2022 HO Renewal Exp 12-3-2022

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Knoxville Business Center

PO BOX 2906
HARTFORD, CT 06104-9900


004811/00248 F3115CHE 0356 10/14/22

BLOOMFIELD NJ 07003-3112

Knoxville Business Center
PO BOX 2906
HARTFORD, CT 06104-9900

October 14, 2022

BLOOMFIELD NJ 07003-3112

Dear Policyholder,

Thank you for allowing us to continue servicing your Homeowners policy. We value you
as a customer and appreciate your loyalty.

Enclosed, you will find your renewal Policy Declarations and related documents.


After you have reviewed this entire package, please store it in a safe place with your original policy.

If you have any questions concerning your policy, please contact your Customer Care Representative at the
telephone number displayed on the attached Declarations. We want to be sure that you completely understand
your policy and the protection we provided.

We appreciate your business and look forward to servicing your insurance needs.


PL-10750 12-02
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An insurer is required to disclose to its customers whether credit information will be obtained on the applicant or
insured and used as part of the insurance scoring process.

This notice is to inform you that Travelers will obtain and use credit information on you as a routine part of the
insurance scoring process.

If credit information is obtained or used on the applicant or insured, we are required to inform the applicant or in-
sured of the name of each person on whom credit information was obtained or used and how each person's credit
information was used to underwrite or rate the policy. We may provide this information with this disclosure or in a
separate notice.

Credit information is any credit related information derived from a credit report itself or provided in an application
for personal insurance. The term does not include information that is not credit-related, regardless of whether the
information is contained in a credit report or in an application for insurance coverage or is used to compute an in-
surance score.

Insurance score is a number or rating derived from a mathematical formula, computer application, model, or other
process that is based on credit information and used to predict the future insurance loss exposure of a consumer.
The types of factors that go into developing the insurance score are:
Payment history
Bankruptcy, foreclosures and collection activity
Length of credit history
Amount of outstanding debt in relation to credit limits
Types of credit in use (i.e. mortgages, installment loans)
Number of new applications for credit

Insurance score does not consider race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, income and residency.

If you have questions regarding this disclosure, or feel that your score has been impacted by an extraordinary life
event (e.g. death of an immediate family member, medical collections, dissolution of marriage, temporary loss of
employment, identity theft, catastrophic illness, etc.), please feel free to contact your agent or service representative.

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Third Party Designee Notice-Named Insureds who Are 62 Years of Age or Older

If you are a named insured on this policy and at least 62 years of age, you may assign a third party designee to
any insurance policy you have with us. This means when you are mailed any of the following types of notices, a
copy will also be sent to your third party designee:
notice of cancellation
notice of nonrenewal
notice of conditional renewal
By designating another person (such as a family member, friend, or attorney) to receive these notifications,
someone additional will receive these important notices if, for any reason, you are unavailable to receive your
To make a third party designation, or replace a current third party designee on your policy, please complete
and return this form. It must be signed by you and your third party designee, and mailed by CERTIFIED
PO Box 2906
Hartford, CT 06104

Your designation will become effective within 10 business days after we receive this completed form.
Please note:
If you previously assigned a third party designee to this policy, that person’s name is shown on your policy’s
Declarations page.
You may terminate the third party designation by sending written notification to us. The third party may
terminate their designation by sending both you (the named insured) and us written notification.
Notifications to us should include the Named Insured’s policy number.
If you have questions about making, replacing or terminating a third party designation, please call your insurance
agent or Travelers representative.

I, a Named Insured, request a third party designee for this policy:
Named Insured

Type of Policy Policy Number

Third party designee’s name

This is a new designation. This replaces my current designation.

Named Insured’s signature Date

I accept, as a Third Party Designee, to receive copies of notices of cancellation, nonrenewal or conditional
renewal on behalf of the Named Insured above. If I decide to terminate my designation, I must send written
notification to both the Named Insured and the insurer.

Designee’s signature Date

Please return the completed form to Travelers and retain a copy for your records.
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Travelers offers a hurricane deductible for dwelling policies. The hurricane deductible is optional for the territory
your insured property is located in.
If your policy has a hurricane deductible, it contains two deductibles indicated on your Declarations page - an all
perils deductible and the hurricane deductible. The all perils deductible is used in the settlement of a covered
loss not resulting from a hurricane. The hurricane deductible applies to your policy only when the National
Weather Service measures sustained high winds of 74 miles an hour or greater anywhere in the state, not just in
the designated territories.
When this happens, the hurricane deductible contained on your policy Declarations page is in effect for the
period of time beginning 12 hours before the National Weather Service’s first measurement and ending 12 hours
after the last measurement of sustained 74 mile per hour winds anywhere in New Jersey. During this time frame,
the percentage deductible of either 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% or 10%, will apply to Section I Property Coverages, of
your policy, should a covered loss occur due to wind, wind gusts, hail, rain, tornadoes, or cyclones caused by or
resulting from the hurricane.
The hurricane deductible amount may also apply to any loss or damage to covered property caused by wind
driven objects if your covered loss occurs during this time period.
The hurricane deductible is calculated by multiplying the percentage shown on your Declarations page by the
Coverage A (Dwelling) amount. If the result of the calculation is more than the policy’s all perils deductible, the
higher hurricane deductible would be applied to the covered loss. The higher of the two deductible amounts will
always be used in the event of a covered hurricane loss.
A covered loss caused by a peril other than those stated above during this time period will be settled using the all
perils deductible. At the end of the last 12-hour measurement period mentioned above, the all perils deductible
will be used for all covered losses once again.
Here is an example based on dwelling coverage of $225,000. The deductible is 3% for a hurricane event and
$1,000 all perils. The hurricane deductible amount is .03 x $225,000 = $6,750. Since this figure is higher than
the all perils deductible, it will be used in the settlement of a covered hurricane loss.

Damage to building (Coverage A) $ 21,000

Damage to attached garage (Coverage B) $ 1,000
Damage to contents (Coverage C) $ 1,000
Total adjusted damage $ 23,000
Less hurricane deductible - $ 6,750 (paid by you)
Insured Amount $ 16,250 (amount we will pay)

There are several things that can be done to mitigate hurricane damage such as protecting all exterior glass from
flying debris using storm shutters or plywood, or reinforcing your overhead garage door and tracks to withstand
120 mile per hour winds if not already equipped.
For more complete information on our Hurricane Deductible Program, please contact your agent or insurance
This is a policyholder notice and is not part of your policy. If there are any discrepancies between this notice and
the Hurricane Deductible Endorsement, the Hurricane Deductible Endorsement shall prevail.

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Enclosed is your Homeowners Policy renewal package. Please read the documents carefully, as your coverage
has changed. This Important Notice provides general information. Not all of the endorsements listed below may
apply to your policy. To determine the endorsements that apply to your policy, please refer to your Declarations. In
case of any conflict between this Important Notice and your policy, your policy will govern.

We made the following revisions:

Special Provisions New Jersey, form HO-300 NJ (05-22):

A provision has been added indicating that wherever the term actual cash value is used in the policy, the
term means the value of the covered property at the time of loss or damage and that when calculating ac-
tual cash value using the estimated cost to repair or replace such property, with a reasonable deduction for
depreciation that occurred before such loss or damage, we may apply depreciation to all components of the
estimated cost, including materials, labor, overhead and profit, and any applicable tax. The deduction for
depreciation may also include such considerations as age, condition such as wear and tear or deteriora-
tion, reduction in useful life and obsolescence.


In forms HO-3 and HO-6 paragraph 2.c.(5), the exception to the Perils Insured Against related to loss
caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating,
air conditioning system or household appliance that occurs over a period of time, has been amended
not to apply when such conditions and the resulting damage are unknown to all insureds and hidden
within the walls or ceilings or beneath the floors or above the ceilings of a structure.

In form HO-4 paragraph 12.b.(4), the exception to the Perils Insured Against related to loss caused by
constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam over a period of time has been amended
not to apply when such conditions and the resulting damage are unknown to all insureds and hidden
within the walls or ceilings or beneath the floors or above the ceilings of a structure.

Under SECTIONS I AND SECTION II CONDITIONS, revised 3. Cancellation, paragraph a. to remove

the condition that your request to cancel your policy be in writing as other forms of communication are ac-

Editorial revisions have also been made.

Special Personal Property Coverage Form HO-3 Only, form HO-15 (08-21):

Under SECTION I PERILS INSURED AGAINST, paragraph 1.c.(4) the exception to the Perils Insured
Against related to loss caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam, or the pres-
ence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor, over a period of time, has been amended not to apply
when such conditions and the resulting damage are unknown to all insureds and hidden within the walls or
ceilings or beneath the floors or above the ceilings of a structure.
Enhanced Home Package Form HO-4 Only, form HO-84 (08-21):

Under SECTION I PERILS INSURED AGAINST, paragraph 3.d. the exception to the Perils Insured
Against related to loss caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam, or the pres-
ence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor, over a period of time, has been amended not to apply
when such conditions and the resulting damage are unknown to all insureds and hidden within the walls or
ceilings or beneath the floors or above the ceilings of a structure.

Editorial revisions have also been made.

Enhanced Home Package Forms HO-2 and HO-3 Only, form HO-85 (08-21):

PL-19069 05-22 2022 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2
Extended coverage under Special Limits of Liability paragraphs e., f. and g. to include misplacing and

Under SECTION I CONDITIONS, 3. Loss Settlement, corrected the provision reference in the second
paragraph of 3.c.(3) from "b.(1)" to "c.(1)".

Editorial revisions have also been made.

Enhanced Home Package Form HO-6 Only, form HO-86 (08-21):

Under SECTION I PERILS INSURED AGAINST, paragraph A.3.d. the exception to the Perils Insured
Against related to loss caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam, or the pres-
ence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor, over a period of time, has been amended not to apply
when such conditions and the resulting damage are unknown to all insureds and hidden within the walls or
ceilings or beneath the floors or above the ceilings of a structure.

Editorial revisions have also been made.

Home Business Coverage, form HO-147 (08-21):

Revised applicable references from "business" to "home business".

Additional Replacement Cost Protection, HO-420 (04-19)

Revised to provide an additional amount of insurance rather than amend the limit of liability applicable to
Coverage A. This change reduces the amount of coverage potentially provided under Additional Coverages
for which the amount potentially payable is based upon the Coverage A limit.

Revised to indicate the additional amount of insurance provided under this form applies only to loss to the
dwelling insured under Coverage A, including removing references to Coverage B and revising references
from "building" to "dwelling".

Revised to indicate that in order for the coverage provided under this form to apply, you must repair or re-
place the damaged dwelling.

Revised to indicate that you must notify us of your intent to repair or replace the damaged dwelling within
180 days after the date of loss in order to make claim for any additional liability on a replacement cost basis
for loss to the dwelling.
Special Personal Property Coverage Form HO-6 Only, form HO-615 (08-21):

Under SECTION I PERILS INSURED AGAINST, paragraph A.3.d. the exception to the Perils Insured
Against related to loss caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam, or the pres-
ence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor, over a period of time, has been amended not to apply
when such conditions and the resulting damage are unknown to all insureds and hidden within the walls or
ceilings or beneath the floors or above the ceilings of a structure.

Editorial revisions have also been made.

If you have any questions on the policy forms and endorsements that apply to your policy or if you wish to make
any change, contact your agent or Travelers representative.
We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to serve your insurance needs.

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All homeowner insurance policyholders are cautioned that:
1. Homeowner insurance policies do not cover property damage from floods.
2. Flood means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land area
i. The overflow of inland or tidal waters;
ii. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source;
iii. Mudslides (that is, mudflows) that are proximately caused by flooding and are akin to a river of liquid and
flowing mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas, including your premises, as when earth is carried
by a current of water and deposited along the path of the current.
3. Flood also includes the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a
result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding cyclical levels, which re-
sults in the partial or complete inundation of normally dry land area.
4. A separate policy of flood insurance may be available to cover flood damage at an additional premium.
5. The insurer or insurance agent should be consulted to obtain further information about how to secure flood
insurance, including the availability, terms and coverage.
6. Standard homeowner insurance policies do not cover damage to property, contents and structure resulting
from floods; however, flood insurance may be available through the National Flood Insurance Program,
which exists in participating communities.
7. The National Flood Insurance Program coverage contains separate contents and structure coverages and
the policyholder should consult the National Flood Insurance Program or his or her insurer or insurance pro-
ducer as to whether the coverage selected is appropriate for the policyholder’s needs.

PL-13640 12-07 Page 1 of 1

Homeowners Insurance Summary of Coverages New Jersey
SURANCE WEBSITE AT http://www.state.nj.us/dobi/division consumers/pdf/insuringyourhome.pdf
Most homeowners policies in New Jersey include the following common coverages:
Dwelling (Coverage A) pays if your house is damaged or destroyed by a covered loss.
Other structures (Coverage B) pays if structures not attached to your house, such as detached garages,
storage sheds, and fences are damaged or destroyed by a covered loss.
Personal property (Coverage C) pays if the items in your house (such as furniture, clothing, and appliances)
are damaged, stolen, or destroyed by a covered loss.
Loss of use (Coverage D) pays your additional living expenses (costs over the normal amount for housing,
food, and other essential expenses) if you must temporarily move because damage to your house from a
covered loss renders it uninhabitable and/or fair rental value (pays your loss of rental income) if your tenant
must temporarily move because of damage to your house by a covered loss.
Personal liability (Coverage E) pays to defend you in court against certain lawsuits and provides coverage if
you are found legally responsible for someone else’s injury or property damage.
Medical payments to others (Coverage F) pays the medical bills of people hurt on your property. It might
also pay for some injuries that happen away from your home, such as your dog biting someone at the park.
Policy Features
Companies may exclude coverage for certain losses. Even the most comprehensive policy will exclude cer-
tain types of damage.
All policies include an all-peril deductible. The deductible is the portion for which you are responsible on a
covered property loss.
Some policies may include a separate, optional wind/hail deductible, and/or a mandatory or optional hurricane
Companies may offer coverages that include oil tank liability, coverage for water back up and sump pump
overflow, ordinance or law coverage, earthquake and scheduled personal property such as jewelry, fine arts,
furs or silverware.
Your Policy Covers Losses Caused by Your Policy Does Not Cover Losses Caused by
Flooding including tidal surge (Note: Flood insurance may be availa-
Fire and lightning ble through the National Flood Insurance Program
Sudden and accidental damage by smoke Any non-earthquake/non-sinkhole earth movement
Explosion Rodents, insects, birds or vermin
Theft Freezing pipes (unless water was shut off or building was heated)
Vandalism and malicious mischief Losses if your house is vacant for the number of days specified by
your policy
Aircraft and vehicles Wear and tear, rotting, maintenance and pollution
Windstorm or hail Wind or hail damage to trees and shrubs
Mold, unless it is as a result of a covered loss (for example, mold
Sudden and accidental water damage damage due to flood would not be covered)
Weight of ice, snow or sleet Water damage resulting from continuous and repeated seepage
Riot and civil commotion Liability which results from the ownership or use of an automobile and
other types of motorized land vehicles, aircraft or certain watercraft
Intentional acts caused by you or a resident of your home
War or Nuclear Hazard

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Homeowners Policy

(Named Insured)
Name and Mailing Address Agent Information
23 CAROL PL 150 W 28TH ST STE 301
BLOOMFIELD NJ 07003-3112 NEW YORK, NY 10001

The Residence premises is located at Mortgagee Name and Address

PO BOX 202028
LOAN NUMBER 0127877942

Homeowners Policy No. Policy Period
603579834 633 1 12/03/22 - 12/03/23 12:01 A.M.
Standard Time at the residence premises

Your Insurer For Claim Service Call 1-800-CLAIM33

Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. For Policy Service Call 1-877-872-8737
PO BOX 2906
HARTFORD, CT 06104-9900


This is not a bill; you will be invoiced separately.

Continued on next page

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Section I - Property Coverages

Section II - Liability Coverages


Your Savings



Optional Endorsements

Continued on next page

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The Declarations with your Homeowners Policy, HO-3 (10-06), and the optional
Endorsements and coverages listed above, form your Homeowners Insurance Policy.


For Your Information

Continued on next page

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For Your Information (continued)

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The notice below, prepared by the Commissioner of the Department of Banking and Insurance, is provided in
accordance with N.J.S.A. 17:36-5.38 to 5.41:



All insureds and applicants are cautioned that homeowners insurance policies do not provide coverage for
earthquake damage.
The definition of an earthquake:

is a shaking or trembling of the earth that is geologic or tectonic in nature;

includes shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption; and
can also include after-shocks that occur within a seventy-two hour period following an earthquake.
A typical homeowners insurance policy:

does not cover the cost to replace or repair your damaged dwelling, premises or structures, such as
garages, resulting from an earthquake;
does not cover the cost to replace or repair the contents of your home if the damages result from an
earthquake; and
does not pay for any additional living expenses if your property is badly damaged or destroyed by an
Earthquake insurance is available through an endorsement to your policy for an additional premium.
The decision to purchase earthquake insurance is one that should be carefully considered based on
individual circumstances.
Historically, an earthquake in New Jersey is a rare event, although the possibility exists that it could happen.
Over the five-year period from 2010 to 2015, for every $1 of earthquake insurance premium, 1/10 of one cent
has been paid out for losses.
Please contact your agent or service representative if you have any questions or want additional
information on how you can obtain earthquake insurance.
This notice is a general description of coverage and does not change, modify or invalidate any of the
provisions, terms or conditions of your policy or endorsements.

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This notice contains important information about our billing options and charges.

You have chosen to have your insurance premium paid through your mortgage company.

To sign up for AutoPay or change your Bill Plan option, visit MyTravelers.com,
Mobile App or contact your Travelers insurance representative or agent.

Bill Plan Monthly Pay In Full

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) $ 2.00 No Charge
Recurring Credit Card (RCC) $ 4.00 No Charge
Bill by Mail / Email $ 5.00 No Charge
Late Charge: $10.00 per occurrence
Payments returned by your bank: $15.00 per occurrence

In the event two payments are returned during a 12 month period you will be required
to pay with guaranteed funds for 182 days from the date of the last returned
payment. Guaranteed funds are credit card, bank check, money order or home banking
payments. Other forms of payment will be returned. You will not be eligible to use
our Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or Recurring Credit Card (RCC) payment plans.

You have an option to enroll in an AutoPay EFT or RCC payment plan without
registering for MyTravelers.com by visiting amp.travelers.com.

When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from
your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to
process the payment as a check transaction.

If you have multiple policies with us you may be able to combine those policies into
a single billing account. If you have selected one of our monthly billing options,
and you combine your policies into a single billing account, you will be charged
just one service charge per installment, and not per individual account.

To add this policy to an existing billing account or if you have other questions
about this notice, please call your insurance representative at 1-877-872-8737.

PL-14216 Rev. 02-22

HO-85 (08-21)




DEFINITIONS a. $100 additional on money, bank notes, bul-

Under 10. "Occurrence", the following sentence is lion, gold other than goldware, silver other
added: than silverware, platinum other than plati-
numware, coins, medals, scrip, stored value
"Occurrence" also means an offense, including a cards and smart cards.
series of related offenses, committed during the
b. $1,500 additional on securities, accounts,
policy period that results in "personal injury".
deeds, evidence of debt, letters of credit,
The following is added: notes other than bank notes, manuscripts,
personal records, passports, tickets and
14. "Personal injury" means injury, other than "bodily stamps. This dollar limit applies to these cate-
injury", caused by any of the following offenses gories regardless of the medium (such as pa-
committed during the policy period: per or computer software) on which the
a. False arrest, detention or imprisonment; material exists.
b. Malicious prosecution; This limit includes the cost to research, re-
c. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry in- place or restore the information from the lost
to, or invasion of the right of private occupan- or damaged material.
cy of a room, dwelling or premises that a c. $1,500 additional on watercraft of all types,
person occupies, committed by or on behalf of including their trailers, furnishings, equipment
its owner, landlord or lessor; and outboard engines or motors.
d. Oral, written or electronic publication of mate- d. $1,500 additional on trailers or semi-trailers
rial that slanders or libels a person or organi- not used with watercraft of all types.
zation or disparages a person's or
e. $1,500 additional for loss by theft, misplacing
organization's goods, products or services; or or losing of jewelry, watches, furs, precious
e. Oral, written or electronic publication of mate- and semiprecious stones.
rial that violates a person's right of privacy. f. $1,000 additional for loss by theft, misplacing
SECTION I PROPERTY COVERAGES or losing of firearms and related equipment.
COVERAGE C PERSONAL PROPERTY g. $1,500 additional for loss by theft, misplacing
The Coverage C limit shown on the Declarations is or losing of silverware, silver-plated ware,
increased to 70% of the limit shown for COVERAGE A goldware, gold-plated ware, platinumware,
- DWELLING. platinum-plated ware and pewterware. This
includes flatware, hollowware, tea sets, trays
Special Limits of Liability
and trophies made of or including silver, gold,
1. Categories e., f., and g. are deleted and replaced platinum or pewter.
by the following:
h. $500 additional on property, on the "residence
e. $1,500 for loss by theft, misplacing or losing premises", used primarily for "business" pur-
of jewelry, watches, furs, precious and semi- poses.
precious stones. i. $250 additional on property, away from the
f. $2,500 for loss by theft, misplacing or losing "residence premises", used primarily for
of firearms and related equipment. "business" purposes. However, this limit does
not apply to loss to electronic apparatus and
g. $2,500 for loss by theft, misplacing or losing accessories described in category j. below.
of silverware, silver-plated ware, goldware,
gold-plated ware, platinumware, platinum- j. $500 additional on electronic apparatus and
plated ware and pewterware. This includes accessories, while in or upon a "motor vehi-
flatware, hollowware, tea sets, trays and tro- cle", but only if the apparatus is equipped to
phies made of or including silver, gold, plati- be operated by power from the "motor vehi-
num or pewter. cle's" electrical system while still capable of
being operated by other power sources.
2. The special limits shown in the policy for each
k. $250 additional on tapes, records, discs or
category are increased as follows:
other media that can be used with any elec-

2021 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.

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HO-85 (08-21)

tronic apparatus, while in or upon a "motor This Additional Coverage does not increase the
vehicle". limits of liability for Coverages A, B, C, or D stated
in the Declarations.
B. Section I Perils Insured Against
The following Additional Coverages are added:
With respect to the coverage described in A.
Lock Replacement Coverage. We will pay you an
above, in Form HO-3 paragraph 2.c.(6)(b) under
amount not to exceed $250 that you incur in changing
Coverage A Dwelling And Coverage B Other
the locks on your "residence premises" when your
Structures, and in Form HO-15 paragraph
keys have been stolen. The theft of keys must be re-
1.c.(5)(b) is deleted and replaced by the following:
ported to the police for this additional coverage to ap-
ply. Latent defect, inherent vice, or any quality in
property that causes it to damage or destroy itself;
No deductible applies to this additional coverage.
C. Section I Exclusions
Reward Coverage. We will pay you an amount, not to
exceed $250, that you have incurred in the payment 3. Water Damage. Paragraph b. does not apply
of rewards for information leading to the return of sto- to the extent that coverage is afforded under
len articles or the arrest and conviction of any per- this Additional Coverage.
son(s) who have stolen articles and/or damaged any 4. Power Failure does not apply to the extent
of your covered property. that coverage is afforded under this Additional
Water Back-Up And Sump Discharge Or Overflow. Coverage.
A. Coverage The following Additional Coverages are changed as
We will pay up to the limit of liability shown in the
Declarations for this coverage, for direct physical 5. Fire Department Service Charge.
loss, not caused by the negligence of an "in- We agree to increase the limit of liability that ap-
sured", to property covered under Section I plies to this additional coverage by the amount of
caused by water, or water-borne material, which: $250.
1. Enters through or backs up from a sewer or 7. Credit Card, Fund Transfer Card, Forgery and
drain located within the dwelling or other Counterfeit Money.
building structures on the "residence premis-
We agree to increase the limit of liability that ap-
es"; or
plies to this additional coverage by the amount of
2. Overflows or is discharged from a: $1,500.
a. Sump, sump pump; 8. Loss Assessment.
b. Related equipment; or We agree to increase the limit of liability that ap-
c. Any other system designed to remove plies to this additional coverage by the amount of
subsurface water which is drained from $4,000.
the foundation area; SECTION I CONDITIONS
located within the dwelling or other building 3. Loss Settlement is deleted and replaced by the
structures on the "residence premises" even if following:
such overflow or discharge results from me-
3. Loss Settlement. In this Condition 3., the terms
chanical breakdown.
"cost to repair or replace" and "replacement cost"
This Additional Coverage does not apply to: do not include the increased costs incurred to
a. Direct physical loss of the sump, sump comply with the enforcement of any ordinance or
pump, related equipment, or other system law, except to the extent that coverage for these
designed to remove subsurface water increased costs is provided in Additional Cover-
which is caused by mechanical break- age 12. Ordinance or Law. Covered property
down; or losses are settled as follows:
b. Loss caused as a direct or indirect result a. Property of the following type are settled at
of flood, surface water, storm surge, replacement cost at the time of loss:
waves, wave wash, tidal water, tsunami, (1) Personal property; and
seiche, overflow of a body of water, or
(2) Awnings, carpeting, household applianc-
spray from any of these, whether or not a
es, outdoor antennas and outdoor equip-
result of precipitation or driven by wind.
whether or not attached to buildings;

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Replacement cost loss settlement will also loss or the amount required to repair or re-
apply to the following articles or classes of place, whichever is less, for any of the follow-
property if they are separately described and ing:
specifically insured in this policy and not sub- (1) Antiques, fine arts, paintings and similar
ject to agreed value loss settlement: articles of rarity or antiquity which cannot
(1) Jewelry; be replaced.
(2) Furs and garments: (2) Memorabilia, souvenirs, collectors items
(a) Trimmed with fur; or and similar articles whose age or history
contribute to their value.
(b) Consisting principally of fur;
(3) Articles not maintained in good or worka-
(3) Cameras, projection machines, films and ble condition.
related articles of equipment;
(4) Articles that are outdated or obsolete and
(4) Musical equipment and related articles of are stored or not being used.
b. Structures that are not buildings; and
(5) Silverware, silver-plated ware, goldware,
gold-plated ware and pewterware, but ex- Grave markers and mausoleums;
cluding: at actual cash value at the time of loss but not
(a) Pens or pencils; more than the amount required to repair or
(b) Flasks;
c. Buildings under Coverage A or B are settled
(c) Smoking implements; or at replacement cost without deduction for de-
(d) Jewelry; and preciation, subject to the following:
(6) Golfer's equipment meaning golf clubs, (1) We will pay the cost to repair or replace,
golf clothing and golf equipment. after application of deductible and without
Replacement cost loss settlement will not ap- deduction for depreciation, but not more
ply to other classes of property separately de- than the least of the following amounts:
scribed and specifically insured. (a) The limit of liability under this policy
We will pay no more than the least of the fol- that applies to the building, plus any
lowing amounts: additional amount that may be pro-
vided under paragraph c.(2)(c) below;
(1) Replacement cost at the time of loss
without deduction for depreciation; (b) The replacement cost of that part of
the building damaged with material of
(2) The full cost of repair at the time of loss; like kind and quality and for like use;
(3) The limit of liability that applies to Cover- or
age C, if applicable; (c) The necessary amount actually spent
(4) Any applicable special limits of liability to repair or replace the damaged
stated in this policy; or building.
(5) For loss to any item separately described If the building is rebuilt at a new premises,
and specifically insured in this policy, the the cost described in (b) above is limited
limit of liability that applies to the item. to the cost which would have been in-
If the cost to repair or replace the property de- curred if the building had been built at the
original premises.
scribed in a. above is more than $2,500, we
will pay no more than the actual cash value (2) If you have:
for the loss until the actual repair or replace- (a) Allowed us to adjust the Coverage A
ment is complete. limit of liability and the premium in ac-
You may make a claim for loss on an actual cordance with:
cash value basis and then make claim for any (i) The property evaluations we
additional liability in accordance with this en- make; and
dorsement provided you notify us of your in-
tent to do so within 180 days after the date of (ii) Any increases in inflation; and
loss. (b) Notified us, within 30 days of comple-
Property listed below is not eligible for re- tion, of any improvements, alterations
placement cost settlement. We will not pay or additions to the building which in-
more than the actual cash value at the time of
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crease the replacement cost of the 4. Loss Assessment.

building by 5% or more; We agree to increase the limit of liability that ap-
Then, if there is a loss to the dwelling that plies to this Additional Coverage by the amount of
exceeds the Coverage A limit of liability $4,000.
shown in the Declarations, for the pur-
poses of settling that loss only,
Exclusion B.2.c.(2) is deleted and replaced by the
(c) We will provide an additional amount
of insurance up to %* of the
Coverage A limit of liability, provided (2) One or more outboard engines or motors with:
you elect to repair or replace the (a) 50 total horsepower or less; or
damaged or destroyed dwelling.
(b) More than 50 horsepower if the outboard
(3) We will pay no more than the actual cash engine or motor is not owned by an "in-
value of the damage until actual repair or sured";
replacement is complete.
(c) More than 50 horsepower if the outboard
However, if the cost to repair or replace engine or motor is owned by an "insured"
the damage is less than $2,500, we will who acquired it during the policy period,
settle the loss according to the provisions or:
of c.(1) above whether or not actual repair
or replacement is complete. (d) More than 50 horsepower if the outboard
engine or motor is owned by an "insured"
(4) You may disregard the replacement cost who acquired it before the policy period,
loss settlement provisions and make but only if:
claim under this policy for loss or damage
to buildings on an actual cash value ba- (1) You declare them at policy inception;
sis. You may then make claim for any ad- or
ditional liability on a replacement cost (2) Your intent to insure them is reported
basis, provided you notify us of your intent to us in writing within 45 days after
to do so within 180 days after the date of you acquire them.
loss. The coverages in (c) and (d) above apply for
COVERAGE E PERSONAL LIABILITY Exclusion C.3. is deleted and replaced by the follow-
This section is deleted and replaced by the following: ing:
If a claim is made or a suit is brought against any "in- 3. "Property damage" to property rented to, occupied
sured" for damages because of "bodily injury", "per- or used by or in the care of the "insured". This ex-
sonal injury" or "property damage" caused by an clusion does not apply to "property damage"
"occurrence" to which this coverage applies, we will: caused by fire, smoke, explosion, or water dam-
1. Pay up to our limit of liability for the damages for
which the "insured" is legally liable. Damages in- Exclusion C.8. is added as follows:
clude prejudgment interest awarded against the 8. "Personal Injury":
"insured"; and a. Arising out of an act an "insured" commits or
2. Provide a defense at our expense by counsel of conspires to commit with the knowledge that
our choice, even if the suit is groundless, false or the act would violate the rights of another and
fraudulent. We may investigate and settle any would inflict "personal injury";
claim or suit that we decide is appropriate. Our b. Arising out of oral, written or electronic publi-
duty to settle or defend ends when our limit of lia- cation of material, if done by or at the direction
bility is exhausted by the payment of a judgment
of an "insured" with knowledge of its falsity;
or settlement.
c. Arising out of oral, written or electronic publi-
SECTION II ADDITIONAL COVERAGES cation of material whose first publication took
Additional Coverages 3. and 4. are amended as fol- place before the beginning of the policy peri-
lows: od;
3. Damage To Property of Others. d. Arising out of a criminal act an "insured"
We agree to pay at replacement cost and to in- commits or conspires to commit;
crease the limit of liability that applies to this addi- e. Arising out of liability assumed by an "insured"
tional coverage by $500 per "occurrence". under any contract or agreement except any

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indemnity obligation assumed by an "insured" j. Arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened
under a written contract directly relating to the discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, re-
ownership, maintenance or use of the premis- lease or escape of pollutants at any time. This
es; includes any loss, cost or expense arising out
f. Sustained by any person as a result of an of- of any:
fense directly or indirectly related to the em- (1) Request, demand or order that an "in-
ployment of this person by the "insured"; sured" or others test for, monitor, clean
g. Arising out of or in connection with a "busi- up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or
ness" conducted from an "insured location" or neutralize, or in any way respond to, or
engaged in by an "insured", whether or not assess the effects of, pollutants; or
the "business" is owned or operated by an (2) Claim or suit by or on behalf of a govern-
"insured" or employs an "insured". This exclu- mental authority for damages because of
sion applies but is not limited to an act or testing for, monitoring, clean up, remov-
omission, regardless of its nature or circum- ing, containing, treating, detoxifying or
stance, involving a service or duty rendered, neutralizing, or in any way responding to,
promised, owed, or implied to be provided be- or assessing the effects of pollutants.
cause of the nature of the "business"; Pollutants means any solid, liquid, gaseous or
This exclusion does not apply to: thermal irritant or contaminant, including
(1) The rental or holding for rental of an "in- smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis,
sured location": chemicals and waste. Waste includes materi-
als to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
(a) On an occasional basis if used only
(b) In part for use only as a residence, 1. Limit of Liability is deleted and replaced by the
unless a single family unit is intended following:
for use by the occupying family to 1. Limit of Liability. Our total liability under Cover-
lodge more than two roomers or age E for all damages resulting from any one "oc-
boarders; or currence" will not be more than the Coverage E
(c) In part, as an office, school, studio or limit of liability shown in the Declarations plus
private garage; and $100,000. This limit is the same regardless of the
number of "insureds", claims made or persons in-
(2) An "insured" under the age of 21 years
jured. All "bodily injury" and "property damage" re-
involved in a part-time or occasional, self
sulting from any one accident or from continuous
employed "business" with no employees.
or repeated exposure to substantially the same
h. Arising out of civic or public activities per- general harmful conditions shall be considered to
formed for pay by an "insured"; be the result of one "occurrence". All "personal in-
i. To you or an "insured" as defined under Defi- jury" resulting from a series of related offenses
nition 7.a. or b. shall be considered to be the result of one of-
This exclusion also applies to any claim made
or suit brought against you or an "insured": Our total liability under Coverage F for all medical
expense payable for "bodily injury" to one person
(1) To repay; or as the result of one accident will not be more than
(2) Share damages with; the limit of liability for Coverage F as shown in the
another person who may be obligated to pay Declarations plus $1,000.
damages because of "personal injury" to an *Entry may be left blank if shown in the Declarations
"insured"; or for this coverage.
All other provisions of this policy apply.

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In this policy, the following is added under any provi- Form HO-4, Peril Insured Against under
sion which uses the term actual cash value: Coverage C).
Actual cash value means the value of the covered This coverage does not apply to assessments
property at the time of loss or damage. made as a result of damage caused by:
When calculating actual cash value using the esti- 1. Earthquake and earthquake aftershocks;
mated cost to repair or replace such property, with or
a reasonable deduction for depreciation that oc- 2. Land shock waves or tremors which occur
curred before such loss or damage, we may apply before, during or after volcanic activity.
depreciation to all components of the estimated The limit of $1,000 is the most we will pay with
cost, including the following: respect to any one loss, regardless of the
a. Materials; number of assessments. We will apply only
b. Labor; one deductible, per unit, to the total amount of
any one loss to the property described above,
c. Overhead and profit; and regardless of the number of assessments.
d. Any applicable tax. b. We do not cover assessments charged against
The deduction for depreciation may include such you or a corporation or association of property
considerations as: owners by any government body.
a. Age; c. Section I Condition 17. Policy Period does not
b. Condition, such as wear and tear or deteriora- apply to this coverage (for Form HO-4
tion; Condition 16).
c. Reduction in useful life; and SECTION I PERILS INSURED AGAINST
d. Obsolescence. In forms HO-3 and HO-6 Paragraph 2.c.(5) is deleted
and replaced with the following:
(5) Constant or repeated seepage or leakage of
The first paragraph of this section is amended as water or steam from within a plumbing, heat-
follows: ing, air conditioning system or household ap-
In this policy, "you" and "your" refer to the "named pliance that occurs over a period of weeks,
insured" shown in the Declarations and the spouse or months or years unless such seepage or leak-
a party who has entered into a civil union with the age of water or steam from within a plumbing,
named insured legally recognized under New Jersey heating, air conditioning system or household
Law if a resident of the same household. "We", "us" appliance and the resulting damage are un-
and "our" refer to the Company providing this known to all "insureds" and are hidden within
insurance. In addition, certain words and phrases are the walls or ceilings or beneath the floors or
defined as follows: above the ceilings of a structure; or
SECTION I PROPERTY COVERAGES In forms HO-4 Paragraph 12.b.(4) is deleted and re-
ADDITIONAL COVERAGES placed with the following:
8. Loss Assessment is deleted and replaced by the (4) Caused by constant or repeated seepage or
following: leakage that occurs over a period of weeks,
months or years unless such seepage or leak-
8. Loss Assessment. age and the resulting damage are unknown to
a. We will pay up to $1,000 for your share of loss all "insureds" and are hidden within the walls
assessment charged during the policy period or ceilings or beneath the floors or above the
against you, as owner or tenant of the ceilings of a structure.
"residence premises", by a corporation or In Forms HO-3 and HO-6 Coverage C Personal
association of property owners. The Property, 16. Volcanic Eruption is deleted. In Form
assessment must be made as a result of direct HO-4, 16. Volcanic Eruption is deleted.
loss to the property, owned by all members
collectively, of the type that would be covered SECTION I EXCLUSIONS
by this policy if owned by you, caused by a
The first paragraph of this section is deleted and re-
Peril Insured Against under Coverage A (for
placed by the following:

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We do not cover any direct or indirect loss or damage 3. Water Damage is deleted and replaced by the fol-
caused by, resulting from, contributing to or aggravated lowing:
by any of these excluded perils. Loss from any of 3. Water Damage, meaning;
these perils is excluded regardless of any other cause
or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence a. Flood, surface water, ground water, subsur-
to the loss. face water, storm surge, waves, wave wash,
tidal water, tsunami, seiche, overflow of a body
These exclusions apply whether or not the loss event: of water, or spray from any of these, whether
(1) Results in widespread damage; or not a result of precipitation or driven by
(2) Affects a substantial area; or wind;
(3) Occurs gradually or suddenly. b. Any water or water borne material that enters
through or backs up from a sewer or drain, or
These exclusions also apply whether or not the loss which discharges or overflows from a sump,
event arises from: sump pump, related equipment, or other sys-
(1) Any acts of nature; tem designed to remove subsurface water
(2) Any human action or inaction; which is drained from the foundation area;

(3) The forces of animals, plants or other living or c. Any water or water borne material located be-
dead organisms; or low the surface of the ground including water
or water borne material:
(4) Any other natural or artificial process.
(1) Which exerts pressure on, seeps, leaks or
2. Earth Movement is deleted and replaced by the flows into:
(a) Any part of the dwelling or other
2. Earth Movement, meaning events that include but structures;
are not limited to the following:
(b) The foundation of the dwelling or
a. Earthquake and earthquake aftershocks; other structures;
b. Volcano activity including but not limited to: (c) Any paved surface located on the
(1) Volcanic eruption; “residence premises”; or
(2) Volcanic explosion; (d) Any spa, hot tub, or swimming pool.
(3) Effusion of volcanic material; or (2) Which causes earth movement; or
(4) Lava flow; d. Any overflow, release, migration or discharge
of water in any manner from a dam, levee,
c. Mudslide, including mudflow, debris flow, land-
slide, avalanche, or sediment; dike, hurricane barrier or any water or flood
control device.
d. Sinkhole;
Direct loss by fire, explosion or theft resulting from
e. Subsidence; water damage will be covered.
f. Excavation collapse; 8. Intentional Loss is deleted and replaced by the
g. Erosion; or following:
h. Any expansion, shifting, rising, sinking, con- 8. Intentional Loss, meaning any loss arising out of
tracting, or settling of the earth, soil or land. any act an "insured" commits or conspires to
commit with the intent to cause a loss.
This exclusion applies whether or not the earth,
soil or land is combined or mixed with water or any In the event of such loss, no "insured" is entitled to
other liquid or natural or man made material. coverage, even "insureds" who did not commit or
conspire to commit the act causing the loss.
However, loss caused directly by the specific per-
ils: However, this exclusion will not apply to deny
payment to a co-"insured" who did not cooperate in
a. Fire;
or contribute to the creation of the loss if the loss
b. Explosion; arose out of domestic violence.
c. Breakage of building or dwelling glass or safe- If we pay a claim pursuant to paragraph 8., our
ty glazing material, including storm doors or payment to the "insured" is limited to that "in-
windows; or sured's" insurable interest in the property. In no
d. Theft; event will we pay more than the limit of liability.
following any earth movement is covered.

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SECTION I CONDITIONS Payment for such "property damage" will be at re-

2. Duties After Loss. Paragraph a. is deleted and placement cost. Under this endorsement "re-
replaced by: placement cost" is defined as the amount
necessary to repair or replace the damaged prop-
a. Give us prompt notice. With respect to a loss erty with no deduction for depreciation, subject to
caused by the peril of windstorm or hail, that the limit of liability for this Additional Coverage.
notice must occur no later than one year after
the date of loss. Our limit of liability, per "occurrence", under this
Additional Coverage for all damages resulting from
6. Loss Payment is deleted and replaced by the fol- any one "occurrence" shall not exceed two months
lowing: basic pay for the "insured", as of the time of the
6. Loss Payment "occurrence".
We will adjust all losses with you. We will pay you We will not pay for "property damage" to:
unless some other person is named in the policy or a. Aircraft;
is legally entitled to receive payment.
b. "Motor vehicles";
Loss is payable within 10 working days after:
c. Watercraft; or
a. We reach an agreement with you and you
have satisfied any and all conditions of the d. Weapons.
agreement; or We will not pay for "property damage":
b. There is an entry of a final judgment; or a. To the extent of any amount payable under
c. There is a filing of an appraisal award with us. Section I of this policy; or
12. Mortgage Clause b. Caused intentionally by any "insured" who is
13 years of age or older.
Paragraph c. is deleted and replaced with the fol-
c. If we decide to cancel or not to renew this poli- A. Coverage E Personal Liability and Coverage
cy, the mortgagee will be notified at least 30 and Coverage F Medical Payments To Others.
days before the date cancellation or nonre- The following is added under exclusion 1.:
newal takes effect. This exclusion A.1. applies to all "insureds", not-
(This condition does not apply to form HO-4.) withstanding the provision in Section II Condi-
SECTION II LIABILITY COVERAGES tions Paragraph 2. Severability Of Insurance.
COVERAGE E PERSONAL LIABILITY Paragraph 8. is deleted and replaced by the following:
Paragraph 1. is deleted and replaced by the following 8. Arising out of the use, sale, manufacture, delivery,
in all forms and endorsements HO-82, HO-84, HO-85 transfer or possession by any person of a con-
and HO-86: trolled substance(s) as defined by the Federal
Food and Drug Law at 21 U.S.C.A. Sections 811
1. Pay up to our limit of liability for the damages and 812. Controlled Substances include, but are
for which an "insured" is legally liable; and not limited to, cocaine, LSD, marijuana and all nar-
1. Claim Expenses However, this exclusion does not apply to:
The following paragraph is added: a. The legitimate use of prescription drugs by a
e. Prejudgment interest awarded against the "in- person following the order of a licensed physi-
sured" on that part of the judgment we pay. cian; or
The following additional coverage is added: b. The "insured(s)" who have no knowledge of
the involvement with a controlled substance(s).
5. Property Damage Coverage For Military Per- An "insured’s" knowledge of such involvement
sonnel and Federal Government Employees: must be shown by us by competent evidence
If an "insured" is: of such knowledge.
a. A United States Government Employee; or The following is added under exclusion 11.:
b. A member of the United States Military, However, this exclusion A.11. does not apply:
We agree to pay for "property damage" to United a. to any building or structure constructed after
States government property, for which such "in- 1977; or
sured" is responsible under applicable rules or b. if the loss, cost, payment or expense arises at
regulations. or from a building or structure after it has been
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certified as being free of existing lead hazards with us, we may cancel by letting you
pursuant to standards established by the New know at least:
Jersey Department of Community Affairs. (a) 10 days before the date cancellation
SECTION II CONDITIONS takes effect, if we cancel for either:
1. Limit Of Liability is deleted and replaced by the nonpayment of premium; or the ex-
following: istence of a moral hazard, which is
defined in N.J.A.C. 11:1-20.2(f) as
1. Limit Of Liability. follows:
a. Our total liability under Coverage E for all (i) The risk, danger or probability
damages resulting from any one "occurrence" that the "insured" will destroy, or
will not be more than the limit of liability for permit to be destroyed, the in-
Coverage E as shown in the Declarations. All sured property for the purpose
"bodily injury" and "property damage" resulting of collecting the insurance pro-
from any one accident or from continuous or ceeds. Any change in the cir-
repeated exposure to substantially the same cumstances of an "insured" that
general harmful conditions shall be considered will increase the probability of
to be the result of one "occurrence". such a destruction may be con-
b. Subject to Paragraph a. above, our total liabil- sidered a moral hazard; and
ity under Coverage E for damages for which (ii) The substantial risk, danger or
an "insured" is legally liable because of vicari- probability that the character,
ous liability, whether or not statutorily imposed, circumstances or personal hab-
for the actions of a child or minor, if such vicar- its of the "insured" may increase
ious liability is not otherwise excluded is the possibility of loss or liability
$10,000. The sublimit is within, but does not for which we will be held re-
increase the Coverage E limit of liability. sponsible. Any change in char-
c. The limit of liability in a. above and sublimit in acter or circumstances of an
b. above apply regardless of the number of individual, corporate, partner-
"insureds", claims made or persons injured. ship or other "insured" that will
d. Our total liability under Coverage F for all med- increase the probability of such
ical expense payable for "bodily injury" to one a loss or liability may be consid-
person as a result of one accident will not be ered a moral hazard.
more than the limit of liability for Coverage F (b) 30 days before the date cancellation
as shown in the Declarations. takes effect if we cancel for any other
3. Cancellation is deleted and replaced by the fol- (2) When this policy has been in effect for 60
lowing: days or more, or at any time if it is a re-
newal with us, we may cancel only for one
3. Cancellation. or more of the following reasons:
a. You may cancel this policy at any time by re- (a) Nonpayment of premium;
turning it to us or by letting us know of the date
cancellation takes effect. (b) Existence of a moral hazard, as
defined in N.J.A.C. 11:1-20.2(f) and
b. We may cancel this policy only for the reasons stated in 3.b.(1)(a)(i) and 3.b.(1)(a)
stated below by letting you know in writing of (ii) above;
the date cancellation takes effect. This cancel-
lation notice, stating the reasons for cancella- (c) Material misrepresentation or non-
tion, may be delivered to you or mailed to you disclosure to us of a material fact at
at your mailing address shown in the Declara- the time of acceptance of the risk;
tions by certified mail, or first class mail if we (d) Increased hazard or material change
have obtained, from the U.S. Post Office, a in the risk assumed which we could
date stamped proof of mailing showing your not have reasonably contemplated at
name and address. Written notice of cancella- the time of assumption of the risk;
tion will also be mailed to any person or organ- (e) Substantial breaches of contractual
ization entitled to notice under the policy. duties, conditions or warranties that
(1) When this policy has been in effect for materially affect the nature and/or in-
less than 60 days and is not a renewal surability of the risk;

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(f) Lack of cooperation from the "in- will not be effective if payment of the
sured" on loss control matters mate- amount due is made before the effective
rially affecting insurability of the risk; date of cancellation set forth in the notice.
(g) Fraudulent acts against us by the If we cancel this policy for any other rea-
"insured" or the "insured's" repre- son listed in 3.b.(2) above, we may cancel
sentative that materially affect the by letting you know not more than 120
nature of the risk insured; days nor less than 30 days before the
date cancellation takes effect.
(h) Loss of or reduction in available in-
surance capacity; (4) We need not send notice of cancellation if
you have:
(i) Material increase in exposure arising
out of changes in statutory or case (a) Replaced coverage elsewhere; or
law subsequent to the issuance of (b) Specifically requested termination.
the insurance contract or any subse- c. When this policy is cancelled, the premium for
quent renewal; the period from the date of cancellation to the
(j) Loss of or substantial changes in ap- expiration date will be refunded pro rata.
plicable reinsurance; d. If the return premium is not refunded with the
(k) Failure by the "insured" to comply notice of cancellation or when this policy is re-
with any Federal, State or local fire, turned to us, we will refund it within a reasona-
health, safety, building or construc- ble time after the date cancellation takes
tion regulation, law or ordinance with effect.
respect to an insured risk which sub- 4. Nonrenewal is deleted and replaced by the follow-
stantially increases any hazard in- ing:
sured against within 60 days of
written notification of a violation of 4. Nonrenewal.
any such law, regulation or ordi- a. We may elect not to renew this policy for any
nance; reason permitted to cancel this policy. If we
(l) Failure by the "insured" to provide elect not to renew this policy, we will deliver or
reasonable and necessary underwrit- mail a notice of nonrenewal, stating the rea-
ing information to us upon written re- sons for nonrenewal, to you at least 30 days
quest therefore and a reasonable but not more than 120 days before the expira-
opportunity to respond; tion date of this policy.
(m) Agency termination, provided: b. This nonrenewal notice may be delivered to
you or mailed to you at your mailing address
(i) We document that replacement shown in the Declarations by:
coverage at comparable rates
and terms has been provided to (1) Certified mail; or
you, and we have informed you, (2) First class mail if we have obtained, from
in writing, of your right to contin- the U.S. Post Office, a date stamped
ue coverage with us; or proof of mailing showing your name and
(ii) We have informed you, in writ- address.
ing, of your right to continue c. We need not mail or deliver this nonrenewal
coverage with us and you have notice if you have:
agreed, in writing, to the cancel- (1) Replaced coverage elsewhere;
lation based on the termination
of your appointed agent; or (2) Specifically requested termination; or
(n) Any other reason in accordance with (3) Not accepted our offer to renew. Failure
our underwriting guidelines for can- to pay the required renewal premium
cellation of Homeowners insurance. when due shall mean that you have not
accepted our offer to renew.
(3) If we cancel this policy based on Para-
graph 3.b.(2)(a) or 3.b.(2)(b) above, we 6. Subrogation. The following is added:
may do so by letting you know at least 10 If we pay an "insured", who is a victim of domestic
days before the date cancellation takes violence, for a loss caused by an act of domestic
effect. For cancellation due to nonpay- violence, the rights of that "insured" to recover
ment of premium, the notice will state the damages from the perpetrator of the domestic vio-
effect of nonpayment by the due date. lence are transferred to us to the extent of our
Cancellation for nonpayment of premium
2022 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.
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payment. That "insured" may not waive such rights The following Conditions are added:
to recover against the perpetrator of the domestic DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND INSURANCE
7. Death is deleted and replaced by the following: NONRENEWAL
7. Death. Pursuant to New Jersey law, this policy cannot be
If any person named in the Declarations, or: cancelled or nonrenewed for any underwriting rea-
son or guideline which is arbitrary, capricious or
(1) The spouse, if a resident of the same unfairly discriminatory or without adequate prior
household; or notice to the "insured". The underwriting reasons
(2) A party who, with the named insured has or guidelines that an insurer can use to cancel or
entered into a civil union recognized un- nonrenew this policy are maintained by the insurer
der New Jersey law, if a resident of the in writing and will be furnished to the "insured"
same household; and/or the "insured’s" lawful representative upon
dies, the following apply: written request.
a. We insure the legal representative of the de- This provision shall not apply to any policy which
ceased but only with respect to the premises has been in effect for less than 60 days at the time
and property of the deceased covered under notice of cancellation is mailed or delivered, unless
the policy at the time of death; and the policy is a renewal policy.
(1) An "insured" who is a member of your POLICY
household at the time of your death, but
only while a resident of the "residence This policy provides coverage to the "insured" on
premises"; and an equivalent or more favorable basis than that
provided by the statutory provision cited in
(2) With respect to your property, the person N.J.S.A. 17:36-5.20.
having proper temporary custody of the
property until appointment and qualifica-
tion of a legal representative. All other provisions of this policy apply.

2022 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.

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Privacy Statement for Individual U.S. Personal Insurance Consumers

Your privacy is important to us. When we quote or sell an insurance policy to a person, we get information about
the people and property that we’re insuring. This Privacy Notice describes the types of information about you
(“personal information”) we collect, where we get it, and how we use, share and protect it. It applies to current
and former Travelers personal insurance customers in the United States.
A few key points include:

We collect personal information from you, your agent, and from third parties
We will not share your personal information with others for their marketing purposes without your
We maintain safeguards designed to help prevent unauthorized use, access and disclosure of personal

What type of information do You give us most of what we need in the application process. To make sure
we collect? what we have is correct, or to obtain additional information, we may need to
check back with you. For example, you may be asked to give us more details
in writing, via e-mail or over the phone. In addition, we may obtain other
information, including but not limited to the following:

Information from consumer reporting agencies and other insurance

support organizations to the extent permitted by law. This may include
items such as credit history, credit-based insurance score, driving record,
accident and motor vehicle conviction history, and claim history.
Information given to us by an insurance support organization, including
consumer reporting agencies, may be retained by them and disclosed to
Your past insurance history, including information about your policies and
claims, from insurance support organizations or your former insurers.
Information regarding your property. We may obtain this through third
party reports and through a property inspection. We or an independent
inspector may visit the property to inspect its condition, or we may use an
unmanned aircraft system. We may obtain geospatial information, and
take pictures or video. If we need more details about the property, we may
need to schedule an interior inspection.
Information from government agencies or independent reporting
Other third party data relating to the insured risk, such as possible drivers
and vehicles associated with your household and odometer readings
associated with any vehicle(s).
In some instances, we may need to know about your health. For example,
if we need to know whether a physical limitation will affect your ability to
drive, we may ask for a statement from your doctor.

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How do we use your personal We use the personal information we collect to sell, underwrite and rate,
information? service and administer insurance; to handle claims; to create and market
products and services; to prevent and detect fraud; to satisfy legal or
regulatory requirements; and for other business purposes and as otherwise
allowed by law.
Once you’re insured with us, we will retain details about your policy(ies). This
may include, among other things, bill payment, transaction or claim history
and details, as well as other information.
When you give us a telephone number, you consent to being contacted at that
number, including if the number is for a cell phone or other wireless device.
We may contact you in person, by recorded message, by the use of
automated dialing equipment, by text (SMS) message, or by any other means
your device is capable of receiving, to the extent permitted by law and for
reasonable business purposes, including to service your policy or alert you to
other relevant information.

How do we share your We do not give or sell your personal information to nonaffiliated third parties
personal information? for their own marketing purposes without your prior consent.
We may give the personal information we collect to others to help us conduct,
manage or service our business. When we do, we require them to use it only
for the reasons we gave it to them. We may give, without your past permission
and to the extent permitted by law, personal information about you to certain
persons or organizations such as: your agent or insurance representative; our
affiliated property and casualty insurance companies; independent claim
adjusters or investigators; persons or organizations that conduct research;
insurance support organizations (including consumer reporting agencies); third
party service providers; another insurer; law enforcement; state insurance
departments or other governmental or regulatory agencies; or as otherwise
required or permitted by law. Information we share with insurance support
organizations, such as your claims history, may be retained by them and
disclosed to others.
We may also share your personal information: to comply with legal process; to
address suspected fraud or other illegal activities; or to protect our rights,
privacy, safety or property, and/or that of you or others.

How do we protect your We maintain physical, electronic and administrative safeguards designed to
personal information? help protect personal information. For example, we limit access to personal
information and require those who have access to use it only for legitimate
business purposes.

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How can I review and correct If you have questions about what personal information we maintain about you,
the personal information you please make your request in writing and include your full name, mailing
have about me? address, phone number and policy number. When we receive your written
request, we will respond within thirty (30) business days. We will describe the
personal information we maintain, whom we know we’ve shared it with in the
last two (2) years, and how you may request a correction, if necessary. If we
requested a consumer report, we will tell you the name and address of the
consumer reporting agency.
You may also see and copy the information we have, except for certain
documents about claims and lawsuits. If you believe our information is
incorrect, let us know in writing. We will review it, and, if we agree, we will
correct it, notify you, and send a correction letter to anyone who received the
original information. If we do not agree, you are allowed to file a letter with
your comments.
For questions about the right of access or correction to your information,
please write to: Travelers, One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183, Attn:
Privacy Office.

This notice is given by The Travelers Indemnity Company and its personal insurance property casualty affiliates.
This notice may be amended at any time. The most current version will be posted on Travelers.com.
A statement concerning our use of Insurance Score is available on request for Oregon residents.

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