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学院名称 专业名称 专业英⽂名 专业⽅向 学制 授课语⾔ 授课语⾔

英语笔译 Chinese-English Translation 2.5 中英 English & Chinese

朝鲜语⼝译 Chinese-Korean Interpreting( 2-year ) 2 中朝 Korean & Chinese
⾼级翻译学院 朝鲜语笔译 Chinese-Korean Translation( 2-year ) 2 中朝 Korean & Chinese
Graduate School of Translation and 阿拉伯语笔译 Chinese-Arabic Translation 2.5 中阿 Arabic & Chinese
Interpretation ⽇语⼝译 Chinese-Japanese Interpreting 2 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
⽇语笔译 Chinese-Japanese Translation 2 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
英语⼝译 Chinese-English Interpreting 2.5 中⽂ Chinese
传播学 Commuication 3 中⽂ Chinese
新闻学 Journalism 3 中⽂ Chinese
学科教学(英语) Subject Education ( English) 3 中⽂ English
现代教育技术 Modern Educational Technology 3 中⽂ Chinese
School of Communication
中国古代⽂学 Ancient Chinese Literature 先秦两汉⽂学; 唐宋⽂学; 元明清⽂学 3 中⽂ Chinese
中国现当代⽂学 Contemporary Chinese Literature 3 中⽂ Chinese
新闻与传播 Journalism and Communication (MJC) 2 中⽂ Chinese
外交学 Diplomacy 3 中⽂ Chinese
国际政治 International Politics 3 中⽂ Chinese
School of International Relations
政治学理论 Theory of Politics 3 中⽂ Chinese
语⾔学及应⽤语⾔学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 对外汉语教学; 对⽐语⾔学 3 中⽂ Chinese
Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other
School of International Education
汉语国际教育硕⼠ Languages 2 中⽂ Chinese
国际商务 International Business 务外语 2.5 中⽂ Chinese
国际商学院 财富管理 Wealth Management; 量化管理 Quantitative
School of International Business ⾦融 Finance Management 2 中⽂ Chinese
理论经济学 Theoretical Economics 3 中⽂ Chinese
管理科学与⼯程 Management Science and Engineering 3 中⽂ Chinese
科研院所 ⽐较⽂学与世界⽂学 Comparative Literature and World Literature 3 中⽂ Chinese
Schools of Academic Studies 哲学 Philosophy 3 中⽂ Chinese
School of European Studies 欧洲语⾔⽂学 European Languages and Literatures 意⼤利语语⾔⽂学,葡萄⽛语语⾔⽂学 3 中⽂ Chinese
Honors College 国际商务(英⽂授课) International Business(English Taught) 2.5 英语 English
⽇语语⾔⽂学(⽇语语⾔学理论与 Japanese Language and Literature(Theory and Practice of
实践) Japanese Linguistics) 3 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
⽇语学院 ⽇语语⾔⽂学(⽇本⽂学) Japanese Language and Literature(Japanese Literature) 3 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
School of Japanese Studies ⽇语语⾔⽂学(⽇语教育) Japanese Language and Literature(Japanese Education) 3 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
⽇语语⾔⽂学(⽇本⽂化) Japanese Language and Literature(Japanese Culture) 3 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
⽇语语⾔⽂学(⽇本经济) Japanese Language and Literature(Japanese Economy) 3 中⽇ Chinese & Japanese
英语语⾔⽂学(英语翻译理论与实 English Language and Literature(English Translation
践) Theory and Practice) 3 中英 English & Chinese
English Language and Literature(British and American
英语语⾔⽂学(英美⽂学) Literature) 3 中英 English & Chinese
英语学院 英语语⾔⽂学(英语教育) English Language and Literature(English Education) 3 中英 English & Chinese
School of English Studies English Language and Literature(American Society and
英语语⾔⽂学(美国社会与⽂化) Culture) 3 中英 English & Chinese
英语语⾔⽂学(英语语⾔学) English Language and Literature(English Linguistics ) 3 中英 English & Chinese
English Language and Literature(International Business
英语语⾔⽂学(国际商务英语) English) 3 中英 English & Chinese

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