HBM122 Quiz2

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Manila Campus
Basic Education Department


PART I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write False.

1. Excellence is perfection.
2. Aristotle's virtue ethics can be gleaned from his work titled "Nicomachean Ethics”.
3. According to Plato, the moral evaluations of daily life presuppose a “GOOD LIFE” which is independent
of experience, personality, and circumstances.
4. According to Plato, what people fundamentally desire is EUDAIMONIA.
5. Respect everyone, not as a response to what they do to you, but as a reflection of who you are.
6. A life without virtue is a life of Eudaimonia.
7. According to Aristotle, honor, health, and power are part of man’s inclination to seek for happiness.
8. Based on the study made by Aristotle, only virtuous acts can lead us to true happiness.
9. The formation of virtue has 2 stages: habit and contemplation.
10. Virtue is the middle ground between two vices: the high and the low.
11. Respect is earned; it is not freely given.
12. Compassion means "to be merciful".
13. To be fair is to be partial.
14. A person who showed so much patience in a charity event is a person who lives the virtue of patience.
15. A person who lives a life of purpose is a person who lives a life of eudaimonia.
16. Layoff can be temporary, but it can also be permanent.
17. In Virtue Ethics, Aristotle distinguishes between doing things that are "good for" something and things
that are "good".
18. Someone who does an action because they have to do it is displaying virtue ethics.
19. Loyalty can only be applied in righteousness.
20. Responsibility is being able to justify one’s action.

PART II. MULTIPLE-CHOICE. Write the letter of the BEST answer. Use CAPITAL letters.
21. It is the 1st systematic study of Ethics.
a. Systematic ethics c. Nicomachean ethics by Plato
b. Philosophy d. None of the choices
22. It is a kind of happiness that is temporal brought about by man's inclination.
a. Honor c. Pleasure
b. Happiness d. Power
23. _________ are the most valuable and cannot be superseded by any actions driven by ordinary kinds of
a. actions which result to honor c. actions which precede happiness
b. actions which result to wealth d. None of the choices
24. Which of the following is an example of a virtue?
a. Bravery c. Rashness
b. Cowardliness d. None of the choices
25. It is when accountant intentionally misstate information in the financial reports.
a. Overbilling b. Misleading advertisement c. Making false claims d. None of the choices
26. The practice of charging more than what is legally and ethically acceptable.
a. Overbilling b. Misleading advertisement c. Making false claims d. None of the choices
27. It is the discharge of a worker due to economic reasons.
a. Resignation b. Retirement c. Layoff d. None of the choices
28. All of these are examples of unethical business practices EXCEPT
a. Overbilling b. Making False claims c. Good customer service d. None of the choices
29. What are the two extremes that virtues are generally the average of?
a. Deficient and Proficient c. Proficient and Excessive
b. Deficient and Excessive d. Omniscient and Proficient
30. Which of these is a deficient vice of bravery?
a. Rash b. Cowardly c. Unfriendly d. Modesty

“There is joy in waiting.”

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