Pracetice Test 1

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions.
1. I _________ at school now.
A. am being B. was being C. was D. am
2. I _________ to Ho Chi Minh City several times this year.
A. have been B. was C. were D. had been
3. He _________ here three hours ago.
A. is leaving B. left C. has left D. have left
4. We _________ Peter since last Monday.
A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen
5. Tim _________ a book when I came to his house.
A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading
6. My brother _________ badminton.
A. usually play B. is usually playing
C. usually plays D. have usually played
7. I _________ my clothes at 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
A. am ironing B. have ironed C. ironed D. was ironing
8. My mother _________ English for ten years.
A. has learnt B. is learning C. learn D. learns
9. _________ you go to the zoo?
A. How often are B. How often do C. How often does D. How are
10. Tomorrow I _________ my parents.
A. am going to visit B. will have visited C. have visited D. visit
11. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he homesick.
A. will have left B. felt C. feels D. is feeling
12. How long able to drive? - Since 1990.
A. could you B. have you been C. were you D. are you
13. When she the noise, she down to the kitchen and on the lights.
A. hears; goes; turns B. heard; went; turned
C. heard; was going; turned D. had heard; went; had turned
14. When he came, TV
A. I was watching. B. I watched. C. I am watching D. I have watched .
15. After they their breakfast, they shopping yesterday.
A. have; go B. had had; go C. had; had gone D. had had, went
16. Beth is always offering to do things for other people – she’s very .
A. serious B. polite C. helpful D. lazy
17. Look! He’s just dyed his hair. Now it’s ____.
A. blonde B. curly C. short D. wavy
18. He can't eat that much! He's ______
A. full B. hungry
C. starving D. satisfied
19. Tom bought a beautiful___ for his mother.
A. dress. B. apron. C. shoes D. lamps .
20. Tom's father is my uncle. He's my___.
A. cousin B. brother C. nephew D. grandfather

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

21. When I _____________________ home last night, my children _____________________ chess.

22.Grass normally _____________________ best when it rains. (GROW)
23.In yesterday’s paper I _____________________ that a fire _____________________ out in my
neighbourhood (READ, BREAK).
24. _______________________ me exactly what _______________________ last night! (TELL,
25. Mrs Hudson is my maths teacher. She _______________________ me for four years and in that
time I _______________________ much better at maths. (TEACH, GET)

Complete the sentences below using the words in the box:

ambitious selfish vain patient weird
26. He's so ; he can't pass a shop window without stopping to admire his reflection.
27. I admire her because she's ; she wants to own her own company by the time she's
thirty years old.
28. He talks to his plants and wears strange clothes; some people find him rather .
29. You only think about yourself - you' re the most person I know!
30. You have to be very with young children, especially when they ask you the same
question twenty times.

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A
32.C 37.B 38.B 41.A 43.D 16.C 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.A

21. When I came home last night, my children were playing chess. (COME, PLAY)
22.Grass normally grows best when it rains. (GROW)
23.In yesterday’s paper I read that a fire had broken out in my neighbourhood (READ, BREAK).
24. Tell me exactly what happened last night! (TELL, HAPPEN)
25. Mrs Hudson is my maths teacher. She has taught/had been teaching me for four years and in that
time I have got much better at maths. (TEACH, GET)

26. vain 27. ambitious 28. weird

29. selfish 30. patient

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