Nazareth Duty Journal

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PHINMA University of Pangasinan

College of Health Sciences

Name: Quirimit, Darwin N Date: March 17, 2023

Year/block/group: 3BSN8 Hospital/area: NGH
Clinical Instructor: Ma’am Jobelle Lomibao

Nazareth Duty
My whole clinical duty was full of mentality conflicts. It’s so overwhelming when you need to separate
your time in doing your clinical duties and academic requirements. Sometimes, I only want to have one day
duty so that I can have more time to study for the exam that is coming up next week. But then, as the days
goes by, I enjoyed every time I spent in this hospital, the Nazareth General Hospital, it leaves me a lot of
experiences and kowledge within my field.

Nazareth was my great and spectacular experience since I experienced how to change the drainage bag
of the catheter, positioning the patient into a side-lying position and a semi-fowler position, checking the vital
signs of the patient every 5 hours in Care 3, observed a cesarean delivery, and administered the B+ blood via IV
in the ward area. I also met the other medical professionals (nurses, med technologists, and doctors); they are all
approachable and kind. I gained knowledge with the help of my professor, other medical professionals, and my
co-student nurses; they were always guiding me.

I therefore conclude that this way I can learn more skills and feel more confidence when I take care of
my patients. Besides that, I also understand there will always be challenge when it comes to patient care
because each patient is very different, but I believe I can improve my professional nursing practice as long as I
have the determination to learn and eliminate any challenge that comes in my way.

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