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● Describes the theory of
evolution by Charles Darwin ● Bio – physiological
● It is not the strongest r the ● Change of physical aspects and the
most intelligent that will changes of culture, ways of life
survive in this world but
those who can manage HOMINIDS
● Everything in the universe ● History started at hominization,
has an origin – proven by there were human characteristics that
Charles Darwin, a british made hominids distinct from their
naturalist primate ancestors
● Discover how man has ● Social scientists observed emergence
established society and of human characteristics making
culture, how culture and them DISTINCT
society has developed the
modern man These are the things that set the hominids
apart from their predecessors:
1. Bipedalism
● Formulated by Charles Darwin
● most acceptable explanation as to ● Walk using their two feet
how things started
● All orgs have undergone evolution – 2. Expansion of the brain
process by which beings developed
from earlier beings ● Increase in brain size is attributed to
● We are products of millions of years the change of activities like warfare,
of changes hunting, and development of
● Everything that people have is a language
product of millions of years of drastic
changes in earth 3. Reduction of the size of face, teeth,
● We were not created just one time, it and jaws
took time to reach this state ● Associated with diet and other
● As humans gained more knowledge- factors
they gradually altered the world to
patterns that benefitted them
● First to use stone tools for survival ● TOOL MAKERS
● TOOL USERS NOT TOOL ● Relics of tools are from them
MAKERS ● Made tools from volcanic stones and
➢ alter some of the aspects of used these for hunting and gathering
things but they did NOT ● Economic subsistence (means of
make them survival) - hunting and gathering
thru the tools
HOMO HABILIS ● nomadic
➢ nomads
● “Homo” - “man” or “human” - Latin ➢ kept on transferring from
➢ Same genus / grp name given one location to another for
to modern humans survival
➢ Used to show the close rs
between this species and our HOMO ERECTUS
● “Habilis” - “hand” or “skillful” HUNTERS
➢ Called such bc stone tools ● They can walk upright, they don’t
were found near its fossil slouch anymore
remains ● 2/3 of modern human brain size
➢ Assumed this species had ● More intelligent and more adaptable
developed the ability to ● Height of abt 5 ft
modify stone into tools ● Walks upright
● Can manipulate his env in order to
survive – invent things and tools
● Has a slightly larger human brain ● Manifested cultural evolution
compared to the hominids, half the ● SEMI NOMADIC
size of the modern human ➢ transfer but not as much as
● Had smaller teeth, esp the molars and before
premolars ● Achievements:
● Suggest that they mostly ate softer ❖ invention of hand axes
foods ❖ constructed dwellings
● Had diverse diets that included a ❖ discovered fire
wide range of plants and meat ● They dwelt on trees
● Arms were relatively longer ● We change in order to adapt our env
compared to modern humans ● Econ subs – is still hunting
● Height of abt 3 to 4 ft
● More intelligent and more HOMO SAPIENS
● The wise man
● Bigger and more complex brains
allowed them to gain more
knowledge abt surroundings
● First to control growth and breeding
of plants and animals – small scale
● Learned to settle in one place – first
non nomadic ancestors
● Act gave birth to villages and towns
● Crafted metals
● Speech and language – one of their
greatest inventions


● modern man
● Can do large scale farming
● Production and manufacturing of
foods good and services



● Oldest and most basic way of econ ● Pastoral – dry regions, farming and
subs lanting is impossible
● Produced simple forms of tools ofr ● Unequal social relations, start of
hunting and gathering having divisions, some members
● Egalitarian rule as the elite
➢ ALL ARE EQUAL, NO ONE IS ● Main subs – domestication of
LOWER ● Agricultural societies
● Men ● Main econ – agriculture, large
➢ were tasked to hunt large scale farming
animals like moose, deer, ● Farm AND domesticate animals
and elk ● Produced tools ad developed
● Women farming skills that can support and
➢ collect fruits, veggies and sustain thousands of pops
berries ● Unequal –
● Men, women and all had equal ● Settled permanently
contributions to the survival of ● Money form of exchange instead
everyone of barter system
● All of them had a leader – the ● Pastora and horticultural
strongest in the clan, although all developed at the same time, just
of them are qual at different places
● nomadic ●
➢ They do not have
permanent setllements INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES
➢ Bc they rely on nature ● Econ – machinieries and
● Machineries were invented
● Advanced forms of tech
● Production – manufacturing based
● Econ subs. Agri, farming, SMALL
SCALE – horticultural
● We didn’t get to enjoy the right of
● Pastoral – pasture
suffrage and edu before, so wife
● desc as semi sedentary, do not
takes care of children and
frequently move
husband, if women are not there
● Subsist thru small scale faming
then they wor menial and hard
● They cant keep on moving as well jobs
bc they’ve learned to cultivate the ● Women were not given the
food, but the land cant sustain the
opportunity to higher positions
pop for too long so they have to

● Econ sbs – info tech and

● Education as basis of social
● Social mobility – ability for person
to move in the social status, social
ladder, movement occurs bc of
● For contemp society – 4 yar
college is now not enough for us
toear high paying jobs
● Higher education = higher salary,
better social status and better
paying jobs
ENCULTURATION ● learning our immediate and first
culture, learning the basic
concepts of society
● Nature viewpoint tells us that ● Indiv learns the culture that is
behavior of people were more prevailing around him
instinctual in nature ● Being born into a vv strict cath
● If they are hungry then they hunt, family - learn gender preferences
when they were cold, they created based on sex
fire ● Then thru social interaction we
● In 20th century the nature learn that there are diff
viewpoint is now less popular since preferences
our behaviour is closely attributed
● Behavior is learned thru
socialization and enculturation SOCIALIZATION
● Sociologists believe that human ● gen process of acquiring culture
beings are born without a concept ● deliberate and conscious shaping
of self of his or her culture
● The self emerges as a result of
social interaction and activity with ENCULTURATION
other people ● acquiring your first culture ->
encompasses both formal and
SOCIALIZATION informal learning
● Life long process of learning and
● Indiv develop a self concept and
prepare for roles which in turn 1. THE LOOKING GLASS SELF
shape his or her personality
● Shapes how we see ourselves
● Psych say that pur personality is ● Charles horton cooley
shaped by genes but its also ● Child develops ability to grasp the
shaped by interaction wd society roe and attitudes of other people
● Conditioning process that begins in and visualize themselves thru the
childhood eyes of other
● Internalizing symbols, rituals, etc ● Acquires the social self
● ^^related to society as a whole and ● When we look at ourselves in the
for every specific required speech mirror, we see a reflection of
and behavior within the whole ourselves
● The self emerges as a result of ● Our behaviour and self concept is
social interaction and social activity built thru how others perceive us
with other people ● e.g.
● Impt in process of personality ➢ Innately shy person but
formation people perceives person as
● Lifelong process of learning and confident,
relearning, develop self concept nagpakaconfident nalang
3 steps. 2. Play stage

1. Imagine how we appear to the ● assume the roles of others

other person ● now understand that there are diff
➢ It may be correct or wrong roles, is still observed behavior,
bc its merely based on but now own up to diff roles
assumptions ● children do not simply mimic social
interactions but are capable of
2. Imagine what judges make of us making them
based on our appearance
3. We imagine how the person feels 3. Game stage
about us, based on the
judgements made of us ● generalized others / ability to
understand multiple roles
● When we get the info fr these 3 ● do all these roles in a balanced
steps, the tendency is that we and harmonious way
change our behavior based on ● do all these roles in a balanced
how the person feels about us and harmonious way, not only act
based on thers but also act based
2. I AND ME THEORY on what is expected of them
● they have sub identities
● George herbert mead
● Sense of self is developed thru 3. THE MASK, PERFORMANCE, AND
social interaction THE FRONT
● Infant refers to himself as the i, his
or her universe ● Erving Goffman
● ^^ does not care abt what other ● We are all performing something in
people think this vv big stage, the world and
● As person grows older, what other society is our stage
people think abt him becomes ● “ all the world is a stage and the
more impt actors must play their roles” -
● Toddlers are egocentric, my shakespeare
perspective ● Dramaturgical approach as to how
● Me - society certain social processes can
● I - self create an impact on self and role
● Me conforms to society expectations on the indiv
● There are roles that don't coincide
3 stages to who we really are so we put on
masks so that we can perform our
1. Preparatory stage roles well
● Compare behavior of society to
● sees himself in the image of his acting on stage
parents ● We have scripts
● imitates the behaviors of the ➢ social expectations and
parents presentation of the role
➢ that may lead to being
impressed or not by the
personal qualities ascribed

Different places

1. Front

● formally performs and adheres to

conventions that have meaning to
the audience
● May wear several masks for the
role until it becomes second nature
● Individual intentionally /
spontaneously makes an
impression of what he wants
others to see
● Vehicle of standardization

2. Back

● Actor may act differently

● Indiv gets to truly be himself or


● Indiv actors meet the audience

● Audience segregation - allows the
team, individual actor, and
audience to preserve proper
relationships in interaction and
LESSON 9: CONFORMITY, SOCIAL 2. Achieve goals that the grp intends
➢ f you want to achieve
something, you cant
● If everybody else is doing it then
disagree on it, you have to
there is a certain pressure to do
the same
● There is an internal need to fit in,
3. To achieve personal goals, that
sunod sunuran
they reach thru grp membership
● Following the norms of society
4. To enjoy taking part in grp
● Choose the course of action that
the majority favors
5. To ensure the grps continuation
● If everyone else is doing tit then
there is the certain pressure to
follow this
● Group consenses – exists if every
● The society sets up acceptable and
member of the grp is willing to
unacceptable behaviors – social
accept the proposal
● Saying yes even though you don’t
● Individual must know these in
like it bc that is the grp consenseus
order to fit in the culture or
● Every person has to agree or they
csociety they belong to
will be in a deadlock
● Shared rules or ideals in
● Grp members in any kind of grp
designating behavior in certain
must conform to some operating
● Serve as useful instructions on
● FOLLOWING the rules, policies of
how to do something in such a
the majority of the people in the
way that others in the grp know
what one is doing
● Integral part of society - sets the
● Preserver of peace and order in a
1. To gain acceptance from other
● You either:
➢ makitrend or makiuso just
➢ Conform - follow
so that you can fit in
➢ Deviate - violate
➢ learn the ways of life or
culture so that you can be
● Followed out of habit or bc of the
punishments if not followed
➢ E.g. like if in other schools,
● Sanctions are imposed as a
youre used to being
punitive or deviant measure
mediocre, here in ccs, stuff
must be done successfully
● Can be: ● societys most important
➢ Written ● Significant to welfare of the
❖ laws in the constitutions grp and cherished
❖ policies in the students and valuesmeasuring right or
teachers manual wrong is based on the
❖ signages ethical and moral
❖ sitting down in puv, CONSIDERATIONS
mamalihog for the plete, ● SEX BEHAVIOR AND FAMILY
❖ be jailed for following it but RELATIONS
you follow it bc that’s what ● There are rituals or
you are used to ceremonies that prescribe
the impotence of following
CLASSIFICATION OF NORMS these while some are
taught at birth
1. Folkways ● right vs wrong example
valuing monogamy, helping
● accept as proper way of someone in crisis,
dealing wd their everyday
living and social interaction 3. Taboo
● nakagawian, nangandan, ● concept that is not
● Not of moral significance acceptable to talk abt or do
but has become a habit esp in public places, like
● Customary and popular but cursing
people are not compelled
to conform
● Improve social interactions
and lessen
● Include social expectations
like attire
● e,g attending misa de gallo,
mano po, opo and po, right
and rude behaviors

2. Mores
● widely observed within a
particular society or culture

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