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Malvar, Santiago City

S.Y. 2022-2023
Third Semi- Quarterly Examination
T. Jone Marie D. De Guzman
Name: Grade and Section:
I. Multiple Choice
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Put your answer on the space provided before the number.
1. It is a verb form used as another part of speech.
A. Verbs
B. Adjectives
C. Nouns
D. Verbals
2. It is a verb from used as an adjective. It ends in-ing or –ed/-en.
A. Gerund
B. Infinitive
C. Participle
3. It is a verb form used as a nound. It end in –ing.
A. Gerund
B. Infinitive
C. Participle
4. It is a verb form that begins with “to” and it is used as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
A. Gerund
B. Infinitive
C. Participle
5. To drive carefully is vital. How is the infinitive used in the sentence?
A. subject
B. object
C. adjective
D. adverb
6. He has the ability to drive carefully. How is the infinitive used in the sentence?
A. subject
B. object
C. adjective
D. adverb
7. It isn't always easy to drive carefully. How is the infinitive used?
A. Subject
B. Adjective
C. Object
D. Adverb
8. Diving into the pool is so much fun! How is the gerund used?
A. Subject
B. Predicate noun
C. Object
D. Predicate adjective
9. Alex enjoys reading cook books. How is the gerund used?
A. Subject
B. Predicate noun
C. Object
D. Direct object
10. Her favorite activity is cooking. How is the gerund used?
A. Subject
B. Object of preposition
C. Direct object
D. Predicate noun
11. Joe never gets tired of driving. How is the gerund used?
A. Subject
B. Direct object
C. Object of preposition
D. Predicate noun
12. A gerund must end ___.
A. Ed
B. Ing
C. En
13. Gerunds function as ____.
A. Nouns
B. Adverbs
C. Adjectives
D. Pronouns
14. A participle is never an adjective.
A. True
B. False
15. The exhausted children napped on the floor.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
16. Knitting is her favorite winter hobby.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
17. My sister wants to hibernate like a bear next winter.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
18. He enjoys riding his scooter to school in the morning.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
19. I have no one to decorate the tree with me this evening.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
20. Do you like writing in the summertime?
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
21. He ate the remainder of the melting ice cream cake.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
22. I procrastinated on completing my homework this weekend.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
23. Drinking a healthy amount of water every day is extremely important.
A. Participle
B. Gerund
C. Infinitive
D. None of the above
24. All he ever wanted to do with his life was to teach.
A. Gerund
B. Infinitive
C. None of the above
D. Participles
25. It is a feature of the verb that indicates whether the subject of the sentene is the doer of the action or
the receiver of the action.
A. Verbals
B. Verbs
C. Voice
D. Object
26. The Sentence is in _________ when the thing or person denoted by the subject is the doer of the
A. Active Voice
B. Passive voice
C. Simple tense
27. The Sentence is in _________ when the thing or person denoted by the subject is the receiver of the
A. Active Voice
B. Passive voice
C. Simple tense
28. Identify the verb if it's in the ACTIVE VOICE or PASSIVE VOICE:
At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry.
A. Active Voice
B. Passive Voice
29. Identify the verb if it's in the ACTIVE VOICE or PASSIVE VOICE:
The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes.
A. Active Voice
B. Passive Voice
30. Identify the verb if it's in the ACTIVE VOICE or PASSIVE VOICE:
Sue changed the flat tire.
A. Active Voice
B. Passive Voice
31. Identify the verb if it's in the ACTIVE VOICE or PASSIVE VOICE:
A movie is going to be watched by us tonight.
A. Active Voice
B. Passive Voice
32. Identify the verb if it's in the ACTIVE VOICE or PASSIVE VOICE:
The obstacle course was run by me in record time.
A. Active Voice
B. Passive Voice
33. The sentence in active voice “The crew paved the entire stretch of highway.” Can be transformed in
any of the following sentences in passive voice Except;
A. The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew.
B. The entire stretch of highway has paved by the crew.
C. The entire stretch of highway was paving by the crew.
D. The entire stretch of highway paved by the crew.
34. The sentence in active voice “Mom read the novel in one day.” Can be transformed in any of the
following sentences in passive voice Except;
A. The novel was read by Mom in one day.
B. The novel had read by Mom in one day.
C. The novel has read by Mom in one day.
D. The novel read by Mom in one day.
35. Transform the verbs from ACTIVE to PASSIVE VOICE and vice versa:
The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday.
A. I will clean the house every Saturday.
B. I clean the house every Saturday.
C. I will be cleaning the house every Saturday.
D. I cleaned the house every Saturday
36. The sentence in active voice “The Company requires staff to watch a safety video every year.” Can be
transformed in any of the following sentences in passive voice Except;
A. The staff are required by the company to watch a safety video every year.
B. None of the above
C. The staff has been required by the company to watch a safety video every year.
D. The staff had been required by the company to watch a safety video every year.
37. The sentence in active voice “Tom painted the entire house.” Can be transformed in any of the
following sentences in passive voice Except;
A. The entire house was painted by Tom.
B. The entire house has been painted by Tom.
C. The entire house had been painted by Tom.
D. The entire house painted by Tom.
38. Which of the following sentences is not using a verb in passive voice?
A. The phone call was answered by Nancy.
B. Karla visited her grandma yesterday.
C. I was asked by my teacher if I did my project all by myself.
39. Which of the following sentences is not using a verb in active voice?
A. She smelled the sweet aroma of the coffee.
B. I smiled at her when I caught her looking at me.
C. He was convinced by his father to take up an engineering course.
40. Which of the following is true?
A. If the subject is the receiver of the action, then the verb is in active voice.
B. If the subject is the doer of the action, then the verb is in passive voice.
C. If the subject is the doer of the action, then the verb is in active voice.

Don't expect the results without the work. “The only place where success comes before work is in the

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