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Sin Committed by whom How it affected others in Your personal step to avoid this sin

the story
Lack of fairness Jacob It made his other sons I will avoid favoritism. I will always
or justice jealous of his favorite son. practice being righteous. I will see and
His sons were not on good treat anything or anyone equally. I will
terms, and they did not consider how others would feel.
have a good relationship.
Pride Joseph (when he relays His brothers felt belittled I think one thing that makes me proud is
his dream to his upon hearing of his dream, when I win against someone who I
brothers) so they got mad at Joseph. consider an opponent. So, in short, I am
competing with others. So, I will stop
that behavior. Then I will always keep my
foot on the ground and keep in mind that
I am not perfect and I make mistakes.
Jealousy Joseph’s Brothers It made them commit a I will always be open to everyone. If
crime against their brother. needed, I will voice my concern or that I
So, Joseph was almost am feeling jealous of how someone
murdered, plus they sold treated me differently from others.
him to the Ishmaelite.


Christ – like figure in the story He is a Christ – like figure because
he possessed the goodness that Christ had. He
Joseph saved his people. Joseph saved them from famine.
More than that, he forgave those who had
trespassed against him, and despite the sin that
his brothers had committed against him, he still
showed his care and love for them.

In the scripture, I totally realized and understand the quote "everything happens for a reason"; that God has his
reason for everything. Starting from Joseph's two dreams, which implied that he was more important than his brothers,
his brother thought that they were bowing down to him. Those dreams weren't just ordinary dreams. These really
happened in real life. In addition to that, after Joseph's brother sold him to Ishmaelite, this didn't happen just because
his brothers hated him, but just like how Joseph believed, it happened because God had reasons. God meant it for good,
to bring many people to be kept alive as they are. God really has his own strange and mysterious way of imparting his
affirmation and goodness. Moreover, the scripture shows God's faithfulness despite the people’s sinfulness. It was
shown in the form of Joseph. Joseph also possesses God's attitude. Despite their sins, he chose to forgive, serve, and
save his brothers, just as God does for us.
Speech is the ability to communicate ideas and feelings through vocal sounds and gestures. It is a
spoken language exchange made by a speaker in front of listeners with a specific purpose in mind. Speaking
of purpose, there are different types of speech according to purpose, which are informative speech, persuasive
speech, and entertainment speech. In informative speech, it has four types, which are speeches about objects,
speeches about events, speeches about processes, and speeches about concepts. Its goal is to impart new
knowledge and in-depth information about a certain topic. In persuasive speech, on the other hand, there are
three types of questions that give rise to these speech situations, namely questions of fact, questions of value,
and questions of policy. This speech is given in situations in which two or more points of view about a topic are
in conflict, wherein the speaker will try to convince those who disagree that his or her perspective is the right
one. Moreover, in entertainment speech, it should be fun and entertaining for both the speaker and the
audience. It has a good objective, which is to amuse, entertain, or otherwise divert the attention of the
audience members from the rigors of everyday living. Above these, I learned that it is critical to keep the
speech humorous, to use a variety of sources of humor, and to make it relevant to the audience when
delivering an entertaining speech to make it entertaining and not offensive.

Furthermore, there are also types of speech according to delivery. There are four methods of delivery,
namely: the manuscript method, the memorized method, the impromptu method, and the extemporaneous
method. These four methods each have their own advantages and disadvantages. The manuscript method has
no danger of forgetting a part of your speech, but speeches read from manuscript sound as if they are being
read, so the audience will not hear it as natural. In the memorized method, meanwhile, its advantage is that the
speaker already knows or he/she already has a background idea of what he/she is going to deliver and is
prepared because she/he can memorize the speech, but its disadvantage is that if one is not well-prepared, his
effort to recall his lines distracts him from the more important "feeling and spirit" of the speech. On the other
hand, the advantage of impromptu speech is that it sounds natural, spontaneous, and more natural, much like
ordinary conversation. The disadvantage of this method is that the speaker is not given time to prepare. As a
result, the speaker may sound rambling, repetitious, and disorganized. Lastly, the advantage of
extemporaneous speech is that there is an allotted time for the speaker to prepare his/her speech about the
topic that was given on the spot, so it will sound natural, but the disadvantage of this method is that the
speaker rarely gets the chance to practice his/her speech.

In addition, there are different types of speech styles, and those are the frozen style, the formal style,
the consultative style, the casual style, and the intimate style. Frozen style is also known as fixed style; it is the
highest rank in style; it is in a very formal, rigid, and static language; and it uses expressions that have not
changed over the years. Its examples are the wedding ceremony, Panatang Makabayan, the Lord's Prayer, the
National Anthem, etc. The formal style, on the other hand, is used in one-way communication and uses
structured and formal language. An example of this style is speeches and presentations in court. Furthermore,
the consultative style is used in transactions where the participants engage in an active exchange of
information. Examples of this style are group discussion and teacher-student communication. Meanwhile, the
casual style uses standard and non-standard languages like slang and jargon, and it can be used by two or
more people with familiarity and a relatively close relationship. An example is talking with classmates at
breaktime. Lastly, the intimate style is a private conversation used among very close friends and family
members. Examples of intimate style are chats between best friends or between a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Finally, there are three types of speech acts, which are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary.
Wherein locutionary is the message or idea in what is said, illocutionary is the speaker's intention or message,
and perlocution is the effect that the speech has.

In conclusion, I might say that delivering a speech is a bit complicated, just like the communication
process. There are a lot of types, styles, and methods. In addition, I learned that speech is according to whom
we are communicating with and the topic should be considerable.

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