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Failing Our Children: No Child Left behind Undermines Quality and Equity in Education Author(s): Lisa Guisbond and

Monty Neill Source: The Clearing House, Vol. 78, No. 1, No Child Left Behind Act (Sep. - Oct., 2004), pp. 12-16 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/10/2011 15:39
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he No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the title of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, describes a worthy goal for our nation. Tragically, the reality is that NCLB is aggravating, not solving, the problems that cause many children to be left behind. For the federal government to truly contribute to enhancing the quality of education for low-income and minority group students, NCLB must be overhauled. FairTest, our nonprofit organization that strives to end misuses of standardized testing and promote fair evaluation of both teachers and students, has tracked the first two years of NCLB'simplementation and identified fundamental errors in its conception, design, and execution. Rather than accept NCLB's dangerous prescriptions for public education, we propose a new approach to accountability as the basis for a comprehensive revamp of NCLB (Neill and Guisbond 2004). Many false assumptions undergird NCLB. The most serious of the suppositions are the following:

2. Becausepoor teaching is the primarycause of unsatisfacschoolscan best be improvedby torystudentperformance, threatsand sanctions.Such threats encourage teachers to focus narrowly on boosting test scores. However, these punitive actions fail to address underlying problems such as family poverty and inadequate school funding, which are major reasons that many students start off behind and never catch up. A new accountability system must start from accurate assumptions, including a richer vision of schooling that will lead away from NCLB'stest-and-punish methodology. This new approach assumes that educators want to do their jobs but need assistance to do better. We believe that rather than threatening educators with sanctions based on test results, our more effective approach focuses on gathering multiple forms of evidence about many aspects of schooling and using them to support school improvements. Because schools need to build the capacity to ensure that all children receive a high-quality education, all levels of government, therefore, must fulfill their responsibilities to provide adequate and equitable resources. FairTest'sproposal also gives parents and the community central roles in the accountability process rather than excluding them through incomprehensible statistical procedures and bureaucratically mandated reports currently required by NCLB. Set Up to Fail At NCLB'sdestructive core is a link between standardized testing and heavy sanctions through the rigid and unrealistic "adequate yearly progress" (AYP) formula. The problem is that NCLB's AYP provision is not grounded in any proven theory of school improvement. As Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor

1.Boosting standardizedtest scores should be the primary goal of schools.This assumption leads to one-size-fitsall teaching that focuses primarily on test preparation and undermines efforts to give all children a high-quality education. This exclusive focus on test scores ignores the widespread desire for schools that address a broad range of academic and social goals, as reported in public opinion polls. One recent public opinion survey found Americans believe the most important thing schools should do is prepare responsible citizens. The next most important role for public schools was to help students become economically self-sufficent (Rose and Gallup 2000). Another recent survey found that people's key concerns about schools were mostly social issues not addressed by standards, tests, or accountability (Goodwin 2003).

Lisa Guisbondis a researcher and advocatefor the National Centerfor Fair and Open Testing(FairTest),whereMonty Neill, EdD, is the executivedirector. 12

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Failing Our Children


RichardElmore explains: "TheAYPrequirement, a completely arbitrarymathematical function grounded in no defensible knowledge or theory of school improvement, could, and probably will, result in penalizing and closing schools that are actually experts in school improvement" (Elmore 2003, 6-10). Moreover, many other expert analysts also have concluded that the AYPmechanism, the heart of the NCLB accountability provisions, guarantees failure for a substantial majority of the nation's schools. For example, the National Conference of State Legislaturesestimated that, according to these standards, some 70 percent of schools nationwide will fail (Prah 2002). More recently, a study conducted for the Connecticut Education Association projected that more than nine out of ten Connecticut elementary and middle schools will fail to meet AYPtargetswithin ten years (Moscovitch 2004). The reason for the high failure rate is that the pace of progress envisioned in the law-that all students will reach the proficient level within fourteen years of its passage-is implausible. Part of the problem lies in the word "proficiency," which Education Secretary Rod Paige defines as solid, grade-level achievement. In fact, the term comes from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), where it has been widely criticized for being an unrealistic and inaccurate standard, as well as a political construct engineered to depict a national academic crisis (Bracey 2003). Only about three in ten American students now score at the proficient level on NAEP reading and math tests (NCES 2004). Thus, within a little more than a decade, all students are expected to do as well as only a third now do-a goal far more stringent than simply "gradelevel." Based on trends on NAEP tests over the past decade, prominent measurement expert Robert Linn calculated that it would take 166 years for all twelfth graders to attain proficiency, as defined by NCLB, in both reading and math (Linn 2003; Linn, Baker,and Herman 2002). In addition, due to requirements that all demographic groups make AYP,several studies have concluded that schools with more integrated student bodies are far more likely to fail than schools that lack diversity (Kane and Staiger 2002; Novak and Fuller 2003). Adding to the confusion, states' definitions of proficiency vary wildly, making it difficult to make meaningful state-tostate comparisons (Kingsbury et al. 2003). The AYPprovisions further reflect the flawed reasoning behind NCLB by assuming that schools already have adequate resources to get all students to a proficient level, if they would only use those resources better. The implication is that administrators and teachers are not working hard enough, not working well, or both. Thus, with willpower and effort, schools and districts can bootstrap their way to unprecedented results. This reasoning ignores real factors that impede improvements in teaching and learning, such as large

class sizes, inadequate books, and outmoded technology, as well as nonschool factors like poverty and high

studentmobility. The Limits of Test Scores

For NCLB proponents, the law's near-total reliance on test scores to determine the progress of students, teachers, and schools reflects a desire for objective assessments of educational outcomes. For example, President Bush has said, "Without yearly testing, we don't know who is falling behind and who needs help. Without yearly testing, too often we don't find failure until it is too late to fix" (Bush 2001). But standardized test scores offer nothing more than snapshots, often fuzzy ones, of student achievement at a single moment in time. When used to make important decisions about students and schools, they can be misleading and damaging. Moreover, good teachers already know which students are falling behind. The national obsession with using standardized test scores to drive school improvement and reform is not new. Education researchers have examined this trend only to come up with results that cast serious doubts about the efficacy of test-based reform. Among the findings: * Test scores do not necessarily indicate real progress when they rise or deterioration when they fall. Annual fluctuations should not be used to reward or sanction schools, teachers or school officials (Haney 2002). * Many of the tests used to judge our students, teachers, and schools are norm-referenced, meaning they are specifically designed to ensure a certain proportion of "failures"(Haney 2002). * Errorsin question design, scoring and reporting have always been a part of standardized testing and are likely to increase substantially with the increase in testing mandated by NCLB (Rhoades and Madaus 2003). NCLB's rigid AYP mechanism and the sanctions it triggers exacerbate standardized exams' weaknesses, such as their cultural biases, their failure to measure higher-order thinking, and the problem of measurement error. Exams with such narrow scopes and strong sanctions promote intensive teaching to the test, which undermines efforts to improve educational quality (von Zastrow 2004). As one seventh-grade Kentucky student explained, "The test is taking away the real meaning of school. Instead of learning new things and getting tools for life, the mission of the schools is becoming to do well on the test" (Mathison 2003). Even before NCLB became law, there was ample evidence that many of its assumptions and the model on which it was based had fundamental flaws:


The Clearing House



* Little evidence supports the idea that the model of standards, testing, and rewards and punishments for achievement is the cure for public schooling's ailments. On the contrary, several studies show a decline in achievement in states with high-stakes testing programs relative to those with low-stakes testing (Stecher, Hamilton, and Gonzalez 2003; Amrein and Berliner 2002). * Surveys of educators confirm that the model promotes teaching to the test and narrowed curricula, particularly in schools that serve low-income and minority students (Pedulla et al. 2003; Clarke et al. 2002). * Independent analysts have found that tests often fail to measure the objectives deemed most important by educators who determine academic standards. Thus, students taught to such tests will not be exposed to high-quality curricula, and the public will not be informed about student achievement relative to those standards (Rothman et al. 2002). * The instructional quality suffers under such a model

because it is often assumed that all students who

fail need the same type of remediation. On the contrary, researchers have found that students fail for a variety of reasons and need different instructional approaches to get on track (Riddle Buly and Valencia 2002; Moon, Callahan, and Tomlinson 2003; Hinde 2003; Mabry et al. 2003). * Research refutes the assumption that low-achieving students are motivated to work harder and learn more in a high-stakes context. On the contrary, lowachieving students are most likely to become discouraged and give up in that environment (Harlen and Deakin-Crick 2002; Ryan and La Guardia 1999). * There is evidence of falling graduation rates in highstakes states, as well as evidence that schools retain additional students in hopes of reaping higher test scores in key grades. Decades of research support the contention that retained students are more likely to drop out of school (Haney 2003). Within its more than one thousand pages, NCLB does include some potentially helpful provisions. However, the law's flaws overwhelm them and end up damaging educational quality and equity. For example: * NCLB calls for multiple measures that assess higherorder thinking and are diagnostically useful. However, these provisions are neither enforced nor embedded in most state practices. * The law mandates school (or district) improvement plans. In practical terms, however, improvement means boosting test scores. Disruptive sanctions based on unrealistic rates of AYP deny schools the opportunity to see if their own improvement efforts work.

Another potentially useful component of NCLBis the call for high-quality teachers for all students. the fall Unfortunately, law's requirements short of the attractive label:A teachermay be deemed "highlyqualified"if she or he has a bachelor'sdegreeand passes a paper-and-pencilstandardized exam. This minimal definition can in no way ensurethat all childrenhave good teachers. There is no persuasive evidence demonstrating a test strongrelationshipbetweenpassinga standardized and being competent in the classroom. A National candidates: Academyof Sciencesreport,Testing teaching The role of licensure tests in improving teacherquality, offers the most comprehensivestudy of this issue. It found that raising cut-off scores on the exams may reduceracialdiversityin the teachingprofessionwithout improvingquality (Mitchellet al. 2001). Furthermore, the study concludes that the tests cannot "predict who will become effective teachers" (FairTest 2001). NCLB, however,allows groupssuch as the American Boardfor Certification TeacherExcellence(ABCTE) of to promote quick and inadequatefixes. For example, the groupoffersa standardized as a solution to the test serious problem low-income areas have attracting strong teachers to their schools (Jacobson 2004). ABCTE a projectof the conservative, is Edupro-NCLB cation LeadersCouncil, cofounded by Departmentof Education Deputy SecretaryEugene Hickok. ABCTE has receivedroughly$40 million in federalsupportfor this scheme,althoughtwo of the threemembersof the own reviewpanel rejectedit. department's A strong definition of "highly qualified" ensures that teacherswork successfullywith a varietyof students to attaina rangeof importantoutcomes, not just test scores. And although NCLBdoes contain some good ideas for improvingthe teaching force, such as mentoring and ongoing professional development, they must be separated from the drive to narrow schooling to test preparation.These favorable elements easily could become key parts of a revamped accountabilityand school improvement system that would replaceNCLB. NCLBalso harmsratherthan helps schools in need in other ways. Sanctions intended to force school improvementeventuallydivertfunds awayfrom efforts to help all childrensucceedtowardhelping a few parents obtain transfersand tutoring for their children. The law'sultimatesanctions-privatizing school manand similarmeaagement, firing staff, state takeovers, sures-have no provenrecordof success. As manyeducators havepointed out, the federalgovernmenthas failedto adequately fund the law (National Conference StateLegislatures of 2004). Justas schoolsare hit withthe demandsof the current most states' edulaw, cation budgetsare shrinking. Worse,neitherfederalnor

Vol. 78, No. 1

Failing Our Children


stategovernments addresseitherthe dearthof resources to required bringall childrento educational proficiency or the deepeningpoverty that continuesto hindersome children's learning. A Movement for Authentic Accountability Theseproblemshavecatalyzeda growingmovement seeking to overhaul NCLB. State officials, parents, teachers,and students are mobilizing againstthe law. some efforts,such as proposalsto modUnfortunately, ify the AYPformula or spend more money without changingthe law, seek only to minimize the damage causedby NCLBand would furtherperpetuateeducational inequality.Othersaddressonly peripheral issues ratherthan the law'sfaultypremisesand assumptions. Effective opposition to NCLBmust embracegenuine accountability, stronger equity, and concrete steps toward school improvement.FairTest been workhas ing with educators,civil rights organizations,parent acrossthe nation to devisenew groups,and researchers models of accountability. Basedon a set of draftprinciples, core elements of a better accountability system

improve performance or when uncorrected civil rightsviolations occur. In the short term, NCLB's rigid AYPprovisionsand draconianpenaltiesshould be amended.Statesshould no longer have to annuallytest all students in grades 3-8 in readingand math, and the amount of required testing should be reduced. Additional measures of school performanceand student learning should be includedin progressevaluations.Congressalso should the appropriate full amount authorizedunder NCLB. FairTest's uses work in report, Failingour children, Nebraskaand the Massachusetts Coalitionfor Authentic Reform in Education'scommunity-basedassessment systemsas models in the constructionof a different approachto accountability. More fundamentally,policymakersmust seriously considerboth the damagethat NCLBhas wroughtand the problemof inadequate educational fundingaround the nation.Theyshould begin by listeningto the voices of educators, and parents, communitypeople askingfor not for education, testpreparation, children. high-quality Strippedof its bureaucratic language,NCLBis a fundamentallypunitivelaw that uses flawedstandardized tests to label many schools as failuresand then punishes them with harmful sanctions. NCLB must be transformedinto a law that supports lasting educational improvementand makes good on the promise, in the words of the Children'sDefense Fund,to "leave no child behind."
No Keywords:accountability, Child LeftBehind, testing
FairTest'sreport on NCLB, Failing our children:How "No Child Left Behind" undermines quality and equity in education and an accountability model that supports school improvement, is available at

include: 1. Gettingfederal,state, and local governments worh to to a to together provide fair opportunity all children for learn a rich curriculum. Currentgovernmentshave failed to meet this fundamental accountability requirementbecause they have not ensured adequate, equitable funding and have overemphasized test scores. 2. Usingmultiple learnformsof evidence to assessstudent ing. If we want to know how well studentsaredoing, we need to look at a rangeof realstudentwork.If we want students to learn more or better,we have to provide teachersand studentswith useful feedback based on high-qualityclassroom assessments that reflectthe variouswayschildrenreallylearn. 3. Focusing helpingteachers schoolsensureeducaon and tional successfor all students.Reaching that goal requires schools to be safe, healthy,supportive,and challenging environments. This means providing schools with data that can help improve academic and social aspectsof education and makingcertain that the schools are equippedto use the data. 4. Localizing primary the mechanisms. These accountability mechanisms must involve educators, parents, students, and the local community.Open, participatory processes, including local school councils, annual reports,and meetingsto reviewschool progress,are necessary. 5. Focusing primary the responsibility stategovernments of toprovide andsupport schools teachers tools and while for maintaining equity and civil rights. Intervention should take place only when localities have been given adequateresourcesand supportbut still fail to

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