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Task 1.

Albert Ernest Quille A. Castro

Teaching is a métier whose preeminence is frequently overlooked

by the preponderance of people in the community. The majority view it
as a homespun, quotidian, yet tedious career, a common social
misconception prevalent in modern-day society. It is common for
people that view teaching through a lens of idiocy to acquire the notion
that being a teacher is an easy task; it begins and ends in teaching
practical knowledge to the kids. This fact insinuates that the majority of
the citizens are apathetic and mindless to a teacher's way of living.

Scrutinizing this career through a lens of morality, one can see that
it requires intense passion, constant motivation, endless love, and
unwavering patience. It probably is one of, if not the most arduous
career paths one could ever choose to tread. Educating is more than
just reiterating the texts from textbooks; it is worth more than
ensuring maximum retention of lessons among students. The
quintessence of education stems from an educator’s tenacity to instill
the best humane values to his students and his pursuit to train them to
see the best in themselves and the people around them. Treading the
path of becoming a proficient and noble educator means the
recalibration and purification of one’s socio-educational ideals and

The movie “Freedom Writers” took me on a rollercoaster ride of

emotions. A one-of-a-kind journey in redefining my philosophical
paragons. It mirrors the reality of life by displaying contrasting
individual lenses and perspectives. It did not just emphasize the life of
teachers and the students’ setbacks; it gave a platform for various
pertinent social issues that needs addressing. It is a multifaceted movie
that rallies personal-social aspirations and buoyancies.
The storyline of this digital masterpiece talks about the hardships
of teachers and students in changing an anarchic and desultory socio-
educational society where savagery, ignorance, and chauvinism triumph
over peace and equality. These detriments are highly evident in the
educational context; Mrs. Erin Gruwell and her class. Everything started
with Mrs. Gruwell; a resourceful, compassionate, driven, uncustomary,
and dedicated teacher who would fight for whatever she believes in.
When she was put into a context where there are evident loopholes,
her persistence to push for change radiated in her environment. Some
thought of it as an act of rebellion against the system. For others, she is
an amplifier of voices; voices constantly silenced by opportunists. Mrs.
Gruwell spotted the lack of motivation in the teachers and the students.
Ergo, she had to do what she thought was the right thing to do. Go
against the educational customs. She mustered all her courage then
holistically supported her students by hearing their stories in the most
unconventional yet effective strategies. It even reached the point
where she had to work two more jobs to earn more funds for their
learning. From being ignorant and apathetic rivals, whose only goal is to
show supremacy, the students gradually showed their inner beauty and
began opening themselves to their classmates. All their sentiments
were taken out of the box. And because of this, they created a common
ground, a place where they share the same emotions.

Although uniting her students became a success, she put her job
on the line and sacrificed her husband. The school-in-charge
reprimanded her for not sticking to the teaching style followed within
the school, which highly focused on the educational philosophy of
essentialism ,where there is a belief that a common core of knowledge
should be distributed to the students in a structured and controlled
manner. The school’s philosophy is in contrast to her method of
teaching; which is student-centric. From what I can observe, her style is
a fusion of humanism, constructivism, and progressivism , all of which
are innately humane in nature. Mrs. Gruwell’s teaching style focuses on
the children by exposing them to the reality of the world and making
them realize, on their own, the rights and wrongs.
Moreover, she believes that her students are innately good; all
she had to do was to tap into their appropriate facet of knowledge.
Her husband left her because she dedicated her time and attention to
her students. It was a tough battle Mrs. Gruwell had to face. However,
the improvements of her students served as her fuel to keep on
fighting for the right thing. In the latter part of the movie, she was
supposed to part with her students. However, through their collective
action, they created a book entitled “Freedom Writers.” A compilation
of their emotions, opinions, and experiences. This book convinced
those from the higher-ups to let her teach the students until they
graduate from high school. Later, it became an inspiration to people all
around the world.

The movie has awoken the notion that education is a never-ending

humane process that is activated if both the learners and the
pedagogues open their hearts to love, kindness, knowledge, and the
personal struggles of others. As seen through a learner's perspective,
it showed that for one to fully apprehend and employ the knowledge
that his pedagogue has instilled in him, he must first open his mind to the
disparity of the world and put himself in the shoes of others. Ergo,
through this, invalidation of personal beliefs will fail to come into play.

From an aspiring teacher’s perspective, it has taught me to fortify

and polish my philosophical beliefs, values, and purpose. Because
sooner or later, there will come a time where people will question my
ways and my precepts of being a teacher. When that time comes, I must
develop a sense of understanding and steadfastness for myself.
Despite the crystal-clear voids in an educational system, a teacher must
fight for what he thinks is right, even if its definition goes against the
traditional philosophical beliefs of others. One must always do the right
thing, even if it means breaking the bent traditional beliefs.
The movie has exposed me to so many timely and valuable
lessons. Lessons that I can apply in my pursuit of becoming a teacher;
an educator of principles and values. A multicultural teacher who is
competent and effective in the field of education. Someone whom
people would be proud of and will look up to. To achieve this, I must
make a promise to myself.
A resolution that I vow to uphold in my journey towards educating

First, I should always and never fail to see the best in myself, my
future students, and co-workers. I know for a fact that all the people in
this world have disparate beliefs. Most often than not, this causes the
majority of misunderstandings and division of purpose within the
educational workplace. It can hinder both the students and the teachers
from reaching common ground. However, if one only sees the best in
everyone else, and the beauty in their contrasting perspectives, then
the world will be a better place to live in. It will not be easy. But I know
for a fact that it will all be worth it.

Second, I must be fair in making judgments, no matter which

context I am in. One of the roles that a teacher plays in the lives of his
students is to be a fair and wise judge. A teacher should be able to
formulate neutral conclusions without the influence of potent emotions
and irrationality. He has to look at all facets of the truth while remaining
compassionate and respectful to his students and workmates. He will
become an ideal figure to the people around him to rally equality and
integrity within society.

Third, I promise to always raise my educational philosophies,

beliefs, and values to the world; become a passionate and driven
pedagogue whose primary goal is to rally the welfare of all amidst
educating others. Moreover, I must be malleable despite having a
sturdy set of principles. I promise to take others’ opinion of me and
treat it as constructive criticism; an input that will help me improve and
become a better pedagogue to my beloved students. After all, I
believe that acceptance of one’s fault will help him transform and
become a better individual in his community.

Lastly, I promise to straighten the wrongs of the country’s

educational system. The current educational system has flaws written
all over it. Oppressors silence those who question the system.
The majority of individuals, including children and educators, suffer
from the weak and crumbling educational philosophies prevalent in our
society. As a future educator, I have to create a better system for
them. An educational system wherein humanity and knowledge work
hand in hand. It may sound impossible, but I know deep in myself that I
am perfectly capable of carrying out this tedious task. It will not be just
a walk in the park, but I will give my best in pushing for change in the
educational field; every beautiful thing starts with trying.

The following resolutions that I have made for myself will be set in
motion once the title and responsibilities of a teacher fall upon my
hands, and I will persevere to earn that title. Many people might view
these resolutions as impossible feats, but believing in myself, gives
me the courage and hope to pursue these visions. Visions that I have
created not just for myself, my learners, but the whole society, as
well. Sooner or later, I will become an educator of honor and principles.
An educator who continuously pushes for positive change. A teacher
who believes that there is something far greater and more important
than fear; it is change. Someone exactly like Mrs. Gruwell.


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