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PHINMA University of Pangasinan

College of Health Sciences

Name: QUIRIMIT, DARWIN N. Date: 07-28-22

Year/block/group: 3BSN-13 Hospital/area: UPang
Clinical Instructor: Ma’am Maria Cecilita C. Lusung, R.N
Ma’am Amelita Delos Santos Dumaguin, R.N


The Barthel index is employed as a measurement, when assessing a person's capacity to carry out activities of
daily living and prospective support requirements. On the 28th of July, 2022 ,My grandfather was the subject of
my interview since he had a mild stroke back in 2017, but he has now made a full recovery. His name is Pedro
Quirimit. He resided in Bantayan, Mangaldan, Pangasinan, with his children, grandchildren, and a few other
family members. He is 71 years old, and he will be 72 years old this coming April 29, 2023. His family type
is extended family. An extended family is a wider family that resides under one roof, including grandparents,
parents, kids, aunts, uncles, and cousins. All of Lolo’s vital signs—BP 110/70, HR 85, RR 15, and T 36.5—are
within the normal range. Then I asked Lolo a few questions regarding his daily routines and any prospective
needs for care giving assistance, and the questions were all common without any medical terminology for easy

According to my evaluation of my grandfather "Lolo," he can still do things independently, such as eating,
washing, clothing, personal hygiene, being able to manage his bladder by peeing, and bathing and toileting. He
can also stroll and undertake workouts along the lines of running and cycling on the farm or by the beach. He
can also go upstairs in order to enjoy the fresh air on the rooftop. He stated that in the event that he does not act
or do what he typically does, he will not improve and his stamina or physical strength will not strongly develop.
He believes he is stronger than other muscle-built men because of the fact that he is aware of his strength and
abilities and that he is more powerful than they. In the final analysis, When it comes to eating, they eat 3-4
times a day, including snacks at 10:30 in the morning and 3:00 in the afternoon. He may also make their meals
without the help of their wife, children, or other relatives. My grandfather is able to eat by himself and
independently without help. He doesn't need our help getting into and out of the bathroom, whether washing or
taking a bath. My grandfather can dress himself, put clothing on, take it off by himself, and tie his shoes. Yes,
he is still working on his grooming and personal hygiene by cleaning his teeth, washing his face and hands,
shaving, nail trimming, putting deodorant in his armpit, combing his hair, and many other things. My
Grandfather bowels 2-3 times per day without any bowel medicine and without any aid when urinating; he is
well with that and peeing without any discomfort or caretaker.He has no problems with the usage of WC and
can do it on his own. When it comes to movement, my grandfather can still transfer from chair to bed (and vice
versa) without the assistance of family or relatives. He goes for a morning walk as well as running and biking
on the farm or along the ocean as forms of exercise. Nevertheless, my grandpa goes upstairs alone, without the
assistance of others, and occasionally he goes with his grandchildren to have a picnic on the rooftop and enjoy
the fresh air.all I can say is that my grandfather is now more healthy than before since he can still manage all
that he does and can think more deeply about his decisions in life. I am so proud of my lolo. Since my "lolo," or
grandfather, is completely healthy and capable of carrying out all of his daily activities. The whole summation
is equal to 100 without the need for assistance.
Eating Totally dependent 10 10
Needs help to cut meat, bread, etc. 5
Dependent 0
Washing Independent-enters and leaves the bathroom alone 5 5
Dependent 0
Dressing Independent- can put on and take off clothes, button clothes, 10 10
and tie shoelaces
Needs help 5
Dependent 0
Personal Hygiene Independent for washing face, hands, brushing hair, shaving, 5 5
putting on makeup, etc.
Dependent 0
Stools (to determine Normal continence 10 10
the previous week)

Occasional episodes of incontinence, or needs help to administer 5

suppositories or laxatives
Incontinence 0
Micturition (to Normal continence or is able to take care of catheter, if 10 10
determine the Inserted
previous week)
Maximum 1 daily episode of incontinence or needs help to take 5
care of catheter if inserted
Incontinence 0
Use of WC Independent to go to the WC, take off and put on clothing 10 10

Needs help to go to the WC, but can clean self 5

Dependent 0
Movement Independent to go from chair to bed 15 15
Minimal physical help or supervision to walk 50 meters 10
Needs great degree of help, but is capable of staying seated 5
Dependent 0
Walking Independent, walks 50 meters alone 15 15
Needs physical help or supervision to walk 50 meters 10
Independent in wheelchair without help 5
Dependent 0
Stairs Independent to go up and down the stairs 10 10
Needs physical help or supervision 5
Dependent 0
Interpretation of scores: 0-30 (requires help); 35-80(needs help); 85-95(helps in certain issues);
100(no help necessary)

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