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01: 1. Tall 2. Short 3. Curly hair 4. Straight hair

5. Blonde hair 6. Dark hair 7. Fair 8. Dark/ Swarthy
03: 1. Humor 2. Lazy 3. Polite
4. Serious 5. Strict 6. Helpful
04: 1. Scared 2. Furious 3. Amazed 4. Upset
5. Scream 6. Laugh 7. Cry 8. Smile
09: 1. My daughter is married with two young children.
2. Beth has three or four good friends but she doesn’t have a best friend.
3. She’s a colleague but I don’t know her very well.
4. My sister didn’t have children so I don’t have any nieces or nephews.
5. One of my cousin is getting married next month.
6. I met a lot of Molly’s relatives at her wedding.
9.5: 2. Married 3. Nephews 4. Neighbors
5. Meet 6. Colleagues 7. Old friends
24: 1. Tidies up 2. Iron 3. Having a wash 4. Shaves
5. Untidy 6. Dishwasher 7. Over 8. Housework


01: 1. E 2. F 3. G 4. I 5. A 6. D 7. J 8. B 9. C 10. H
02: 1. Is graduating, have just received
2. Have you seen, I’ve been looking
3. Does Sally live, is looking
4. leaves, are always rushing
5. is Amy doing, walks, is going
6. are you meeting, always meet
03: 1a. enjoy 2a. is appearing 3a. see
1b. am enjoying 2b. appears 3b. is seeing
4a. is thinking 5a. tastes
4b. don’t think 5b. is tasting
05: 1. Yet 2. Never 3. Just
4. right now 5. Already 6. For
08: 1. The least
2. the most intelligent, as good as
3. more patient than, kinder
4. slower, later, faster than
5. more outgoing than, the most easy-going of
09: 1. The funniest person 4. First time I’ve been
2. haven’t seen Alice for 5. Has been learning Russian for
3. isn’t as patient as


01: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. F 5. B 6. E
02: 1. Caused, lost, crashed
2. Did you hear, was walking
3. was landing, caught, Did everyone get
4. were you doing, was reading, was cooking
03: 1. Had spent 5. Had been talking, hadn’t seen
2. was waiting 6. Was walking, noticed
3. was snowing, was howling 7. Had been trying, managed
4. were looking, were trying
04: 2. He had been sweeping water from his house.
3. Tom had left the map at home.
4. He had been waiting for the police for an hour.
5. It had been raining all week.
6. A tree had fallen on him.
05: 1. Hasn’t rained 2. Happened 3. Did you hear
4. haven’t flown 5. Did the fire start
06: 1. Went 2. Had been walking 3. Were eating
4. smelt 5. climbed 6. Saw
7. was coming 8. Had crossed 9. Had seen
10. knew 11. Were 12. Felt
13. rained 14. Had saved/ saved
07: 1. Go 3. Are getting used to
2. would spend 4. Lived
08: 1. Took the ship an hour 4. Didn’t stop raining hard
2. hasn’t snowed for 5. Was the first time
3. had been driving for

01: 1C 2B 3D 4E 5A
02: 1. ‘s working 2. ‘s going to lose 3.’m going to tidy
4. ‘re meeting 5. Will open 6, ‘ll help
7. ‘re going to drop 8. ‘ll have
03: 1. Are going to 2. Will 3. Will 4. will
5. is going to 6. is going to 7. is going to 8. am going to
05: 1. Will be flying 2. Will have moved
3. will be having 4. Will have worked
5. will not have finished
06: 1. Will have finished 4. Will you come
2. are going to stay 5. Will join
3. will get
08: 1. Have typed 4. Goes
2. will you finish 5. Have emailed/ email
3. will ask 6. Will work
09: 1. Soon as I finish 4. Isn’t going to work
2. will have arrived 5. Leave until Brian comes
3. will be working

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