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Every one out of 100 people have this disease mostly people who are aged between 18 – 35. This is
simply a Mental illness or a chronic brain disorder. If someone has this disease , it is shown by their
abnormal behaviour. This includes ,

 Hallucinations.
 Delusions.
 Short term memory loss.
 Lack of motivation.
 Slow movement.
 Change in sleep patterns.
 Poor grooming or hygiene.
 Changes in body language and emotions.
The EXACT cause of schizophrenia is unknown. But , according to some psychiatrists , it is caused by a
combination of factors such as ,
 High Dopamine levels – it is said that high levels of Dopamine neurotransmitter causes
schizophrenia but no one , not even the specialists , know how.
 Stress – Stressful events may trigger schizophrenia. For example , if you lost your job , you
continue to worry about it and easily forget about other things . the brain simply gets tired of
this and our brain starts producing visions and sounds which are not even real . simply
Hallucinations and hearing voices too much.
 Heredity – Psychiatrists believe Genetics also affects schizophrenia as in some families , this
would occur more often.
 Illegal Drugs – Obviously when people gets addicted to too much drugs like Cannabis and
cocaine , as a result they cause hallucinations , loss of appetite and change in their sleeping

Some other factors like the diet , hormones in women , Brain injuries also can affect us causing

As different things work on different people , only some works for some patients like Antipsychotic drugs
or famously known as Tranquilizers. These don’t work for everyone and also can have bad side effects. As
drug treatments have negative side effects , Non drug treatments can have Positive side effects. Such as
 Talking treatments or Mental Therapy – this is where people get the chance to talk abt
everything on what they are going through.
 Cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT – This is mostly like mindfulness. But also kind of a talking
treatment. The patient is encouraged to identify the connection between their thoughts ,
feelings , behaviour and etc.
 Family intervention therapy – This is the point where the connection between your family
members get stronger. This helps to develop the family’s communication , problem solving ,
information sharing and skills to deal with different situations.
Depression is something that we all get and its common in people of all ages. Most of us have
felt sad or low at some points and this is described as being depressed. However , if this lasts for
weeks or months , this is called depression. They feel that nothing is worthwhile and life is
pointless mainly because of their problematic life. If you undergo depression , you might ,
 Feel Restless or irritable
 Feel Guilty often
 Be unable to relate to other people
 Feel a sense of unreality
 Find no pleasure in anything.
If your depression is severe , it can be actually life threatening because people who suffer from
depression might gain suicidal thoughts and wont have any desire to live.

There is no any actual cause of Depression. If there is any life changing event of if there is too
much work for one person , it may lead to depression. As for the treatments , they are also just
like Schizophrenia. Talking treatments and CBT can help depression. And also there are drugs
called Antidepressants which is used in their own or in combination with talking therapies.

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