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Year 6 English (Writing) Assessment

Term 3, 2023

Unit: Journalism

Name:...................................................................................................... Date Set: Week 9


Teacher:.................................................................................................. Final Due: Week 10

Context: Students will be introduced to journalism, where they will learn about different forms of reports and how to
analyse them. Students will be introduced to journalism, where they will learn about different forms of
reports and how to analyse them. They will explore the concept of fake news, discovering ways to spot
misinformation and disinformation, as well as the importance of source checking in credible journalism.
Additionally, students will develop their writing skills for newsworthy newspapers.

Task: Students will produce a newspaper report about the current investigations surrounding Redeemer’s waste

Students will plan, draft and produce a newspaper article following on from the launch of the PBL unit ‘Our
Planet, Our Business’. The following steps will be taken…
1. They will note-take their ideas onto a newspaper report organiser.
2. Students will draft their first copy of the headline, subheading, byline (authors name and your
speciality), lead paragraph, supporting paragraphs and tail paragraph.
3. They will undertake peer review and teacher feedback.
4. Students will produce a final copy of their newspaper article either by using the supplied
newspaper article digital template or Canva. Including elements such as photographs to emphasise
details within their article.

Cognitive Verbs:

Retrieval Comprehension Analysis Knowledge

Communicate Investigate

Conditions: Students will focus on the initial planning in Week 9. Followed by in-class drafting time in Week

Redeemer Lutheran College Junior School ENGLISH – Year 6 8 October 2023

Year 6 English (Writing) Unit: Journalism
Year 6 Australian Curriculum achievement standard: English
By the end of Year 6, students interact with others, and listen to and create spoken and/or multimodal texts including literary texts. For particular purposes and audiences, they share, develop, explain and elaborate on ideas from topics or texts. They use and vary text structures to organise,
develop and link ideas. They use and vary language features including topic-specific vocabulary and literary devices, and/or multimodal features and features of voice.
They read, view and comprehend different texts created to inform, influence and/or engage audiences. They identify similarities and differences in how ideas are presented and developed including through characters, settings and/or events, and how texts reflect contexts. They identify how texts
have similar and different text structures to reflect purpose. They explain how language features including literary devices, and visual features influence audiences.
They create written and/or multimodal texts, including literary texts, for particular purposes and audiences, developing, explaining and elaborating on relevant ideas from topics or texts. They use text structures and vary paragraphs to organise, develop and link ideas. They use and vary language
features including sentence structures, topic-specific vocabulary and literary devices, and/or multimodal features. They spell using phonic, morphemic and grammatical knowledge.

The newspaper article has the following characteristics:
purposeful creation* of written effective creation* of written and/or creation* of written and/or variable creation* of written and/or creation* of written and/or
and/or multimodal texts, including multimodal texts, including literary multimodal texts, including literary multimodal texts for particular multimodal texts for particular
literary texts, for particular texts, for particular purposes and texts, for particular purposes and purposes and audiences through: purposes and audiences through:
purposes and audiences through: audiences through: audiences through: development and explanation of statement/s of ideas from topics or
development, explanation and development, explanation and development, explanation and relevant ideas from topics or texts texts
elaboration of relevant ideas from elaboration of relevant ideas from elaboration of relevant ideas from
Writing and Creating

topics or texts topics or texts topics or texts

purposeful use of text structures effective use of text structures and use of text structures and variation use of aspects of text structures and use of fragmented text structures and
and variation of paragraphs to variation of paragraphs to of paragraphs to organise, develop paragraphs to organise ideas paragraphs
organise, develop and link ideas organise, develop and link ideas and link ideas

purposeful use and variation of effective use and variation of use and variation of language use of aspects of language features† isolated use of language features†
language features† including language features† including features† including sentence including sentence structures, topic- and/or multimodal features
sentence structures, topic-specific sentence structures, topic-specific structures, topic-specific vocabulary specific vocabulary and/or
vocabulary and literary devices vocabulary and literary devices, and literary devices, and/or multimodal features
and/or multimodal features and/or multimodal features multimodal features

proficient spelling using phonic, effective spelling using phonic, spelling using phonic, morphemic variable spelling using phonic, isolated spelling using phonic,
morphemic and grammatical morphemic and grammatical and grammatical knowledge. morphemic and grammatical morphemic and grammatical
knowledge. knowledge. knowledge. knowledge.

Standard: A B C D E

Redeemer Lutheran College Junior School ENGLISH – Year 6 8 October 2023

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