Technology Readiness Level

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strategic ip thinking

Technology Readiness Leveis

Actual appiication oftechnoiogy is in its final form

Actual system compieted and qualified through test and demonstration:

B Technology is proven to work

System prototype demonstration in a space environment: Prototype

7 near ar at planned operational system

Modellprototype is tested in reievant environment

Component and/or breadboard vaildation in reievant environment:

5 Fidelity of breadboard technoiogy improves significantly

Component and/or breadboard vaiidation in iaboratory environment:

4 Basic technological components are integrated

Anaiytical & experimental criticai function and/or characteristic proof-of

3 concept: Active R&D is initiated

Technoiogy concept and/or appiication formuiated: Invention begins

Basic principies observed and repor[ed: Scientific research begins

— I transiation to appiied R&D

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