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Pollution is the introduction of harmful or toxic substances into the environment, which

can be air, water, or soil. These substances can be natural or human-made and can
have detrimental effects on living organisms, ecosystems, and the environment as a
whole. Pollution can manifest in various forms, including air pollution (emissions from
vehicles and industrial processes), water pollution (contaminated water bodies), soil
pollution (chemical spills), noise pollution, light pollution, and more.

Effects of Pollution on the World:

Health Impact: Pollution is a major public health concern, causing a range of health
issues such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and more. Air
and water pollution are particularly significant contributors to these health problems.

Environmental Degradation: Pollution can harm ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural

habitats. It can lead to deforestation, loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystems, and
damage to aquatic life.

Climate Change: Pollution, especially greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide,
contributes to climate change. Climate change affects global weather patterns, sea
levels, and leads to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods.

Economic Impact: Pollution imposes significant economic costs in terms of healthcare

expenses, loss of productivity due to illnesses, damage to infrastructure, and efforts
needed for pollution control and cleanup.

Controlling Pollution at School:.

Students can play a significant role in protecting the environment by adopting eco-
friendly practices and raising awareness. Here are several ways they can contribute:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Encourage students to reduce waste by using reusable

containers, bottles, and bags. Teach them how to sort and recycle materials like paper,
plastic, glass, and metal.

Conserve Energy: Educate children about the importance of turning off lights, fans, and
electronics when not in use. Encourage the use of energy-efficient bulbs and

Save Water: Teach kids to use water wisely by turning off taps while brushing teeth,
fixing leaks, and using water-saving devices. Educate them on the value of water and
the importance of not wasting it.

Educational Campaigns: Organize awareness campaigns, workshops, or assemblies

focused on environmental issues. Engage kids in discussions, presentations, and
projects related to pollution, conservation, and sustainability.

Create Eco-Art: Foster creativity by encouraging kids to create artwork or crafts using
recycled materials. This not only promotes recycling but also showcases the
importance of art and creativity in sustainability.

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