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First Quarter – Quiz 1

Name: _________________________________________________________ Score:


I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if incorrect.

__________________1. The love for wisdom – ability to make good judgement based on experience.
__________________2. The term Philosophy came from two Greek words philo and sophia which means
“to love” and “wisdom”, respectively.
__________________3. Understanding the past and background of a bully student shows partial point of
__________________4. Entering your inner core is one example of secondary reflection.
__________________5. Reflection is a discontinuity or jarring disturbance in our daily life.
__________________6. A philosopher does not stop knowing, wondering, and asking questions, hungers
for truth, meaning and of sense.
__________________7. Partial point of view requires an individual to have an open mindset and an ability
to get the general sense or impression regarding a situation.
__________________8. There are five steps in Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle, Denial, Anger, Bargaining,
Depression and Acceptance.
__________________9. Holistic Point of View is a perspective that considers a large-scale pattern in a
system “big picture”.
__________________10. The story about the Five Blind man shows the different point of views of human.
The blind man has portrayed the partial point of view.

II. Identify whether the given situation employs HOLISTIC POV or PARTIAL POV.

__________________11. While you are on a date, your boyfriend asked you to taste the food you have
ordered, then he ask you “How’s the food?” you answered, “It’s delicious”.
__________________12. Farmers have problems in controlling pest but before coming up with a solution
they consider the different impacts on the environment.
__________________13. Imie is a member of a school club, she claims their club is the only recognized
organization in their school.
__________________14. I will follow the government health protocols such as, washing hands, observe
physical distancing, etc. to avoid COVID-19 infection.
__________________15. When addressing ethical issues in medical ethics, it requires considering not only
the patient's autonomy but also the medical, societal, cultural, and moral contexts.
__________________16. Schools that prioritize strict discipline policies may adopt a behaviorist or
authoritarian philosophy that focuses solely on maintaining order and compliance. Such an approach may
disregard the importance of nurturing student autonomy, self-expression, and emotional well-being.
__________________17. I do not want to make friend with him/her because he/she has different religion.
__________________18. Many education systems heavily emphasize standardized testing as a measure of
student and school performance. This focuses primarily on quantifiable academic outcomes, potentially
neglecting the broader aspects of education, such as character development, creativity, and critical thinking.
__________________19. An authoritarian parenting style may prioritize discipline and obedience but
neglect the importance of fostering a child's autonomy and decision-making skills.
__________________20. I will take the side of my friend over his/her enemy because I also hate the person.
III. Applying the Kubler-ross grief cycle, identify whether the given situation shows the stages

_____________________________21. They might think, "If only I had done something differently, they
would still be here."
_____________________________22. Common phrases during this stage include, "Why did this happen to
me?" or "It's not fair!"
_____________________________23. They may say things like, "I can't go on without them" or "Life will
never be the same."
_____________________________24. They begin to find ways to move forward with their lives, although
the pain of the loss may never completely disappear.
_____________________________25. They may say things like, "This can't be happening," or "It's just a
bad dream."

IV. Make your arguments about this issue. The answer should be made up of 2 – 3 sentences.

Doing philosophy can also be applied in people’s lives. For some reasons, there has been an increasing
incidence of teenage pregnancies. Despite efforts exerted by stockholders of school community in
preventing such phenomenon to happen, still it exists. Why do teenagers engage to this kind of issues?



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