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At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:

a) identify the processes involved in the water cycle,

b) discuss the importance of water cycle,
c) apply and demonstrate knowledge and understanding in activities.

II. LEARNING CONTENT: The Importance of the Water Cycle

A. Subject: Science
B. Grade: Grade IV
C. Reference: Science for Active Minds, pages 30-31
Teacher’s Guide: S4ES-IVd-4
D. Materials:
Power Point Presentation
Video Presentation
Illustration of the Water Cycle
Cue Cards
E. Process Skills: describing, observing, inferring
F. Values Integration: Cleanliness, Awareness on the importance of water cycle


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Check of Attendance
4. Energizer/Simple Exercise
5. Standard to follow Three (3) Rules:
 When someone is talking, you should listen
 Don’t be afraid to ask questions
 Enjoy

B. Drill
 Play the Water Cycle Game
Show a picture and tell the definition and let the pupils guess the right
answer. Provide key vocabulary for them to choose the answer.

C. Key Vocabulary

 Water cycle
 Groundwater
 Evaporation
 Condensation
 Precipitation
 Transpiration
 Infiltration

D. New Lesson:

1. Motivation

Ask the following:

 Where does the water come from? (Sources of water such as oceans,
lakes, and rivers)
 How do you use water at home? (For washing things such as hands and
clothes, for cooking, and for drinking).
 Show a picture of the wheel of a bicycle. Ask the pupils what a wheel
does on a bike. (It goes round and round)
 Show the illustration of Water Cycle to the class. What do you think is
the illustration about? (Water Cycle)

2. Presentation

 Tell the pupils that they will be learning about ‘The Importance of the
Water Cycle’.
 Explain what water cycle means is.
Answer: It is a process that normally changes from one form to another.
 Point the illustration of the Water Cycle.
 Define key terms: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Collection,
Infiltration, Transpiration

3. Development of the lesson/Discussion

 Now, let’s focus on the importance of the water cycle.

 Why is the water cycle important?
The water cycle continually gives fresh water to all life on the
planet: humans, animals and plants.

The water cycle is important to all life on earth for many

reasons. All living things require water and the water cycle
describes the process of how water moves through the planet.

Importance of the Water Cycle

People Plants Animals Environment
For drinking To grow Provide home It constantly recycles
for aquatic water in lakes, rivers,
animals streams, and oceans.
Farmers rely on To produce Freshwater for It keeps groundwater
the food survival flowing, which is
condensation ;to water underground.
water their crops

 Facts: The water on Earth consists

97% water is salty –not drinkable
2% is frozen into glaciers or ice caps
1% of the Earth’s water is accessible to humans for
 Show 3 bottled waters that represents the percentage of water
on Earth. Emphasizes the 1% Earth’s water that available for
humans drinking.
 Let them remember that people on earth uses water in
everyday activities.

4. Generalization

 How the Earth never runs out of water when it I used for many
Our planet as a whole may never run out of water, it’s
important to remember that clean freshwater is not always
available where and when human needs it.

When people starts using water faster than rain comes in, we
will experience drought and will kill multiple industries (such as
farming) which depend on water supply.

To ensure the availability of water for all living things, we should

conserve or not waste the water.

5. Application

Strengthen the concepts developed through the discussion on

the measures to conserve water. Let the pupils use the log
below. Accept variety of answers.

 Provide sheet of paper about My Learning Log activity. Give 2-3

minutes for them to think and write it first on the sheet.

 Provide cartolina paper on the board and marker to write their


My Learning Log

I learned that __________________________________________

I realized that __________________________________________

I promised that _________________________________________

IV. Evaluation

List about five (5) ways on how to conserve water.


V. Assignment

For homework, go home and find out how much water you use until you
leave for school again tomorrow. Get an estimate and we will discuss

Prepared by:
Ariston, Angel Joy L. BEED 4B

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