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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Taha Irfan

Date: 10/4/23
Teacher: Lara Lacriox
Capstone strand I have chosen is Product
Proposed title for my project: How to maintain and repair a car.

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

Why is proper maintainence and reparing important, and how it effects how your car runs.

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect
to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

i chose to do this focus area and topic because i have a passion for cars. Ever since i was
little i was all over cars, i loved cars, i used to beg my parents to go to a car shows and
events. Now i love everything about cars, learning, exploreing, experimenting, and just talking
about cars. If talking about cars was a job, i would be millionaire.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?

As i have liked cars all of my life, i have also been experimenting an dworking with cars as
well. My father is also in a mechanical field, so he is also into cars, sometimes i ehp him with
projects aout cars. I have also taken automotive technology in grade 9,11,and in am currently
in automotive technology 12.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?


Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core
competencies will be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

1: I am personally responsible, self-motivated, and can advocate for myself.
During high school I have always been personally responsible. I have been personally
responsible by completing all my assignments on time, setting a schedule for each day
of the week, determining when I am going to work on one assignment, and the other
day I am going to work on another assignment. An example of self-motivation is when
I broke my leg for the second time in summer vacation, and I was extremely fed up,
and sad that I could not do activities that I really wanted to do. I never gave up and
kept on motivating myself.

2: I understand my decisions can affect me.

In grade nine I made a wrong decision to not focus on school. I would not pay
attention in class at all, and not do any of my homework, instead I would hang out
with friends and play video games all day. This decision affected me in grade nine by
getting bad grades, and it still affects me today when I am going to apply to
universities. Now I am super conscious of my decisions, say to myself “is it really worth

I can set goals, regulate my emotions, and persevere in difficult situations
In terms of goal setting, I struggle with short term goals. Long term goals are
more doable for me. When I set short term goals, I often tend to take it seriously, or
just being lazy. I am currently working on improving my goal setting abilities.
Regulating my emotions is difficult for me, when I have a heavy workload, have just
burnt out by work, I sometimes tend to lose my emotions, some things that help me
with regulating my emotions, is going on a walk with my family, or peaceful in and out

Social Responsibility

1: I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and
evaluate strategies to resolve problems.
In my automotive technologies class, and car would not start, so I got at it, and tried to
figure out what was wrong with it, I kept on trying and trying, but nothing seemed to
work, so one of my classmates came and tried to help me. My classmate gave me a
totally different perspective and made me think creatively. I really appreciated my
classmate for getting me to think from a different perspective.

2: I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships, social responsibility.

When it comes to intergenerational relationships, I can have a good
relationship with any generation. I think about what they are going through and what
their generation is about. For example, I am trying to spark a conversation with a 30-
year-old person, I would talk about the cost of living right now, whether planning to
buy a house or not. If I were trying to build a relationship with a 5-year-old, I would
think to myself, what are their interests and hobbies, once I have enough information,
I would keep the conversation going by talking more about their interests/hobbies.

I am aware if my community and environment and work independently and
collaboratively for the benefit of others.
I am not aware of my community when it comes to helping or participating in big
events, but I would really like to make this weakness a strength because of what I
want to do in the future. In the future I would like to pursue business, and for
business, people need to actively participate in the community and meet new people.
Being aware of the environment and working independently is not really a big
weakness for me, I need to focus on being more involved in the community.

Critical Thinking
1: I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.
On some of the assignments that I have gotten, I have had teachers tell me how to
critique my work and learning. It takes the critique that my teachers tell me and apply

it to my work and learning, and yes it effects and improves working/learning
outcomes. It is not only teachers that tell me, but also sometimes me telling myself to
work on my learning and work abilities, if I feel like I did not do a good job.

2: I can assess my progress.

I have always been assessing my progress when I have a big task, or assignment
to do. I set goals, find out things that I need to do, and meet deadlines. One thing I am
going to assess my progress on is my capstone project coming up. I will be actively
assessing my progress, and making sure that I do not fall behind, and or miss certain

I can analyze and make defensible judgments, draw conclusions, and consider a
variety of perspectives.
One example of this weakness of mine is when I am in a deep conversation, argument,
or just trying to prove my point about something, I often cannot think of a defensible
judgment, and or consider a variety of perspectives right on the spot. I must take some
time to think and make statements, either taking some time to think before I speak,
not saying anything, and realizing what I could have said.

Creative Thinking
1: I can take my ideas evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something
productive out of them.
When doing assignments that involve a bit of creativity in them, a lot of my
ideas are either too big or too small. So to fix that by evaluating, developing, and
refining my ideas to make them example of this is my upcoming capstone
project, my idea was to fix and upgrade a broken car, but my teacher told me that my
idea was a little bit small, so evaluated and developed my idea, and now I am going to
make videos on what I am going to be fixing, and a step by step explanation on how to
do it.

2: I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive.

Often people take failure as a bad thing, but failure to me is a good thing. For example,

when a certain test or assignment did not go well, go through the test or assignment,
and see where I went wrong, I take note of them, and think of them when doing
another test or assignment. During my capstone project, there will be many failures,
but I will learn from them and do better next time. As a business-minded person
failure is the key to success.

I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence
how people think about topics.
An example of this I when I am in a group project, and the project is supposed to be
creative, I am not the creative person. I can pitch one or two basic ideas, but not new
and unique ideas that have new perspectives that influence how people think about
topics. I would really like to try and turn this weakness into a strength, because
moving on in the future I would like to pursue business, and for business people need
an incredibly creative mind that provides new perspectives that influence how people
think about topics.

1: I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider
different perspectives, and build consensus.
An example of this is when I am working on a project with a group of students, and we
are all talking and discussing what to do on our project. When doing this I love to
contribute to meaningful discussion, debate, and consider other people's perspectives.
I love hearing different people's ideas and critiquing and debating different people's
ideas. I am glad that this is one of my strengths because when I am going to pursue
business, I will have to work with a team, and contribute to meaningful discussions.

2: I can work with other students to plan inquire and solve problems
When working in a group with students, I like to take the initiative and plan everything
out, for example, who will do what, and how we will do it, and when we will finish,
making sure we are meeting the deadline. When there is a problem in the plan, I love
to work with my group and solve the problem by finding ways around it. Again, I am
glad this is one of my strengths because in business you must take leadership and
work with a team to solve problems.

I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences.
When it comes to the communication aspect, I do not think I have a big weakness, but
I do sometimes have a fear to share my deep and meaningful inquiry with audiences.
For example, when I created a project which I did my myself, but others did it
with partners. When it was time to present, I was I bit nervous because I did not know
what people were going to think about my own deep and meaningful ideas.

Personal and Cultural Identity

1: I understand how what I value has and will shape my choices.
Some of my values are self-discipline, financial security, and religion. I can understand
how my values can shape my choices. For example, self-discipline can shape my
choices by giving me the power to stick to my decisions and follow them through
without changing my mind. An example of financial security is when choosing a career
path, when someone values financial security, then they would choose a career path
that would give them the most financial security. When people value religion they
really must think about what kind of chokes they are going to make, because it could
affect their relationship with God.

2: I know my strengths and what makes me unique.

Some of my strengths are my communication skills, math skills, and self-
discipline skills. Some things that make me unique are my knowledge about cars, my
knowledge about business, and basketball skills. I know my strengths because I have
used them to my advantage to solve problems, I know what makes me unique because
I have tried and experimented, and I have seemed to like things, and that is what
makes me unique.

I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world.
When defining myself in terms of my relationship to others and the world, I am not
strong at it. I would like to learn how to though. I would like to learn because it is a
great way of defining myself instead of basic words, this can be useful on resumes, or

a person just trying to get to know you.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o iMovie presentation
o YouTube channel

I will be creating a youtube channel, and creating how to videos on what i am reparing, and

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced
at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your

For my capstone project i will be repairing and doing regualr maintainence on a 1990 honda
civic hatchback. Some repairs that i will be doing is finding out why the car will not stay on,
locating the fuel line leak and repairing it, and installing a new seat. Some maintaince that i
will be doing is an oil change, and tire balanceing. When trying to find out why the car is not
staying on, i will explore and investigate different senarios, that could be the problem. I will
take advantage of all my resources, that include my mentor, and the internet. Once i find out
what the problem is, i will continue to work and fix that problem by using my resouces. When
locating and fixing the leaking fuel line, i will have to take the old fuel line out depending on
how bad the leak is, if it is just a small leak then that can be reapried easly by patchig the leak.
When installing a new seat, there will be need to take offthe old one or buy a new one as
there is already one, and old one hasbeed taken off already. The tricky part when installing
the new seat is the sliders, i am going to need to figure out how to make the seat adjustable
by putting sliders beneath the seat. I will either create one by usign different materials form the
shop, i will reshearch on what materials will be needed and how to assemble and install the
slider underneath the seat. If i do not have enough time then i will use my budget and order
one, or install the seat without the slider. When doing maintainence on the car, i will be dong
oil change and tire balancing. When doing an oil change i will be making a youtube video on
how to doan oil change. I will be explianing how to put the car on a lift and raise it, how to
drain the oil, how to change the oil filter, and how fefill the oil. In the video i will be expalining
what kind on oil, and how much oil is needed for different types of engines. I will aslo be
explainng why an oil change is important, and how regularly you shoud do an oil change.

When doing tire balaceing i will be also making a youtube video. In the video i will be
explaining how to jack up the car with jack stands, how to take a tire off, how to put and lock
the tire on the machine, how to use the machine, and how to put the tire back on and lower
the back down. In the video i will also be explaining, why tire balanceing is important, what
happens if you dont balance your tires, and how regularly you shoud balance your tires. As i
mentioned earlyer i will be creating a youtube channel, and creating videos. I will be using my
phone to record, and i will be using an app called capcut to edit my videos.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and

skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

Some resourses that i am going to need are just the tools from the automotive shop, the auto
shop has almost evreything that i am going to need. When i am going to do the oil change i
am going to need new oil wich the auto shop already has. When doing tire blanceing i will be
using the tire balanceing machine from the auto shop. If i am going to need anything that the
autoshop does not have then i will ask my teacher if he can use his school budget the
particular part/tool.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

My metor for my capstone will be my automotive technolgy teacher, as he has plenty of

knowlaege with cars, and he is my current teacher for auto. My mentor will help my with
reparing and maintaining the car. I will check in with him to make what i am doing is right, and
my mentor will give me some tips to help me suceed.

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

One obstical is time management, when i will start doing a repair, or maintaince i will need to
keep track of time because i have to do it in one block, start it in one block and finidh in

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

One big consideration is saftey. When doing maintainece and reapairs, i will need to make
sure that i am safe, and go over everything with my teacher/mentor when doing a repair or


Attach a REFERENCE LIST. Your list should be written using correct APA formatting.
An example is provided on page 21 of your Capstone booklet.

Hall, B. (2023, March 23). The Importance Of Good Vehicle Maintenance, And How To Do It Right -

Auto Service World

Mortimer, M. B. (2019, April 19). How to change your oil. Car And Driver.

Bryant, J. (2017). How to install custom seats.


in Indonesia.

Automotive Fuel Leaks Service, Repairs & Maintenance Langley, BC | Norlang Auto. (2022, July 18).

Norlang Auto.


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