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It was very difficult for me to write this essay, so it will not be overly extensive and will be primarily

focused on disgust with this endeavor. The very beginning of the movie caused an avalanche of tears in
me. It is simply amazing that human beings can be so heartless and do so much damage to other living
beings. After taking her child away six times already, they decided to do it this time as well. Carolyn,
Nim's mother, was sitting there holding him, doing her best to protect him. unfortunately she already
knew what was going to happen because that experience had happened to her many times so far.

Nim was at the Primate Institute in Norman, Oklahoma. He could live a beautiful life with his mother and
other chimpanzees. yet the heartless scientists, played god and decided that it was not his destiny and
that they would make an experiment out of him. They said that, taken from his mother, he acquires the
performance of a human psychological test. Scientists already thought that such an experiment would
not be successful. However, that did not stop them from continuing to work on it. Stephanie, the
woman who wanted to adopt him pointed out that she was even scared of chimpanzees because she
had never been so close to them. Dr. Lemon and his wife watched her closely to see if she would be a
good mother to that poor chimpanzee. Stephanie described this baby chimpanzee as dense and very
hard and compared it to human babies, saying that unlike them, it has no fat. the poor animal did not
fight, did not try to escape, it just screamed in terror.

The main scientist who initiated this research was Herbert Terrace. He wanted to establish
communication with the chimpanzee and find out what the animal is thinking. He believed that if
chimpanzees learn how to express what they think, that would be an incredible expansion of human
communication, and possibly, give us some insight into how language, in fact, did evolve. Of course, at
the root of this selfish research is man and his origin of speech. For these sadists, animals are just a
means by which they want to learn more about humanity.

Over time, Nim became very attached to Stephanie, and even her son felt it. he spent a lot of time with
them, as an equal member of the family, he even played with the cat. Herbert often came to visit them
to see how the monkey was progressing. Stephanie was delighted with Herbert's goals, his intelligence,
and even his arrogance. it seemed to him that Nim would learn sign language.

Nim was very easily attached to people, he loved human contact. Stephanie was sad when Nim was
taken to a school in Colombia because she realized she was losing the maternal role she had until then
in his life. Laura made a whole learning plan for this animal. Herbert believed in Laura's enthusiasm and
named her for the director of education, curriculum.

after seeing that he was establishing a very nice relationship with people, they introduced him to
another chimpanzee named Mac. He had already met other animals, primarily cats, but they wanted to
see how he would treat another member of his species. he seemed to be even scared in Mac's
presence, but they were establishing some kind of play. Herbert showed a grain of humanity when he
said that he is glad that Nim now has a friend of his kind and does not have to worry so much about his
human friends.

scientists were constantly playing with the feelings of this chimpanzee. they let him become attached to
them, only to leave him. They used the fact that he trusted them to put him in a cage so that he would
not follow them. The sorrowful animal, who was easily attached to people, often suffered, and even
refused to eat when his friends left him.

the goal of this project was for the chimpanzee to learn human sign language as well as to use grammar.
they wanted to endure whether this was even possible. Nim was certainly able to understand human
language. One example is when he bit Joyce, and she bit him and told him it shouldn't happen again. he
never repeated it.

opinions are divided on whether this project was successful. Some believe that Nim learned sign
language and the general use of grammar, while others believe that he only imitated what scientists
secretly showed him. one thing is for sure, as I said earlier, at the center of this project was no interest
in understanding this animal. At least not as much as the interest in the very origin of human speech. I
consider such projects, in which many animals suffer, to be extremely inhumane.

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