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Module 1
Accountability Over Government Fund and Property
Lecture Guide 1 : Overview and Budget Process in Government Accounting 1. A Government officer entrusted with the possession of government resources is
responsible for the safekeeping therefore in accordance with the law. Every
Government Accounting – the processes of analyzing, recording, classifying, accountable officer shall be properly bonded.
summarizing, and communicating all transactions involving the receipt and 2. The transfer of government funds from one officer to another shall except as
disposition of government funds and property and interpreting the result thereof. allowed by law be made only after the authorization of the COA. The transfer shall
be properly documented in an invoice and receipt.
The objective of government accounting are :
a. To produce information concerning past operation and present conditions. Liability Over Government Fund and Property
b. To provide a basis for guidance for future operations. 1. The unlawful use of government resources shall be the personal liability of the
c. To provide for control of the acts of public bodies and officers in the receipt, employee found to be directly responsible thereof.
disposition and utilization of funds and property. 2. Every accountable officer shall be liable for all losses resulting from the unlawful
d. To report on the financial position and the results of the operation of government use of negligence in the safekeeping of government resources.
agencies for the information of all the people concerned. 3. No accountable office shall be relieved from liability merely because he has acted
under the direction of a superior officer in unlawfully utilizing the government
Government Accounting place greater emphasis on the following : resources entrusted to him unless before that act, he has notified the superior
a. Sources and utilization of government funds. officer in writing, that the utilization is illegal. The superior officer shall be
b. Responsibility, accountability, and liability of entities entrusted with government primarily liable while the accountable officer who fails to serve the required
funds and properties. notice shall be secondarily liable.
c. The sources of government funds include receipts from taxes and other fees 4. An accountable officer shall immediately notify the COA of any loss of government
borrowing and grants from other governments and international bodies. funds from unforeseen events (force majeure) within 30 days. Failure to do so will
d. The utilization of government funds includes expenditures on programs, projects, not relieve the officer of liability.
unanticipated losses from calamities and the like.
Accounting Responsibility
Responsibility, Accountability and Liability Over Government Fund and The following officers are in-charge with government accounting responsibility :
1. Government resources shall be utilized efficiently and effectively in accordance Commission on Audit (COA)
with the law. The head of a government agency is directly responsible for  Has the exclusive authority to promulgate accounting and auditing rules and
implementing this policy and is primarily responsible for government resources regulations.
entrusted to his agency. Those who are entrusted with the possession of  Keeps the general accounts of the government , supporting voucher and other
government resources are directly responsible to the head of the agency. documents.
2. All those who are exercising authority over a government agency shall share fiscal  Submit financial reports to the President and Congress.

The GAM FOR NGAs is promulgated by the Commission on Audit (COA) based on the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) authority conferred to it by the Philippine Constitution.
The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) is responsible for the formulation COVERAGE
and implementation of the national budget with the goal of attaining the nation’s a. Preparing the general-purpose financial statement in accordance with the
socio-economic objective. Philippine Public Sector Accounting standard (PPSAS) and other financial
reports as may be required by laws, rules and regulations; and
Bureau of Treasury (BTr) b. Reporting of budget, revenue, and expenditures in accordance with laws,
The Bureau of Treasury functions under the Department of Finance and is the cash rules, and regulations.
custodian of the government. The BTr is authorized to :
 Receive and keep national funds and manage and control the disbursement OBJECTIVE
thereof; and The GAM for NGAs aims to update the following :
 Maintain accounts of financial transactions of all national government a. Standards, policies, guidelines, and procedures in accounting for government
offices, agencies, and instrumentalities. funds and property.
b. Coding structure and accounts.
The Government Agencies c. Accounting books, registries, records forms, reports, and financial statements.
Government agencies refer to any department, bureau, or office of the national
government or any of its branches and instrumentalities or any political subdivision BASIC ACCOUNTING AND BUDGET REPORTING PRINCIPLES
as well as any government owned or controlled corporation (GOCC), including its The financial records and reports of government entities shall comply with the
subsidiaries or other self-governing board or commission of the government . following :
1. Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS) and relevant law, rules,
The government agencies are responsible for directly implementing the project and and regulations.
performing the functions delegated by the government. 2. Accrual Basis of Accounting
Under the accrual basis of accounting, transactions are recognized when they occur
Each agency (entity) shall maintain accounting books and budget registries which are (and not only when cash is received or paid) therefore transactions are recognized in
reconciled with the cash record of the BTr and the budget records of the COA and the period to which they relate.
DBM. Government agencies are required by law to have accounting 3. Budget basis for presentation of budget information in the financial statements
units/divisions/departments. 4. Revised Chart of Accounts Prescribed by COA
5. Double Entry Bookkeeping
The GAM for NGAs 6. Financial statements based on accounting and budgetary records; and
The Government Accounting Manual for National Government Agencies (GAM for 7. Fund Cluster Accounting.
NGAs) was promulgated primarily to harmonize the government accounting
standards with international accounting standards, particularly the international The books of accounts are maintained by fund cluster (according to the type of fund
public sector accounting standard (IPSAS). The IPSASs are based on the International being accounted for) as follows :
Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS).

9. Prudence - the exercise of a degree of caution when making estimates under
conditions of uncertainty. Such that assets or revenue are not overstated, and
For example, separate accounting books (Journals and Ledgers) and budget registries liabilities or expenses are not understated.
shall be maintained for Regular Agency Fund. Another separate accounting books and 10. Completeness – information should be complete within the bounds of materiality
budget registries shall be maintained for foreign Assisted Project Funds and so on. and cost.
11. Comparability - information is comparable when users can identify similarities
QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF FINANCIAL REPORTING and differences between that information and information in other reports.
Information reported shall meet the qualitative characteristics. Qualitative Comparability requires users must be informed of the entity policies , changes to
characteristics are the attributes that make information useful to users. those policies and the effect of those changes and that financial statements show
1. Understandability – information is understandable when users can reasonably be corresponding information for preceding periods.
expected to comprehend its meaning . Accordingly, users are assumed to have :
a. Reasonable knowledge to the entity activities ; and COMPONENT OF GENERAL-PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
b. Willingness to study the information. The complete set of general-purpose financial statements consists of :
2. Relevance - Information is relevant if it can assist users in evaluating past present a. Statement of Financial Position
or future events or in confirming or correcting past evaluations. To be relevant, b. Statement of Financial Performance
information must also be timely. c. Statement of changes in Net Assets/ Equity
3. Materiality – materiality affects the relevance of information. Information is d. Statement of Cash flow
material if its omission or misstatement could influence the decision of users, e. Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts and
Materiality depends on the nature or size of the item or error, judged in the f. Notes to the Financial Statements, comprising a summary of significant
circumstances of its omission or misstatement. accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
4. Timeliness - Information loses its relevance if there is undue delay in its
reporting. The complexity of an entity’s operations is not a sufficient reason for ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
failing to report on a timely basis. ASSET
5. Reliability – reliable information is free from material error and bias and can be Assets are resources controlled by an entity as a result of past events, and from which
depended on by users to represent faithfully that which it purports to represent future economic benefits or service potential and expected to flow to the entity.
or could reasonably be expected to represent.
6. Faithful Representation – for information to represent faithfully transactions and The key feature of an assets are :
other events, it should be presented in accordance with the substance of the a. The benefit must be controlled by the entity;
transactions and other events and not merely their legal form. b. The benefit must have arisen from a past event and
7. Substance Over Form - The substance of transactions or other events is not c. Future economic benefit or services potential must be expected to flow to the
always consistent with their legal form. If information is to represent faithfully the entity.
transactions and other events that it purports to represent, it is necessary that
they be accounted for and presented in accordance with their substance and Control means the ability to benefit from an asset or prevent others from benefitting
economic reality, and not merely their legal form. from that asset. Benefit means the ability to use or exchange lease sell or use the asset
8. Neutrality – information is neutral if it is free from bias, information shall not be to settle liabilities or distribute it to owners.
selected or presented in manner that is designed to influence the user’s decision
to achieve a predetermined outcome.
Past Event – A transaction or event giving rise to control of future economic benefits which the contributor obtain interest in the net assets of the entity (i.e., right to
must have occurred. A mere intention to acquire assets in the future doesn’t result to dividends and right to net assets in cases of liquidation).
the recognition of assets in the present.
Revenue Fund – comprise all funds derived from the income of any agency of the
RECOGNITION OF AN ASSET government and available for appropriation or expenditure in accordance with law.
An asset is recognized when :
a. It is probable that the future economic benefit will flow to the entity. EXPENSES
b. The asset has a cost or value that can be measured reliably. Expenses are decrease in economic benefits or service potential during the reporting
period in the form of outflows or consumption of assets or incurrence of liabilities
Probable inflow of future economic benefits : that result in decreases in net asset/equity, other than those relating to distributions
a. The chance of benefit arising is more likely rather than less likely(e.g., greater to owners.
than 50%).
b. Benefit can be expected based on available evidence or logic. Distributions to owners are future economic benefits distributed by the entity to its
owners, either as a return on investment or as a return of investment.
a. Valuation method is free from material error or bias. Lecture Guide 2 : The Budget Process
b. Faithful representation of the asset’s benefits.
c. Reliable information will, without bias or undue error faithfully represent Government accounting is primarily budgetary accounting. Government accounting
those transactions and events. does not only aim to provide information on past events and transactions but also
budget information in according with PPSAS 24.
Liabilities are present obligations of the entity arising from past events, the settlement The national budget (government budget ) is the government’s estimate of the
of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying sources and uses of government’s funds within a fiscal year. This forms the basis
economic benefit or service potential. expenditure and is the government key instrument for promoting its socio-economic
Net assets/Equity – is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting The formulation and eventual utilization of the national budget are summarized in the
all its liabilities. budget cycle.


Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during the BUDGET PREPARATION
reporting period when that inflow results in an increase in net assets/equity, other The budget preparation in the Philippines uses a bottom-up approach. Under the
than increases relating to the contribution from owners. bottom-up budgeting several parties participate in the budget preparation starting
from the lowest to the highest levels of the government. Government agencies are also
Contribution from Owners – are future economic benefits that have been contributed tasked to increase the participation of citizen-stakeholders in the budget preparation.
to the entity by external parties which do not result to liabilities of the entity and for The opposite of bottom-up budgeting is top-down budgeting wherein the budget
preparation starts from the agency heads.
The President Budget contains the following documents which are intended to assist
Budget Call – The budget preparation starts when the Department of Budget and the Congress in their review and deliberation of the proposed national budget.
Management (DBM) issues a Budget Call to all government agencies. The budget call  President’s Budget Message - this contains the Presidents explanation of the
contains among other things the next fiscal year target, the agency budget ceiling and country fiscal policy and budget priorities.
other guidelines in the completion and submission of agency budget proposal.  The National Expenditure Program (NEP) contains the details of all the
Relevant Terms : government entities proposed expenditures in the coming year.
 Balanced Budget – prepared in such a way that estimated revenue exceed  Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Financing (BESF) – this contains the
estimated expenditures. Its actual revenue exceed actual expenditures, the estimated expenditures accompanied by estimates of expected sources of
government earns a surplus. If expenditure exceed revenues, the government financing.
incurs a deficit.  Other documents aimed to provide further explanation of selected items in
 Annual Budget - cover a period of one year and forms the basis for the annual the NEP (detailed of key programs and projects and staffing summary).
 Special Budget - provides for items not adequately covered or not included in BUDGET LEGISLATION
the general appropriation act. Government funds shall only be spent in pursuance of the appropriation made by law.
 Line Item Budget- focuses on specific expenditures such as salaries and Therefore, due process must be undertaken to legalize the proposed budget.
wages travel expenses, freight , supplies material and equipment. a. House Deliberation – Upon receipt of the President’s Budget, the House of
 Performance Budget- a plan of activities to be undertaken including their Representation conducts hearings to scrutinize the various agencies
related cost with the emphasis on meeting targets and desired results. The respective proposed programs and expenditures. Thereafter the house of
focus is on the work to be done or services to be rendered. Representative prepares the General Appropriation Bill (GAB).
 Obligation Budget – focuses on expenditures incurred in the current year b. Senate Deliberations - The Senate conduct its own deliberations on the GAB
which are to be paid either in the same year or in the following year. from the House of Representatives. However, for expediency, hearing in the
Senate start even as Representatives deliberation are ongoing.
Budget Hearings c. Bicameral Deliberation - After deliberations in both houses are finished, a
Budget hearings are conducted after the agencies submit their budget proposal. Each committee called the Bicameral Conference Committee is formed to
agency defends its budget proposal before the DBM. The DBM deliberates on the harmonize any conflict between the Representative and Senate versions of
budget proposal makes recommendations and consolidates the deliberated proposal the GAB. The harmonized GAB (Bicam version) is submitted back to both
into the National Expenditure Program (NEP) and Budget of Expenditures and Houses for ratification. After ratification the final GAB is submitted to the
Sources of Financing (BESF). The DBM then submits the proposed budget to the President for Enactment.
President. d. President’s Enactment – The President enacts the budget which is now
known as the General appropriation Act. (GAA). Before enactment though, the
Presentation to the Office of the President President may exercise his veto power as conferred to him under the
The President and Cabinet members review the proposed budget . After the President Philippine Constitution.
approve the proposed budget. The DBM finalizes the budget documents to be
submitted to the Congress. At this point, the proposed budget is referred to as the THE APPROVED BUDGET
President Budget.

Approved Budget is the expenditures authority derived from appropriation laws, 6. Retained Income/ Funds - collections which are authorized by law to be used
government ordinances and other decisions related to the anticipated revenue or directly by agencies concerned for their operation or specific purposes.
receipts for the budgetary period. The approved budget consists of the following : 7. Revolving Funds – receipts derived from business type activities of departments/
agencies which are authorized by law to be constituted as such and deposited in
New General Appropriations 01 an authorized government depository bank, these funds shall be self-liquidating,
Continuing Appropriation 02 and all obligations and expenditure incurred by virtue of said business type
Supplemental Appropriation 03 activity shall be charge against said fund.
Automatic Appropriations 04 8. Trust Receipts - receipts by any government agency acting as trustee, agent, or
Unprogrammed Funds 05 administrator for the fulfilment of some obligations or conditions.
Retained Income/ Funds 06
Revolving Funds 07 BUDGET EXECUTION
Trust Receipts 08 This is the phase where the government funds are spent.

Appropriation - is the authorization made by a legislative body to allocate funds for Release Guidelines and BED – The Department of Budget Management (DBM)
purposes specified by the legislative or similar authority. issues guidelines on the release and utilization of funds while the various agencies
1. New General Appropriations – are annual authorization for incurring obligation submit their Budget Execution Document(BEDs). A BED summarizes an agency fiscal
during a specified budget year, as listed in the GAA. year plans and performance target. It includes the following :
2. Continuing Appropriations – are the authorizations to support obligations for a a. Physical and Financial Plan
specific purpose or projects which require the incurrence of obligations even b. Monthly Cash Program
beyond the budget year. c. Estimates of Monthly Income, and
3. Supplemental Appropriations – are additional appropriation authorized by law to d. List of obligations that are not yet due and demandable.
augment the original appropriation which proved to be insufficient for their
intended purpose due to economic, political, or social conditions supported by a The following are the major recipients of the budgets :
Certification of Availability of funds from the BTr. 1. National Government Agencies (NGAs) include ALL agencies within the executive,
4. Automatic Appropriations – are the authorization programmed annually or for legislative and judicial branches of government e.g., Commissions, departments ,
the same other period prescribed by law which do not require periodic action by Land Bank of the Philippines, Social Security System, etc.,
Congress. 2. Local Government Units (LGUs) include (a) autonomous regions, (b) provinces
5. Unprogrammed Funds – are standby appropriation authorized by congress in the and cities independent from a province (c) component city (cities which are part
annual GAA which may be availed only when any of the following instances occur. of a province) and municipalities and (d) barangays.
a. Revenue collections exceed the original revenue targets in the budget of 3. Government Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCCs) – corporations that are
Expenditure and Sources of Financing (BESF) submitted by the President of owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the government and vested with
the Congress. functions relating to public needs.
b. New revenues are collected or realized from sources not originally
considered in the BESF OR Allotment – The DBM formulates the Allotment Release Program (ARP) to set the
c. Newly approved loans for foreign assisted projects are secured or when limit for allotment releases during the upcoming year. This is used as a control devise
conditions are triggered for other sources of funds such as perfected loan to ensure that release conform to the national budget . Alongside is a Cash Release
agreements for foreign assisted projects.
Program (CRP) which sets the disbursement limits for years, for each quarter and for Incurrence of Obligations – Government agencies incur obligations which will be
each month. paid by the government, e.g., entering contracts, hiring of personnel, purchase of
supplies etc.
It is an authorization issued by the DBM to government agencies to incur obligation
for Disbursement Authority – The DBM issues disbursement authority to the
specified amount contained in a legislative appropriation in the form of budget government agencies. This is the point where government agencies obtain access to
release document. It is also referred to as Obligational Authority. the government funds. The following are the documents used in releasing
disbursement authority to government agencies :
It is illegal for a government entity to incur obligation without having first received 1. Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) – authority issued by the DBM to central, regional
the and provincial offices and operating units to cover their cash requirements. The
“allotment”. Moreover, the type and amount of obligations to the incurred must NCA specified the maximum amount of cash that can be withdrawn from a
conform to those that are specified in the allotment. government servicing bank in a certain period. The NCA is based on the agency’s
submitted Monthly Cash Program.
Obligation is an act of a duly authorized official which binds the government to the 2. Notice of Transfer of Allocation – Authority issued by an agency’s Central office to
immediate or eventual payment of a sum of money. Obligation maybe referred to a its regional and operating units to cover the latter’s cash requirements.
commitment that encompasses possible future liabilities based on current contractual 3. Non-Cash Availment Authority – authority issued by DBM to agencies to cover the
agreement. liquidation of their actual obligations incurred against available allotments for
availment of proceeds from loan/grants through supplier’s credit/constructive
The following are the documents used in releasing allotments to government cash.
agencies: 4. Cash Disbursement Ceiling – authority issued by the DBM to agencies with foreign
1. General Appropriations Act Release Document (GAARD) – serve as the operation (e.g., Department of Foreign Affairs DFA) allowing them to use the
obligational authority for the comprehensive release of budgetary item income collected by their foreign Service Posts to cover their operating
appropriated in the GAA, categorized as for Comprehensive Release. requirements.
2. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)- covers budgetary items under for Later
Release (negative list) in the entity’s submitted budget Execution Documents Disbursements are most made through checks that are chargeable against the
(BEDs), subject to compliance of required documents /Clearances, Releases of accounts of the Treasurer of the Philippines (i.e., Treasury Single Account). Checks
allotments for Special Purpose Funds (e.g., Calamity fund, Contingent Fund , E- issued under this scheme are called “ Modified Disbursement system (MDS)
Government Fund, Feasibility studies Fund, International Commitments Fund, check.
Miscellaneous Personnel Benefit Fund and Pension and Gratuity Fund are also
3. General Allotment Release Order (GAR0) – is a comprehensive authority issued to This phase occurs concurrently with the Budget Execution phase. As the Budget is
all national government agencies, in general to incur obligations not exceeding an being
authorized amount during a specified period for the purpose indicated therein. It executed. It is regularly monitored to determine the conformation of actual results
covers automatically appropriated expenditures common to most, if not all, with planned targets.
agencies without need of special clearance or approval from a competent
authority i.e., Retirement and Life Insurance Premium. Budget Accountability Reports – Government agencies are required to submit the
following accountability reports :
a. Monthly Report of Disbursements – show the disbursements of the entity A consolidated Statement of Allotments obligation and Balance per Summary of
during the month, classified according to the type of disbursement authority. Appropriations, based on reports “c” and “d’ above. Shall be submitted on or before
This report is submitted to the COA and DBM within 30 days after the end of February 14, of the following year.
each month.
b. The Quarterly Physical Report of Operations show the agency’s physical Performance Reviews – The DBM and COA perform periodic review of the agency’s
accomplishments in each quarter vis-a vis its physical targets. performance and budget accountability and report to the President.
c. Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and
Balances – Shows the agency’s authorized appropriations allotments Audit – The COA audits the agencies.
received, obligations incurred, disbursements made and the balances of
unreleased appropriations, unobligated allotments, and unpaid obligations.
d. Summary of Appropriation, Allotments, Obligation, disbursement and RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING
Balances by Object of Expenditures similar to ‘c’ above but provides details of To better evaluate the budget accountability of an entity. Government Accounting
expenditures (e.g., salaries and wages, traveling expenses etc.) adheres to the concept of responsibility accounting.
e. List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments – show the allotments received by the
agency from the DBM and the sub-allotments issued by the Agency’s Central Responsibility Accounting is a system of providing cost and revenue information over
office or Regional Office to lower operating units. which a manager has direct control of. This enables the evaluation of a manager ‘s
f. Statement of Approved Budget utilization, Disbursements and Balances, this performance based only on matters that are directly under his control. Therefore,
report is prepared by agencies that have authority to use their revenue. It budget deviations can be readily attributed to the managers accountable, therefore.
shows the budgeted revenue the utilization and disbursement thereof and the Responsibility accounting requires the identification of responsibility centers and the
utilized amount. distinction between controllable and non-controllable costs.
g. Summary of Approved Budget Utilization - Disbursements and Balances by
Object of Expenditures. Similar to “F” above but provides details of Responsibility Center is a part, segment , unit or function of a government agency,
expenditures. headed by a manager, who is accountable for a specified set of activities.
h. Quarterly Report of Revenue and Other Receipts – shown the actual revenues  controllable cost - a cost is considered controllable at a given level of
and other receipts remitted to the BTr and deposited in authorized managerial responsibility if the manager has the power to incur it within a
government depository banks in each quarter. given period of time.
 non-controllable costs – are costs incurred indirectly and allocated to a
Report “B to H” above are prepared on a quarterly basis and are submitted to the COA responsibility level.
and DBM within 30 days after the end of each quarter.
Except for some which derive most of their income from collection of taxes and fees,
i. Aging Due and Demandable obligation – show the names of creditors the government agencies are basically cost centers whose primary purpose is to render
amount owed to them and the number of days these obligations are service to the public at the lowest possible cost.
outstanding. This report is to be submitted to the COA and DBM within 30
days after the end of the year. Each of the managers of an agency that is a cost center is evaluated based on his
ability to meet budgeted goals for controllable cost . All costs are controllable by top

management because of the high extent of its authority. Fewer costs are controllable
in lower management levels because of the decrease scope of authority.

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