournament. 6. a. may b. must c. will
5 I didn’t win, I still had a blast! My 7. a. have b. will have c. had
instructor keeps telling me that if I want to be
8. a. much b. lots of c. plenty
really good at karate, I 6 practise every
day. To be honest, if I 7 more free time, 9. a. I’ll b. I’ve c. I’m
I’d train more, but I have so 8 10. a. had better b. rather c. might
homework every day that there’s very little I 11. a. ’m used b. should c. have
can do! Anyway, 9 taking part in my 12. a. who b. which c. that
second tournament tomorrow. I 10 not
go to bed too late tonight, as I 11 to get
up very early tomorrow morning! Oliver’s dad
has offered to drive us to the tournament,
12 is very kind of him. They’re coming
to pick me up at 6.30 in the morning. The
tournament starts at 8.00!

Score 12

G. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.

1. I’d like my hair to be a bit longer. as

My hair
I’d like it to be.
2. I’m sure Tony knows about the get-together tonight. know
about the get-together tonight.
3. I won’t be able to go camping if my parents don’t let me. unless
I won’t be able to go camping
4. I don’t fancy going on holiday to Spain again this year. rather
on holiday to Spain again this year.
5. The boys decided to go sailing in spite of the bad weather. even
The boys decided to go sailing

Copyright © MM Publications
Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

6. I called the travel agency so that I could book a trip to New York. order
I called the travel agency
a trip to New York.

Score 12

You will hear people talking in four different situations. For questions 1-4, choose the best
answer a, b or c.
1. Where is the woman’s luggage now?
a. Paris
b. New York
c. London

2. What is not true of the new maths teacher?

a. He has a good sense of humour.
b. He is patient with students.
c. He is a very experienced teacher.

3. Why hasn’t the girl worn the coat before?

a. It doesn’t keep her warm.
b. It’s too tight.
c. She doesn’t like the material.

4. Why did the man travel to the jungle?

a. Because he needed a break from work.
b. Because his brother invited him.
c. Because he wanted to take pictures for a magazine.

Score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

Live the dream

Have you ever thought about giving up work and travelling solo? Well, that’s exactly what Clive
Roberts did when he made the decision to buy a caravan and tour Europe in it.
It was always Clive’s dream to spend a year or so travelling, but like many people, he was never able
to save up enough money to make it happen. It was only when a neighbour offered to sell him his
caravan that the idea of travelling around the continent in one suddenly hit him. He realised this
might be the only way he could ever afford to visit so many countries. At first, he wasn’t sure the
caravan lifestyle would suit him, so rather than rush into buying one, he chose to rent one first and
travel around the UK in it. After a two-week holiday, he realised how much he loved moving from
place to place, and made up his mind to buy his own.
After becoming the proud owner of a white and yellow one-bedroom caravan, he spent a couple of
months making plans for his European tour. He set himself a goal to travel across Europe in eighteen
months. Now one year into his adventure, he’s woken up in a different location each and every week.
He’s stayed in various campgrounds, seaside towns and cities, visited national parks and forests and
explored some of the most isolated landscapes across Europe. By the time he arrives back in the
UK, he’ll have travelled to twenty-five European countries.
Clive is also a keen blogger. Apart from uploading plenty of photos of his
adventure, he’s also written a lot about the advantages of this way
of travelling on his blog. As he points out, touring in a caravan
means that travellers can be much more relaxed with their travel
plans, as they are free to stay where they like and for as long as
they like. However, what Clive values most is the opportunity to
enjoy some of the most breathtaking views, from beautiful sandy
beaches to snow-covered mountains, all from the comfort of his
Before starting his adventure, Clive didn’t think he’d be able to handle living with just his most
necessary clothes and possessions for so long. However, he was surprised at how quickly he got
used to this minimalist way of living. What he has struggled to get used to is living in such a tiny
environment. As he often jokes on his blog, despite all of his efforts with the housework, his caravan
always looks a mess! All in all, he has been pretty lucky: after hundreds of hours behind the wheel,
the biggest emergencies he’s dealt with so far are getting lost driving around central Paris and a flat
tyre in Rome!

1. Why did Clive decide to tour Europe in a c. Because it was an inexpensive way of
caravan? seeing the world.
a. Because a neighbour let him use his 2. What is true of Clive’s adventure so far?
caravan for a few months. a. He has visited over twenty countries.
b. Because he wanted to experience a b. He hasn’t stayed in one place for longer
different kind of lifestyle. than a week.

Copyright © MM Publications
Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

3. Which benefit of travelling in a caravan is 4. What has Clive found challenging during his
not mentioned in the text? adventure?
a. travelling with all the comforts of home a. driving for very long periods of time
b. having a flexible schedule b. living with fewer personal belongings
c. being close to nature c. keeping the caravan tidy

c. He has been travelling for two months.

Score 8
You have received the following email from a cousin of yours. Reply to him.

How’s it going? It’s not long now before you visit us here in London. I hope you’re as excited as
we are!
So how would you like to spend your time while you’re here? Do you fancy going to watch a
football match? I know you’re a fan of Manchester United. And guess what! They’re playing at
London Stadium the day after you arrive. As an alternative idea, we could go and watch a
basketball game. Once I know which you prefer, I’ll book tickets.
Also, do you still have a pair of rollerblades? If so, why not bring them along? A new skatepark
just opened close to my house, so I was thinking it might be cool to hang out there one day.
What do you say?
Please give me a couple more ideas of what you would like us to do while you’re here, so that I
can arrange it. This is London, so the options are endless!
Write back asap,

Score 10


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Portal to English 4 – Mid-term Test Modules 1-4

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